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Summer Industrial

Training Report On


Submitted for Partial fulfilment of

Bachelor of Engineering







It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to present this report on training at PWD,DELHI.

I am extremely grateful to my training and placement officer for issuing a

Training letter, which made my training possible at PWD, Delhi.

I would like to express my gratitude to Er. Sahanubhuti Ashok (EE)for his invaluable
suggestions, motivation,guidance and support through out the training.His
methodology to start from simple ant then deepen through made me to bring out this
project report without anxiety.

Thanks to all other PWD officials, operators and all other members of PWD, yet
uncounted for their help in completing the project and see the light of success.

I am very thankful to friends, colleagues and all other persons who rendered their
assistance directly or indirectly to complete this project work successfully.

I extended my due thanks to Er. VK TOMAR (AE) who gave me valuable time and
suggestions and guide me a lot at various stages of my Summer Training.

Dated- July 2018 RAVI RANJAN


The internship report in broad-spectrum consists of five chapters in which I try

to explain my four-week experience in my hosting company. The content of
all chapters is broadly explained and is constructed from the practical basis of
the site work ended all weeks.

In the opening chapter I have given details of the hosting company

background including its overview, resources, ISO certifications, services
offered, organisation structure and Corporate Social Responsibility &
Sustainability Policy. In this chapter I put all record and futurity of my hosting
company with its official address. So, it gives details of the company in terms
of briefing and the reader can easily know and access the company.

The second chapter gives the introduction to the project on which I was
working on and gives technical specifications of the project.

The third chapter is the most hunted chapter which explains my overall
internship familiarity in the last successive weeks. This chapter is the main
chapter and I record on it the overall work I have been executing. It gives
light what I have been doing and the main works of the construction industry.

After all those chapters explained above I go to the fourth chapter and explains
the main benefits of internship class in terms of different aspect and areas. It is
obvious that the internship has a plus in terms of improving skills and different
abilities as a whole. The advantages and gains of the internship putted in short
and prices way to grasp the attention of readers and evaluators.

The final and the fifth chapter explains about winding up and gives
conclusion obtained at the end of Engineering Internship Program.

Chapter 1 Background of the hosting company 5


Organisation Structure...……………………………………………………….8

Project Elevation……………………………………………………………….9

Project Details………………………………………………………………….10

Site Location…………………………………………………………………...11

Chapter 2 Brief Introduction of Project

Chapter 3 Overall Internship Experience

3.1 Section of the company I have worked……………………………………...19

3.1.1 Flow in the section……………………………………………………19

3.2 Procedure I have used when I perform work tasks………………………...21

3.2.1 Setting Out…………………………………………………………….21

3.2.2 Excavations……………………………………………………………22

3.2.3 Fill……………………………………………………………………..24

3.2.4 Masonry Works…..……………………………………………………24

3.2.5 Concrete Formwork…………………………………………………...24

3.2.6 Reinforcement Bar…………………………………………………….25

3.2.7 Concrete………………………………………………………………..26 Constituents of the concrete…………………………………….27 Mixing of concrete……………………………………………...27 Pouring of concrete……………………………………………..28 Concrete consolidation…………………………………………29 Curing…………………………………………………………..29

Chapter 4 Overall benefits of the internship

1. Improving practical skill………………………………………………..30

2. Upgrading the theoretical knowledge…………………………………..30
3. Upgrading interpersonal skill…………………………………………...30
4. Improving leadership skills…………………………………………….31
5. Work ethics and related issues…………………………………………31

Chapter 5 Conclusion

Public Works Department, Delhi is the premier agency of Govt. of NCT of Delhi
engaged in planning, designing, construction and maintenance of Government
assets in the field of built environment and infrastructure development. Assets in
built environment include Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Technical Institutes,
Police Buildings, Prisons, Courts etc; assets in infrastructure development include
Roads, Bridges, Flyovers, Footpaths, Subways, Foot Over Bridges etc. PWD
Delhi also sustains and preserves these assets through a well developed system of
maintenance which includes amongst others specialized services like
rehabilitation works, roads signage and aesthetic treatments like interiors,
monument lighting, landscaping etc. PWD Delhi carries out its activities of assets
creation on the basis of the needs and requirement decided by the Govt. of Delhi
and as assessed & appreciated by the PWD through its in house technical
expertise. Works are carried out after obtaining formal administrative approval
and expenditure sanction from the Govt. of Delhi within the allotted funds for the

The governing principle behind the our sphere of activities is to ensure that the
asset is durable, functionally efficient , serves the intended purpose, is created
within the reasonable time period, is in conformity with the declared policies of
the Government, and would satisfy the user, the government and the public at

With a view to provide a green and pollution free Delhi, PWD has been nurturing
lakhs of tress, plants & shrubs and thousand acres of lawns & gardens on PWD
roads, Govt. Colonies & Offices premises.
Organisation Structure

In order to ensure timely and effective completion of works,different wings

viz: Civil/Electrical/Mechanical/Architectural/Horticultural work together in
Public Works Department.

