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s c . . = . c ~ ~__~m.ecT- COMPUTER
ELSEVIER Mathematical and Computer Modelling 41 (2005) 1307-1323

M a t h e m a t i c a l M o d e l of Face-Milling
Spiral Bevel Gear with Modified
Radial M o t i o n ( M R M ) Correction
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Chung-Cheng University
160 San-Hsin, Chai Yi, 621, Taiwan, R.O.C.

(Received September 2003; accepted July 2004)

A b s t r a c t - - C o n v e n t i o n a l machine setting calculation for the cutting of face-milling spiral bevel and
hypoid gears is based on the local synthesis at the mean point. The bias of contact path and motion
curve are usually coupled with each other when applying commonly-used tooth flank corrections
such as the helical motion, the modify roll method, and the cutter tilt. In this paper, we propose a
method to determine the machine settings with modified radial motion (MRM) correction at specified
contact point with predetermined motion curve and contact path bias on the pinion tooth surface.
Parameters of MRM correction are calculated according to the equations of meshing and relationship
between mating curvatures at the specified contact point. As shown by the numerical examples, the
bias of contact pattern and the motion curve were controlled separately. The proposed methodology
could be used to gain more control on the contact pattern and the motion characteristics. @ 2005
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords--Spiral bevel gear, Hypoid gear, Kinematic correction, Machine settings.


a the major axis of the contact e~j) the principal directions on Ej,
ellipse i = s , q , f, a n d h

aij coefficients in the equation of the Em vertical offset of the universal

principal curvatures (i = 1 ~ 6) hypoid generator
AkM) cone distance of predetermined Lid the upper-left 3 x 3 submatrix of
contact point M on gear blank g~j

A equation of meshing between two Mi3 the 4 x 4 homogeneous transfor-

mating surfaces, i = 1, 2 mation matrix from the coordinate
system Sj to the coordinate system
i tilt angle of the universai hypoid
nl surface normal vector of the
J swivel angle of the universal hypoid

The authors are grateful to the National Science Council of the R.O.C. for their grant. Part of this work has
performed under Contract No. NSC 89-2212-E-194-004.

0895-7177/05/$ - see front matter @ 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Typeset by .AA.tS-TEX
1308 P.-Y. WANG AND Z.-H. FONG

nt surface normal vector of the f~ one of the surface parameters of

cutting tool the cutting tool
q total cradle rotation angle, p~; the tip filletradius of the cutter
q = O~ + ¢c blade
rl locus of the cutting tool repre- o.,(i) angular velocities of surface ~i,
sented in the coordinate system i=c, I,P, and G
$1 pm the mean radius of the head cutter
rt position vector of the cutting tool
¢1 rotation angle of the work-gear
Ik(O the linear velocities: i = c for the during gear cutting
center of head cutter and i = 1 for
¢c cradle rotation angle of the
the center of the work gear
universal hypoid generator
radius of specified contact point M
¢i rotation angles of gears, i = P
on gear tooth surface
and G
SR radial setting of the universal
77j~ the instantaneous roll ratio,
hypoid generator
s; first differential of the radial setting
~ji differentiation of the instantaneous
initial radial setting roll ratio
u one of the surface parameters of ~J) the principal curvatures of surface
the cutting tool E j , i = s, q, f , a n d h

tr the velocity of contact point in ~rn machine root angle of the universal
transfer motion on surface Ei hypoid generator
W the point width of the cutter blade ~a bias angle of the contact path
AA increment of machine center to 0c initial cradle angle setting of the
back universal hypoid generator
AB sliding base feed setting of the X position parameter of the pitch
universal hypoid generator point I along the instantaneous
center of rotation

