Thrive Obs Form Nux 0414

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THRIVE Observation Guide

Observer: Trainer:
Topic: Date & length of observation:

Did Not Meet (0) Met (1) NA

Did not demonstrate all skills Demonstrated skills Not Applicable
Missing some actions or behaviors that No major mistakes or misses. Covered This behavior is not relevant to the
impacted the learner experience and the basics with little need for observation.
performance. improvement.
Setting Learner Expectations Score: Comments:
Facilitator briefly introduces lessons or topics and emphasizes ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
the learning points and tells experts how it will benefit them
on calls.
Facilitator provided directions for how to signal completion if ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
the learner completed an activity earlier than the allotted
Facilitator provided directions that engaged the learners in ☒0 ☐1 ☐NA No clear expectation set on MEANINGFUL
meaningful activities if they finished early. Ex; complete a activities if they finished early; “access your tools
Smart Refresher, review a policy in C2, reviewing trainer like Atlas or Samson…” should not merit a Met
Facilitator briefly set expectations around insight lessons and ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
self-directed learning. Ex; advised the class to use C2, be
honest with your responses, avoid distracting others etc..
Facilitator & Learner Guide Score: Comments:
Facilitator is prepared in advance and is familiar with the ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
content and flow of the facilitator guide and learner guide.
Facilitator follows the directions in the training around ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
instructor led training, self-directed learning or insight lessons
and incorporates video, independent and group work. Ex;
letting the learner struggle during insight lessons
Facilitator is prepared with the necessary tools such as C2 ☐0 ☐1 ☒NA
documents, Samson/Atlas/Grand Central MSISDNs,
equipment and materials in advance.
Balance of Facilitation & Self-Directed Learning Score: Comments:
Facilitator briefly explained concepts in the learning that are ☐0 ☐1 ☒NA
not familiar to the country or culture.
Facilitator conveys the key message of the talking points ☐0 ☐1 ☒NA No talking points applicable
listed in the Facilitator Guide and keeps within the time limits
☒0 ☐1 ☐NA Opportunity to cover perf goal impacts without
asking the class to fill in the blanks “we want to read
Facilitator asks the debrief questions listed in the facilitator the disclosures to avoid what?”
guide and additional brief and impactful questions as needed
within time limits allotted. Debrief started 7 mins into the lesson, Trainer asked
if the class had any questions to which he got “Do we
need to read all disclosures?” Almost 4 mins was
consumed answering this single question.
Facilitator manages questions, tangents, participants and ☒0 ☐1 ☐NA Duration of lesson exceeded by almost 3 mins
content to keep the training on track and on time? Opportunity to ask one question at a time/avoid
repeating questions unnecessarily
THRIVE Observation Guide
Facilitator efficiently makes use of the learner’s self-directed ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
time while remaining available for questions. Ex; grading
lessons or providing feedback on recordings.
Provides positive and constructive feedback focused on a ☐0 ☒1 ☐NA
behavior to individuals and groups using the What, Why or
What, What, Why model.

LOC in Learning Score: Comments:

This section is to be used when observing a LOC in learning session. All other categories should be scored NA.
Facilitator completed the LOC it in template to prepare for the ☐0 ☐1 ☒NA
LOC it in learning session.
Was the LOC it in learning session appropriate based on the ☐0 ☐1 ☒NA
reporting? Request reporting from site to evaluate.
Was the LOC it in learning session effective in addressing the ☐0 ☐1 ☒NA
knowledge gaps?
Overall Score:
One or two areas of strength: One or two areas of opportunity:

Trainer Signature: Date:

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