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Chess For Beginners

Do you want to learn how to play chess? Do you want to be better at playing chess? Or, are
you looking for a chess guide that has it all?

Whatever your reason are, there’s a book that could help you progress.

Chess is a popular board game that requires strategic skill. It is played by two players on a
checkered square board. In this game, each player starts with sixteen pieces which they can
move to capture and oppose their adversary's pieces. They move their piece following the
precise game rules.

With this book, Chess For Beginners: Learn How to Calculate Each Move as a Grandmaster
and Stop the Blundering. Choose Your Strategy and Force Your Opponent to Resign, you
can learn how to play chess. The first thing you will learn is the goal of the game and the
information about the board used in chess. Other basic things you would learn are the
names of every piece and their moves. A king can move differently from the queen as well as
the other pieces. You will know the rules of the games and chess notation such as the touch-
move rules and the algebraic notation. Not only that, you can take note of the strategies
included in this book on how to control your board. Reading further, you'll have an idea of
the phases of a chess game from the open game, middle, to the endgame. An excellent thing
about this book is how it teaches you to attack your opponent, defend your pieces from
theirs, and counter-attack them. You can surely use these when you start playing with your
friends or relatives. If there are instances that you made some error management like losing
a piece with a higher value or losing it for nothing, this book can teach you how to recover
and get out from these tactic problems. The victory will surely come at your hand especially
if you keep in mind all the important notes.

This book can help you become a good chess player despite being a beginner. Take time to
practice while being guided by this book. Soon, you'll be able to master chess and be able to
create your own strategies. Grab a copy of this book now!
Chess Openings For Beginners

Do you want to improve your strategy in playing chess? Are you aspiring to reach chess
stardom? Or, you simply want to give your opponent the taste of defeat?

Then you will need to learn about the best chess opening perfect for you as a beginner.

Chess is a game between a black and white player. Each player has sixteen pieces (white vs
black pieces) to start a game. As a novice in this board game, you may view chess as
complicated especially when you become confused about the right openings. You may easily
feel overwhelmed when you have to decide what to play at the start of the game. You will
ask yourself, "What am I supposed to do?". Then you start confusing yourself without
realizing you're just trapping your ideas. Granted, there are so many openings you can try to
meet your victory.

In this book, Chess Opening for Beginners: Find Out the Most Important Openings and How
to Counterattack the Opponent Ones. Develop Correctly your Pieces and Predict Each
Move, the key concepts to chess opening, and the importance of structure. It gives you
details on how to control correctly your pieces. This book includes the categorization of
chess games and their basic principles. The best openings for beginners depend on your goal
either you just want to enjoy playing this game or be a professional chess player. In studying
chess openings, you should also learn about middlegames and endgames which are part of
your learning process especially if you are serious about playing chess. If you just want to
enjoy the game, there are opening you can learn quickly without the need for tough
memorization. These chess openings are categorized into open, semi-open, closed, semi-
closed games, and flank openings. The following are some samples of important chess
openings: King's Gambit, Sicilian Defense, Scandinavian Defense, The Queen's Gambit, and
more! You can find all the best and relevant openings as you read further. Additional tactics
that can support your strategy can also be found in the text. Take the chance to learn about
Make these openings your opportunity to win. It takes time and practice to improve more
but it sure worthwhile once you familiarize yourself with them. Grab your copy of this book

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