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
The calculation of machine setting for the cutting of spiral bevel and hypoid gears is based
on the local synthesis at the mean contact point. The idea of local synthesis was proposed by
Wildhaber [i] and then applied by Baxter [2] and Litvin [3-11] for hypoid gears and spiral bevel
gears. However, the bias of contact pattern is coupled with the profile modification (i.e., the
shape of the motion curve) when applying the well-known tooth flank correction methods such
as helical motion, cutter tilt, or modify roll method. Therefore, a tooth flank correction method
that will provide more freedom to modify tooth bias and motion curve separately is desired.
There are several bevel gear softwares available in the market [12] such as GAGE and CAOE
by Gleason Works, CDS by Oerlikon Geartec, Kimos by Klingelberg Sghne, and HyGears by
Professor Gosselin. All these softwares are capable of doing closed-loop manufacturing of bevel
gears. The contact pattern and the motion curve of the bevel gear set can be simulated in these
softwares before real manufacturing process. However, the basic mathematical models used in
these softwares are similar. All calculations are based on the so-called universal hypoid generator
as shown in the textbook written by Litvin [8]. The radial distance from cutter spindle to cradle
spindle of the universal hypoid generator is assumed constant. The spiral angle of the imaginary
generating gear is kept constant at defined cone distance during the generating process. Therefore,
higher order tooth flank correction is required to modify the motion characteristics of the gear
set. There are several well-known flank correction methods such as modified roll method, helical
duplex method, cutter tilt, and spherical blade method. However, the head cutter and cutter tilt
primarily determine the lengthwise curvature of the tooth flank while the profile curvature could
be altered by these auxiliary flank correction methods. Therefore, the contact pattern bias and
motion characteristics are coupled together. It is very difficult to design a reliable mechanism to
continuously control the radial distance between cutter spindle and cradle spindle on the cradle-
Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1309

type machine in the past. The assumption of constant radial distance made in the so-called
universal hypoid generator is quite reasonable as long as the cradle-type generating machine is
In recent years, the Gleason Works developed Cartesian-type hypoid generator [14], which raises
a brand new concept of hypoid gear making. Taking advantages of the new CNC technology,
Goldrich [14], Fong [15], and Stadtfeld [16,17] developed the higher-order flank modifications to
reduce the tooth mesh impact with the free-form machine. However, the flank correction motion
applied in these researches complied with existing flank corrections, i.e., helical motion, modified
roll, and cutter tilt. However, the flank correction motions are evolved from linear functions to
higher order functions. Six-order flank corrections are possible in the software provided by the
Gleason Works or by the Klingelnberg SShne but the actual flank correction effect and operating
procedure are not clearly shown in the operation manual. Litvin [9] proposed a third-order flank
correction with modified roll motion. Stadtfeld [17] illustrated a third-order flank correction with
helical motion in his book. The generating theory of hypoid and spiral bevel gears is no longer
restricted by the cradle machine.
In this paper, we used the local synthesis technique to calculate machine settings for the
modified radial motion (MRM) machine settings at specified contact point. Taking advantages of
Cartesian-type free-form generating machine, the radial distance and roll ratio of hypoid generator
are used as variables during the tooth cutting in the MRM correction. With the MRM correction,
the gear designer can specify an initial contact point and bias on the pinion tooth surface and
its corresponding second-order motion curve. As shown by the numerical examples, the bias of
contact pattern and the motion curve were able to control separately. The proposed method
could be used to get more control on the contact pattern and the motion characteristics.


2.1. A p p l i e d C o o r d i n a t e S y s t e m s
The universal hypoid generator is based on the cradle type machine as shown in Figure 1 ([15]).
The coordinate systems St(xt, yt, zt) and Sl(xl, yl, Zl) are rigidly attached to the head cutter and
the work gear, respectively. The coordinate system St(xt, Yt, zt) is rigidly attached to the machine
frame. As shown in the reference [15], there are five potential auxiliary motions can be used to
modify the tooth flank: the cutter rotation angle #g (the flank correction of spiroflex method
by Oerlikon Co.), the cradle rotation angle Co(the modify roll method by Gleason Works), the
cradle radial setting SR, the vertical offset Em (traditional discontinuous multicutting position
method for the lengthwise crowning) and the sliding base setting AB (helixform, helical method
by the Gleason Works). We used the cradle radial setting SR and the cradle rotation angle 6c as
the extra variables to modify the tooth flank in this paper.

2.2. H e a d - C u t t e r Surface
The normal section of head cutter blades can be designed with two circular-arc fillets and two
straight edges (as shown in Figure 2). The straight edge and the fillet of the cutter blade, repre-
sented in the coordinate system St(Xt, Yt, Zt), are shown in equations (1) and (2), respectively,

r~=[x~ y~ z~ 1IT---- ](c'=Fusintb)sin/~/""

c2 - 1cos %b ' (1)
L .l
[(cl ~: Z~sinu) cosZ 1
1] T =
L pi(COl _l ) ], (2)
1310 P.-Y. WANG AND Z.-H. FONG

Y5 Y4

yt~ ~;;~
\ k y4' Ct

z4,z5 Machine
Y6 yT/~y 1 plane

OlO ,m-- x0

z6 z7
Figure 1. Coordinate systems of the universal hypoid generator.


