Concepts of Foraminiferal Paleoecology'

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VOL. 44, NO. 12 (DECEMBER. 1960). PP. 1921-1932, 14 FIGS.


Los Angeles and San Jose, California

Studies of modern foraminiferal ecology have provided at least 5 distinct criteria for the reconstruc-
tion of marine paleoenvironments: (1) both the number of species and specimen abundance increase away
from shore and with increasing depth of water to maximum values on the outer shelf and in the upper and
middle bathyal zone; (2) diverse porcelaneous species are abundant in shoal near-shore marine environ-
ments; (3) arenaceous Foraminifera with simple interiors may be abundant in shallow waters whereas more
complex types with labyrinthic interiors are more characteristic of bathyal depths; (4) deposition of
planktonic species occurs most abundantly on the outer shelf and in the upper bathyal zone, with even
greater abundances in deeper waters under the right conditions; and (5) similar environmental adaptations
of modern species and fossil homeomorphs (and isomorphs) may be assumed, especially for groups of
Faunal contamination or mixed faunas must be recognized as an ever-present deterrent to valid
stratigraphic and paleoecologic analyses. One important type of contamination is the displacement of
shoal faunas into deeper water; however, the displacement problem is minimized by selecting the deepest
bathymetric indicator species in each sample. Another type of mixed fauna is produced by the reworking
of faunas from older strata into younger sediments. This type of contamination usually is recognizable by
differences in preservation or incongruous mixtures of index species of different ages or both.
To test the value of foraminiferal ecology to the finding of oil deposits, a detailed study was made of
the biofacies of the Middle Tertiary of the San Joaquin Valley, California. The analyses of more than 5,000
samples (cores) made it possible to construct a series of paleobathymetric maps showing the gradual evolu-
tion of the San Joaquin basin. Examples of this study are presented to illustrate the methods of applied
paleoecology and their implications.

INTRODUCTION sented and applied in this investigation. T o test

the value of this t y p e of research in oO explora-
A detailed paleoecologic s t u d y was u n d e r t a k e n
tion, a detailed s t u d y was made of the biofacies of
several years ago for the Western Division of t h e
the Middle T e r t i a r y of the San J o a q u i n basin,
Gulf Oil Corporation. In this s t u d y criteria were
California.'This basin is admirably suited to this
established and tested for the reconstruction of
purpose because the sediments are a b u n d a n t l y
environments of the past. T h e present report
fossiliferous; they exhibit m a n y diverse faunas;
presents the initial methods developed and
the area has been sufficiently explored to yield
applied in t h a t project.
good sample coverage; it was a large marine basin
M a n y students of modern foraminiferal ecology
with one major and perhaps two minor marine
have investigated q u a n t i t a t i v e aspects of dis- connections on the southwest and northwest
tribution p a t t e r n s in recent years. These studies respectively; and it is one of t h e major oil-pro-
and those of the writers were reviewed and served ducing areas of California (Fig. 1). T h e analysis of
as t h e basis for the development of criteria pre- more t h a n 5,000 core samples from selected wells
made it possible to construct a series of environ-
' Manuscript received, April 9, 1960. mental maps showing t h e gradual evolution of the
^ University of Southern California, Los Angeles. San J o a q u i n basin during the Middle Tertiary.
Selected examples from t h a t project are presented
' San Jose State College, San Jose.
Many thanks and appreciation are due the Gulf Oil here to illustrate the methods of paleoenviron-
Corporation which instigated and financed the project. m e n t analyses.
Much valuable help and advice were given by G. W.
Ledingham, M. J. Hill, and R. L. Johnston of the Gulf
Oil Corporation. Stratigraphic consultation was con- T R E N D S OF F O R A M I N I F E R A L D I S T R I B U T I O N
tributed by R. Stanley Beck, Bakersfield, California.
Research and library faciUties were provided by the T h e most distinctive and significant changes in
Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern foraminiferal populations are those which occur
CaUfornia, Los Angeles, California. The writers are with increasing d e p t h of water and distance from
grateful to the management of the Gulf Oil Corporation
for permission to present this paper at the national the shore. These changes appear to be common to
A.A.P.G. meeting of 1958, and for publication of the most modern areas of investigation. Following is a
paper at this time. A Gulf Oil Corporation research
grant to the University of Southern California defrayed discussion of trends, each being analyzed in three
the costs of preparing the manuscript for publication. ways: (I) the basis for the trend as seen in modern

