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Airports Security Force - ASF ASI eo BPS-1% Latest Edition 2019-2020 : pd DOGAR PUBLISHERS) Rehan Shehzad Khan , Dogar Publihers Editorial Board B Te CamScan dO. dl. SUITABLE i He is indebted alarge sum. — PREPOSITIONS PrILLIN —— his friend for 4B) For . i ifferent 0 ail the gooit counsels of his parents and x0 got trouble, (Ay With ‘an (rin oo& | J saw a man on the roadside looked like my wncte (A) That BY Who (©). Whoin 6) wens. [25% He is so impatient with good advice that 1 despair making any dmpression on hit 1 (A) On B) (Of (C) th (por | 1% She could not arrive any conclusion. (4y At (B) On 17: (C) In (D) Upon % We are accountable Goll for our actions. / (A) In (BY To (©) With @®) On Ie Lam sick heart. (A) By (B) /To (C) In At His thirst_____ knowledge teft him | 19, no leisure for anything else. (A) In (B) With (CY For (D)_ Over is a person who dabbles in a art and letters. ~ FILL IN THE BLANKS So. (Ay Wath (8) For tort (D) By famous howesty ax Javed is Woleriaus for Por (B) In vo (8) Upon She is quite hopeful _— success is amination. (B) To a (Dy oF love our country, ta be interested ___ ts concerns is ‘natural to dimen (A) OF 8) In (Cc) On (D) Over As the market becomes petitive, some companies will a rich (B)7 With (Cc) Of @y In In his autobiography he refers his abhorrence from animal diets (Ay To (B) Over (C) For (D) In Tcan see your game. (A) On @®) To (C) At oy Through Our tragic experience in the recent past provides an index the state of lawlessness in Bea (A) Over B) In (Cf OF (D) To Ali has been ill. ‘Monday last. (A) From (B) For (CY Since (D) By ANSWERS [oQ_] (A) Philistine Dilettante (©) Chauvinist ©) Connoisseur I shajl not act compulsion, (AY? Under (B) In (C) Over ) With He will not apologize _you for what he did, as he acted in good Suith. Scanned with CamScani TEST NO. 2 QFILL IN THE BLANKS BY Tee ar neager tenor cine, Fis Te a i nor a erlier ori Sagging 8 ae (A) to (©) Gree (D) OF ep 2 Who has campered__. © over ® wit 3. Mr Amman was reteased__— need TET (© From (D) Of # Saghir complained against me —— my Jasper, “Ce te. @ with (©) Upto (p) At S$ The speaker painted a ___ picture of hunger in parts of Tadia. (A) Passionate (B) Parsimonious (©) Chimericat oy Poignant & 2 must attend my ailing Sather. (A) To (B) For (C) After (D) On 7% Her father knew that she disobey him. z (A) Will wo Would (C) Not (D) Would not & T have no desire name or re On (B) Upon (Cy For ln a aie sure to profit his ay iy (B) On (C) With (D) 16. 49, Se It. (oy of The Qurat Muslims: (A) For (0), muverial is different one we had last time. (a) BY (Cc), To JS Why did your mother you? (A) To (©) With The person who is | sympathy talks a (A) Didactically Politely (Cj. Plaintively 0) Ominously Dhave claim a (A) To (C) In We are accountable our actions, Scanned with CamScani into @RILL INTHE BLANKS ah m, a Sire mamas Pls ye rit te fe puts hig For From AD) ove (ae wah — en ein. @ by Te = ©) or (B) Fe, [2% Mecem harhone success ec: 2 — Saline having quarreney) bout (A) For (B) ‘To On Partner insisted on disaiigaa!th (Ov oF ©) custome iy the merchandise, PFE oF alt | 13. sow take his muileine, you — Rr cay () To With ern _ B) (C) By & Ww sl OYE @) will J. Health is preferable "),, Uae ©) Would (D) Please (A) For Wealth. | 14, Satma is no match Arif. D) By (© In By, Upoa (A) With By To Salim dict not come a cpl Stee {D) For aan epecaiins — ew fous must stich your promise. ve ge | oe ee A (D) In 16. He killed igh 5% Nobody = 2 le was kille @ highway hata i pid ee eae Ng with a dapper, ‘| convincing people. 1a By @ as a ao oy For I, He lisea anew factory. (A) Dow By U 6 % ia | the sound of the J © ‘Over ® ne " . il id = Br pm | arent mene 7 He is 00 miseey wo pat” | 19, SeipSbuoious__ Deh | 8% ey gr 8s iy (D) By (C). For (DY With | 20. The mother was anxious : im the 8 Mies roe object safety of her child. od lone. (A) For B) Us towne 7 (C) At By abou 3 pon Jmran was disappointed not finding the doctor in his seat, (A) Over (B)/ On (C) To (Dy At J went to inquire. his health, (AY After (B) To (C) For (D) About |; eens CORRECT USE OF TENSES Objective Type (MCQs) of Encircle the Correct Answer A, B, (C) loved loves CorD on the Answer sheet, 2° He___ going