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Jake Kolar 11/6/20

Dr. Bryan PED382

Fitness Plan Project

Step 1: Write the content standard
Grade: 7 Outcome: S3.M15.7

GLO: Designs and implements a program of remediation for two areas of weakness based on

the results of the health related fitness assessment.

Step 2: Pull out content

-implements a program of
remediation for two areas of

-implements a program of
remediation based on the results of
the health related fitness

Step 3: Breakdown the content

-Make a program based on the results of the health related fitness assessment that helps the

student improve on their 2 areas of weakness.

-Identify your strengths and weaknesses with each HRF exercise (what was challenging)

-Become familiar with the Healthy Fitness Zones for 7th graders for your gender.
-Work on improving specific exercises. For example if you need to improve your cardio, you

should focus more on running, biking, swimming, cardiovascular exercises; instead of muscular

strength workouts.

-Develop short-term and long-term SMART goals to set milestones for yourself and keep you


-Keep track with your progress with a workout log or a journal.

-Program will be based on two of the areas of health related physical fitness.

-Pick two areas of HRF you find enjoyable and make a routine with them

-Come up with unique and creative ways to exercise using everyday objects you can find in your

house. For example: using your stairs for step ups, or putting your feet on the couch and doing

decline pushups.

-Develop a fitness plan that fits your schedule

-Develop short-term and long-term SMART goals to set milestones for yourself and keep you


--Keep track with your progress with a workout log or a journal.

Step 4: Determine:

Evidence: Develop a calendar/workout log where students can write down when and what

workouts they are doing. Students will be able to keep track of improvement and visually see

their change over time.

Select or Design Assessment Tool:

Students will hand in their calendars each week with their workouts and amount of time they

exercised for each day. This will allow the teacher to keep track of progress, with the students.
Criteria for Competence:

-4 out of 5 days are filled out. (does not have to be in a row)

-Students record what workouts they do, and for how long they do it for.

-Students will write a small reflection at the end of each week to reflect on how they are

progressing and how they feel about where they are at.

Step 5: Describe Levels of Quality (Rubric)

Level 1: Calendars are filled out with little to no detail. Little effort is shown. Days are missing.

Small reflection missing. Calendar is tough to read

Level 2: Two or more days are missing. Small reflections are done but are repetitive and basic.

Shows little to no effort for improvement. Calendar is somewhat organized.

Level 3: All days are filled out with minor errors. Small reflections are present but undetailed.

Calendar is organized with minor errors.

Level 4: All days are filled in with data of workouts and amount of time. No errors in spelling.

Small reflections are there and are detailed. They are unique with each day; switching up the

exercises, not repeating answers for small reflections. Overall presentation is neat and organized.

B: Assignment for the student

Possible ideas:

- Schedule around remediating weakness based on the results of HRF assessment.

This schedule is set up for someone that needs to improve on Flexibility and

Cardiovascular Endurance because they want to try out for the track team next year.

Their goal is to improve from doing cardio 2 times a week to 3-4 times a week. As you
will see in the calendar cardio endurance and flexibility are more in depth than muscular

endurance to achieve this goal.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Flexibility: Muscular Flexibility: Muscular Flexibility:

Dynamic Strength: Dynamic Strength: Dynamic
Warmup -3 sets of 10 Warmup -3 sets of 15 Warmup
-High Knees pushups -High Knees incline -High Knees
20meters -3 sets of 20 air 20meters pushups 20meters
-Butt Kicks 20m squats -Butt Kicks 20m -3 sets of 30 -Butt Kicks 20m
-Karaoke 20m -3 sets of 25 -Karaoke 20m squat jumps -Karaoke 20m
Static Stretches crunches. -Side shuffles -3 sets of 30 -Side shuffles
post workout 20m bicycles 20m
-sit and reach Static Stretches Static Stretches
hold for 15 sec post workout post workout
-butterfly stretch -sit and reach -sit and reach
15 sec hold for 15 sec hold for 15 sec
-Cross body -butterfly stretch -butterfly stretch
back stretch 15 sec 15 sec
-Cross body -Cross body
back stretch back stretch
-Quad stretch -Quad stretch

Cardiovascular Muscular Cardiovascular Muscular Cardiovascular

Endurance: Endurance: Endurance: Endurance: Endurance:
1 mile run once -1 minute plank 3 100 meter -2 minute 5 mile bike.
the student gets -50 step ups swims. Once plank Once
under 7 minutes each leg comfortable with -2 minute comfortable, you
and 30 seconds, the 100, increase jump rope can incresase in
increase the to 200 meters, distance and
distance to a then 300 meters. time on the bike.
mile and a half. Complete 3 sets
Continue to of each before
increase the moving on.
distance as you

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