^ 1 0 a 600


5 20 I- 400

Ll" 3O0O

TROUGH FIG. 3.—Trends in abundance of foraminiferal species
and specimens off Mississippi River delta of Gulf of
TROUGH r~ Mexico. Data plotted from Parker (1954).

BAKERSFIEI D I- Bandy, 1953; and Bandy and Arnal, 1957).

Exceptions to the major trend in species abun-
dance occur in closed basins and in deeper waters
of the bathyal zone. Recently, Resig (1958, text
Fig. 3) found that the number of species dimin-
ishes below sill depth in the Santa Cruz basin off
FIG. 1.—Location of San Joaquin basin, California. southern California. Said has presented corrobor-
ative data in his investigations of the Red Sea
foraminiferal ecology, (2) exceptions to the trend, (Said, 1949). A plot of data from his work shows
and (3) examples of its application to the Middle that more than 50 species comprise the assem-
Tertiary of the San Joaquin basin of California. blages shoaler than 328 feet, and that fewer than
Stages of the California Miocene referred to are 20 species occur below this depth, within the
the Luisian and Mohnian, probably equivalent to closed part of the basin (Fig. 6). Exceptions of this
the Helvetian and Tortonian of the European nature, to the general increase of species abun-
system (Kleinpell, 1938). dance with depth, provide additional methods of
identifying fossil faunas of closed basins. It
should be noted that a reversal in the abundance
Species increase in number with increasing trend seems to occur in very deep waters off the
depth of water and greater distance from shore. Pacific Coast (Fig. 4).
Supporting evidence for this criterion may be The observed general trend in abundance of
seen in studies off the Atlantic Coast (Fig. 2), in
the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 3), and in the eastern
Pacific (Figs. 4, 5) (Parker, 1948 and 1954;

^ - > s ^ PROFILE
/ \
/ \
M,r S ^ / - \ :

N5 OF ^ _ ^
0 f- a,'-:,i-,r'C
"/' \
/• / \ ^
° --' ° / TOTAL
^ .
FIG. 2.—Trends in foraminiferal species and specimen FIG. 4.—Trends in abundance of foraminiferal species
abundance off Block Island, Rhode Island. Data plotted and genera off Point Conception, California. Data plot-
from Parker (1948). ted from Bandy (1953).

