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Book Title:

Colorless Racism
(Total word count: 30k)

Chapter 1. The root of racism

Chapter 2. Why racism is a disease
Chapter 3. Why racism has nothing to do with color
Chapter 4. So-call Racism in Europe
Chapter 5. So-call racism in North America
Chapter 6. So-call racism in Australia
Chapter 7. So-call racism in Africa

Chapter 8. So-call racism in Asia

Chapter 9. So-call racism in the Middle East amongst Arabs
Chapter 10. So-call racism in Oceania
Chapter 11. So-call racism in South America
Chapter 12. Why racism is fair driven
Chapter 13. Biological evidence
Chapter 14. Historic evidence
Chapter 15. Economic evidence

Chapter 16. Biblical evidence 1100
Chapter 17. Who cares what you and I think 1900
Chapter 18. True reasons for racism 1500
Chapter 19. The devil’s color mask 1000
Chapter 20. False Solution1500
Chapter 21. The solution1500
Chapter 22. Way forward 1500

Conclusion 200

The beginning of the failures of humans on earth is only a matter of historic fact. Man has acted
like a lone wolf in a vast jungle filled with every imaginable resources ever needed. Location
was never man’s problem, but his craving has nothing to do with his needs, but it has all to do
with greed. The hunger for more of nothing has become humans blinding clay in a planet filled
with every needed resources. The thought of racism without any biological evidence that shows
the superiority of one race over another makes the racist the most laughable clown in the planet.
A biological measure of life at birth and at deaths should be the benchmark for determining any
superiority factor. Racism is a one size fits all satanic mask. It is designed signed to fit anyone no
matter where they live or come from as long as it is applied. For centuries the human race has
had one reason or the other to suppress one another. Regardless of color, people are the same at
birth and death. At birth all babies are biologically the same, and at death the process of
decomposition shows no respect for color. As universal as this truth is, many are still blinded
with the devil’s doctrine of superiority.

1. The Roots of racism

• Like a spoiled brat, the ideology behind racism is privilege and false information.
• The doctrine of superiority is as deadly as poison except the fact that it is a slow poison.
• When a group of people have the upper hand they never expect the oppressed to rise out of
• privilege is screaming to be sustained at the expense of the suppression of others.
• Oppressors love sustained privilege.
• A racist sit on the thrown of a willful mental disease while sipping out of the cup of ignorance.
• Racist are made not born
• The purity of birth cannot produce a child racist. Just as houses don’t fall from the shies or out
of the ground, even so is the truth about a racist; they are made not born.
• It takes as much work to be a racist as building a house
• Racist are trained by human not God

2. Why Racism is a disease

Whenever a people group can sell themselves as a superior breed of humans, they are usually
deluded in mind.
Some of the perpetrators of racism are people with good education and all the money in the
world. Some racists are so blinded that they even use the bible as a mask. There are theologians,
businessmen and businesswomen, politicians, military leaders all around the world that are
suffering from the virus called racism.
It must be noted that these items listed below are not cure racism:
• Education
• Wealth
• looks
• Poverty
• religion
• Professionalism
• Good ethics

3. Why racism has nothing to do with color

• Throughout human history the devil has perfectly hidden behind the mask people call racism. It
starts with a deceptive thought, then becomes a doctrine crying for expression.
• It has been so successful that people groups have suppressed their fellow human being without
• If color is the root cause of racism, then nations would have had no sense of division.
• People of the same color have done more damage to each other than those of opposite color
• Most historic acts of racism globally have been perpetuated by people of the same color
• Black on black in Africa, white on white in Europe and the list goes on…
• Cross-color racism is as bad as same color
• Whenever oppressed people rise, the dominant group feels threatened

4. So-Call Racism in Europe

• Hitler’s insanity is widely known around the world.
• From the birth of arian nation to the exception of Jews in Europe. Kosovo was another example
of so-called racism in Europe…

5. So-Call in North America

• Historically, it is impossible to talk about the so-call racism in America without referencing the
plight of African Americans.
• Ethnic cleansing

6. So-Call Racism in Australia

• Aborigines in Australia…

7. So-Call Racism in Africa

South Africa

8. So-call Racism in Asia

• Other examples:
• China
• Pakistan
• India…

9. So-call Racism in Middle East among Arabs

10. So-call Racism in Oceania

11. So-call Racism in South America

12. Why Racism is fear driven

• Due to the fact that racism is about the ungodly right to suppress others, the underline reason is
fear. The racist is afraid the oppressed will become as financially successful as they have been
or even come into a place of power. Without fear the racist has no defensive walls.
1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:
because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

• This is true because fear and intimidation were the racist weapon.
• That they might become the minority
• The oppressed might become as rich as they are
• They hate competition
• In the mind of a racist mind there is fear
• The racist protects his or her fears with bullying and intimidation

13. Biological evidence of equality

• At birth we all look the same.
• Dead the shows no racial preference.
• death, the process of decomposition rejects every doctrine of superiority.

14. Historic evidence

• People all over the world have can attest to the fact that same color killing surpasses cross
color killing.
• This may be a hard truth to swallow, but it is true.

15. Economic evidence

• The migration of so-call inferior race to an affluent neighborhood triggers stomas virus in the
mind of the racist.
• The reason has nothing to do with the skin color or accent.

