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Can write a structured text clearly signalling main points and supporting details.

Sample answer
Young people often find it difficult to get their first job, and the reason is usually that they lack work
experience. It is of course almost impossible for young people to gain work experience if employers
are unwilling to take them on and give them a chance. What can be done about this?
Politicians are now arguing that work experience should be compulsory in all schools. Many of us
believe that this would be an excellent idea. Gaining some real experience of work would really help
young people when they come to apply for jobs later. In many cases, it could also help to motivate
students to work harder at school, if they find a job that they enjoy and know that they need certain
qualifications in order to do it.
Many people also feel that the school curriculum could be made more relevant to real life. For
example, students could learn about how to budget and manage money. The consequence of
introducing this kind of teaching in schools could be fewer young people getting into debt.
It would also be useful to devote more school time to studying careers in general. This could lead to
more students having a clear idea of what they want to do when they leave school.
Introducing compulsory work experience in schools is a difficult decision, as it could take up time that
students need for other subjects. But on the whole I think it would bring a lot of benefits.
(247 words)

Mark scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to
the descriptions below.

Marks Task Written Written Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
1-2 Completes only No clear Text is difficult Uses only very Lots of errors
one or two paragraph to understand. basic vocabulary even in basic
aspects of the structure Errors impede and grammar, language, which
task. May not use followed. Very communication. with a lot of impede
the correct genre little linking of errors. communication.
and only covers sentences.
one or two of the
points specified
in the task.
3-4 Completes the A paragraph Text is generally Uses simple Generally
majority of the structure easy to vocabulary and accurate, but with
task. Uses the followed. Some understand. Some basic grammar some errors,

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


correct genre and paragraphs may errors may structures especially in

covers the only have one or impede accurately. Uses more advanced
majority, but not two sentences. communication. some more language.
all, of the points Some linking advanced
specified in the between vocabulary and
task. sentences. structures. Uses
some language
and structures
suitable for an
article, including
language for
generalising and
Uses some more
structures with

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2


5-6 Completes all Divided into Text is very clear Uses a wide A few mistakes
parts of the task clear paragraphs, and easy to range of in more advanced
fully, including and each understand. vocabulary and language
the correct genre paragraph has a structures structures, but
and all the points clear function. A appropriately. generally very
specified in the variety of linking Uses language accurate.
task. words used to and structures
link sentences. suitable for an
article, including
language for
generalising and
Uses a wide
range of grammar
accurately and

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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