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1. Which one of the following genes will termed as homozygous recessive?

(a) RRYY (b) RrYy (C) rryy (d) RrYY

2. A breaking enzyme is________
(a) Recombinant (b) Endonuclease (C) Urokinase (d) Ligase
3. True breading means_______
(a) Heterozygous (b) Homozygous (C) Both a and b (d) None
4. Sir Alexander Fleming is_______biologist.
(a) Italian (b) Swedish (C) Scottish (d) English
5. Abiotic component of ecosystem is
(a) Procedure (b) Herbivores (C) Carnivores (d) Oxygen
6. Glucagon is secreted by
(a) Exocrine part of (b) Islets of (C) Pituitary gland (d) None
pancreas Langerhans
7. Which generation is haploid?
(a) Sporophyte (b) Endospore (C) Sporangia (d) Gametophyte
8. Which component of cell is involved in translation
(a) Nucleus (b) Mitochondria (C) Golgi apparatus (d) Ribosome
9. ________is smallest bone in our body.
(a) Stapes (b) Thigh (C) Ankle (d) Knee-cap
10. Genes contain instruction for the synthesis of________
(a) Fats (b) Protein (C Vitamins (d Carbohydrates
) )
11. In which of the following animal groups, external fertilization take place_________
(a) Reptiles (b) Amphibians (C Birds (d Mammals
) )
12. Which one of the following is not an endoparasite?
(a) Mosquito (b) Plasmodium (C Entamoeba (d Ascaris
) )
13. Mendel used __________pea plant in his experiments.
(a) 280 (b) 2800 (C 28000 (d 28,00000
) )
14. From the leaves of foxglove which is obtained?
(a) Digitalis (b) Tincture of (C antitoxin (d Opium
iodine ) )
15. Which interfere with synthesis of bacteria cell wall?
(a) Digitalis (b) Tetracyclines (C Cephalosporin (d Sulfonamide
) )
16. Which of the following is called voice box?
(a) Trachea (b) Larynx (C Bronchi (d Alveoli
) )
17 Amount of oxygen in expired air is _______
(a) 21% (b) 16% (C 0.04% (d 4%
) )
18 Which one take deoxygenated blood toward lungs?
(a) Superior vena (b) Aorta (C Pulmonary (d Pulmonary vein
cava ) artery )
19 Paracetamol is a/an_________
(a) Sedatives (b) Antibiotics (C Analgesis (d Vaccines
) )
20 Cell division in invertebrate are regulated by_________
(a) Endocrine gland (b) Exocrine gland (C Neuron (d Hormone
) )

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