16. Biblical evidence

• God made mankind in his image and after his likeness.
• Moses married an African- His sister was displeased. One among many reasons why I believe
in the truth that is written in the Bible is because it records events that would have been best
kept confidential if they were the product of the human mind and preferences. By this, I am
referring to events such as murder, sex, human sacrifice, coup, racism and the list goes on.
Back to Moses, he married an African woman while living in the continent; his brother and
sister were displeased because she was out of their race. God had no problems with who Moses
married, but they did. There’s always an immediate or delayed consequence for the practice of
racial. For Mariam Moses sister, it was instant judgment, leprosy. While today’s act of racism
may not produce an instant or later leprosy, something unpleasant has attached itself to the
racist. The racist may experience an immediate sense of false satisfaction, but the consequence
remains unchanged without true change of heart.

• Exodus 4:1-9 reads below:

12 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had
married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman. So they said, “Has the Lord indeed spoken

only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?” And the Lord heard it. (Now the man

Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.) Suddenly the

Lord said to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, “Come out, you three, to the tabernacle of meeting!” So,
the three came out. Then the Lord came down in the pillar of cloud and stood in the door of the

tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam. And they both went forward. Then He said,

“Hear now My words:If there is a prophet among you,I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in
a vision;I speak to him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses;He is faithful in all My house.

I speak with him face to face,Even plainly, and not in dark sayings;And he sees the form of the

Lord.Why then were you not afraidTo speak against My servant Moses?”
So the anger of the Lord was aroused against them, and He departed. And when the cloud
9  10 

departed from above the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam became leprous, as white as snow. Then
Aaron turned toward Miriam, and there she was, a leper. So Aaron said to Moses, “Oh, my lord!

Please do not lay this sin on us, in which we have done foolishly and in which we have sinned.
Please do not let her be as one dead, whose flesh is half consumed when he comes out of his

mother’s womb!”
So Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, “Please heal her, O God, I pray!”

Then the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had but spit in her face, would she not be shamed

seven days? Let her be shut out of the camp seven days, and afterward she may be received
again.” So Miriam was shut out of the camp seven days, and the people did not journey till

Miriam was brought in again.

17. Who cares what you and I think

• Nobody cares what you think about your belief on the subject of racism if you are standing on
the wrong side of justice.
Having come this far, we will take a look at the real reason for racism.
• Not color
• Not physical features
• Not accent
• Not learning ability
• To be straight forward about this subject, racism has nothing to do with the color of the skin.
• It has all to do with the inherent greed in the hearts of men.
• The biggest and oldest reason for racism is economical and not skin color.
• Only a self-deceived mind will out of fear consider another human bing a threat based on color.
• The threat of color is one of the best tools the devil has used against mankind.
• When a race of people moves into a neighborhood, the problem isn't their color, but. The fact
that they have moved up economically.
• True racism is the fear of a people group rising economically

19. The devil’s color mask

• Now to the real truth behind racism.
• Economic advancement is the hidden reason for racism.
• Racists like people they once oppressed as long as they stay poor.
• Racists are fighting a lost war to keep oppression justified.
• Economic threat is the heart of racism
• Racists believe in dominance.
• Racist don't like the economic rise of oppressed people

20. The solution

• Love is the greatest antidote to racism.
• We are all the same at birth and at death.
• Between birth and death is the infusion of false doctrine called racism.
• See others as you see yourself
• Wish others the same as you wish yourselves.
• Know that God made us all the same.
• The mask of region does not justify racism and must be discarded.
• The law of salvation forbids particle love. (God loves us all)

James 4:7 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin
for them. NIV

21. False Solution reverse racism

Over the years we have seen what people call racial reconciliation. Some of these so-called
reconsiderations are nothing but a recycled racism at best. They are usually well rapped in a
user-friendly box with a red boo that gives an emotional satisfaction to the racist. One group
lives in the ghetto or the slum of the community while those who gained from the practice still
live the advantage life. The benefactor of racism continues to live under the benefits of the
practice of racism. The backbone of racism is privilege void of even competition. I am not
implying that people should turn in their riches in other to express true repentance for abusing
one of God’s child. The tide of racism should turn with economic opportunities. When people
say they are sorry for the act of racism that brought decades of financial benefit, it is after
foolishness to make verbal statements while returning back to their mansions. Without an
economic way forward extended to the victims of racism; the meeting is nothing but a scam. It
doesn’t matter if the benefactor of racism cries, made religious statements or quotes from the
Bible; without economic empowerment extended to the oppressed group of people, the effort is
void of godly value. Through the nations of the world, reconciliation without better economic
opportunities for the oppressed has proven to be a failure. Since economic advantages and not
skin color is the heart of racism, the oppressed should be exposed to opportunities with equality
access based on qualification. It is impossible to enjoy the benefit of racism for decades and
expect the oppressed to compete without any help. So you see, reconciliation without economic
opportunities is a blind gesture. An honest reconciliation with economic opportunity is the way

22. Way forward

As love is the solution for racism, so also is a financial way forward.

Romans 13:10 - Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the
fulfilling of the law.

1 John 4:11 - Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one


1 John 3:18 - My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue;
but indeed and in truth.
Changed mindset is revealed by irrefutable life evidence.
True change of heart in this case is more than saying,” I or we are sorry,” it must include the
same opportunities the once oppressors once enjoyed exclusively.
Repentance and reconciliation is worthless without financial empowerment
Words can be cheap, but action speaks louder
Asking for forgiveness with physical


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