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Assigned Topic: Move Analysis of LR (Jian Model)

Roll No: IFE18873

COURSE NAME: Introduction to Research Methodology


An assignment submitted in 4th semester, section B

Menahel Nosheen
(NUML - F18 - 22456)

Sir Asim Khan
At the
Institute of English Department
National University of Modern Languages (NUML)
Islamabad, Pakistan
(28th June/2020)
Article 1:
The effect of recorded oral feedback on EFL learners' writing
Moves Presence of the Move No. of times the Move
Move 1: Establishing a
thematic territory
Strategy 1A: Making topic Generalization 2
Strategy 1B : Claiming Centralization 1

Strategy 1C: Giving Background Information 1

background information
Move 2: Surveying and
summarizing previous
Strategy 2A: Constructing Reference 18
reference to the published work
Strategy 2B: Making Positive/negative 4
positive/negative evaluation
Strategy 2C: Making
general/summary statement
Move 3: Creating a research
Strategy 3A: Counter-claiming

Strategy 3B: Gap-indicating Gap 1

Strategy 3C: Question-raising

Strategy 3D: Asserting the Relevancy 2

Strategy 3E: Establishing
theoretical framework or
Move 4: Occupying the
research niche

Strategy 4A: Announcing Aim 1

aims/research questions

Strategy 4B: Announcing

theoretical framework or

Strategy 4C: Indicating RA


Qualitative Report:
Move 1:

Strategy 1A, 1B:

The analyst of this research article analyzes that generalization and centrality is also found in the
article. Article is of great importance

Strategy 1C:

The researcher in this article finds strategy 1C of Move 1 that is background information.
Analyst of this article gives background information about the topic.

In the following sentence it is defined as:

“The studies on the integration of audio feedback date back to the early 1970s when
writing teachers used cassette tapes to give audio feedback to the students' writing”
“During the last half-century, a considerable number of studies have been investigated on
the effectiveness of audio-recorded feedback to the writing of the students”

Move 2:

Strategy 2A:

The usefulness of using oral feedback for educational purposes has been explored by
numerous researchers from several perspectives names are as follows:

(e.g., Klammer, 1973; Kahrs, 1974; Logan et al., 1976; Hays, 1978), (e.g., Pearce & Ackley,
1995; LaFontana, 1996; Anson, 1997), Silva (2012), Cavanaugh and Song (2014), Ice, Curtis,
Phillips, and Wells (2007) and many others

Strategy 2B:

The analyst of the same article analyzes the positive and negative evaluation of previous

In the following lines evaluation is discuss:

“The analysis of the documents indicated that learners receiving audio commenting were
three times more likely to apply content than their counterparts for which the feedback
was text-based. Lunt and Curran (2010) studied the efficacy of audio feedback with a
group of students who received feedback through Audacity.”

Move 3:

Strategy 3B and 3D:

The researcher in the very same article analyze that article have relevancy. The topic and
explanation is relevant. The researcher also discusses the gap.

In the following sentence gap is indicated:

“They believe that despite the importance of the smaller mechanical issues in writing, the
overreliance on them and the absence of the holistic ideas and argumentation-based
comments given by the instructors are likely to restrain a student from developing the
quality of the global issues in writing.”

Move 4:

Strategy 4A:

The researcher of this article analyzes the aim of the very same article. In the following sentence
aim/purpose is explain as:

“The main aim is to provide constructive feedback through recording the screen when
commenting on student’s writing and editing it, which enables the nature of feedback to go
beyond the restrictions of physical space and time in.”
Article 2:

Students’ perceptions of blog use in an undergraduate linguistics course

Moves Presence of the Move No. of times the Move appears

Move 1: Establishing a
thematic territory
Strategy 1A: Making topic Generalization 1
Strategy 1B: Claiming centrality Centrality 2

Strategy 1C: Giving

background information
Move 2: Surveying and
summarizing previous
Strategy 2A: Constructing Reference 11
reference to the published work
Strategy 2B: Making Negative evaluation 2
positive/negative evaluation Positive evaluation 1
Strategy 2C: Making
general/summary statement
Move 3: Creating a research
Strategy 3A: Counter-claiming

Strategy 3B: Gap-indicating Gap 1

Strategy 3C: Question-raising

Strategy 3D: Asserting the Relevancy 1

Strategy 3E: Establishing
theoretical framework or
Move 4: Occupying the
research niche

Strategy 4A: Announcing Aim 1

aims/research questions

Strategy 4B: Announcing

theoretical framework or

Strategy 4C: Indicating RA


Qualitative Report:

Move 1:

Strategy 1A:

The analyst in this research article analyze that author creates statement about the current
knowledge and practices so generalization is present.

