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SLSU-MCC produces 38 new Registered Social Workers

MAASIN CITY – The Southern Leyte State University (SLSU) once again produces 38 new registered
social workers, in the recent Social Work Licensure Examination.

In an interview with SLSU- Maasin City Campus Director Ma. Estela Roa, out of 68 graduates who took
the exam, 38 successfully hurdled the test, giving the university a 55.85% national passing rate.

According to Roa, despite the challenges our education sector is currently facing, she is far more than
thankful that they still manage to meet their institutional target.

She even narrated that because of the pandemic, face-to-face review was not allowed, therefore,
students must see to it that they can atleast join the virtual review. But the most common problem by
our students here is the slow internet connection.

“It was really a big challenge for us,” she cited considering that everyone was still adjusting for the new

Meanwhile, she extended her congratulations to the new passers and attributed the new milestone of
success to the hardworking professors, staffs, deans especially to Maam Elmee Joy Oraiz, the dean of BS
Social Work and of course SLSU key officials headed by University President Dr. Prose Ivy Yepes.

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