Yt Z t

Figure 2. The head cutter blades.

w (sin~-
co-~ 1 )
Symbols ~b, pi, and W are the pressure angle~ tip fillet radius, and point width of cutter blade,
respectively, symbols u and 3 are the surface coordinates of the cutter blade. P a r a m e t e r p,~ is
the m e a n radius of the head cutter. T h e unit normal vector n~ of the straight edge of the cutter
is shown as follows,

r co +oos ]
0~r~ × c9~r~ _ | -b cos ~b sin ~ [ . (3)
nt -- 10ur~ x O~r~[ b sin@ J
Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1311

The unit normal vector n~ of the straight edge of the cutter can be derived from equation (2)
and is omitted here. The "±" sign in equations (1)-(3) should be regarded as '%" sign for the
outer blade, and the " - " sign for the inner blade.
The effective tool surface E~ is a cone surface and its principal curvatures are shown in equa-
tion (4),
4~ ) _ cos¢ 4 ~) = 0 (4)
u sin ~b c1' -

The unit principal vectors e! c) and e~c) of the generating surface Ec are represented in the fixed
coordinate system $5 as follows,
e! c) = [L5t] [ :F cos fl sin ¢ :F sin/3 sin ¢ - cos ¢ IT,
e (~) = [Lst] [ 4- sin /3 ~:cosfl 0] T, (5)
where Lst is the upper-left 3 x 3 submatrix of Mat as shown in equation (6).

2.3. G e n e r a t e d Gear Tooth Surface

The coordinate transformation matrices are shown in reference [15] and the details are omitted
here. The coordinate transformation matrix from cutter axis to machine frame is shown as
Mat (¢1) = Ms4" M43 " M32" M2t. (6)
The position vectors and the unit normal vectors of cutter tool locus, represented in the fixed
coordinate system $5, are shown as follows,
r~~) = [Marl rt, n~~) = [Lst] nt, (7)
where L5t is the upper-left 3 × 3 submatrix of M5t.
Angular velocities of cradle w (¢) and work-gear w (0 can be represented in the fixed coordinate
system Ss as follows,
w(~l) = w(~) _ wO),
"~(C)=EO 0 --V,1]T (8)
w (1)-- [--cosGm 0 --sinGm] T (w(1) :1).
Symbol ~cl indicates the instantaneous roll ratio between the cradle and gear. Symbols v ~ ) and
t r indicate the velocity of contact point in transfer motion represented in the fixed coordinate
system $5, respectively,
vl: ) = (w(C) x r5) +R(C)

= (w (~) x rs) + jR(C) 1~(~) l~(z~)]T

v~]) = (wO) x rs) + ( O 5 0 6 x rs) + 1~(1)

=(w(1) xrs)+(~506xrs)-t-[I~(zl) 1~(1) i~(1)] T

1~(c) = S~ cos q + (cos i sin(j - q) (sin #gzt + cos #gyt)
+ cos (j - q) ( - cos ~gxt + sin ~gy0) ~g,
1~(c) = - S ~ sin q + ( - c o s / c o s (j - q)(sin ttgxt + cos iZgyt)
+ sin (j - q) ( - cos #gxt + sin #gYt)) #'9,
R(C) = sin/(sinpgxt + cos #gyt)#'g,
O506:[0 -Era A B ] T,
lk(') : [0 -E- Z~B'] T
1312 P.-Y. WANG AND Z.-H. FONG

Vectors l~ (c) and I~ (1) represent the linear velocities for the center of head cutter and the center
of the work gear, respectively.
The equation of meshing f: is represented in the fixed coordinate system $5 as

f, = na. (vl:) - v}~1)) = 0. (10)

The coordinate transformation matrix from cutting tool axis to the work-piece axis is shown
as follows,
M i t ( ¢ : ) = M 1 7 - M 7 6 " M6~ • M 5 4 " M 4 3 • M 3 2 " M 2 t . (11)

The position vector r: and unit normal vectors nl of generated tooth surface represented in
the work gear coordinate system $1, can be obtained by solving the simultaneous equations (10)
and (12),
r: = [M:t] rt, nl = [Lit] nt. (12)


