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Adam Glesser

California State University Fullerton Fall 2013

Math 307 Assignment 7

Throughout this assignment, F always denotes a field (you may think of it as the real numbers, R, or
the complex numbers, C).

Diagonal Matrices
1. Let V be a vector space over C, and let T P LpV q. For the following matrices, assume that each
represents the matrix of T with respect to some basis. Find a basis of eigenvectors of V and verify
that the matrix for T with respect to this “eigenbasis” is diagonal.
ˆ ˙
1 3
3 1
¨ ˛
0 0 1
(b) ˝1 0 ´1‚
0 1 1
¨ ˛
1 1 0
(c) ˝0 ´1 2‚
0 0 3

2. Let T : P3 pCq Ñ P3 pCq, f f 1 ` f 2 . Show that there is no basis with respect to which the
matrix of T is diagonal.

Sums and Direct Sums

3. Let V “ R3 , let U denote the xy-plane, and let W denote the xz-plane. Prove that V “ U ` W . Is
the sum direct?

4. Let V be a vector space over F and let U and W be subspaces such that V “ U ` W . Prove that
V “ U ‘ W if and only if U X W “ t0u.

5. Let MappR, Rq denote the vector space (over R) of functions from R to R (with addition and scalar
multiplication of functions defined as usual). Recall that f P MappR, Rq is even if, for all a P R,
f p´aq “ f paq, and that f is odd if, for all a P R, f p´aq “ ´f paq.

(a) Prove that Mapeven pR, Rq, the set of even functions in MappR, Rq, is a subspace of MappR, Rq.
(b) Prove that Mapodd pR, Rq, the set of odd functions in MappR, Rq, is a subspace of MappR, Rq.
(c) Prove that MappR, Rq “ Mapeven pR, Rq ‘ Mapodd pR, Rq.

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