Opinion Leadership Paradigm An Alternative To Problem Solution

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Volume I No. 2,2010

Opinion Leadership
Paradigrn: An Alternative to
Problem Solution
Ari Hargono
(Universitas Indonesia)

'Opinion leadershipparadigm'is a newparadigm in leadership that is
etpected to take the place of 'chairperson leaderchip'paradignt tltat is widely
pmcticed at the present time. This new leadershipparadigm isfacilitative,
participative, and democrqtic, This paradigm also believes in argament assessrilent
or analysis, decision making, hnd dissenting opinion. It is centered on alternative
opinion br argument assessment and etamines the quality of integrity and logic. It
::i is only genuine and logical opinions that can befuxherprocessed into decisions .

that will solve the problems. The person responsiblefor the whole process is called
!l facilitator', not'leader'.

rt: Keywords: opinion leadership, chairperson leadership, testing of honest and logic
opinion, facilitator.

Opinion Leaderchip,
1. Paradigm, Value in
and Value-based Theory groups renowned leadership theories in one
paradigm, i.e.'chairperson leadership' or
Existing theories on leadetship, although 'person leadership'. Leadership that does
varied and mayseem paradoxical, in general not holdthe above qualities most likelyfalls
retain one key point, that is point of view on into another paradigm. The writer refers to
the reality of leadership, what is considered 'opinion leadership paradigm', leadership
important or essential, howto understand that is based on prqdent, genuine,logical,
it, and how to put it into prqctice. The mu- and accurate opiniens
tual ly shared point of view is,typically called
Paradigm is commonly known as a con-
paradigm.The writer's qualitative research

1fui Harsono, 2010, "Chairperson leadership and its flaws", Iunal Makara, Social-Humanism sen'es.
Volume 14, Juli, Nomor 1.
Indonesia Social Science Reuiew

ceptual or construct model. Nonetheless, if drawbacks (lack of knowledge) of 'chairper-

it is examined in details, paradigm can also son leadership'. Moreove6'opinion leader-
be applied in a wider context as: ship'paradigm is meant as a "correction"
" a referen ce sysfem th at g en e ral ly
that is expected to shape better and more
influences the whole scientific accurate leadership practices. Hence,
activitiesof a scientrb t. Paradigm corrections on'chairperson leadership'
is fhe rule of the game, which flaws mostly become the strengths as well
determines how a scientist will as the characteristics of 'opinion leader-
'play'with his or her knowledge. ship'.
Parad ig m i ncludes bas i c i ntu itive The key weakness of 'chairperson
attitude acknowledged by a group leadership paradigm' is that the chairper-
of people when dealing with a son orthe leader might not always be the
pfienomenon. Paradigm will most intelligent, the wisest, the most
determine which issues or genuine; or the most impartial person.
-problems that are important and Howeve6 theories and practices have shown
relevant to be further examined, that a leader himself or herself is the per-
including which methods that son that always acts as the ultimate deci-
are appropriate to be applied in sion maken Logically concluded, decisions
examining the problems".2 made by a Ieader might not always be fair.
Paradigm can also be seen as a set of Therefore, if we would like to have a fairer
grand-theory or super-theory that becomes or mole impartial world,'chairperson lead-
the source of olher theories that contains ership paradigm' is definitely out of the
assumptions of metaphysics, ontology, epis-
temology, and axiologyon reality. Paradigm ln short, the flaws of 'chairperson leader-
is a framework of reference, general perspec- ship paradigm' are: person-centered, leader
tive, or global perspective that disseminates serves as ultimate decision maker, leader
the complexity of the realworld.s Paradigm is seen as exceptional, leader holds preroga-
atfects what we would not like to see or tive rights and privileges in many aspects,
argue, what we woutd not choose or select, less egalitarian, Iess genuine interactions,
and what we would not like to know. Para- no mid-term achievement reoort, monopoly
digm holds power: a powerto shape what in formulation of vision and mission, collabo-
we see, how we see things, what we con- ration as a sign of submission, defects in
sider as problems, what we consider benefi - democracy, more groupthink, leader is re-
cialto solve, and what methods should be luctant to impose sanctions on influentiil
applied in examining and performingtasks.4 offenders, false or artificial participation from
members, oligarchic democracy, rivalry and
Goncerning phenomenon or realism of
leadership,'opinion leadership paradigm, competition fortop positions (such as in the
has a different stance from 'person/chairper-
general election or local election) have
son leadership'. This discrepancy seemsto become an industry and therefore, they are
be the ethical and logical consequences on costly and prone to bribery.s

2Ignas Kleden,
1987, scientific manner and citics on cultures(Jakarta: Lp3ES), p.49.
Mansour Fakih, 2002, Runtuhnya Teoi Pembangunan dan Gtobalisasi (Yogyakarta: Insist press),
p.18 cited on Paton and Kuhn.
Mansour Fakih, op.cit., p.19.
Ari Harsono, op.cit.

