Year 7 MatB1

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Year 7 Mat/B1

Re!ections-pdf.pdf Re!ect triangle A in the x-axis.


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Year 7 Mat/B1


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View all A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 I a m o n l i n e J o i n m e F a t i h …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 28

Hello Year 7
I am online

Join me
Fatih Suresoy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mr. Suresoy Meeting

Time: Apr 28, 2020 12:17 PM Kuwait

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 798 5435 9477

Password: 5WeFLC

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 To d a y ' s l e s s o n a t 1 2 : 1 5 p m …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 28

Hello Year 7
Today's lesson at 12:15pm . Topic Title is : Rotation.
I have found 3 videos which explain how we do the rotation using tracing paper and not using tracing paper. Please see
the links;
Re!ect the triangle in the line y = −1
Label the new triangle B.
I will also teach my lesson from myimaths. You have an account in myimaths. It is in the lessons section. Under Shapes
, Transformation / Rotation.

I am also uploading a worksheet for you to complete by next week Tuesday . The worksheet (2)
covers Enlargement ,
Rotation , Translation and Regection ( mixed exercise )

Homework in Mixed Tra…


3 class comments
Zayd Wajid Apr 28
Sorry sir i missed the lesson i was not looking at the time and forgot about the lesson. But i
understand what to do and i watched the 3 videos

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Post by Ashen Ellepola

Ashen Ellepola

Apr 27

Sir,I sent you the homework on gmail just to let you know!

1 class comment

Zahra Khan Apr 28

Me to .

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 I w i l l b e o n l i n e a t 1 0 : 4 5 …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 26

Hello Year 7
I will be online at 10:45 am. Please join me
Fatih Suresoy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mr. Suresoy Meeting

Time: Apr 26, 2020 10:45 AM Kuwait

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 770 1896 3396

Password: 1dcJkz

5 class comments
Re!ect shape A in the line x = 4
Label the new triangle B. ElHaddad Apr 26
I had bad WiFi connection so i got out can you let me in again

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 T h e n e w t i m e f o r r a m a d a n …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 25

Hello Year 7
The new time for ramadan is below;
Sunday 10:45am to 11:30 am
Tuesday 12:15pm to 12:45 pm
Thursday 12:45pm to 1:15 pm

Page 7 of 12 We start the lessons tomorrow;

I will combine regection and Translation in the same lesson.
Please print 4 pages only from the jle I uploaded here to get ready for tomorrow lesson.

Re!ections and Translat…

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 B 1 M y r e ge c t i o n h o m e w o r k … "

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 22

Hello Year 7 B1
My regection homework it didn't seem properly displayed in pdf format.
I changed it into word document. I reuploaded.
Please download the word jle and complete it and than send it to me by email.
Before you send it , check if there is any problem with the jle. After you have sent it , check again if I can read easily to
mark it.
Deadline is next Tuesday by Lunch time. ( 28th of April. )
Students who are not in the zoom lessons , who are not completing the work sheet I uploaded here , they will be given
option 3 so that You will do the lesson again starting in August 4th.
Just to let you know.

Mr. Suresoy

Homework ( Re!ection …

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Re!ect shape A in the line y = 3
Label the new shape B.

Post by Abia Almoosa

Abia Almoosa

Apr 21 (2)

Sir where do we hand in the work we did on paper or do we not hand it in at all?

3 class comments

Jaber AlSabah Apr 23

sir where do we do it

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Post by Ahmad AlMunawer

Ahmad AlMunawer

Apr 21

sir i cant join because you removed me


2 class comments

Fatih Suresoy Apr 22

Because I didn't see your name . I have seen a 5-digit number. Security reason , I remove people who
doesn't have a full name

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Post by Hashem AlHashemi

Hashem AlHashemi

Apr 21

Sir can you start the meeting please

3 class comments

Zayd Wajid Apr 21

jaber change your name

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 B 1 I w i l l b e o n l i n e a t …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 21 (Edited Apr 21)

Hello Year 7 B1

I will be online at 10:10am. Please join me ; To make sure you have the booklet ( Regections ) ready on your table. The
lesson will start at 10:15am exactly.
The link is below;
Fatih Suresoy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mr. Suresoy Meeting

Time: Apr 21, 2020 10:10 AM Kuwait
Re!ect the rectangle in the line y = x

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 750 0552 3440 (2)

Password: 3mTPWY

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Page 9 of 12
A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 To m o r r o w ( 2 1 s t o f A p r i l - …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 20 (Edited Apr 22)

Hello Year 7 Tomorrow ( 21st of April - Tuesday ) we have a lesson at 10:10am

It is better to be online at 10:08 am to start the lesson on time.
I will do a new topic called "Regection"
I will upload two different booklets. One of them called '' Regections" from corbetts maths. I will use this booklet to
present my lesson in zoom. If you want to follow the lesson and if you want to understand the lesson properly, it will be
nice to print the following Questions;
Q1-Q2 - Q5- Q6-Q7-Q8-Q9 and Q10

