Lebanese University Faculty of Science BS Computer Science 2 Year - Fall Semester

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Lebanese University

Faculty of Science
BS Computer Science
2nd year – Fall Semester
Week 1

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 2

• Mathematical preliminaries
• Mathematical induction
• Permutations and combinations
• Pascal’s triangle and combinatorial identities

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 3

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 1
• If is a positive real number, what is the relationship between
and ? What about and ?

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 4

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 2
• Give 3 examples of collections that are not well defined and,
therefore, not sets.

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 5

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 3
• Suggest how the descriptions of each of the following collections
might be altered to describe well-defined sets.
1. The collection of all elderly people
2. The collection of all expensive cars
3. The collection of all smart students in the class

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 6

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 4
• Use list format to describe each of the following sets

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 7

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 5
• Let , , and .
Which of the following are true? Explain each of your claims.

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 8

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 6
• Is every subset of a finite set a finite set?
Is every subset of an infinite set an infinite set?

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 9

Mathematical preliminaries
Question 7
• Given the function defined by ,
1. Prove that is not onto function.
2. Prove that is not a one-to-one function.

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 10

• Mathematical preliminaries
• Mathematical induction
• Permutations and combinations
• Pascal’s triangle and combinatorial identities

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 11

• Mathematical preliminaries
• Mathematical induction
• Permutations and combinations
• Pascal’s triangle and combinatorial identities

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 12

Permutations and combinations
Question 8
• How many permutations using 2 distinct elements from
are there? List them.

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 13

Permutations and combinations
Question 9
• Evaluate the quantity

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 14

Permutations and combinations
Question 10
• The 9 players on a baseball team will each bat in succession. In how
many orders can the team’s manager arrange them (that
arrangement is known as the batting order)

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 15

Permutations and combinations
Question 11
• An ice cream parlor serves a sundae for which you can choose one of
20 different flavors, with one of seven different toppings. You can
then choose to have whipped cream or not. How many different
sundaes are possible ?

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 16

Permutations and combinations
Question 12
• How many 3-digit numbers contain only distinct odd digits?

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 17

Permutations and combinations
Question 13
• I plan to buy 2 ties from a group of 8 and 5 shirts from a group of 12.
How many different selections are possible ?

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 18

Permutations and combinations
Question 14
• How many ordered 5-letter sequences can be made using the letters
A, A, B, C, and D? An example of an ordered 5-letter sequence using
these letters is BADAC.

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 19

• Mathematical preliminaries
• Mathematical induction
• Permutations and combinations
• Pascal’s triangle and combinatorial identities

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 20

Pascal’s triangle and combinatorial identities
Question 15
• Find row 9 of Pascal’s triangle

I2205 - Graph Theory ** Dr Siba Haidar - Dr Antoun Yaacoub 21

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