Volume 1No.2,2010

Those flaws are mainly concerning val- life autonomy and wisdom. Theorea is con-
ues: what are seen and considered noble, ducted by theoros - citizens of apolis (city
virtuous, just, appropriate, etc. on the sub- state) - in a religious ceremony that
ject of leadership. Thus, corrections will also presents sacral rituals.s (Hardiman:l 9-20;
be derived from values. Values that emu- Habermas,1990: 1 55). lt is clear that theorea
late key viewpoints of a paradigm exist in is closely related to morality. lt is different to
its metaphysical and axiological elements. the definition of theory in its development;
'Opinion leadership paradigm' holds several now it has been reduced and retracted from
values, and these values are present and morality - particularly by positivism - so
elaborated in'opinion leadership theory', and that it is currently understood in technical-
hence, it becomes 'value-based theory'.6 scientific or methodologicalsense as logi-
The overall values and accounts are ex- cal-formal statement on the relations of
pected to become'ample knowledge' (ra- propositions, concepts, and definitions that
tional, ethi'bd, logical) contained in the describes, explains, and predicts certain
'opinion leadership paradigm'. phenomendn, Theory'that rejects and does
not contain moral values epitomizes
'Value-based theory' is an alternative to positivistic paradigm.
overcome the flaws of 'data-based theory'.
ln qualitative research, there is a type of The main value in 'opinion leadership'
theory formulation that derives from data paradigm is thattruth (in terms of decision)
that has been long known as data-based does not depend on the person, but relies
theory or grounded theory.7 Data indicated on opinion or argument. Truth can come
here are data rooted-in reality or empirical from anyone who is able to think, contem-
experience. This then leads to crucial issues. plate, and find ("Truth comes from God",
lf the examined reality is wrong-bad be- Qur' an, Al-Baqarahzl 41. lt ref lects ethical-
cause it has been wrongly-badly constructed philosophicalview on the parity of human
(remember infamous quotation from Peter as social being, as homo homini socius.
Berger: "realtty is socially constructedl, Our philosophy, Pancasila, believes that
the outcome theory will also be wrong-bad, 'opinion leadership'is an elaboration of the
in:--mostly likely- larger scale. fourth principle "Democracy suided by the
With reference to the etYmologY of wisdom in the unanimi{ arising out of de-
theory the writer proposes another model; liberations amongst representatives". Un-
that is theoryformulation or reconstruction derlines (by researcher) on the phrase 'guided
anchored in values: value'based theory. by the wisdom' is meant as interpretation
Communalvalues can be grouped into re- and assertion that the leader is not a "per-
ligious, moral/ethical, and legal values. son" (chief or chair). but wisdom or good
Theory derives from Greek language iudgment. Good judgment can come from
theorea,which means 'to see' or'to watch'. anybody; it does not always come from the
Ancient Greek performed theoreato reach leader (chair), as long as the person has the

Examples of value and management relationship are available in Hafidudin and Tanjung ,2003, Shar'iah
Manajement in Practice (Jakarta: Gema Insani Press).
Kristi Poerwandari, 2003, Pendekatan Kualitatif untuk Penelitian Petilaku Manusia(Jakarta: LPSP3
FakultasPsikologiUl),p.38; AnselmStraussdanJulietCorbin,2003,Dasar-dasarPenelitianKualitattf
(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar), pp. 13- 15.
8 F. Budi Hardiman, t990, Kritik ideologi: Pertautan pengetahuan dan kepentingan (Yogyakarta:
Kanisius), pp.19-20; Jiirgen Habermas, 1990,ILmu dan teknologi sebagai ideologi(Jakarta: LP3ES),
Indonesia Social Science Reuiew

