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Essay with Double Idea Paragraphs


Background statement: Introduce the essay topic

Specific statement: Reword the task
Answer: Tell reader what the essay will do + your position

Paragraph 1

Umbrella sentence: Introduce first set of ideas (e.g. advantages)

Point 1: Introduce first idea
Extend point 1: Explain / give an example
Point 2: Introduce second idea
Extend point 2: Explain / give an example

Paragraph 2

Umbrella sentence: Introduce second set of ideas (e.g. advantages)

Point 1: Introduce first idea
Extend point 1: Explain / give an example
Point 2: Introduce second idea
Extend point 2: Explain / give an example


Broad statement about the topic: Recap what you wrote about
Summarise opinion/arguments: Recap ideas and/or opinion

N.B. Be flexible with your structures but always write and introduction, conclusion and 2-4 body
paragraphs for any essay. Choose Single or Double Idea paragraphs based on the question and your
Essay with Single Idea Paragraphs


Background statement: Introduce the essay topic

Specific statement: Reword the task

Answer: Tell reader what the essay will do + your position

Paragraph 1

Point: Introduce first idea / view / argument

Explain: Give reasons for this

Example: Give evidence or examples to support this

Effect: Describe effect (So what? / If not?)
Link: Link back to topic or forward to next paragraph

Paragraph 2

Point: Introduce second idea / view / argument

Explain: Give reasons for this
Example: Give evidence or examples to support this
Effect: Describe effect (So what? / If not?)
Link: Link back to topic


Broad statement about the topic: Recap what you wrote about
Summarise opinion/arguments: Recap ideas and/or opinion
Essay with Double and Single Idea Paragraphs


Background statement: Introduce the essay topic

Specific statement: Reword the task

Answer: Tell reader what the essay will do + your position

Paragraph 1

Umbrella sentence: Introduce first set of ideas (e.g. advantages)

Point 1: Introduce first idea

Extend point 1: Explain / give an example

Point 2: Introduce second idea
Extend point 2: Explain / give an example

Paragraph 2

Point: Introduce second idea / view / argument

Explain: Give reasons for this
Example: Give evidence or examples to support this
Effect: Describe effect (So what? / If not?)
Link: Link back to topic


Broad statement about the topic: Recap what you wrote about
Summarise opinion/arguments: Recap ideas and/or opinion

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