Elementary Spring Worksheet

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A. Read the texts and choose the best answer

Bruce is an English teacher at a language school in Brighton- students come from all over the world to study
there. He 1_____ grammar and reading. He usually starts work at 9.00 and finishes at 3.30. He loves his job
because he meets lots of people from many countries. Last week, he 2_____ very busy. He had a lot of
lessons and meetings. But he 3_____ this week. He is travelling round Peru with his friends. They are
spending five days walking in the Andes. They 4_____ in beautiful places every night but Bruce 5_____ a
problem. He likes walking, but he doesn’t like sleeping in a tent. He has a 6_____ and he wants a proper
bed! They are flying back to England next week and when he gets home, Bruce is 7_____ a long night’s sleep.
For his next holiday, instead of going camping, he wants to go 8_____ a road trip in the UK and stay in a

1. a. studies b. teaches c. likes d. uses

2. a. is b. isn’t c. wasn’t d. was
3. a. doesn’t work b. didn’t work c. isn’t working d. can work
4. a. camp b. are going to camp c. camped d. can’t camp
5. a. had b. has c. is going to have d. having
6. a. backache b. cold c. sore eye d. sunburn
7. a. is getting b. doesn’t get c. gets d. is going to get
8. a. on b. to c. by d. for

Hi Mum,

This is Tomas. I’m in Lincoln now. It's a small city in Britain. The cathedral is great, but I don't like the city
very much. I’m not having a very good time. I'm here 9_____ the weekend. The weather today is awful; cold
and grey. I 10_____ at a good hotel in the city centre. The other problem is I don't have my car here, and
you know I hate public transport! Last night we had dinner in a restaurant and I walked back to the hotel,
in the rain! 11_____ bad weather, too?

Tomorrow, I 12_____ at the conference for the day. Maybe I 13_____ you in a break to talk about what’s
going on with you. Alex said that you went to the doctor’s for your headache. 14_______it go? Are you
feeling good now?

See you soon

9. a. to b. in c. for d. by
10. a. stayed b. stay c. am going to stay d. am staying
11. a. Did you have b. Does it have c. Can you have d. Are you going to have
12. a. am going to be b. am not c. was d. were
13. a. phoned b. am phoning c. don’t phone d. can phone
14. a. How did b. Why does c. When does d. Who did
B. Read the text and answer the questions

Ben and Jerry's

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield came from Merrick, New York. They were good friends. After college,
they wanted to work together and start a business. What kind of business? A food business, of course.
Ben and Jerry were different in many ways, but they both liked the food!

They liked ice-cream very much. In 1978, they wanted to open an ice-cream shop. They looked at a lot of
cities and towns. Then they went to Burlington, Vermont. They liked the city a lot. It had lots of young
people, and it did not have any good ice-cream shops.

On May 5, 1978, Ben and Jerry opened their ice-cream shop. It was a small shop, and it wasn't very
beautiful. But the ice cream was very good. They used good Vermont milk and it didn't have any
chemicals in it. Lots of people came to the shop on the opening day. They came back again and again. Ben
and Jerry worked very hard. They became very successful and started selling the ice-cream to stores all
over the USA.

Ben and Jerry's is a big company now, and Ben and Jerry don't work there anymore. The company helps
poor people, gives money to help children and sick people in the USA.

1. Ben and Jerry's ice-cream was successful because__________.

a) they didn’t have a big shop c) there were a lot of people on their first day

b) they gave money to children d) the owners worked a lot

2. In line 2, start a business means______________________.

a) be friends c) find a job

b) own a new company d) open a café

3.What does stores mean in line 10?

a) shops b) towns c) cities d) companies

4. Which is FALSE?

a) Ben and Jerry used good quality milk in their ice-cream.

b) Today, Ben and Jerry don't work in their company.

c) Ben and Jerry’s first shop had a lot of customers.

d) In 1978, there were a lot of ice-cream shops in Vermont.

C. Read the dialogues and choose the best answer

1. A: What’s the matter?

B: _________________.
A: Why don’t you go to the chemist’s and buy some?
B: Good idea
a) I’ve got sore eyes c) I can’t find my tickets
b) I forgot my tablets in the office d) I missed the boat

2. A: __________________________?
B: I’m going to do a course in languages. How about you?
A: Well, I want to start taking yoga classes

a) What’s your plan for the next term? c) What are you going to do this evening?
b) Are you going to go to school tomorrow? d) Are you taking I.T. this term?

3. A: __________________________.
B: Thanks. I can’t wait to move and start living there!

a) You passed your English test. Well done! c) Congratulations on your new home
b) You need to use this once a day d) I’m afraid I can’t live with you

4. A: How was the concert?

B: We had a lot of fun but____________________.
A: Oh, dear. What did you do?
B: Our son brought them five minutes before the concert started

a) we didn’t see the singers c) we left the tickets at home

b) the actors weren’t very good d) the tickets were very expensive

5. A: ___________________?
B: I tripped over the carpet and fell down
A: It must be very painful. Did you have an operation?

a) How did you break your finger? c) Do you have a cold?

b) Did you have an X-ray? d) Have you got anything for sunburn?


A. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. A 13. D 14. A

B. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D
C. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A

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