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Crossing Makar, General Santos City

Telephone No.(083) 552-2671



Our culture is a big reflection of our great and complex history. It is influenced by
most of the people we have interacted with. A blend of the Malayo-Polynesian and
Hispanic culture with the influence from Chinese, Indian Arabs, and other Asian cultures
really contribute to the customs and traditions of the Filipinos.

Filipino culture is unique compared to other Asian countries, and beliefs applied
every day in the life of the Filipinos reveal how rich and blessed the culture the people

The Filipino Customs and Traditions

What is it about the Philippines that makes it different from the rest of the world?
Well, for one thing, it is all about their culture.

When children or young people greet or say goodbye to their elders they typically
do so by taking right hand of the helper with their right hand and place the back the
elder’s hand lightly on their forehead. It is a way of giving respect to the elders and it is
believed that is also a way receiving blessing to the elders. “Mano po” is the term used
when kissing the hands of elders.

Mano is a Spanish word for “hand” while “po” is used at the end of the sentence
when addressing elders or superiors.

The Filipinos are one of the most hospitable people you may find anywhere.
Foreign visitors in the country are treated with the utmost respect. This trait is usually
seen during fiestas and holidays where many Filipinos are giving their best to entertain
their visitors well.

It is amazing to see that even the simplest home along the road opens its door to
a stranger. For Filipinos, to be able to serve others gives them honor of showing true
friendship. Filipino hospitality is a trait you can’t take away from them.

1. Having close family ties is also of their unique traits. It is one of the outstanding
cultural values that the Filipinos have. The family takes care of each other and is taught
to be loyal to family and elders by simply obeying their authorities. This is one of the
unique characteristics of Filipinos. Having fondness for family reunions during secular
and religious holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s eve, all Saint’s Day, Holy Week,
Fiesta’s, homecomings, birthdays, weddings, graduations, baptisms, funerals etc. is
evidence that Filipino people value not only our cultural tradition but the spirit of our
family. As Filipinos, we are blessed to have been brought up with strong family ties.

2. The Bayanihan- it is the spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular

objective. A famous example of this is the neighbors carrying a hut or house to a new
location. People nowadays use it to describe an outpouring of community spirit- as
people give their all to the common good, without expecting recognition or personal

3. Courtship- we Filipinos are very romantic when it comes to heart affairs. Serenading
of harana in Tagalog is one of the most popular forms of courtship to show that a man is
very serious with his intentions to a woman. A serenade would require the young man to
sing a love song in front of the young lady’s house. Normally, he is accompanied by his
male friends who act ask back-up singers. The man himself or his friend played the
instrument, usually a guitar which provides the background music to his song.

They would have to wait until the young lady opened a window to listen. It would
be up to her if she wanted to invite them in for some refreshment and to chat after the
song. Even if they had been asked to come in, the suitor would not expect that he could
have of a private moment with his object of affection. It was likely that the parents would
also be there to entertain the man and his friends.

4. Religion- the Philippines is one of two predominantly Roman Catholic nations in Asia-
Pacific. Their habit of going to church and often praying reflects that Filipinos have a
deep faith and belief when it comes to religion. They are very devoted to religions that
sometimes many take the risk of their lives just to touch the Black Nazarene (in Quiapo,
Manila). For many, it is just a choice between their faith and fears.

Filipinos believing that having a strong devotion may lead to a better life and their
guidance to face everyday life.

5. Superstition- In the Philippines, superstitious beliefs have grown throughout the

country. These beliefs have come from the different sayings and beliefs of our
ancestors that aim to prevent danger from happening or to make a person refrain from
doing something in particular.

These beliefs are part of our culture, for one derives his/her beliefs from the
influences of what his/her customs, traditions and culture have dictated to explain
certain phenomena or to or to scare people. Some are practiced primarily because
Filipinos believe that there is nothing to lose if they will comply with the beliefs.

6. Marriage and Wedding Customs- in the country, marriage is a sacred union of man
and woman after a period of courtship and engagement. It is a sacrament between two
people who love each other. For many Filipinos, the eternal quality of declaration to God
pervades a truly sacred marriage.

A sacred marriage is a covenant between two who loves each other in God and
with God, whose joining becomes an expression of the desire of each to love and serve
God together.