3.1. A p p l i e d C o o r d i n a t e S y s t e m
The global tooth meshing condition can be simulated by a tooth contact analysis (TCA)
computer program. TCA is developed to simulate the universal gear tester for decades. Pinion
and gear are mounted on the virtual universal gear tester at the predetermined working condition.
There are four degrees of freedom on the universal EPG tester: the offset movement perpendicular
to the gear and pinion axes (E), the pinion axial movement (P), the gear axial movement (G),
and the shaft angle (E). The position vectors and unit normal vectors of contact point M on
.d(M) ¢ ( M ) ¢(M) / ( M )
pinion surface and gear surface are denoted as rp , Up , r a , n a , respectively. As shown
in Figure 3, the coordinate systems are arranged so that the rotation angles of pinion CP and
gear h a are in the range of [-~r/2, 7:/2]. The spatial relationship between the pinion and the gear
is represented mathematically as follows,

y(pM) 0 cos ¢P sin cP /(M)
,(M) ' (is)
z(p - sin cP cos cP

1 0 0 I
cos E 0 - sin E P cos E
(M P)
0 -1 0 0
Jf = (14)
zl MP) - sin E 0 - cos E - P sin E z (pM) '
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 t XGI(M)}
(MG) 0 cosCa --sinCG
sin ¢ c cos Ca
0 0
where cP and q5c are the rotation angle of pinion and gear, respectively. The position vectors and
unit normal vectors of pinion and gear should be the same at the contact point. The contact path
is the summation of instantaneous contact points. Therefore, the following system of equations
should be observed at the contact point,

r~ MP) = @ Me), n~ MP) = --n~ Ma). (16)

Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1313

x ,x c J

" zl
I1. X G , X G o

Figure 3. Coordinate systems applied for simulation of meshing.

We represent the angular velocities of pinion 02(P) and gear w (c) in the coordinate system S I
as follows,
~(g)=[-cosE 0 sinE] T ,
02(G) = [?'IGP 0 0], W (P) = 1.

The velocities of contact point M in transfer motion of pinion E p and gear E c are represented
~(P) = a(P) × r / - E × ~(P),
tr (18)
~(G) = w(G) × r / .

3.2. Relationship of Rotation Angles ¢c and cP of Mating G e a r s

Consider that the gear tooth surface E c and the pinion tooth surface ~ p are in tangency at
contact point M in fixed coordinate system S I as shown in Figure 4.

2 i

(M) !


Figure 4. Instantaneous axis of rotation of surfaces Ep and EG.

1314 P.-Y. WANG AND Z.-H. FONG

According to the theory of gearing, the common unit surface normal n~M)at the contact point M
must pass through point I which lies on the instantaneous axis of rotation and expressed as the
~? - 4 M~ ~? - ~i'~ z? - zp
n(M) -- ~(M) ~(M) ' (19)
'°yf '"zf

Irl z

X sin E
zyT ~-- 0
1 .

Here, xis a position parameter of the pitch point I along the instantaneous axis of rotation,
and ~GP is the instantaneous roll ratio between two mating gears. Equation (19) (equation of
meshing f2 between gear surface and pinion surface) could be expressed as
(M) ( G c o s ¢ G + (E -- x s i n E ) s i n e G + y~M))
f2 = - n zG
+ n(M,)yG(cos CG (E - X sin E) - G sin CG + zG,(M)~) (20)
(-.~,(M) co~,G +,~, M ) (~ + ~"~ co~¢~-~,(M) sin cG)
~ ( M ) s i n C G ) x ~ M ) + ~ (,.~,
(cos ~] + ~GP) W~
[ (M)
G, c o s e C - n ~G,
(M) sin ¢C)

4. D I R E C T R E L A T I O N S H I P B E T W E E N T H E P R I N C I P A L
Consider that two rigid bodies (i and j) are in contact with each other and perform a prescribed
relative motion. Contacting surfaces Ei and Ej of the corresponding rigid body are in continuous
tangency. Due to the continuous tangency of two mating surfaces, the first differential of the
position vector and unit normal at the contact point must be the same on both contacting
surfaces. The determination of the required relationships is based on the approach proposed
by Litvin [4,5]. Conditions of continuous tangency of mating surfaces yield the following basic