species is probably due to the fact that Forami- DEPTH IN METERS

nifera are typical marine organisms which are 300 600

well adjusted to the gamut of ecological condi-

tions existing in the sea. Relatively few species
have been able to cope with the greater environ-
mental heterogeneity of shoal inshore waters.
This is true of both the benthonic and planktonic
groups. The greater availability of food in the
photic and disphotic zones on the continental
shelf promotes large animal populations, both on
the bottom and in the overlying waters. Sverdrup,
Johnson, and Fleming (1942), reported that for FIG. 6.—Number of foraminiferal species plotted
against depth for Red Sea. Data from Said (1949).
this reason the number of species decreases with
depth in the sea below the shelf. Maximum diver- edge of the continental shelf (Figs. 2, 3, 5).
sification in Foraminifera seems to occur some- Beyond that point two possibilities arise: there
what deeper than in the groups of larger animals. may be a sharp increase in abundance into the
In the Luisian stage of the Tertiary of the San deeper areas of globigerina ooze, or there may be a
Joaquin Valley, contours of equal value for spe- considerable decrease as in the Pacific Ocean off
cies abundance reveal a large area of higher values the coast of Panama (Fig. 5). Increases in num-
near the southern part of the valley, surrounded bers of foraminiferal tests away from shore is due
by decreasing values toward the north, east, and to progressively less dilution of faunas with
south, thereby suggesting shoreward trends in sediment; hence, although there are larger living
those directions (Fig. 7). A continuation of high populations near shore, the actual number of
values toward the San Andreas fault, at the west, specimens per gram of sediment (foraminiferal
suggests a seaward connection in that direction. number) will be much higher along the outer part
Widely spaced contours, especially on the north, of the continental shelf. This phenomenon has
indicate gradually shoaling conditions, whereas been noted by Phleger (1951) and Walton (1955).
closely spaced contours on the east and south may An application of the preceding concept is seen
suggest steeper bottom slopes. in the environmental analyses of the assemblages
in the Luisian sediments of the Miocene of the
SPECIMEN ABUNDANCE San Joaquin Valley (Fig. 8). Here the area of
greatest specimen abundance agrees rather well
Percentages of Foraminifera in sediments of
with the area of greatest number of species. In a
modern seas increase away from shore toward the
few places, areas of high foraminiferal number
show few species and in other areas there are
abundant species and low foraminiferal numbers.
From a comparison of the faunal analyses with
the lithologic character, it appears that the former
^-, , . ; j - (Porceioneous Species)
relation exists mostly in sand and shale areas,
NArenoceous Species) whereas the latter occurs at localities in which
M tt 5 0 0 0 -
silica is prominent.
^ i^ Species
S 5 1000- Abundonce~
i =>

Diverse porcelaneous species of Foraminifera,

especially the Miliolidae, are characteristic of the
intertidal zone and the inner part of the conti-
nental shelf of modern oceans (Fig. 5) (Bandy,
1956; Bandy and Arnal, 1957). Deep-water
I i T T - r I I-1 r i 11 I I I I r I T i - T T T - i T T r r i T rl
species of Pyrgo are not uncommon but abundant
FIG. S.^Composite profile from eastern Pacific. diverse populations of Quinqueloculina, Trilo-
General foraminiferal trends plotted against depth of culina, etc., are usually excellent indices of near-
water and distance from shore off Panama. Data from
Bandy and Arnal (1957). shore conditions.





idER ©F '"^

FIG. 7.—Average number of foraminiferal species represented in Luisian of San Joaquin basin. Isopleths for
10, 20, and 30 species; oil fields represented by solid areas.

Only very rare specimens of the Miliolidae was undergoing tremendous tectonism during the
occur in the Middle Tertiary of the San Joaquin Middle Tertiary.
Valley; hence, this criterion was not applicable
there. They may have been present in the original
shallow-water sediments and then destroyed dur- High percentages of arenaceous species occur in
ing the leaching, erosion, and reworking processes some brackish-water areas and at some localities
which readily affect shoal sediments with minor on continental shelves and in deep cold waters.
fluctuations in sea-level. As discussed in the sec- Those genera with simple interiors such as Am-
tion on paleotectonics, the San Joaquin Valley mobaculites are frequently very abundant in

FIG. 8.—Average values for foraminiferal number (number of specimens per gram) represented in Luisian of San
Joaquin basin. Isopleths are for values of 20, 100, and 500 specimens per gram; oilfieldsshown by solid areas.

shoal brackish waters (Bandy, 1956), whereas Zalesny (1959), show dominant and abundant
genera with complicated interior structures such populations of arenaceous species on the conti-
as Cyclammina are most characteristic of bathyal nental shelf, especially near the sewage outfalls
depths (Akers, 1954). Shoal brackish waters along the coast of southern California.
which are stagnant are more prone to the develop- Occurrences of simple arenaceous species is not
ment of abundant arenaceous populations than a good criterion of environment of deposition
well aerated waters (Lowman, 1949). More per se, but should be accompanied by additional
recent studies by the members of the Allan evidence. Simple arenaceous species occur in
Hancock Foundation, exemplified by the work of various environments, not yet completely inves-

L— 119°



•--f--7-i 0 £S 20

Ci^JkiM t?