7. Death- death in the Philippines is one of the most important occasions in family life.
For many Filipinos, a death of a relative is an opportunity to strengthen ties in the family.
To pay respect and honor the relationship to the deceased, long lost relatives, friends,
and even relatives working abroad are reunited.

The Philippines is the homes of some unique rituals that are partly prayers and
mostly superstitious. The mourning and the weeping are still present, but a happy and
welcoming atmosphere would usually envelop the place to help the deceased on his/her
journey to the afterlife.

After the death of a person, a nine-day period of having a novena of prayers and
masses offered up to the deceased is held, although the beginning of the “siyam na
araw” varies, nut usually ends the week after the death. Another period follows after
death, the 40-day mourning period. Family members indicate their state of bereavement
by wearing a small, black rectangular plastic pin on their left breast or breast pocket
area. A ceremonial mass is held at end of his 40-day period. Common belief states that
the soul goes to heaven after 40 days, following the belief that Jesus Christ ascended to
Heaven after the said period of days.

8. Society- The primary ancestors of Filipinos are Malays who came from the
southeastern Asian country. The Philippines is a combined society, both singular and
plural in form. It is singular as one nation, but plural in that it is fragmented
geographically and culturally. The nation is divided between Christians, Muslims, and
other religious-ethno-linguistic groups; between urban and rural people; between upland
and lowland people; and between the rich and the poor. Although different in numerous
ways, Filipinos are very hospitable and give appropriate respect to everybody
regardless of race, culture, and belief.

9. Christmas in the Philippines is considered as one of the biggest holidays in the

archipelago. We earned the distinction of celebrating the world’s longest Christmas
season with Christmas carols heard as early as September and lasting until Epiphany,
the feast of the Black Nazarene on January 9 or the Feast of the Santo Niño de Cebu
on the third Sunday of January.

In one article, Archbishop Cruz told in his Christmas message that “the essence
of Christmas is God made flesh, God who has come among us” in an act of love “that
joins humankind to the Living God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” For many Filipinos,
the true essence of Christmas is not giving but sharing this special holy day with family.
10. Fiestas- Every town and city in the Philippines has a fiesta of its own; whatever time
of the year it is, there’s sure to be a fiesta going on somewhere.

Fiestas in the Philippines are held to celebrate a patron saint. it is part and parcel
of Filipino culture through good times and bad times, it must go on. The biggest and
most elaborate festival of all is Christmas, a season celebrated with all the pomp and
pageantry where the whole country breaks out in celebrations that can begin long
before December.

For individual Filipinos, fiesta can be a way of supplicating the heavens or to

make amends for past wrongs. It is a way to celebrate their blessings, commemorate
their past and observe solemn religious rituals. Celebrations may take the form of
music, dancing, feasting, beauty contests, balls, processions, sports challenges or a
host of other events.

Spanish influences are evident in the elaborate masks, makeup, headdresses

and costumes worn by the revelers; outfits which often take months of preparation.

11. Living with parents- Filipinos highly value the presence of family more than anything.
Adult children with their parents are another Filipino traditional that make them
exceptional. Unlike in the United States where children leave the home after finishing
school or college, many Filipinos continue living with parents until they get married:
(Abundo, 2015)

Characteristics of Filipino Culture

Here are some characteristics of the Filipinos that set them apart from any other
culture and society; (Dumaraos, 2018)

1. The Filipino people are very resilient- in times of calamities and catastrophes,
Filipinos always manage to rise above the challenge. Instead of wallowing, they
manage to pick themselves up and smile.

2. Filipinos take pride in their families- in the Philippines, it is family first. So whether you
are part of the immediate family or you belong to the third or fourth generation, you are
treated as family member. Sometimes, even the closest of friends are considered family

3. Filipinos are very religious- in all corners of the Filipino houses, you can find brazen
images of crosses and other religious paraphernalia. They go to church every Sunday,
or somewhere even twice or three times a week.

4. Filipinos are very respectful- from the moment they are born into this world, they are
already taught how to be respectful by using these simple catchphrases –po and opo,
words that end sentences when addressing elders. They have a culture of pagmamano,
which is where they raise the backs of the hands of their elders to their foreheads as a
sign of respect.