(i) + V(ri) : Y t r(j)
- -~ V(rj), n~) = fl(0 + (w(iJ) x n ) ' ~(
--dt n . v (ij) ) = 0. (21)
There are two cases of contact:
(i) the mating surfaces Ei and F,j are in line contact at every instant, and Ei is the envelope
to locus of Ej, and
(ii) surfaces Ei and Ej are in point contact at every instant (the contact of Ei and Ej is
(i) SURFACES ~i AND Ej ARE IN LINE CONTACT. In case of line contact between surfaces,
the relationship between the principal curvature of cutter surface Ej and gear surface Ei, are
represented as follows [4,5],
tan 2G (ij) = 2a13a23

+ + a3+a3o33 3+a33
a cos

a33 a33 cos 2G (ij)

1 '
Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1315


a13----O,J(Ji) . e~J) - ~J) {~v(Ji) . ej) )"~

a23=-oa(Ji).e~J)-~J) (v(Ji).e~J))~


+{[(w(i)12~ji(n×kj)l" (r(J) - R ) }

--n(J).(w(~J)xv(iJ))q-t~J)(v~yO)2+~Y)(v~Ji)) 2,
w(J i) = w(J) _ w(i),
v(J i ) = v tv
(j) -- .(~)
Vtr ,
v~ j~) = v (j~) • e!J),
v~ j~) = v (j~) • e(qJ),

where unit vectors e! j) and e~j) represent the principal directions on Ej at contact point M. ~J)
and ~(J) are the respective principal curvatures of Ej. Angle cr(ij) is formed between unit vectors
e~i) and e~j) and is measured counterclockwise from e~~) to e~j). Symbols-yr,(i) and v~j) indicate
the velocity of contact point in transfer motion of gear surface Ei and cutter surface Ej in the
fixed coordinate system, respectively. The differentiation of the roll ratio r/~i is zero for the line
contact case.
(ii) SURFACES Ei AND Ej ARE IN POINT CONTACT. In case of point contact of surfaces, as
shown in Figure 5, the principal curvature ~) and ~(hi) of surface Ei can be determined if
following parameters are assigned: the derivative of roll ratio U}i, the ratio of the major axis
of the contact ellipse and the surface separation a/5, the bias angle pj of the contact path at
contact point M on the surface Ej. If the bias angle pj is chosen, the components of the relative
velocity, v! i) and V(qi), are represented as

v!i) 1 - 1
I v~i) J = a13 + a23 tan #j La33 + a13 (tan pjv~ ij) v(iJ)) J "

The principal curvatures ~(f/), ~(h/) and directions angle cr(ij) between principal directions of
two mating surfaces can be determined by the following equations,

T a n g e n t plane T eq
at point M

Contact ellipse es

T a n g e n t to the path o f
contact at point M
Figure 5. Definition of the contact path bias angle and contact ellipse.
1316 P.-Y. WANG AND Z.-H. FONO

2 (a23v~ i, + v~i, ( - a l a + v ~ i ) ~ ) )
tan 2~ (ij) =
:) ÷ +(v:,,)=) '
2 '

2 '

(8213q-g293)/((V~7))2-~-(v~i))2) -4A2

IAI = aT'

(a13v~i) q-v:i) (a2a--nEvai)))cotcr {i3)

gi =
( )=
+ v! i)

5. D E T E R M I N A T I O N OF P I N I O N M A C H I N E
Assume that the gear tooth surface is given by the existing machine setting calculation instruc-
tion such as Gleason SB, SGM. The local synthesis technique is applied at the specified contact
point on the gear tooth surface to determine the machine settings with modified radial motion
(MRM) correction. The blank dimension of the pinion is virtually the same as Gleason system.
There are five machine settings (SR, S~, q, ~Tcp, and ¢1) of MRM correction and two surface
parameters (u and/~) should be determined as shown in follows.
on the pinion tooth surface on the projection plane, the )( - / ~ plane, is defined by the following
(M) = x~M),
= +tzp ),
,(M) ,(M) j(M)~
where r~ M) tXp , yp , ~p j is the position vector of the specified contact point M on the
pinion tooth surface. Iterative processes are required to determine the actual values of position
, ,(M) ,(M) ,(M),
vector r~ M) ~x G , Yc , z G ) of contact point M on gear surface as follows.
Step 1. Choose initial cone distance A~ ) and radial R(m
°) on gear blank according to the given
data )( - / ~ , and