intelligence, skills and can take actions.e 1. Thought, view

The preceding paragraph can beweighed
2. Deliberation or assessment (on some-
against the,applications of Pancasila prin-
ciples: "Exchange of ideas in discussions is
conducted in sensible manner and with
gobO intent. Decisions made must be able
3. Person who first discovers
to be morally acknowledged to the Almighty,
4. Conclusion (after consideration, inves-
hold up integrity and humanity as well as
tigation, etc,).
honesty and justice, and put forward unity
and harmony for mutual interests".10 Therefore, the definition of 'opinion' in
'opinion leadership' covers: thought, vieq
Religion (lslam) believes that 'opinion
deliberation, and conclusion on something
leadership' is in line with hadith (narrations
concerning the words and deeds of the
after considering and investigating the
facts. Based on this etymology, the idea
orophet Muhammad bv Bukhari-Muslim
on opinion leadership gains its foundation
from Abdullah bin Umar: "Each and every
and key definition, and also its ontologica!
one is leaden and you are accountable for
and epistemological basis. lt is not some-
your leadership". In terms of leadership
(decision making), this statement indicates
thing that is made up of nothing. This
thought isthen constructed and developed
that every person holds the right and has
as a paradigm.
the opportunity to lead (particularly through
decision makingf; since the person under- Corresponding to the main value ol, t .y
stands that he or she will be accountable characteristic of 'opinion leadership' para-
for his or her decision, the person must digm; the definition of 'leadership' is "fa-
make a right decision. cility for implementation of examination/
verification and determination of the most
2. Definition and Gharacteristic of Opinion reasonable and truthful opinion/argument
Leadership for mutuaI decision making"; or, "facility for
mutual decision making through examina-
Kamus Besar Bahasa inctonesia, third tion/verification of the most reasonable
edition, 2002, states that there are two defi- and truthful opinion/argument".
nitions for'leader'. First, it is the person who The above definition contains several
leads. Second, it is guidance, such as guide- elements of concepts that reciprocally form
lines (codes). L{/ebster Dictionary also the characteristics of 'opinion leadership'.
points out the second definition; it even The concept must be further explained: fa-
puts it on top, leader=something that leads. cilitated by facilitato[ examination/verifica-
Hence, it is lucid that leader does not only tion, decision making, mutual participation,
mean 'person' like commonly known by dissenting opinion, and democracy.
most people.
ln Kamus Besar Bahasa lndonesra (Big a. F acilitated by' F acilitator
Dictionary of lndonesian Language, 2002),
the word'opinion' means: The process of decision making via
opinion examination/verification is facili-

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,2}}Z.
Volume 1No.2,2010

v,{ tated by afacilitator (not chair, chief, coor-

dinatori CEO, managq etc.). Using thister-
minology, the person held the responsibility
will feel that he or she has the obligation
b. Exami n atio nNe rif icati o n o n O pi n i on

To date, there have been many decision

making processes that are illogical and ir-
to make things easier (not more ditficult) rational, including within the domain of
for other people, opinions, and organiza- scientists, professionals, and government
tions; to mutually find and determine the otficials. "t am always surprised to see the
corect opinionsthat can be escalated into experts we are assessing rarely think infor-
decisions. The roles of facilitator are rela- mallogics. Most of them think inferentially,
tively the same as G (group, democratic) which is based on communalrecognition".l3
leadership style introduced by Vroom and Thus, decision must be made through
Yetton: to facilitate discussions, encourage examination/verification on the truth of
active participation in problem identifica- each alternative of opinions or arguments,
tions, evaiiiate alternative solutions, and whether it is' rational truth' or tfactual truth'.1 4
reach consensus in problem solving.
Verification on rational truth is conducted
The prophet Muhammad 14 centuries using logical principles to later determine
ago stated: "The leader of a group or na- whether there are any logical fallacies.ls
tion is the servant of the group or nation" Opinions containing logical fallacies will not
(Abu Na'im), and "Dear God, if the leader be included in the next process, such as
of my people makes things difficult for considered as alternative decision in voting
them,please make all difficultfor him. And (Moreoveri to be determined as a final de-
if the leader makes-things easier for his cision like what Bush Jr. decided on lraq).
followers, iilease make all easier for him." Logicalexamination on certain cases may
(Muslim from Aisyah).I1 involve sworn experts on logics. Decision
The term 'facilitator' is also in propor- making contributors must also possess
tion to the concept of facilitative leader- adequate knowledge concerning logical
ship,12 and even makes it more apparent
fallacies. Factual truth of every opinion/
and concrete. Facilitatorcan be categorized argument is proven or verified by sets of
basedon'the work scope and level in the research rules to find whetherthere is em-
pirical evidence.
organization, from Facilitator 1, Facilitator
2, etc. to the lowest level. The total level of Truth on opinion or argument must also
facilitator depends on the hierarchy within be examined and be based on key norms
the organization. within the community (religious, moral, and
legal norms), which typically are rooted in
uprightness; to identify whether there arc lies

tl RidwanYahya,2004,MemilihPemimpin dalamPerspektif klam(Jakarta: Pustaka Nawaitu), p.31.

James H. Svara & Associates,1994, Facilintive Leasdership in Local Govemment (California:
Jossey-Bass Inc.)
Jalaludin Rakhmat, 1985, Psikologi Komunikasi(Bandung: Remaja Karya), p.88 citing on Hunt,
1982, p.139
J. Sudarminta,2}}Z, Epistemologi Dasar. Pengantar FilsafatPengetaltuan (Yogyakarta: Kanisius),
pp.l25-126. :