5. Filipinos help one another- more popularly known as bayanihan, Filipinos help one
another- without expecting anything in return- so that undertaking their tasks and
responsibilities becomes much easier. Sometime this is called “community spirit”.

6. Filipinos value traditions and culture- For Filipinos, tradition in their home and in their
family are important. They usually set aside a specific day for a certain celebration like
festivals, birthday parties, reunions, etc. and of course, every gathering is dedicated to
keeping up with each other over sumptuous food.

7. Filipinos have the longest Christmas celebrations- even as early as August, you can
hear Christmas songs and jingles played in the malls or in the restaurants in the
Philippines. The mood becomes festive, with many people shopping and in good spirits.
Christmas celebrations last until around the first or second week of January.

8. Filipinos love art and architecture-just look at the massive and tall buildings
everywhere. Filipinos have a penchant for bringing art and architecture to a whole new
level. They love to deign creatively, to think intuitively, and have a passion for anything
different and unique.

9. The Filipinos are hospitable people- foreign visitors in the country are treated with the
utmost respect. This trait usually seen during fiestas and holidays where many Filipinos
are giving their best to entertain their visitors well.

Filipino Family Values

The family is the center of the social structure and includes the nuclear family,
aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and honorary relations such as godparents,
sponsors, and close family friends. People get strengths and stability from their family.
As such, many children have several godparents.

Concern for the extended family is seen in the patronage provided to family
members when they seek employment. It is common for members of the same family to
work for the same company. In fact, many collective bargaining agreements state that
preferential hiring will be given to family members.

The Filipino family consists of many traditional values that have been treasured
and passed on for many generations already. These values are incredibly beneficial.
Hereunder are the following traditional values;

1. Paggalang (repect)- the English translation of paggalang mean to be respectful or to

give respect to a person. Filipinos are accustomed to using the words “po” or “opo” and
“ho” when they are conversing with older people or sometimes, with those who are high
in a high role or prestigious member of society. Using these words is customary in the
Philippines, and it shows a sign of respect if you do so.

Paggalang can also be shown toward your elders by kissing their hands before
leaving/to say goodbye and upon arrival/ to greet them. The younger members of the
family can show respect toward older siblings by calling them kuya (older borther) or ate
(older sister).

2. Pakikisama (helping others)- Pakikisama has the connotation of getting along with
people in general. There is a general yearning to be accepted and well-liked among
Filipinos. This applies to one and his or her friends, colleagues, boss, and even
relatives. This desire is what steers one to perform pakikisama.

The word pakikiisa literally translates to “helping others”. Therefore, this trait
usually fosters general cooperation and performing good or helpful deeds, which can
lead to others viewing you in favorable light.

3. Utang na loob (debt of gratitude)- utang na loob means to pay your debt with
gratitude. With utang na loob, there is usually a system of obligation. When this value is
applied, it imparts a sense of duty and responsibility on the younger siblings to serve
and repay the favors done to them by their elders.

For example, this is why it’s not uncommon for a father or a mother in a Filipino
family from the Philippines to seek employment abroad or a job they don’t want just to
earn a decent wage for their family. They’ve placed the utmost priority on meeting the
family’s basic needs and towards practicing pagpapahalaga sa pamilya.

5. Hiya(shame) – Hiya means shames. This controls the social behaviors and
interactions of Filipino. It is the value that drives a Filipino to be obedient and respectful
to their parents, older siblings, and other authorities. This is also a key in the loyalty of
one’s family.

6. Damayan System- extending sympathy for people who lost their loved ones. In case
of death of a certain member of the community, the whole community sympathizes with
bereaved family. Neighbors, friends, and relatives of the deceased usually give certain
amount of money as their way of showing sympathy.

7. Compassionate- a Filipino trait of being sympathetic to others even the person is a

stranger. An example of this is giving alms to the beggars. This is observed when we
hear Filipinos saying, “kawawa naman or nakakaawa naman”.