A~) = xb c o s r ~ + V/(y~) 2 + (~b) 2 s i n r ~ ,

R~) = V/(Y5) 2 + (zb) ~, i = 0,1, 2 . . . .
Pace-Milling gpiral Bevel Gear 1317

Step 2. Determine parameters us, j32, and ¢2 from equation (10) and (27). The position
vector r~ M) and unit surface normals n o of contact point on pinion tooth surface
thus are determined.
Step 3. Determine the meshing angle ¢0 of gear from equation (20) while the meshing angle
cP of pinion is set zero at the chosen contact point M. In equation (20),

vGP = - - , (28)
where np and no are the tooth number of pinion and gear, respectively.
Step 4. Rearrange equations (12)-(14) as follows,

X~ M) = a:~M) CO8Z -- ~Z , G,(M) COScG _}_YG ,(M) sin ¢c) sin E,

p = z a'(M) c o s C P s i n ¢ a + c o s ¢ a [ [--YG,(M) c o s C P + z G
'(M) cosEsinCe ) ,

+ s i n e P(y'(GM) eosEsin¢ c + x ,(M)

G s .i n e ) , (29)
p zc sin CP sin - cos ¢c y~( cp t(M) cos cos )
-- cos cP [~YG
t(M) cos E sin ¢C --
~-x t(M)
G sine ) ,

and substitute into equation (26) to calculate .~7(M) and t~ (M). If the value of .~(M) and t1~(M)
differ from the designed ones, change parameters \( A(O ~(0"~j and restart the iterations.
,~ ,.~,~
The position vectors and the unit surface normals of pinion and gear tooth surfaces should
coincide with each other at the contact point.

r~M, (x{M), y~M) , z~M) ) : , p,(M) [~,zp

,(M) , y p,(M) , z p,(M) ),
, (30)
n~M) (n(M) ~(M) ~(M)'~ I(M) [ (M) (M) ~(M)'~ (31)
~ xl "°yl "°zl J =--riP Lnzp,,nyp,,,.zp,.].


SURFACE. The cutter-tool surface E~ and pinion surface Ep is in line contact at every instant,
i.e., one of the relative curvatures is infinite. Therefore,

IAI = ~ = o,
(-( + g~ + g~) '

where n(~P) = n~P) + eC(h

p), n ~ ) = ~c!~) + ~(q~), and gP = @P) - n(hP).
Rearrange equations (22) and (23), the principal curvature n5P) of pinion tooth is expressed as

l~p)__ --__..~_1
4a33 I~ch \
la~3(--gc ÷ /~ch)÷ a23 (..qc÷ t~ch)÷ 2a33 ( g 2 _ t~(c)t~ch) _{_

~ ~ (33)
-- 2a13 (a23 ÷ 2a33gc) (gc2 -- /~ch)
2 +ala(g~-~h)
4 2 +(~+~h)~
(a43(gc ÷t%h)÷4a23a33gc(gc--l%h)-k4a23392(gc--£ch) ) ] '
~oh = 4 c~- 4 p~, 4c~= <~ + 4 c~, gc = ~ ! ~ - 4 ~.
1318 P.-Y. WANC AND Z.-H. FONG

Table 1. Gear blank dimension sheet for the numerical example.

Items [ Pinion Gear

Blank Data
Teeth Number 17 32
Modulus 2
Pressure Angle 20 Degree
Spiral Angle 35 Degree
Shaft Angle 90 Degree
Face Width 12.0 mm
Face Angle 32D 8M 24S 64D 24M 59S
Pitch Angle 27D 58M 46S 62D 1M 14S
Outside Diameter 37.99144 mm 65.06980 mm
Pitch Apex to Crown 30.93977mm 15.99313 mm

Table 2. Original machine settings based on the Cleason SB, SCM.