The second booklet will be called "Homework - Regection" which will be given to you to complete. It is only 1 page and I
would like you to complete by next week on Tuesday.
After the homework completed, We will make a tiny quiz ( which will be easier than homework ) to check your
understanding. Quizizz tests give us an idea how the lesson has been gone. By the way , during the lessons I can ask
some questions to indiviual students. I am a teacher and I ask questions for every other groups. Plus, I ask questions
during the lessons in the school as well. This situation is exactly the same as the class environment. You shouldn't be
scared about this. If you can't answer the questions, this does not mean anything. If you didn't attend the previous
lesson, you can let me know, I can help you during the zoom lesson and we can jnish the question together. This
shouldn't give you any stress or problem. You should feel comfortable about all these work we do. The most important
thing is to learn the topic and your attendance to zoom classes. When you attend , you will get some idea about the
topic. Our main target: Students should learn basic and foundation knowledge of each topic so that they can easily
settle down in Year 8.
Note : If you don't put your real name and if I can't recognise you during the zoom . I can't be able to let you in. Last
lesson, somebody joined with a fake name '' joe '' and I didn't let him in.
I need to protect everyone in the zoom lesson. Please make sure you put your full name so that I can recognise you.

See you tomorrow.

F. Suresoy

Re!ections-pdf.pdf Homework ( Re!ection …

PDF Word

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Re!ect the triangle in the line y = −x A n n o u n c e m e n t : " I w i l l b e o n l i n e a t 9 : 4 5 a m . T h e l e s s o n …"

Fatih Suresoy
Label the new triangle B. Created

Apr 19

I will be on line at 9:45am. The lesson will start at 9:50 am

Please join me in zoom with the below link;
Fatih Suresoy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mr. F. Suresoy Meeting

Time: Apr 19, 2020 09:50 AM Kuwait

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 789 2266 2899
Password: 7iKfMv

Page 10 of 12 8 class comments

Zayd Wajid Apr 20

anyone please?

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 I w i l l d o a l e s s o n …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 18

Hello Year 7
I will do a lesson tomorrow as you know at 9:50am as usual.
You must be online at 9:45 am to start the lesson prompt at 9:50am
I will not wait until 9:55am , just to let you know. I can only wait 1 or 2 min max.
The students who will come late after 9:52 am will be not given a chance to enter the lesson. Because I will not accept
the invitation. Thats why You must be on line 2 or 3 min before 9:50 am. I uploaded here Enlargement booklet . Please
print the following pages today before you join in tomorrow.
Q1 / Q3 / Q4 / Q5 / Q6 ( above question 6 , do not study )


4 class comments

Zayd Wajid Apr 19

was there a test today

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Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle B.

Post by Abia Almoosa

Abia Almoosa

Apr 18

good afternoon sir,

how are we supposed to hand in the work we have done on paper? (2)

Thank you.

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o Y e a r 7 B 1 G r o u p , T h i s i s w e e k i s …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 14
Hello Year 7 B1 Group,
This is week is a catching up week . Because of the half term, I will cancel today's lesson.
You must attend next week on Sunday and Tuesday and the following weeks to jnish the syllabus. I will take register.
Thanks. Mr. Suresoy

Page 11 of 12
You must print the sheet below and you must complete it for this week.


3 class comments

Zayd Wajid Apr 14

ok sir

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o e v e r y o n e D o n' t w o r r y. F o r s o m e …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 12

Hello everyone
Don't worry. For some students I asked one question. It was enough to check if you paid attention to my homework
sheet. From the way you answer the question , i can get some ideas.
Thanks again . Please see me on Tuesday at 10:05 am. There will be 30 min quiz. It will start at 10:10 am prompt. You
must be here to get the code at 10:05am.

4 class comments

Ashen Ellepola Apr 13

I answered two questions so that means I got 100%?!?
Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle B.

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Post by Hala Adlan

Hala Adlan
Apr 12

sir you only asked me one question and that is 50% only so next lesson will we continue because i want you to ask me
my second question so i can get a higher grade.

1 class comment

Hussain ElHaddad Apr 12

me too

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Post by Ashen Ellepola

Ashen Ellepola

Apr 12
Page 12 of 12
The zoom kicked me out,it said ‘Your free zoom meeting is over’

13. 1 class comment

Zayd Wajid Apr 12


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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o G u y s I jn i s h e d t h e l e s s o n . … "

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 12

Hello Guys
I jnished the lesson. Thanks for cooperation. Thanks for joining me.
My verbal quiz is jnished.

5 class comments

Hussain ElHaddad Apr 12

You only asked me one question.

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : " P l e a s e j o i n m e i n z o o m a t 9 : 4 5 a m . I …"

Fatih Suresoy

Apr 12
Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle B.
Please join me in zoom at 9:45am. I will start at 9:50 am prompt.
There is a verbal quiz in coordinates . It is a recap. I will do register.
Fatih Suresoy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Apr 12, 2020 09:50 AM Kuwait

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 105 946 453

Password: 4OJKO2

7 class comments

Abia Almoosa Apr 18

Sir it wouldn't let me join it, it said your free meeting has ended

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