The organizational structure has six tier hierarchy i.e., Engineer-in-

Chief , Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer,
Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer. The Architectural and
Horticultural units are headed by Senior Architect and Dy. Director
(Horticulture) who work under the zonal Chief Engineer.

The Administrative head of PWD Delhi is Principal Secretary (PWD) Govt. of

NCT of Delhi.

Traversing a long journey from a 'provincial division' of CPWD in pre-

independence era a separate zone was created for Delhi Administration
on 20th June, 1961. The growth of organization & its activities has
continued in a steady manner. In its present outfit PWD Delhi is headed
by an Engineer-in-Chief with 7 zonal Chief Engineers.

At present the regular staff strength of PWD Delhi is 3292 including

technical officials. Customarily all post of PWD, Delhi are encadred
posts of CPWD and are controlled by Ministry of Urban Development
& Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India.


PROJECT – Construction of New Building(‘S’ BLOCK)
For Delhi High Court On 2.47 Acre Land At Bapa Nagar,
Zakir Hussain Marg,New Delhi.

LOCATION – Bapa Nagar, Zakir Hussain Marg,New Delhi.







PROJECT COST -Rs 166.34 Cr.





3.1Section of the company I have worked

I have been working in the 4-star GRIHA rating High Court Project (a High
Court expansion project ). The project consists of a mega G + 7 residential
building which is divided into 5 blocks. When I arrived the project was
reaching the ground floor so I had a opportunity to work for a complete
storey which was to be build.

3.1.1 Flow in the section

The working flow of the consultant and the contractor has a many advantages as in
every work there is a work flow whatever small is the section. In my working site at the
High Court Project the work flow look like the chart below as shown in the chart every
work was executed based on this flow.

Office Work

In my internship period I experience office works that are worked mostly at the
site this includes some task performed by office engineer and quantity
surveyor. Such as:

I. Taking off – it is a process of preparing a detailed list of all labour and

materials necessary for the work and entering the items on properly
dimensioned paper

II. Bill of quantity – these are designed to meet the needs of estimators. It is
the format which is used in a bill of quantity to list a short description of
the specifications along with its measuring unit, quantity and unit prices
to determine the total cost for each trade of item. In the site the bill of
quantity is done by consultant with the contract document but at site we
work it again for payment.
III. Reading and interpreting drawing- drawing are means by which designer
conveys the physical, qualitative and visual description of the project to
the contractor. The drawings are two dimensional representation of the
physical structure that meets the objective of the owner. These are also
known as plans.
In our site there are 4 types of drawings:

(1)Architectural Drawings
(2)Structural Drawings

(3)Sanitary Drawing
(4)Electrical Installation Drawing

These drawings are the main language between the architect, designer
and any worker at site or office to build the model in position as specified
by the designer and the client based on the agreement. Thus to work as
an engineer in the construction site it is mandatory knowing drawings
and any other specifications. Drawings are the most common means of
communication for all types and sizes of the project. Thus I understand
each drawing and knew every symbol, abbreviation for every section and
I able to communicate with different workers using it.

Site Work

The site work was very important task for me because the internship main
object lies over her. And I have gained main knowledge from the site work like
communication skill handling workers, management skill etc. within the month
I have the ability to see any works from the project.
The work I have been executing at the site is :
(1)Supervision of works
(2)Inspecting the worked element and how they work
(3)Checking the work based on the given check list

The site work in general overlay over the supervision part. Every work
must be checked whether it is executed based on the methodology that
contractor provides to the consultant or not. If not the contractor must
report the case why they didn’t execute upon it.
3.2 Procedure I have used when I perform work tasks

The site work I have been performing was controlling how the work is going on
and supervising the work. Details of construction are specified in drawings,
technical specifications and in general and special conditions of the contract. I
have work most of the time at the site to become more familiar with the site
works and to get more practical knowledge. Site works in general include very
kind of work executed at the site starting from setting out till finishing works
based on the given specification and methodology. The site work that I have
been through in the entire internship period was the superstructure and not in
the sub structure. A normal building consists of two parts in general these are
the super structure and the sub structure.
Any structure below the ground floor slab level including the basement,
retaining walls, ground slabs, grade beam, and foundation is called sub
structure. In most of the cases, substructure work can be categorised as
earthwork, concrete work and masonry work. I have seen concrete pouring and
masonry work.
Super structure is the part of the building which extend above the grade beam or
everything above the sub structure includes slab, column, walls, roofs, etc. the
purpose of the super structure is to enclose and divide the space as well as
spread load safely into the sub structure.