FIG. 9.—Arenaceous-planktonic-calcareous benthonic relations for lower Mohnian by use of trigon method
of presentation (Krumbein, 1954). Ar.—arenaceous species; C. B.—calcareous benthonic species; PI.—planktonic
species. Oilfieldsshown by solid areas.

tigated. It is possible that calcareous species of a field and Coalinga (Fig. 9). The species involved
fauna may be dissolved by post-depositional are mostly members of the genus Haplophrag-
leaching of the sediment, leaving only arenaceous modes, representing simple types of arenaceous
species. This suggests dissolution as one cause of Foraminifera. Krumbein's trigon method (1954)
fossil faunas restricted to arenaceous species. was used in presenting the relations of the three
In the lower Mohnian (Tortonian) sections of categories, arenaceous, planktonic, and calcareous
the Miocene, there are rather widespread areas of benthonic species. It is significant that the general
unclassified arenaceous species between Bakers- trends of these categories are sufficiently uniform
Water Depth
to be amenable to this type of analysis. Generally, Biofacies in Feet
the arenaceous category defines the shoaler areas ¥.sl\ia.nxiQ (^Ammobaculites) <100
Inner Shelf {Nonionella group) 100± 100
of early Mohnian time. Middle and Outer Shelf (Hanzawaia, Buliminella
CMr/ff group dominant) 350 ± 200
Upper Bathyal (5(?/mwo group dominant) 1,000+ 600
Middle Bathyal {Uvigerina group dominant) 2,000+ 1,000
PLANKTONIC SPECIES Lower Bathyal (Pullenia-Siphogenerina group
dominant) 4,000 ± 2 ,000
Abyssal (Gyroidina soldanii group dominant) 6,000+2,000
Plank tonic Foraminifera are abundant in re-
cent sediments of the outer shelf and the upper
Some examples of estuarine biofacies occur in
bathyal zone. At greater depth, they may con-
the Middle Tertiary sediments of the San Joaquin
tinue to increase in abundance as in the Gulf of
Valley and are recognized by the presence of
Mexico today (Bandy, 1956), or they may de-
Ammohaculites faunas. This genus is a dominant
crease markedly as along the Pacific Coast of
and characteristic form in many modern brackish
North and Central America (Bandy and Arnal,
estuarine areas.
1957). An abundance of planktonic species may
Inner shelf biofacies include Buliminella elegan-
indicate open-sea conditions or a trend toward
lissima and several species of Nonionella, and
open-sea conditions. They may also indicate areas
Elphidium. These genera are abundantly rep-
of high organic production inasmuch as there is a
resented in shoal inner shelf habitats of many
direct zooplankton-phytoplankton-nutrient rela-
areas of the world.
An example of the application of this criterion The middle and outer shelf biofacies are com-
to a geologic problem is seen in the distribution of posed of species such as Buliminella curia, Episto-
minella subperuviana, and various species of
early Mohnian Foraminifera in the San Joaquin
Hanzawaia. Their modern counterparts are Buli-
Valley (Fig. 9). Planktonic species amount to
minella cf. bassendorfensis, Epislominella vitrea,
more than half of the total population in a zone
and species of Hanzawaia, all of which are re-
around the southern end of the Valley. This
ported by several authors on the continental shelf
generally circumscribes the deeper area of the San
of the Gulf of Mexico. Epislominella bradyana is
Joaquin Mohnian sea and suggests that this zone
very similar to E. subperuviana and it occurs
is correlative with the upper bathyal and outer
dominantly from outer shelf to bathyal depths
shelf zone of this part of the Miocene. It is cor-
along the Pacific Coast.
roborated by biofacies analyses.
Upper bathyal species include many species of
Bolivina, Baggina, and Vahulineria, the modern
BIOFACIES BASED ON SIMILAR ENVIRONMENTAL representatives of which are found in the tropical
ADAPTATIONS OF MODERN AND FOSSIL Pacific off Panama and in the region around the
HOMEOMORPHS Philippine Islands.
Homeomorphs are species which are similar and Middle bathyal forms include Cyclammina, a
related. Isomorphs are those species which are preponderance of species of costate Uvigerina,
similar and not related (Galloway, 1933). In together with more coarsely ornamented species
either case it appears that species of a general of Bolivina, and Epislominella pacifica. These also,
group have responded in similar ways under sim- have modern homeomorphs and representatives
ilar environmental conditions. Certainly, serious along the west coast of North and Central Amer-
consideration must be given to the probability ica.
that similar adaptations between fossil and Lower bathyal forms include most of the
modern forms that are morphologically alike may species of Siphogenerina, Gyroidina, Pullenia
be true, especially if several species are involved. miocenica, and many others. In the tropical
In addition, species known only from the geo- Pacific Ocean, associates of Siphogenerina raph-
logic past may be interpreted on the basis of anus, together with Pullenia bulloides, and Gyroi-
consistent association with species which have dina soldanii occur in abundance, typical forms
representatives living today in a known habitat. being found between depths of 3,624 and 16,368
By use of this concept as a basis, faunas were feet (Chapman, 1910).
combined into biofacies according to a depth of .Abyssal biofacies include many variations of
probable occurrence as follows. Gyroidina soldanii, together with Anomalina
1928 O R V I L L E L. B A N D Y A N D R O B E R T E . A R N A L