8. Fun-loving trait –a trait found in most Filipinos, a trait that makes them unique that
even in times of calamities and other challenges in life, they always have something to
happy about, a reason to celebrate.
Social Values of the Filipinos

The great majority of the Philippines population is bound together by common

values and common religion. Philippines society is characterized by many positive traits.
Among these are:

1. High regard for amor propio (self-esteem)- self-esteem reflects an individual’s overall
subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is the decision made by an
individual as an attitude towards the self. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about
oneself, as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame
(Hewitt, 2009). Smith and Mackie (2007) defined it by saying “the self-concept is what
we think about self; self-esteem is the positive or negative evaluations of the self, as in
how we fell about it.”

This characteristic is generally conducive to the smooth running of society,

although, when taken to extreme, it can develop into an authoritarianism that
discourages independent judgment and individual responsibility and initiative. Filipinos
are sensitive to attacks on their own self-esteem and cultivate sensitivity to the self-
esteem of others as well. Anything that might hurt another’s self-esteem is to avoided or
else one risks terminating the relationship. One who is insensitive to others is said to
lack a sense of shame and embarrassment, the principal sanction against improper
behavior. This great concern for self- esteem helps to maintain harmony in society and
within one’s particular circle, but it also can give rise to clannishness and a willingness
to sacrifice personal integrity to remain in the good graces of the group. Strong personal
faith enables Filipinos to face great difficulties and unpredictable risks in the assurance
that “God will take care of things.” But, if allowed to deteriorate into fatalism, even this
admirable characteristic can hinder initiative and stand in the way of progress.

2. Smooth interpersonal relationships- an interpersonal relationship is the nature of

interaction that occurs between two or more people. People in an interpersonal
relationship may interact overtly, covertly, face-to-face or even anonymously.
Interpersonal relationships may occur with friends, family, co-workers, stranger, chat
room participants, doctors or clients.

3. Personal alliance system- this scheme is anchored on kinship, beginning with the
nuclear family. A Filipino loyalty goes first to the immediate family; identity is deeply
embedded in the web of kinship. It is normative that one owes support, loyalty, and trust
to one’s close kin and because, kinship is structured bilaterally with affinal as well as
consanguineal relatives, one’s kin can include quite larger number of people. Still,
beyond the nuclear family, Filipinos do not assume the same degree of support, loyalty,
and trust that they assume for immediate family members for whom loyalty is nothing
less than a social imperative. With respect to kin beyond this nuclear family, closeness
in relationship depends very much on physical proximity.

4. The Compadre System- Bonds of ritual kinship, sealed on any of three ceremonial
occasions- baptism, confirmation, and marriage- intensify and extend personal
alliances. This mutual kinship system known as compadrazgo or compadre, meaning
god parenthood or sponsorship, dates back at least to the introduction of Christianity
and perhaps earlier. It is primary method of extending the group from which one can
expect help in the way of favors, such as jobs, loans, or just simple gifts on special
occasions. But in asking a friend to become godparent to a child, a Filipino is also
asking that person to become a closer friend. Thus it is common to ask acquaintances
who are of higher economic or social status than oneself to be sponsors. Such ritual
kinship, but it still functions for small and regular acts of support as gift giving.

5. Utang-na-loob- A dyadic bond between two individuals may be formed based on the
concept of utang na loob. Although it is expected that the debtor will attempt repayment,
it is widely recognized that the debt (as in one’s obligation to a parent) can never be
fully repaid and obligation can last for generations. Saving another’s life, providing
employment, or making it possible for another to become educated are “gift” that incur
utang na loob. Moreover, such gift initiate a long-term reciprocal interdependency in
which the grantor of the favor can expect help from the debtor whenever the need
arises and the debtor can, in turn, ask other favors. Such reciprocal personal alliances
have had obvious implications for society in general and the political system in
particular. In 1990, educated Filipinos were less likely to feel obligated to extend help
thereby not initiating an utang na loob relationship than were rural dwellers among
whom traditional values remained strong. Some observers believed that as Philippine
society became more modernized and urban in orientation, utang na loob would
become less important in the political and social systems.

6. Suki relationship- In the commercial context, suki relationships (market-exchange

partnerships) may develop between two people who agree to become regular customer
and supplier. In the marketplace, Filipinos will regularly buy from certain specific
suppliers who will give them, in return, reduced prices, good quality, and often credit.
Suki relationships often apply in other contexts as well. For example, regular patrons of
restaurants and small neighborhood retail shops and tailoring shops often receive
special treatment in return for their patronage. Suki does more than help develop
economic exchange relationships that can blossom into genuine friendship between
individuals (Dolan, 1991).