3.2.1 Setting Out

A building is set out to clearly define the outline of the excavation and the
centreline of the walls, so that the construction can be carried out exactly
according to the plan. Surveying is carried out by total station through skilled
professional. Performing the job by the cited instrument will enable the

respective professional to decide and limit the real topography of the site.
3.2.2 Excavations

Excavation is the first step of construction. It referes to the process of removing soil and
rock from its original location, typically in preparation for constructing foundations,
basements and underground utility lines and for gradig of ground surface. Excavated
materials required for back fill is stock piled on the side for subsequent use. Excavation
work I have been seen was the bulk excavation of the included STP site. The main aim
of theexcavation work is to remove organic soils or unwanted soils for the safety of the
building from chemical attacking. Excavation shall be carried out to the lines, level
width & depth as shown on the drawings, directed by the engineer or as appropriate to
the work to be placed in the excavation.
3.2.3 Fill

Fill work will follow the erection of foundation column. Excavation need to be
back filled with better soil type, which will have better compaction character and
would bring minimum required proctor density. Jamia Millia area has shown that
the natural excavated soil alone would attain the compaction density based on the
tested value. For better results a minimum quantity of water may also be
sprinkled for better compaction. I didn’t saw this work but I tried to grasp some
knowledge by asking the engineer how it was worked and its main procedures.

3.2.4 Masonry Works

Masonry are works that are executed by the laying building material units such
as stone, brick and AACB of specified dimension by providing a binding
material such as mortar. I got the opportunity to see the masonry work in the
sixth storey. The masonry was built with AAC block wall 400mm for periphery
walls and 250mm for partition walls. Generally, stones used for masonry work
shall be hard and sound, free from vents, cracks, fishers, discoloration or other
defects that will adversely affect strength and appearance.

3.2.5 Concrete Formwork

As fresh concrete is in plastic state when it is placed for constructing purpose so,
it become necessary to provide some temporary structure to confine and support
the concrete till it gains sufficient strength for self-supporting. This temporary
structure is called formwork. Concrete formwork serves as a mould to produce
concrete elements having desired size and configuration. It is usually erected for
this purpose and then remove after the concrete has cured t satisfactory strength.
For satisfactory performance formwork must be adequately strong and stiff to
carry the loads produced by the concrete, the workers placing and finishing the
concrete, and any equipment or materials supported by forms.

In the site formwork material, we use was the plywood material which have a
good surface finish and steel support tubes for supporting the plywood.

The general step used to construct a formwork in the site is:

1. Prepare the false work in the desired portion and level.

2. Preparing the formwork in the desired shape based on the drawing or the size of
the structure that is going to be cast.
3. Paining with a releasing agent.
3.2.6 Reinforcement Bar

Concrete is much weaker intension then in compression. In its tensile strength is

approximately 10% of its compressive strength. Therefore concrete is generally
used in conjunction with steel reinforcements, which provides the tensile
strength in a concrete member. The use of plain concrete without steel
reinforcements is limited to pavement and some slabs on ground. Sttel is an
ideal material to complement concrete because the thermal expansion of the
both materials is the same.

Steel also bonds well with concrete. In a composite material, the bond between
two materials is necessary for it to function as asingle material. The bond
between steel and concrete is due to chemistry of two materials, which produces
the chemical bond between them. Additionally, as water from concrte
evaporates, it shrinks and grips the steel bars making the mechanical bond. The
mechanical bond is enhanced by using reinforcing bars, rebar, that has surface
deformations. Constituents of the concrete

The constituents of modern concrete have increased from the basic four
(cement, water, stone, and sand) to include both chemical and mineral
admixtures. These admixtures have been in use for decades, first in special
circumstances, but have now been incorporated in more and more general
application for their technical and at times economic benefits in either or
both fresh and hardened properties of concrete.

1. Cement

Cement may be described as a material with adhesive and cohesive properties that
make of bonding mineral aggregates into a compact whole. In this process, it
imparts strength and durability to the hardened mass called concrete. The
products of hydration The products of hydration form a viscous cement paste,
which coats the aggregates surfaces and fills some of the void spaces between the
aggregate pieces. The freshly set cement paste gains strength with time, on an
account of progressive filling of the void spaces in the paste with reaction
products, also resulting in a decrease in porosity and permeability.