Strategy 1B:

The researcher also discuss that article is of great significance and well established so centrality
is present in the article.

“Blogs offer a chance for students to reflect, rewrite, comment and perfect their work
which do not exist or take too much time in class.”

Move 2:

Strategy 2A:
The usefulness of using blog for students has been explored by numerous researchers from
several perspectives names are as follows:

(Slavin, 1996), Lin et al. (2013), Fessakis et al. (2008), Park et al. (2011), Avcı and Aşkar (2011),
Yang (2009), Heo et al. (2012), Novakovic et al. (2013) and many others.

Strategy 2B:

The researcher in the very same article analyzes the positive and negative evaluation of research

“Lin et al. (2013), excessive time spent on blogging activities caused lack of motivation
among language learners to engage in blogging activities.”

Move 3:

Strategy 3B, 3C:

The analyst in the very same article analyze that article is relevant. The analyst also finds gap in
the very same article.

“The authors also emphasized the importance of communication and monitoring but saw
the absence of a notification system in blog as a disadvantage since some posted questions
were left unanswered”.

Move 4:

Strategy 4A:

The researcher in the article also discusses the aim and purpose of article.

In the following sentence:

“Purpose is that instructors train learners regarding writing critical feedback and inform
them that blogs are more about substantiality, fluency and expression rather than
Article 3:
Reporting Verbs in Applied Linguistics Research Articles by Native and Non-
native Writers
Moves Presence of the Move No. of times the Move
Move 1: Establishing a
thematic territory
Strategy 1A: Making topic Generalization 1
Strategy 1B: Claiming centrality Centrality 3

Strategy 1C: Giving Background information 1

background information
Move 2: Surveying and
summarizing previous
Strategy 2A: Constructing Reviews 16
reference to the published work
Strategy 2B: Making Positive/ negative evaluation 3
positive/negative evaluation
Strategy 2C: Making
general/summary statement
Move 3: Creating a research
Strategy 3A: Counter-claiming

Strategy 3B: Gap-indicating Gap 1

Strategy 3C: Question-raising

Strategy 3D: Asserting the Relevancy 1

Strategy 3E: Establishing
theoretical framework or
Move 4: Occupying the
research niche

Strategy 4A: Announcing Aim/research question 2

aims/research questions

Strategy 4B: Announcing

theoretical framework or

Strategy 4C: Indicating RA


Qualitative report:

Move 1:

Strategy 1A, 1B:

The analyst of this article analyzes that article create statement related to the current topic so
generalization is present. The article is of great significance and well established.

Strategy 1C:

The analyst of this article analyzes that article provide background information.

In the following sentence background information related to the article is present.

“It is very important to use different means available to improve instructional tools at hand
in order to develop researchers’ academic writing skills (Baleghizadeh, 2012). McEnery
and Xiao (2011) stated that one way of developing such materials is to create language
corpora from second language users”
Move 2:

Strategy 2A:

This research has been explored by numerous researchers from several perspectives names are
as follows:

(Baleghizadeh, 2012), McEnery and Xiao (2011), (Keck, 2004; Myles, 2005; Pravec, 2002),
Hyland (2005), Hunston (2000), Charles (2006), Charles (2006), (Clugston, 2008; Davis, 2013;
Swales, 2014). Bloch (2010).

Strategy 2B:

The researcher in the very same topic describes positive and negative evaluation related to
research article.

“in science popularization articles most of the verbs used were in present tense showing the
findings being reported were fresh; however, in research articles most of the verbs were in
past tense.”

Move 3:

Strategy 3B:

The researcher in this article highlights the gaps. In the following example it is define as:

“One issue that needs attention in this area is academic citation in general and the use of
reporting verbs in particular. The appropriate use of reporting verbs impacts the citation
process and strength of the claim made or reported for convincing readers”.

Strategy 3D:

The researcher in the very same article analyzes that article is relevant.

Move 4:

Strategy 4A:
The researcher in the very same article analyzes that article has some aim and purpose.

“this study aimed to find out whether there is any significant difference between native
writers of English and non-native writers in the use of reporting verbs in research articles
in the field of language teaching and applied linguistics.”

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