J.P. Hayon, 2005, Logika (Jakarta: ISTN); R.G. Soekadij o,1994, LogikaDaszr(Jakarta: Gramedia),
chapter 2.
Indonesia Social Science Reuiew

intelligence, skills and can take actions.e 1. Thought, view

The preceding paragraph can be weighed
2. Deliberation or assessment (on some-
against theapplications of Pancasila prin-
ciples: "Exchange of ideas in discussions is
conducted in sensible manner and with
3. Person who first discovers
9o6O intent. Decisions made must be able
to be morally acknowledged to the Almighty,
hold up integrity and humanity as well as
4. Conclusion (after consideration, inves-
tigation, etc.).
honesty and justice, and put forward unity
and harmony for mutual interests".lo Therefore, the definition of 'opinion' in
'opinion leadership' covers: thought, view,
Religion (lslam) believes that'opinion
deliberation, and conclusion on something
leadership'is in linewith hadith (narrations
concerning the words and deeds of the
after considering and investigating the
prophet Muhammad) bv Bukhari-Muslim facts. Based on [his etymology, the idea
l- J
on opinion leadership gains its foundation
from'Abdullah bin Umar: "Each and every
and key definition, and also its ontological
one is leaden and you are accountable for
and epistemological basis. lt is not some-
your leadership". ln terms of leadership
(decision making), this statement indicates thing that is made up of nothing. This
thought is then constructed and developed
that every person holds the right and has
as a paradigm.
the opportunity to tead (particularly through
decision making); since the person under- Corresponding tothe main value o, t .y
stands that he or she will be accountable characteristic of 'opinion leadership' para-
for his or her decision, the person must digm; the definition of 'leadership' is "fa-
make a right decision. cility for implementation of examination/
verification and determination of the most
2. Definition and Characteristicof Opinion reasonable and truthful opinion/argument
Leadership for mutualdecision making"; or, "facilityfor
mutual decision making through examina-
Kamus'Besar Bahasa lndonesia, third tion/verification of the most reasonable
edition, 2002,states thatthere are two defi- and truthful opinion/argument".
nitions for'leader'. FirsL it is the person who The above definition contains several
leads. Second, it is guidance, such as guide- elements of concepts that reciprocally form
lines (codes). Webster Dictionary also the characteristics of 'opinion leadership'.
points out the second definition; it even The concept must be further explained: fa-
puts it on top, leader=someth@ thatleads. cilitated by facilitator, examination/verifica-
Hence, it is lucid that leader does not only tion, decision making, mutual participation,
mean 'person' like commonly known by dissenting opinion, and democracy.
most people.
ln Kamus Besar Bahasa lndonesra (Big a. F acilitated by'Facilitator
Dictionary of lndonesian Language, 2002),
the word'opinion' means: The process of decision making via
opinion examination/verification is facili-

e Kamus Besar Bahasa

r0LaboratoriumPancasilalKlP, 1984. PendidikanPancuiladiPergtrruanTinggi.edisikeempat.
Volume 1No.2,2010

tated by a facilitator (not chair; chief, coor- b. ExaminationNerification on Opinion

dinatoq CEO, manage[ etc.). Using this ter-
minology, the person held the responsibility To date, there have been many decision
will feel that he or she has the obligation making processes that are illogical and ir-
to make things easier (not more difficult) rational, including within the domain of
for other people, opinions, and organiza- scientists, professionals, and govern ment
tions; to mutually find and determine the officials. "l am always surprised to see the
correct opinionsthat can be escalated into experts we are assessing rarely think infor-
decisions. The roles of facilitator are rela- mallogics. Most of them think inferentially,
tively the same as G (group, democratic) which is based on communalrecognition".l3
leadership style introduced by Vroom and Thus, decision must be made through
Yetton: to facilitate discussions, encourage examination/Verification on the truth of
active participation in problem identifica- each alternative of opinions or arguments,
tions, evalUate alternative solutions, and whether it is'rational truth' or'factual truth'.la
reach consensus in problem solving.
Verification on rational truth is conducted
The prophet Muhammad 14 centuries using Iogical principles to later determine
ago stated: "The leader of a group or na- whether there are any logical fallacies.ls
tion is the servant of the group or nation" Opinions containing logical fallacies will not
(Abu Na'im), and "Dear God, if the leader be included in the next process, such as
of my people makes things difficult for considered as alternative decision in voting
them, p/ease make all ditficultfor him. And (Moreover; to be determined as a final de-
if the leadbr makes_things easier for his cision like what Bush Jr. decided on lraq).
followers, please make all easier for him." Logicalexamination on certain cases may
(Muslim from Aisyah).11 involve sworn experts on logics. Decision
The term 'facilitator' is also in propor- making contributors must also possess
tion to the concept of facilitative leader- adequate knowledge concerning logical
ship,12 and even makes it more apparent fallacies. Factual truth of every opinion/
and concrete. Facilitatorcan be categorized argument is proven or verified by sets of
based on the work scope and level in the research rules to find whether there is em-
organ ization, f rom Faci itator 1, Faci itator
pirical evidence.
2, etc. to the lowest level. The total level of Truth on opinion or argument must also
facilitator depends on the hierarchy within be examined and be based on key norms
the organization. within the community (religious, moral, and'
legal norms), which typically are rooted in
u prightness; to identify whether there are lies

ltRidwanYahya,2004,MemilihPemimpin dalamPerspektif klam(Jakarta: Pustaka Nawaitu), p.31.