FIG. 10.—Luisian biofacies located along profile A-A' (Fig. 12), comparing generalized
benthonic groups with inferred paleobathymetry.

californiensis, Bulimina corrugata, a n d Cibicides istics differ between the two, a solution is rela-
wUllerstorfi. tively easy. If n o t , then other methods must be
A generalized example of t h e representation of applied. I n the first case mentioned, deeper-water
the frequency distribution of biofacies of the species reworked with shallower-water species
Luisian together with water-depth interpretations commonly a p p e a r as a distinct group with an
is shown in Figure 10. absence of assemblages representing depths inter-
mediate between the two. If the shallow species
had been displaced into deep water, those species
F a u n a l contamination or mixed faunas are pro- a t intermediate depths also would have been dis-
duced by displacement of specimens down slopes placed in all probability into deeper water. I n the
into deeper waters and by the reworking of older second case, unless there is a recognizable differ-
faunas into younger assemblages. Displacement ence in fossil indices or preservation, a solution is
of faunas h a s resulted in considerable mixing of unlikely. I n the third case, by using the deeper-
assemblages in modern seas, especially on a n d a t water species of a fauna for paleoecological
the base of steep slopes (Phleger, 1951; B a n d y , analyses, the correct environment will be indi-
1953). I n t h e Middle Tertiary, depth assignments cated, b u t there m a y be considerable difficulty in
were based on the deepest elements in each fauna, distinguishing between reworking and displaced
t h u s minimizing t h e chance of erroneously infer- shoal species. F o r purposes of paleoecology, then,
ring depths from displaced faunas. Percentages of the first case is the one most likely to cause serious
shoal faunas m a y be computed to delineate dis- errors of interpretation; however, this situation is
placed faunas (Fig. 11) as exemplified in analyses commonly recognizable on the basis of one of the
of t h e Luisian stage in the San Joaquin Valley. criteria given.
Reworking of faunas introduces three distinct
paleogeological problems in addition to t h e con-
fusion of stratigraphic interpretations. A group of After assignment of species to approximate
species m a y be reworked from older beds into an depth ranges, faunal groupings m a y be made and
environment (1) shallower t h a n , (2) t h e same as, these then serve a s the basis for assigning values
or (3) deeper t h a n t h a t which they represent. If for b a t h y m e t r y to successive stratigraphic stages
known index species occur in b o t h reworked and in each well of the area investigated. For example,
existing faunas, or if the preservation character- in the Luisian stage of the San Joaqufn Valley, a