2. Aggregates

Since aggregates occupy about three quarters of the volume of the concrete, it
contributes significantly to the structural performance of concrete, specially
strength, durability and volume stability. In general, aggregates in concrete have
been grouped according to their sizes into fine and coarse aggregates. It is
common to refer to fine aggregate as sand and coarse aggregate as stone.

3. Water

Water has a significant role to play in the making of the concrete- in mixing of
fresh concrete and in curing of hardened concrete. in order to ensure proper
strength development and durability of concrete, it is necessary that the water
used for mixing and curing is free from impurities such as oils, acids, alkalis,
salts, sugar and organic materials.

4. Admixtures

Admixtures are additives that are introduced in a concrete mix ready to modify
the properties of concrete in its fresh and hardened states. Fast curing
admixtures allow curing concrete within 3 to 5 days after the date of pouring
the concrete. In our site the admixture used was FOSROC Stucturo PCE.


Any joint, as in a physical break between members, in a concrete structure or

building is a potential weak link which may lead to serviceability problems,
lack of durability or structural failure. But in many situations they are necessary
requirement and sometimes regarded as a necessary evil.

The word ‘joint’ is used in building parlance to cover elements which have to perform
quite different functions e.g. beam-column joint and isolation joint. Expansion joints
were provided to maintain a minimum resistance at a joint. Reinforcement don’t exceed
across expansion joints. An expansion joint prevents the continuation of cracks from
due to differential settlement, variation in temperature. Expansion joint runs through the
entire building from the ground floor up to the roof. Two columns are used at expansion
joints. Construction joint – A special type of static joint that is provided between two
concrete placements is called a construction joints or cold joint3.4.7.2 Mixing of

Concrete was casted in two different ways in the site. These are:

1. Batch plant
2. End dump trucks Pouring of concrete

After the concrete is casted the next step is pouring the concrete into the
required place. Before commencing supervision is made for the bars, spacers,
different installations and form work. The equipment used for pouring the
concrete is bucket to carry the concrete, a concrete pump with its temporary
pipeline for carrying the concrete and vibrator for compaction of fresh concrete. Concrete consolidation

Once the concrete has been placed in the form, it must be consolidated. On a
small job, consolidation can be done manually with the help of steel rod. It is,
however, more common to employ a high frequency power driven vibrator.
54Page Curing

Curing of concrete is providing moisture the concrete continuously for hydration. A

well-cured concrete is denser and, hence, stronger and more durable. In our site
curing of concrete starts from finishing of the pouring and ends in 7 days.
The internship is a bridge between the theorectical knowledge and the practical or the
reality at the work at the field of construction or civil engineering work. The
responsibilities of the hosting company are to teach student and shape them in the four
week as a real site worker. My hosting company is a consultant team and they help me
and my friends who took the internship session in this company in acquiring different
knowledge in different positions. They collaborate with the contractors to teach us in
that section and they believe that the civil engineering work is more important for us
than the consulting office.

This program played an important role to break the conventional thought that
field works can be only implemented by students who hold a degree or people

who have an experience in building construction. We were able to acquire a

high level of confidence to deal with problems that arise in a building
Since I took my internship session in the PWD Delhi . I get an opportunity to
work in the different party of the construction work which helps me to gain
more knowledge by seeing what they work in their own office and what is their
main responsibilities to the client and also each other. Working with a
consultant team gets me more knowledge than that of the contractor in case that
the consultation work includes the duty of the site engineers and in the
consultant office there are different office that are more important for me to
upgrade my knowledge in different aspects of work. The consultant team by its
nature includes designer team including structural engineers, architects, sanitary
electrical and mechanical engineers, the contract administration and supervision
team includes site coordinators, supervisors and quantity workers and the
financial office. This helps me to get more knowledge than the contractors.
The contractors also avail practical knowledge for us to improve our practical
knowledge status in the field. And also the contractors make us more familiar
with site works starting from communication skill, handling of different site
works equipment utilization manpower control to finishing of the work within

the time scheduled by the client.

However, this internship program was not free from challenges. The
most challenge was the amount of money allocated to the project was
insufficient to handle all the expense of the students during the
internship experience and shortage of resource for student like
computer, class rooms for student only and any other problem exist.
But they come up with the challenges and teach us how we must gown
to be in the field after the graduation.

Overall the internship program laid sound foundation for us to

start our career. We are proud to be able to contribute towards
nation building during the country's extremely critical period of
the history. It will be definitely sensible to scale this practice up
and to replicate in other disciplines as well.

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