toschool. her cat very much. (A) are @B) is (A) Tove (B) loving (DY" has Scanned with CamScani Dagar'é Uitgie Gesieral RTO ra ots 3) ped () am fi kes ‘ mae _ Py kerd. f ) A Re : By od (cy ave By work Ming kod D) WOO ye | 26 Nothing } i (am ” (DY was % e house iefore t staripd rant. . ayn (By leave I (Ay wai (C), Heaves (b),_teaved (c)_ write & She had been since morning. Cue Nave r — oe | x9, (A) work (B)y working ’A) earn (B), coming: {C) orks | (DD, worked ‘Ame (2) ote a 9 J__,_ see her next Monday. is fs pesteriteipe (OF shall ty tace | 20 om 3 ©) an ©) been | cea 1 They playing hockey at that © ots ee time. , A= (A) arebeing (BY shall be ®) (€) havebeen .(D) shall been dt They. left Pakistan before the end of the year. (A) had been (B) were (CM willhave (D)_will has TT cannot ‘anything until 1 have taken my tanch. (A) done (By did (C) doing (B) do Annaah senannnn NEGATIVE SENTENCES Objective Type (MCQs) Direction: _ Each of the followii fentonce is followed by four neice | (©) The gardener do. not Sentences marked as (a), (b), (c) and (a), | 2, Plants, Choose the correct negative senten: He had gone, when Asma 1 The gardener watered the plants, 8 Po ot go, when’ (a) oe not watered the 7 oF fot had gone, . Ne. (6) The gardener did not water the (©) He had gone not, (6) The gardener did not plants, ee he Scanned with CamScani rs Untque General Recruitment Test Guide GY He will not win the pri / {8} Hens wil with rae (8) They have not waited for us {ea oat ne br {@ They wt wae ors 4. You solved the questions 10. You invited me to tea. (3) You did not solved the questions. (a) oud ot inv me ten ‘ou did not invite me to tea, (b)_, You do not sotv (O/ Youdia nex ere oe (6) You not invited me to tea. 1D fue (@) You do ot invited me to tea. 4. The hen is laying eggs. ions. I. The boys were making noise. (ay The hen is not laying (a) The boys did not making noise. (b) The hen is not lay eges (by The boys were not make noite, (©) The hen docs not laying eggs. Se ee. Cenemunee — \ai tanner rmmeaeine fs You aaah poe foo ie na heen writing the letter for an (@) You does not admit your fault (ay He had not been writing the letter You do not admit your faut for an hour. . (©) You not admit your fault. (b) He had not writing the letter for an (@) | You are not admit your fault Ir. 7. He listens to me. (c) He did not writing the letter for an (@) He does not listen to me. hour. (b) , He do not listen to me, (@ He not been writing the letter for (© He does not listen to me. an hour. (d)_ He do not listen to me. 413. The sun will be rising, (a) The sun will not be rising. (b) The sun will be not rising. ()_ The sun will not rising, & Aslam takes exercise regularly. {a) Aslam does not takes exercise regularly. tee (b) psi do not takes exercise (d) Teepe tenet eee regularly. (© Adlum is not takes exercise | —7By ANS WE regularly. ~ ao Aslam Myoes mot take exercise +: oa regularly. a 9. They have waited for us. = (a). They did not have waited for us. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES Objective Type (MCQs) Directions: Each ‘of the following key (b) Will have on Sone sentence is followed by for oe a negative sentence marked as (a), to Sa ihe Sak fave beso (b), @ and @). Gee cei, pe ence 9 en a oper es been cooking | OrCosE heen the cok 4 joodsince 9 0°Clock @ have, been ee 8 (a) Have the cook will been cl ee food since 9 2h Your: feiends o’Clock? your success Scanned with CamScani al Recruitmen i « appears in >i your friends o Bota] ane tof id your friends on appear in the Congrazulate you on your |+ ©) J “ike success? a appear ih the , @) Do your friends wy b ¢ oose the €o ongraulied you oP OH) ge beggar ee ee Souming ® Dil your friends of ke ee socemstuites you on your @ Foies uie begeat & counting 4S Thesan wit ave st @ coins? agar count coins? (a) Will have the sun set in? c) Is the DEES agar Coultiny (8) Will te sun have stn? @) Be’ te cae : (6) Haye the sun will set in? Ch (@) Did the sun will have set in? | 9 The guests have arte sstivent 4 Ve cattle have been drinking water (a) ~ Do et Weived? for wne month. (by fe the gue’ i (®* Have the cattle been ©) fe tho guests arrive drinking water for one Ms) Have the guests arriving? month? 