Items Pinion I.B. Pinion O.B. Gear

Grind Wheel Specification

Point Dia. of Grind Wheel 74.422 mm 72.644 mm 73.0 mm

I.B. 22D 20M 0S

Blade Angle 22D 0M 0S 18D 0M 0S O.B. 17D 40M 0S

Point Width 0.889 mm

I.B. 0.1mm
Fillet Radius 0.18137 mm 0.18137 mm O.B. 0.1 mm

Original Machine Settings

Swivel Angle 0 0 0
Tilt Angle 0 0 0
Head Cutter Rotation Angle 0 0 0
Sliding Base -0.23991 mm 0.27140 mm 0.08658 mm
Eccentric Angle 8D 53M 4S 8D 39M 5S 8D 47M 9S
Blank Position 0.55302 mm -0.63106 mm -0.10226 mm
Blank Offset -0.34465 mm -0.58474 m m 0.17489 mm
Cradle Angle 295D 7M 15S 287D 2M 27S 77D 6M 55S
Generating Cam Guide Angle - 1 D - 2 8 M 0S - 1 D - 1 2 M 0S 0D 20M 0S
Generating Cam Setting 177.8 mm 177.8 mm 152.4 mm
Generating Cam Pitch Radius 144.80794 mm 151.30018 mm 127.33528 mm
Index Interval 10 10 9
Machine Root Angle 25D 35M 1S 25D 35M 1S 57D 51M 36S

Cradle rotation angle 0.468293¢1 + 2.03407 × 10-3¢ 2 + 2.57946 × 10-5¢ 3

for pinion convex +1.86084 x 10-4¢4 + 4.22193 x 10-6¢~ + 1.66451 x 10-5¢ 6

Cradle rotation angle 0.483281¢] + 1.75079 x 10-3¢ 2 + 1.85905 × 10-5¢ a

for pinion concave +1.70513 x 10-4¢ 4 + 3.2215 x 10-6¢I + 1.62271 x 10-5¢ 6

Cradle rotation angle 0.890659¢~ - 1.72953 x 10-~¢~ + 9.70415 x 10-6¢ 3

for gear -5.71699 x 10-4¢4 + 5.83123 x 10-6q~ - 1.84461 x 10-4¢ 6

Symbols ~P) a n d K(hP) d e n o t e d t h e p r i n c i p a l c u r v a t u r e s o f p i n i o n E p w h i c h is s o l v e d b y

e q u a t i o n (22). C o e f f i c i e n t s a l a , a23, a n d a33 a r e d e r i v e d f r o m e q u a t i o n (23) w i t h r/p
c ' = 0.
Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1319

Table 3. The output MRM correction variables for Example 1.

Input Parameters
Pinion convex Pinion concave
Contact point M(-x(M),-R (M)) (24.60241,13.56147) (24.15448,13.31456)
Derivativerl~p of roll ratio 7.05 × 10-3 -4.029 × 10-3
Major axis of the contact ellipse a 4 mm 4 mm
Bias angle #G of the contact path 62D 22M 40S ll0D 8M 2S
Output Variables
Pinion convex Pinion concave
Initial Cradle radial setting SR 31.3794 mm 30.7469 mm
Derivative Cradle radial setting S~ 0.005216 -0.03357
Initial cradle angle setting ~ 72D 26M 34S 79D 41M 6S
Differential cradle angle rlcp 0.468097 0.485007

Table 4. The output MRM correction variables for Example 2.

Input Parameters
Pinion convex Pinion concave
Contact p o i n t M(x(M),-R(M)) (24.6012,13.5608) (24.15704,13.3160)
Derivative UGP' of roll ratio 7.05 x 10-3 -5.0 x 10-3
Major axis of the contact ellipse a 4 mm 4 mm
Bias angle/z G of the contact path 35D 0M 0S 55D 0M 0S
Output Variables
Pinion convex Pinion concave
Initial Cradle radial setting SR 31.381326 mm 30.74654 mm
Derivative Cradle radial setting S~ -0.097631 -0.016353
Initial cradle angle setting 0c 72D 26M31S 79D 40M 55S
Differential cradle angle rl~p 0.47095 0.484464


SURFACE. T h e principal curvatures n! a) and ~ c ) are solved by equations (4) and (22) with
~ c = 0. E q u a t i o n s (30), (31), (10), (25), and (33) yield seven i n d e p e n d e n t scalar equations with
seven variables: u, 13, SR, S~R, q, ~lcP, and ¢1 with modified radial m o t i o n (MRM) correction.
T h e cradle r o t a t i o n angle ¢ c a n d cradle radial setting SR are linear function of ¢1 and are
represented as,
q = Oc + ~ P ¢ 1 , SR = S(n°) + Sn¢1,

where symbol 0c and S ~ ) denote the initial cradle r o t a t i o n angle setting and the initial cradle
radial setting, respectively.