James H. Svara & Associates, 1994, Facilitative Leasdership in Local Govemmenr (California:
Jossey-Bass Inc.)
Jalaludin Rakhmat, 1985, Psikol ogi Komunikasi (Bandung: Remaja Karya), p.88 citing on Hunt,
1982, p.139.
J. Sudarminta,2002, Epistemologi Dasar. Pengantar FilsafatPengetaltuan (Yogyakarta: Kanisius),
J.P. Hayon, 2005, Logika (Jakarta: ISTN);R.G. Soekadijo, 1994, LogikaDasar(lakarta:Gramedia),
chapter 2.
Indonesia Social Science Reuiew

(fallacies of conscience) underneath. Truth tion - are examples of decision making.

or honesty should be assessed using sets of Those decisions must be made in consen-
tools: vow or oath (mubahalah),lie detecto[ sus, not by a person, while it may come from
and psychoanalysis. Truth detection or exami- one's idea (does not have to be the chair-
nation is highly essential because if there person or the executive). The prior condi-
are self-deceptions within the members of tions naturally are based on assumption
an organization, it will be extremely diffi- that there is clear division (and separation)
cult forthe organization to get to its top per- of authority concerning by whom and in
formance.l6 The most logical and mindful which areas that decision must be made.
argument oropinion then will be accepted Decisions can be made by all members of
as decision by consensus. the organization, delegated members to-
getherwith the chairperson, orthe chairper-
Discussions in the examination/verifi-
son himself/herself.
cation nlust be conducted in a situation in
which'ideal communication' can take place, Decision making process must consider
no over-powerordomination, and no pres- the level of importance of the decision to
sure or threat, whether it is subtle or no- be made.
ticeable, at the present or in the future.17
Bribery in the form of money, goods, facility, 1. 'Most significant' issues are decided or
position, or other forms of gratification - at resolved by all members (including the
the present or later in the future - is a type chairperson or executive). Example:
of subtle threat that will blow the opportu- election for prospective head or staff of
nity for a correct?nd rightful decision; and a division, formulation of organization's
it is not at the level of 'consensus theory of vision and mission.
2. 'significant' issues are decided by de-
Examination or verification on opinion
legated members together with the
is ascientific mannq which should be con-
chairperson (member's representatives
ducted voluntarily, with no opposition, by
may askfor inputsfrom the whole mem-
hlghly-educated decision makers. Refusal or
bers beforehand). Example: implemen-
negative response on such examination or
tation strategy for programs that are ap-
verification is indeed a defiance of lectures pointed by higher institution.
on theory and methodology.
3. 'Lesssignificant'issues may be decided
c. Decision Making by afacilitatorwithout asking for inputs
from member's representatives or mem-
The above definition stipulates the as- bers in general. Such decision making
pects of decision making. lt is because all process is allowed when the impact is
activities conducted by an organization - extremely small; if wrong decision is
starting from its establishment, formulation made, it will not harm the organization
of the organization's vision and mission, to (the effect is negligible). Example: drinks
its operations, development, and evalua- prepared for meetings: tea and mineral

The fubinger Institute, 2000, Leadership and Self-Deceptions: Getting out of Tle Box (San Fransisco:
BenerKoehler Publisher, Inc.)
F. Budi Hardinnn, 1990, kitik ldeologi, Pertautan Pengetahuan dan Kepentingan (Yogyakarta:
Kanisius), p.200.
F. Budi Hardiman, op cit.,p.202.
Volume 1 N0.2,2010

wate[ or tea and cotfee. bers, butthey are popular, and hence, they
become the representatives of the members
Each authority must be clearly elabo-
or groups.
rated in terms of constraint; it will be more
beneficial if it is formulated into a list orfile. lnputsfordecision making can be given
Unquestionably, there will be grey areas that in both written and oral. Written inputs may
should be discussed further. be submitted in the form of mails or emails.
Software currently available has made it
Otherthan the above division, there are possible to conduct meetings or seminars
other key aspects in decision making: moral via computer network (conference call), and
or integrity of the 'individual' and integrity maintain the opinion's confidentiality (who
of the'system'. "To build integritywithin the said what)untildecision is made.a Such con-
process of decision making, the first provi-
tidentiality is i m portant to maintain f airness
sion is that participated individuals must and restrain support based on popularity
uphold thd{r integrity. Simultaneously, the (discourage support on more popularor in-
process mustalso uphold and induceintegrity
fluenced people, and vice versa).
of all paiticipants."le
Oralinputs are employed restrictedly in
d. Mutu al ParticiPation
registering problems and facts as well as
alternative sol utions. Eval uations on alterna-
tivedecisions and decision making should
Decision making principally requires
be conducted in written and (temporarily)
and encourages collective participation
confidential. These two approaches are
from its participantq or constituents. The
exercised to prevent domination of certain
more decisions are decided communally participants, the facilitator him/herself , or
and the more participation is gathered from
other members. Therefore, time and oppor-
its members, the more participative and tunity for each participant must be divided
democratic the decision making, facilitator,
fairly or equally and agreed prior to the
and organization will be.
commencement of the discussions.
There are numerous techniques de-
Domination in participation at times is
veloped to extend more quality participa-
inevitable since there are mem'oei-s or par-
tion,20 although they may stretch the
ticipants who are eager to be recognized
process. The most important technique is
and to look in control, although their inputs
to open opportunity for participation for any-
are mundane and dull; or in contrast, mem-
one capable and interested in giving inputs'
bers or participants who can indeed give
Opening and announcing opportunity for
valuable inputs, complex, and comprehen-
pirticipation are crucial as there are indi-
sive. Facilitator (as a substitute forthe term
viduals that might be qitical, but are dis-
'chairperson' or 'executive'), to function
liked (due to their criticism), so that they are
etfectively, must not be "overly passive or
not appointed to be representatives, while
thereare passiveand less participative mem-