10. I shall wait for you. : (6) Have been the eatile been (a) Shall I waited for you' drinking water for on (b) » Do I shall wait for you? month? (h/ Shall wait foryou? (©) Been the cattle have (Shall have 1 wait for you? drinking ‘water for one | 1J. Sire will be singinig songs. month? (ay Will she be singing songs? 4 (d) Do the cattle haye been (b) Will be she singing songs? drinking water for one (c) _ Will she be sing songs? ‘ month? (d) Will she be sung songs? §. He was not taking break fast. 12, The farmer will have been @ Did he was not taking ploughing for two days. (a) Have the farmer been ploughing for two days? breaki (b) Does he was not taking breakfast? (oY Will the farmer haye been (O% Was he not taking sloughing for two days? bi 2 fo Witthave the farms (@) Was he not take breakfast? fl ape ploughing for two days? Sie dad ready passed ti (| have the farser ai Beem ven 5 che had ly ploughing for two days? i ? ANSWERS examination? 1 a 5 © [2 (o) i say pass this | 4" CV a : (@) Does she had do already || Oy | 8. 1A) | 9, this examination? 10 © Paya. _ The moon appears in the evening. Scanned with CamScani Pagers Unique General Kecruilmeiit Nes Gute ACTIVE AND PASSIVE Vi 4 OICE ©BJECTIVE (MCQs TESTS TEST NO. 1 n Y a te ae ret 10. Sh laren aan ar Amjad plays football, (a) Has a gift given to him by me. (a Football is played by Amjad (6) ‘Had a pit given ta hin by ne (6) Football played is by Amjad, (©) / Have a gift given to him by me. (c) Football played by is Amjad, (dy Was a gift piven to him by me. (@)_, Football played by Amjad ig, 11. He was tending the books, ‘The horse pulls the Tonga. (a) Books was being read by him. (a) The tonga pulled is by the horse. (b) » Books are being read by him. (b), The tonga pulled by is the horse, (eY Books were being read by him. (6) The tonga is Pulled bythe horse, (@) Books have being read by him. (@) | The tonga is by pulled the horse. | 12, We,vere writing letters. Teat mangoes. (¥ Lewters were being written by us. (a) Mangoes caten are by me, (b) Letters was being written by us. (b)_, Mangoes are by eaten me. (c) Letters are being written by us. (c}/ Mangoes are eaten by me. (d) Letters have being written by us. (4) Mangoes by are eaten me. 13, What were you doing? He does not eat apples. (a) What has being done by you? (a) Apples are eaten not by him. (b), What had being done by you? ) (b)/ Apples are not by eaten him: cy Uist Pastels dane YOu Apples hat were being done by you’ (ch apples areas calen Ey 14, You had played cricket. A iis (4) Apples not are eaten by him. iy males Seer ( Tam making tea. ea Cricket had been played by you. (@) , Teas Deine Ey Mame 0o: (6) Cricket have been played by you. is being mad . ; ae oe eee (@)_Gicket has been being played by is bei ~ you. Weaewithgaupee 15. Hebe book (a) A book is being written us by. fa) A took teh n as he . (b). A book is being by written us. VAN ack et een (c} A book is being written by us. fey soak tal eat eae a (d) A book being is writen by us. (@) A Gook have Gren Sete Thave di job. . c a ‘My job | tademelbsén by me. 16, ee Ss ore he by ee eee | Ay tes na (cy My je fone ec, , Mb Ged done by me. ( ie the clothes been pressed by : oe (@ Ee bought Nadeem. (c) ‘Have the clothes been’ pressed by CY ey Neen (0) Has bee te slots se © Age ere ee 7 ste ll wash ee ay (a)/ The door opened was by you. @ red cl washed (0) The door was opened by you. 0) “Tis clothes will being washed by (c) The door was by opened you. ier. : Scanned with CamScani ©) The : ~ ( ria 1 1@: aes, that he will be going 1g, her, ; Si ialkot. o Reliwe are the students. of Ye Willobeen ; English class.” * tent Pei ‘ay that, they are the fe 1 ee al co Milnor Els ise Fe t P hed by i 30) he areas om THe ac af Enalish class ; oe taal Shey said that they are the é @ ae ; students of English slass. Fey ‘say that they will be the students of English class. [the examination. Kalim says, "I want to (ell you » - ul ‘will have be (@) _Kalim says that he wanted to tell have bat thing. cella SEE Sot Kali says hat he wants to tell ion wi e thins Tacspapimn wit tone | 2h a he wat you one thing. (4) Kalim said that he wants to tell you one thing. . They will say, "we are having dinner,” ” (a) They said that they are having ( dinner, (b) They would say that they are having