A face milling h y p o i d generator w i t h o u t c u t t e r tilted is used to verify the proposed m a t h e m a t i -
cal model. T h e blank dimension sheet is listed in Table 1 while the corresponding machine-setting
s u m m a r y o b t a i n e d by Gleason SB, SGM calculation instruction (Gleason # 4 6 3 ) is listed in Ta-
ble 2 for the numerical example. T h e T C A results by original Gleason SB, S G M system is shown
in Figure 6.
T h e gear t o o t h surface is assumed to be given by Gleason SB, S G M s u m m a r y while the t o o t h
surface of pinion is generated by the proposed m a t h e m a t i c a l model. T w o numerical examples
are proposed to show the separate control abilities on the bias of c o n t a c t p a t t e r n and the m o t i o n
curve by the proposed methodology.

Gleason system (Pinion Convex) Gleason system (Pinion Concave)

Zero position Zero Position

Mean(E=-0.04121, P=0.05401) Mean (E=-0.02185, P=0.021)

i¸ :

Toe(E=-0.19628, P=0.22757) Toe(E=0.12221, P=-0.10699)

Heel(E=0.17747, P=0.17857) Iteel(E=-0.22682, P=0.19089)

Figure 6. The results of TCA by Gleason SB, SGM calculation.

As shown in Example 1, parameters, the position of specified contact point M(f((M), R(M))
on pinion blank, the derivative ~/~p of i"oll ratio, the ratio a/5, the bias angle Pc at contact
point M of the contact path, are assumed to be given and listed in Table 3. The calculated
variables, S ~ ), S~, 0c, and r/cp, are listed in Table 3. The TCA results after MRM correction
Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1321

M R M Correction (Pinion Convex) M R M Correction (Pinion Concave)

Zero Position Zero Position

Mean (E=0.11103, P=-0.09032) Mean (E=-0.16019, P=0.21905)

Toe (E=-0.04236, P=0.04864) Toe (E=0.01642, P=0.0042)

• .. . .

Heel(E=0.31954, P=-0.27696) Heel(E=-0.42617, P=0.51117)

.... . ~ ' ~

Figure 7. The results of TCA after MRM correction for Example 1.

for Example 1 is shown in Figure 7. The contact point M is assigned to toe position on pinion
convex and concave sides. The bearing ratios of the proposed MRM method are almost the same
with the Gleason system with the same cutter geometry. As shown in Example 1, the proposed
mathematical model could easily control the contact position and bearing ratio.

M R M Correction (Pinion Convex) M R M Correction (Pinion Concave)

Zero Position Zero Position

Mean (E=0.08515, P=-0.04113) Mean (E=-0.15493, P=0.20793)

Toe (E=-0.02662, P=0.025) Toe (E=0.01682, P=0.00451)

Heel(E=0.23713, P=-0.13485) Iteel(E=-0.41261, P=0.48495)

Figure 8. The results of TCA after MRM correction for Example 2.

As shown in Example 2, the control parameters are the same as in Example 1 except the
derivative ~?cP
' of roll ratio and the bias angle Pc at contact point M of the contact path as
listed in Table 4. On the pinion convex side, we try to increase the bias-in of the contact path
Face-Milling Spiral Bevel Gear 1323

while keeping the kinematical error same as Example 1. However, on the pinion concave side,
we try to keep the bias of the contact path same as Example 1 but increase the kinematical
error (profile-out). The TCA results after MRM correction for Example 2 is shown in Figure 8.
Compare Figure 7 with Figure 8, the motion curve and contact bias are modified as we planned.
On the pinion convex side, the bias-in of the contact path is increased while the kinematical error
are the almost same as Example 1. On the pinion concave side, the bias of the contact path are
the almost same as Example 1 but the kinematical error are increased. Example 2 illustrate the
capability of the proposed methodology to control the bias and kinematic error independently.

6. C O N C L U S I O N

A methodology is proposed to determine the machine settings with Modified Radial Motion
(MRM) correction at specified contact position. By adding an extra degree of freedom--radial
distance on the machine plane--there are enough D.O.F. to control on the bias and kinematical
error separately. Based on the (MRM) correction, the contact position, the motion curve, and
the contact path bias on the pinion tooth surface can be controlled independently. As shown by
the numerical examples, the contact position, the bias of contact pattern, and the motion curve
were modified as planned. The proposed MRM methodology is useful to gain more control on
the contact pattern and the motion characteristics.

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