le Keshavan Nair, 1997, A Higher Standard of Leadership: Ajaran dari Kehidupan Gandhi (Terj.)
(Jakarta: Gramedia), p.87.
Hetifah Sj. Sumarto , 2004, Inovasi, Partisipasi, dan Good Govemance (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor
http:i/ www.lanconference.com
GaryYukl,1984, Kepemimpinan dalam Organisasi (Terj.) (Jakarta: Prenhallindo), p.348.
Indoruesia Social Science Reuiew

Other unavoidable issues are boiling of democracy. However, the concept of de-
and emotional debates or arguments thai mocracy must be revised or reconstructed
might be anchored in untruthful or decep- to correct or amend the procedures of sim-
tive manner. lf such arguments are caused ple,'majority (507o + 1) that typically only
by divergent point of view, extreme de- result in legitimacy - commonly minus ,,ra-
bates can still be hindered; the facilitator tionalization" or good r€ason -forthe ma-
can remind the opposing parties (the code jor votes. Politics (power), nonetheless, is
of conduct of the meeting) and ask them not only concerning legitimacy, but atso ra-
to lower their voice tionalization.2sAs a result, cunent concepts
of democracy do not constantly resutt in
e. Dissenting Opinion substantially rightful - rational (logicat-ethi-
cal)- decision, including decision making
pecision making also employs the for election of executives, leaders, House
concept of dissenting opinion: non-con- representatives, commissaries, managers,
formlng opinions or arguments are fully etc. Therefore, democracy must also be
noted and reported in the decision making recognized as decision making in process
minutes or report. The concept originated since the outcome of democracy is deci-
from the legal world will atso be vatuable sion: on who, what, hoq where, and when.
and advantegeous if implemented as com-
Democratic practices - resulted in de-
plementary of decision making processes
cision making - in the national level (House
in other sectors, both in buliness and of Representatives, the President), regional
government institutions. Such implemen- (ASEAN), and internationat levet (UN, WTO,
tation will even bear democratic value: dis-
lMF, World Bank, lLO, WHO, sports organi-
senting opinions are not merely,lip-service,
zations, etc.)must be complemented with
just like what commonly happen, but also
the above examination orassessment pro-
thoroughly stated in the report. cedures.
This decision making report must be
made open for public, except ctassified 3. Key Characteristics of Opinion
and sensitive matters (particularly when in- Leadership
volving nationalissues). public can access
real evidence on the quality of the House From the significant values of ,opinion
representatives, commissaries, or execu- leadership' pamdigm, some key charactgris-
tives as decision makers. Documentations ticsof this paradigm can be identified and
on dissenting opinions will serve as com- described.
parison in the evaluation of the decision,s
implementation orevaluation of the quality 1. The ultimate decision maker basically is
of the decision makers. Reports are made not the person (who) holds the author-
based on audio-visual recordings and ity as the chair, head, coordinator, GEO,
notes from alldecision making processes. manager - or typically called leader _
but assessment;ortest on the logic and
f. "Democraclf truthfulness of opinions (what), which
is conducted by a facilitator and experts
The significance of the hbove five con- in logics (particirlarly if the decision is
cepts (a to e) is recapped in the concept concerning the people,s basic need).

F' Budi-Hardiman, 1993, Menuju Masyarakat Komunikarf (Yogyakarta:
Kanisius), p. 122 citing on
Volume 1No. 2,2010