dinner. (c/ They will say that they are having dinner. (® They will say that they were ae having dinner, ie gardener will say, "I am wateri the plants” (@) The gardener say that he is Watering the plants. (b) The gardener would say that he is S ‘Watering the plants. (©) The gardener will say that he was ay Watering the plants, (@) The gardener will say that he is th watering the plants, iC je mother said to her son, "you are a Scanned with CamScani 0 the mother that nen; (0) The S08 said 10 the mother that he want some mi The som told the 4 ted some money. il 68 the mother that 1 none he Bives me dowie ther that he You tal You told us that some milk, You told us that she has You some milk You told us that. she gave you sone milk 10, 1 said ta hits, "What are you doing there.” @) 1 th 1 asked him what were be was doing there (©) L asked him what he has doing @ Id US thal she give you ilk tab oy she gives you © ven @) asked him what was he doing ere, ) there, (@/ 1 asked him what lie was doing there. I sajd to him, "will you help me?" (a¥ Tasked him if he would help me? (b)Tasked him if he will help me? (c) _ Tasked him if he does help me? (4) Lasked him if he has helped me? He said to me, "Does your father deal in garments?" (@) | He asked me that did our father deal in garments. (6) He asked me that did my father deal in garments, (©) He asked me that docs your father deal in garments, @) He asked me that did my father The pupil xays to the teacher, “U have ot Worked hard.” () The pupil tells the teacher that he Pind sok worked hare (b)/ The pupil tells the teacher that he fas not worked hard. (©) The pupil tells the teacher that he have not worked had (4) The pupil tells the teacher that he ‘will not work hard, The father said to his son, *how much money do you need? (0) ‘The father asked ‘his son how tmuch money you need, (W), The father asked his son how much money he need. (© The father asked his son how much money he needed, (4) The father asked his son how Iniich money need. ‘The milkman said to the woman, ‘do Sot mix water in milk.” (@) The milkman told the woman that he does not mix water in milk (&) The milkman told the woman ‘that I did not mix water in milk, (©) The milkman told the woman ‘that he do not mix water in milk, (© The milkman told the woman that he did not mix water in milk. ‘The prisoner said to the judge, "I am not guilly of this crime.” (0) The prisoner told the judge that 1 ‘Was not guilty of that crime. (6) The prisoner told the judge that he was not guilty of that crime. (©) The prisoner told the judge that hhe was not guilty of this crime. (@ The prisoner told the judge that ‘You were not guilty of that crime. ISWERS ® 4, ® 5. ©) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (6) 9: (b) 10.@) deal in garments. AN: lL @) 2 © 3. 1. @) 12, (b) 13. (b) 14.) 15. (@) 16. (b) Scanned with CamScani Ss j SYNONYM: 5 cnn and omy ete Ao nro: wich ve aproninatly ove one TINE ATS et Ga ! Ete i White speatung or weil 8 28) oo express the amet ay do increase their VOCADUIALY by J their proper tse pubs that synongins Head colour and variety {© vou aie particular synonyms tO express ond ave not always the exact substitutes an that word, However, students can avoid co fre ariety to our language, But we Meare idea because the changeable with tating synonymy ch anther In this chapter 4 Fist of in Atwutd read this Mi wards properly tay monyms is given, You cords along with their sy portant words along none fully and try to remember thein So iting in_your daily life. TIVE (MCQs) TESTS d. tranquility F c. peace © ~Ghoose the synonyms of the | * AGhee eer concur Sollowiny wards {ee waned ABILITY OIE . eapability b. competence fe PEGE & plenty failure a. lobby Aesolve 2. 2 ec lie determine & pendin, b, / delegation ANSWERS * ry df censure [_1. b. 2. a. 3e 3. BEFICIENCY t 4 5 a a b, capabilit r 2 : , e a. departure TEST NO. 3 © — Choose the synonyms of the b,_ subsequent Sollowing words: 4 surplus 1. REASON i a. prop b. preserve b, intricate oY argue d. debate bid 2 URGE a incite be spur &, destine a. obitu: 3 SCOLD oa a. surplus b. chide oe reprove d. hail 4 DILIGENT 3 industrious b, ~ grove d, 5 EMPTY . b. d. Scanned with CamScani

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