FIG. 11.—Displaced faunas of Luisian stage for San Joaquin basin. Isopleths represent
percentages of total benthonic foraminiferal assemblage.

paleobathymetric reconstruction based on this beginning of the next. It is interesting to note the
type of evidence (Fig. 12) agrees with the general suggestion of submarine canyons near Bakers-
indications of the other trends considered earlier. field, perhaps the more important channels feed-
This particular map represents averaged values ing coarser sediments into the deeper basin at
for the entire stage, which provides the deepest, the southwest.
or nearly the deepest possible biofacies for the
entire stage, regardless of whether a specific area
began as shallow and ended deep or vice versa. For The vertical component of tectonic movements
this reason, it may be desirable to compute which have affected, the floor of the basin from
analyses for the beginning of one stage to the one stage to another may be calculated by deter-

120° ~r7

0 20 MILES

Fig. 12.—Paleobathymetry of Luisian stage for San Joaqufn basin. Isobaths in feet,
representing average depth of water for stage.
mining the interrelations of changes in depth of of the preceding stage, the amount of subsidence
water and sediment thickness from one stage to is the same as the thickness of the section; (3) if
the next (Bandy, 1953). Progressive movements the depth indicated by the facies at the end of one
may be computed as follows (Fig. 13): (1) if the stage is less than the depth suggested at the end
depth of water indicated by facies at the end of of the preceding stage, the amount of shoaling is
one stage is greater than the depth at the end of then subtracted from the sedimentary thickness
the preceding stage, the amount of deepening is to obtain the subsidence figure; and (4) if, in the
added to the sedimentary thickness to obtain the last case, the amount of shoaling indicated is in
total subsidence; (2) if no change of depth (facies) excess of the sedimentary thickness, the excess of
occurs between the end of one stage and the end shoaling represents the approximate uplift. An