2. Facilitator (substitute of leader/chairper- in this case, the effort to find the cor-
son concept) is not exceptiona! or su- rect opinion should not differentiate
/ perior; both as homo soclus and homo 'leader' and 'manager', like what mostly
sapiens; his/her prerogatives and privi- occurs in many literatures.2s
leges are restricted (only in certain areas),
and also decided beforehand. There is 6.'Opinion leadership' can minimize authori-
no ditference in terms of position as tarian practices and styles in leadership,
'leader/chairperson' and'manager'. even if the person him/herself is authori-
Hence, there will be no significant rela- tarian; a personality syndrome marked
tion to financia!, social, and political by, among others, intense ambition on
compensation. powel avoiding responsibility, and ten-
dency to project self-weaknesses onto
3. Relations between facilitatorand mem- others.26
bers or participants are more egalitarian,
more genuine, more communicative, 7. ln the practice of.'opinion Ieadership',
and less strategic. The atmosphere in facilitatorfocuses on the techniques of
'opinion leadership' is more communi- facilitating, which can be learned by any-
cative and open compared to the at- one. Nevertheless, appointed or elected
mosphere in'chairperson leadership'. facilitator should be a person who up-
Decision making is made through pro- holds integrity ('honesty', skills, intelli-
cedures and processes modeled in the gence) on the whole. Facilitator is not just
Theory of Communicative Gompetence a figure appointed according to the ma-
or Discourse Etlfics from Habermas.2a jority (50%o + 1).
So, it is closeto the'idealspeech situa-
tion' envisaged by Habermas. 8. 'Opinion leadership'can reduce ground-
less, manipulative, irrational, heartless,
4. The atmosphere of opinion leadership illogical, unscientific decision making
paradigm encourages experts to be the that contains psychological violence.
best, the most skillful, and the finest (ex-
cellent and masterpiece) since they are 9. 'Opinion leadership' makes it possible
challenged by the implementation and for a facilitator to effortlessly gain respect
benefits from extensive skills and and recognition, and beseen aswiseand
knowledge. charismatic figure by the participants,
stakeholders, and the community with-'
5. No more monopoly on vision and out the necessity to subjectively claim
mission formulation by (prospective) that he/she is respected, recognized,
leader or chairperson since the person and charismatic. Those will naturally take
only acts as facilitator. ln addition, vision place if the facilitator makes rational,
and mission are actually opinion or pur- reliable, and honest decisions.
pose that must be rationalized. Thus,

2aFranzvon Magnis-Suseno, 2000, 12 tokoh etika abadke-20 (Yogyakarta: Kanisius), p.229,pp.19-

Afsaneh Nahavandi, 2000, The afi and science of leadership,Znd ed. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Inc.) p.0;Wirawan, 2002,TeoiKepemimpinan: pengantaruntukpraktikdanpenelitian, Jilid 1 (Jakarta:
Uhamka Press).
Jalaluddin Rakhmat, op.cit.,p. I 14.
Indonesia Social Scienci:e Reuiew

10. In 'opinion leadership,, the genetic ple, although he/she is not the chair-
flaws of democracy as well as oligar- person or executive.
chic democracy or elite democracy will
be diminished. 17. ln terms of implementation, ,opinion
leadership paradigm'will not be con-
l l.Teamwork and supports from partici- flicted with leadership regeneration
pants as a whole can be hindered from
issues like what commonly happens in
submissiveness and groupthink. The u nder-developed society. Regeneration
teamworkwilleven be marked with ra- issues frequently cause welfare issues
tional, critical, constructive, and loyal in a nation.
opposition attitude. Member partici-
pations will no longer be artificial. One flaw that will soon be recognized
in 'opinion leadership' is that the process
12. Fa'eilitator will no tonger be reluctant of decision makingtendsto be relativetyslow.
and hesitantto impose sanctions on in_ Howeve6 it is compensated by its swift and
fluenced violatorc, or even the facilitator,s easy implementation. Japanese manage-
close friends, since he/she is not afraid ment is familiar with the term',hard to de-
to lose his/her popularity. cide, easy to implementl ln tems of accept-
ability, itwillface roadblocks, both in theo-
13. Facilitator can be compelled to submit retical and practicat context. lt is not be-
reports in the middle ofhis/her work pe- cause it is "new", but because it involves
riod, unlike the commonly practiced genuineness and honesty - sincerity to
democratiD leadership that is only fa- acknowledge it; particularly to admit and
miliar with end-of-term report. acknowledge the flaws in cunentty com-
mon leadership practices.
1 4. Competition for top position/fac i I itator, Therc is one logical thougtrt that connects
like in the general election, will not the three elements - management, Ieader-
occu[ and hence, it will not be turned ship, and decision making - and willcon-
into industry orcommodity, itwilt be less clude this sub-heading. Leadership is the
expensive, and less prone to bribery or gist of management,? white decision making
money politics. is the key fu nction of a manager or adminisfa-
tor.28 ln other words: management is centered
15. Within lndonesia context, opinion on leadership, and leadership is rested on
leadership paradigm is in line with decision making. Then, what wiil decision
Pancasila, particularly the fourth prin- making be centered on? Available literatures
ciple: "Democracy guided by the wisdom do notaskthis pertinentquestion, and con-
(not leader or chair) in the unanimity sequently do not have answers to the ques-
arising out of deliberations amongst tion.
Preceding elaborations are actually
16. Everyone will have the opportunity to efforts to find the answer. Decision mqking
become leader; in the sense that his/her is centered on opinions or arguments that
logical-ethical opinion can be accepted are logical-ethical, rational, and sincere or
and made as decision thatwill become honest (this opinion is determined via exami-
applicable f6r a large number of peo- nation orverification involving member par-