7. Friendship- friendship often is placed on at par with kinship as the most central of
Filipino relationships. Certainly, ties among those within one’s group of friends are an
important factor in the development of personal alliance systems. Here, as in other
categories, a willingness to help one another provides the prime rationale for the

Weaknesses of the Filipino Character

1. Passivity and lack of initiative- acceptance of what happens, without active response
or resistance.
2. Colonial mentality- Colonial mentality more strictly refers to the attitude the Filipino
feel that products coming from other countries are more superior than the local
products. For example, Filipinos often romanticize Western culture and prefer to indulge
in American restaurants or consume Western media rather than supporting local
business that were created with Filipino culture. McDonald’s versus Jollibee is one
example. Many customers might simply just prefer McDonald’s due to its association
with American culture and life, and therefore, American superiority.

3. Kanya-kanya syndrome- Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates

a feeling of envy and competitiveness towards others, particularly one’s peers who
seem and competitiveness towards others, particularly one’s peers who seem to have
gained some status or prestige. Towards them, the Filipino demonstrates the so-called
crab mentality referring to the tendency of crabs in a basket to pull each other down
using the leveling instruments of tsismis, intriga, and unconstructive criticism to bring
others down. There seems to be a basic assumption that otner’s gain is one’s loss.

The kanya-kanya syndrome is also evident in the personal ambition and the drive
for power and status that is completely insensitive to the common good. Personal and
in-group interest reign supreme. This characteristic is also evident in the lack of a sense
of service from these offices and from these civil servants is an extra perk that has to be
paid for.

4. Extreme personalism- Filipinos view the world in terms of personal relationships and
the extents to which one is able to personally relate things and people determines the
recognition of their existence and the value given to them. There is no separation
between an objective task and emotional involvement. This personalism is manifested
in the tendency to give personal interpretations to actions, i.e., “take things personally”.
Thus, a sincere question may be viewed as a challenge to one’s competence or positive
feedback may be interpreted as a sign of special affection. There is in fact some basis
for such interpretations as Filipinos are quite personal in criticism and praise.
Personalism is also manifested in the necessity for the establishment of personal
relationships before any business or work relationships can be successful.

5. Extreme family centeredness- while concern for the family is one of the Filipino’s
greatest strengths, in the extreme it becomes a serious flaw. Excessive concern for the
family creates an in-group to which the Filipinos are fiercely loyal to the detriment of
concern for a larger community or to the common good.

6. Lack of discipline- procrastination is one reason of lack of self-discipline. Lack of

willpower, motivation and ambition are also causes for lack of self- discipline. A weak
state of health might also lead to weakness of this important ability.

7. Lack of self- analysis and reflection- there is a tendency in the Filipino to be

superficial and even somewhat flighty. In the face of serious problems, both personal
and social, there is lack of analysis or reflection. We joke about the most serious
matters and this prevents looking deeply into the problem. There is no felt need to
validate our hypothesis or explanation of things. Thus, we are satisfied with superficial
explanations and superficial solutions to problems.

Related to this is the Filipino emphasis on form (porma) rather than on

substance. There is a tendency to be satisfied with rhetoric and to substitute this for
reality. Empty rhetoric and endless words are very much part of public life as long as the
right things are said, as long as the proper documents and reports exist, as long as
deluded into believing that what ought to be actually exist.

8. Ningas cogon- A Filipino of being enthusiastic only during the start of new
undertaking but ends dismally in accomplishing nothing.

9. Gaya-gaya Attitude- A Filipino attitude of imitating or copying other culture specifically

in mode of dressing, language, fashion, trend or even haircut.

Activity # 7

In reference to the material, complete the sentences to make it sensible.

1. The Filipino culture is different from other cultures because____________________

As an evidence here is one example, _______________________________________

2. As a Filipino I can help propagate our culture by _____________________________


3. Considering the negative values or weaknesses of the Filipinos, I think it can be

change or transformed by means of _________________________________________

4. In general, I believe that the influences of other cultures is helpful/detrimental

(underline your answer) to the Filipino culture because__________________________

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