h a b i t a t s ; arenaceous populations including Cy-

WATER / \\ WATER // clammina a n d related forms occur in the b a t h y a l
1 N^ ^ y^ / / zone; a n d d e p t h ranges of modern representatives
and of homeomorph Tertiary species a r e used in
calibrating fossil Foraminifera into seven major
biofacies ranging from estuarine to deep bathyal
or abyssal depths.
WATER /\\ WATER // F a u n a l Contamination duc to displacement m a y
2 V / \i\ J^y be minimized b y using t h e deepest b a t h y m e t r i c
SUBSIDENCE indicator species in each sample. Contamination
SEDIMENT'' — « ^ (Jue t o reworking m a y be recognized b y differ-
ences in preservation a n d incongruous mixtures of
index species of different ages.
WATER /i Application of the foregoing mutually corrobora-
3 \ / \[?>Tr:r~^,.^-:^':./ five methods of paleoecology h a s permitted t h e
^ r,„,„^.„^ reconstruction of paleobathymetric a n d paleo-
SUBSIDENCE . . . . . . ^
SEDIMENT ' ~-~~-^ tectonic conditions m t h e San Joaquin basin.
Generally, t h e San Joaquin was a p r o m i n e n t
-| 1~^N; Z^ shoaling seaway during much of t h e later Ter-
y / ^^^'^?7Tyu:r^::0^ tiary, with continuous tectonic activity suggested
\ / ^'^^'if^^^^^'-''^ throughout t h e Middle Tertiary. Structural
\ ^ ^ / SEDIMENT--^ UPLIFT ^ j i . j • .i • ^ n i
=^ trends developed in this way appear t o parallel
FIG. 13.-Method of computing paleotectonism. (1) significant oil-producing trends.
Where water depth increases from one stage to next,
add amount of deepening to stratigraphic thickness to REFERENCES
obtain total subsidence. (2) If water depth remains same _ "Ecoloric Asoects and Strati
from one stage to next, amount of subsidence is approxi- ^J^'^^'."'•.**-.• ^^^*' ,~S % ^ ^ P ? " ^ ^'^'J ^ " a t i -
^ 1 \fr°:^'''-^ x. ••' . . , „^„„„ !xsj( •.!,„ graphic Significance of the Foramimfer Cyclammma
mately thickness of section for that stage 3) If the %^aiata Brady," Jour. Paleon., Vol. 28, pp. 132-52.
water depth decreases from one stage to next, amount T J . , , „ „ rt r 10=2 "T? 1 _ ^ T> 1 1 ;
of shoaling is subtracted from strati|raphic thickness to BANDY O L-, 19^3, Ecology and Paleoecology of
obtain value for subsidence. (4) If, as in number 3, Some New Cahforma Foraminifera. Part I. The Fre-
\ c u ,. • *>,„„ „^,„^:„™„l„v^^,:,^„a=•, quency Distribution of Recent Foraminifera off Call-
amount of shoaling is more than stratigraphic thickness, („ „;„ T>„.t TT 17 „ „ • -C 1 V -J tC U -J
then excess of shoaling represents approximate uplift. 1,°™: i ^ T h e V n ^ a T S ' S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
, 1954, "Distribution of Some Shallow-Water
example of the application of this concept in t h e Foraminifera in the Gulf of Mexico," U. S. Geol.
s t u d y of Luisian sediments (Fig. 14) shows con- Survey Prof. Paper 254-F.
siderable subsidence between Bakersfield a n d -, 1956, "Ecology of Foraminifera in Northeast-
ern Gulf of Mexico," ibid.. Prof. Paper 274-G.
Lost Hills a n d smaller positive areas a r o u n d t h e , AND ARNAL, R . E . , 1957, "Distribution of Re-
perimeter of t h e basin. Such structural trends cent Foraminifera off West Coast of Central Amer-
ica," Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Vol. 41, No. 9,
appear t o be associated with some of t h e oil-pro- pp.2037-53.
ducing trends of t h e San J o a q u i n Valley. CHAPMAN, FREDERICK, 1910, "On the Foraminifera
and Ostracoda from Soundings (chiefly Deep Water)
SUMMARY Collected around Funafuti, by H. M. S. 'Penguin',"
Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., Vol. 30, pp. 388-444.
Q u a n t i t a t i v e foraminiferal trends of signifi- GALLOWAY, J. J., 1933, A Manual of Foraminifera. The
Principia Press, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana.
cance in furthering the understanding of strati- KLEINPELL, R . M . , 1938, Miocene Stratigraphy of Cali-
graphic correlation and in reconstructing paleoen- fornia, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geo!., Tulsa, Oklahoma.
vironments a r e : specimens, species, a n d genera KRDMBEIN, W . C , 1954, "The Tetrahedron as a Fades
Mapping Device," Jour. Sed. Petrology, Vol. 24, No.
increase in abundance offshore; plank tonic species 1, pp. 3-19.
are most a b u n d a n t in biofacies indicative of t h e LOWMAN, S. W . , 1949, "Sedimentary Fades in Gulf
outer shelf a n d upper b a t h y a l zones, especially Coast," Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Vol. 33, No.
12, pp. 1939-97.
near steep b o t t o m slopes; diversity of porcelane- PARKER, F . L . , 1948, "Forarainifera of the Continental
ous species indicates near-shore conditions; Shelf from the Gulf of Maine to Maryland," Bull.
arenaceous populations composed mostly of Mus. Compar. Zoology, Harvard College, Vol. 100,
No. 2, pp. 213-44.
Ammobaculites occur in estuarine a n d related , 1954, "Distribution of the Foraminifera in the
1932 O R V I L L E L. B . 4 N D Y A N D R O B E R T E. A R N A L

0 20 MILES Z / UJIJ-JV—^ iiqo

FIG. 14.—Paleotectonics of Luisian stage for San Joaqufn basin. Uplift represented by dashed isopleths, cross-hatched
areas, and arrows pointing North; subsidence represented by solid isopleths and arrows pointing South.

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico," ibid.. Vol. H I , No. 10, SAID, RUSHDI, 1949, "Foraminifera of the Northern
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