Mirrian S. Ariel 1986, Organisasi dan Manajemen(Jakarta: penerbit Karunika),
Azhat Kasim' 1995, Teori Pembuatan Keputusan(Jakarta:
Lembaga penerbit FELII), p.l.
Volume 1No.2,2010

'Opinion Leadership' in Management

1. Management
2. LeadershiP
3. Decision Making
4. Reasonable and mindful opinion/


ticipation facilitated by another member velop the organization's individuals, the or-
who is trusted dueto his/her integrity). With' ganization itself, and stakeholders.
out rational and mindful opinion, decision Third, greater public (read: lndonesia as
making, leadership, and management will a nation) disadvantage: hindrance in '
always be potentially harmful, disadvanta- reaching the grand objective of our nation
gsous, and will never be the ultimate solu- as mandated in the constitution because
tion. critical-creative-constructive young genera-
tions are held back by so called'leaders'
4. Chairpe.rson Leadership vs. Opinion or'executives' (whose only intention is to gain
Leadership benefit for their own interests and use the
organization as camouflage). These young
Descriptions and elaborations on generations' advancement is not facilitated;
'opinion leadership' characteristics are in contrast, their potentials are suppressed.
mainly on its strengths compared to'chair- They also do not experience self-develop-
: person/person leadership'. Nonetheless, ment; they, in fact, live through self-belittle-
n theise poSitirie Chaiaeteristics are di scussed ment.
only in conceptualcontext. ln concrete or
Fourth, nations, countries, and the citi-
! practice, these strengths or even weak-
i* zens disadvantage because they are de-
Zj nesses are still not proven. Howevq it does
ceived bythe leadership of a few developed
not mean that the above positive qualities
countries. These losses cover depletion of
s cannot be relied on as alternatives. ln con-
natural resources, damaged environment,
trast, the weaknesses or flaws of 'chairper-
s and exploitation on child and woman
= son/person leadership' are apparent as
+ labors.
seen in given examples. The flaws will be
more evident if they are related to the dam- Fifth, all parties disadvantage: getting

age they potentially made. and experiencing .misleading perception
? concerning positive response and appre-
First, individual disadvantage: impedi-
5: ciation toward the leader or chairperson.
ment in self-potential and self-actualiza-
a.i Leader and chairperson or executive believe
:: tion development, career development,
and are seen as the most valuable assets,
and potential income.
rti while it is not always the case. Why? Most
Second, organization/institution disad- likely, those disadvantages or losses will
?, vantage: no development in organization's never take place if decision making processes
potential, credibility, and capacity, while it rely on'opinion leadership paradigm'. On the
i; should serve as a catalystto grow and de- contrary, greater benefits will rise and

In donesia Social S cience Reuiew

eventually speed up the attainment of the The above solutions do not stand alone'
nation's constitutional objectives (including They are closely related to basic solutions
universal civilization). o, tnon.y and love (man and woman rela-
tionships); the three of them demonstrate
As a "new" concePt or thought, it is the level of individual spirituality. Concurrent
common if this new idea is promptly "re- implementation of the above three elements
jected" by the prospective recipients' wiil also reveal the level of institutional
Furthermore, leadership involves paradigm spiritualitY.
shift that requires skills, honesty, and sin-
cerity in the thinking process. Thus, factual
examples are vital to clearly demonstrate the
benefits of this newly introduced paradigm'
The following suggestions serve as
lf the leaders, such as the President of ln-
donesiai consciously start to act as the further actions in response to what have
"nation's facilitato/', there will be evidence that
not been achieved in this research'
opinion leadership, as stipulated in the fourth
principle of Pancasila, can help this nation to
1. To be properly implemented, 'opinion
leadership' paradigm must be comple-
speed up the process of reaching its con-
mented with details on the job de-
stitutional goals.
scriptions of the facilitator as well as
required trainings. Furthermore, mecha-
5. Key Solution and Suggestion
nisms for opinion/ argument assessmenL
appropriate logic facilities and trainings,
Key solutions fo tfrese fundamental issues ai weit as apt, participation techniques
on leadership will be conveyed as conclu- and strategies must be prepared' These
sions for this chaPter. will be foltowed by strings of trials to
Key solutions ontitle orthrone (e.g' title find out the weaknesses on technical,
corruption): procedure, job description details, as
wellasthe easiness/difficulties in its im-
1. Every prospective leader and people's plementation.
representative must be scrutinized to
verify whether the person upholds his/ 2.'Opinion leadership' paradigm requires
her integritY. further evaluation, research, and de-
velopment. Evaluation and research are
2. Every Power must be monitored and required, among others, to understind
contlCIlled using logic and honesty ass€ss- the extent of acceptance and rejection
ment. toward the concePt.


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