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Research Proposal on

Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention Among

University Teachers in Bangladesh

Submitted to,
Md. Abdullah Al Jamil
Assistant Professor

Submitted by,
Ekhtear Ahmed
Batch: 2 (A), ID: 17221039
Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking
1. Introduction
The number of universities is increasing swiftly day by day in Bangladesh. According to
UGC, at present there are 140 universities in Bangladesh of which 43 are public universities
and the remaining 97 are private universities. With the increasing number of universities,
the job sector combining these educational institutions has become very competitive.
Again, it’s believed that teaching is the base and nourishment of all others occupations
(Hanif, 2004). Every year a number of talented and highly qualified graduates from home
and abroad are joining in these universities as faculty member. Yet, a problem is being seen
in this sector that is turnover intention. Maximum faculties are highly qualified with having
degrees from different renowned institutions. But due to the competition, most of them start
their career in comparatively less renowned universities. As a result, they always want to
switch themselves in the better one than the current one.
In Bangladesh, though the number of universities is increasing, but in most of the
universities, the faculty members are not satisfied with their current workplace. Apart from
the mentioned reason in the previous paragraph, there are so many important reasons or
independent variables. This topic has been chosen to sort out those independent variables
and ensure a proper solution of them, so that a quality education in higher studies can be
ensured by decreasing the turnover rate in this sector.
Faculties are considered as one of the important sources of motivation to the students. The
students will be motivated only then, when the faculties are satisfied with their position as
well as profession (Mbua, 2003). There are many researchers who showed that the
relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention is positive in their research
(McCormic and Ilgen, 1985). As several factors are causing dissatisfaction because of
which a good number of teachers are switching their institutions and even profession every
year. This dissatisfaction and turnover intention will have an impact on the quality and
development of the country’s higher education sector in the long run. The main purpose of
the topic is to identify those factors of job dissatisfaction influencing over their turnover
intention and serve a possible solution of those factors.

2. Research Gap
In Bangladesh context, the number of previous research work in this particular sector is
comparatively low. With the same factor in different sector research works have been done.

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But in this sector, it’s comparatively less. The things those covered in previous studies in
this sector are as following…
• Research topic covered the faculties from private universities
• Focused on the facts only
• Descriptive analysis was done
• Didn’t serve any solution or recommendation
In this research work, the faculties from both public universities and private universities
will be covered as respondent since in both types of universities the problem of job
dissatisfaction and turnover intention exists. Both descriptive and inferential statistics will
be used to analyze the data. Multivariate analysis techniques will be used to identify the
factors having influence on job satisfaction and to develop the relationship between job
satisfaction and turnover intention among the university teachers in Bangladesh. This
research work will also serve a possible solution to the problems apart from a fact-based

3. Research Problem
This research work is going to be conducted to find out the relationship of turnover
intention with job satisfaction in the university teachers in Bangladesh.

4. Research Objective

The main objective of this study is to find out the factors that how turnover intention of
university teachers is related to their job satisfaction. Are they positively related to each
other or negatively?

Some secondary objectives of this study are as following to accomplish the main objective,

• To collect the data from respondents according to their position

• The segregation of every detail factors or independent variables which are
somehow related to the dependent variable
• To reflect the impact of high turnover rate in this sector
• To provide possible solutions to the facts identified as independent variables

5. Theoretical Background and Literature Review

The term job satisfaction stands for a satisfiable as well as positive emotional assertion
resulting from the appreciation of one’s job (Locke, 1976). There are some important

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factors include in job satisfaction, different dimensions of psychological reactions to one’s
job. Those reactions have cognitional, emotional and behavioral elements (Hulin and
Judge, 2003). An individual contented with his or her job usually gives the best output, on
the contrary, who is not satisfied with his or her job, cannot provide the best output ever
(Robbins, Stephen and Judge, 1993). And, turnover intention is an individual’s will of
leaving a job or switching a job within a particular period (Perez, 2008; Aydogdu & Asikgil,
2011). It’s considered as the final step in the process of decision making before an
individual leave his or her job finally (Hom, Griffeth & Sellaro, 1984).
Klassen, Usher & Bong; 2010; Determinants of Academics' Job Satisfaction: Empirical
Evidence from Private Universities in Bangladesh; According to them, attractive payment,
promotion in correct time or through incredible accomplishments, support from the
supervisor, coherence with the colleagues etc. are the fundamental factors of job
satisfaction. Turnover intention will be held if the faculties feel they are being deprived
from any of these.
Mohammad Mizanur Rahman; 2012; Job Satisfaction and Teachers’ Turnover: A Study on
Private Universities in Bangladesh; Here, he indicated different factors related to job
satisfaction and turnover intention. He found that females are more contented than males
due to lower exertions, lesser financial needs etc. He also found that the candidates who
joined as faculty just completing the graduation want to switch themselves after a year. He
also figured out that most of the faculty members in comparatively less renowned
universities, they are not only young but also in the introduction period in their academic
field of work.
Okpara et al; 2005; Gender Differences and Job Satisfaction: A Study of University
Teachers in The United States; At Brain Track University, a deep investigation resulted out
that gender inequity exists in job contentment levels of faculty members. Males are less
contented with their salaries, promotions, supervision and overall job satisfaction whereas
females are more contented with their Work and Co-Workers. For them, positions are very
important for explaining job contentment and gender inequity of the respondents.
Sabharwal & Corley; 2009; Faculty job satisfaction across gender and discipline; It’s found
from this research work that in all faculties, males are more contented than females. It’s
predicted here that male would have more contentment than their woman colleagues when
they are overprotective for such types of factors like career-oriented factors and
institutional demographics. It’s also found that within the health and science fields, females

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are considerably less contented compare to males whereas in the field of social science and
engineering, the satisfaction level of male and female faculty members were almost same.
Santhapparaj & Alam; 2005; Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staff in Private
Universities in Malaysia; They explored the link between payment, promotion, selvage
benefit, working environment, research activities, teaching facilities, gender and job
satisfaction among the faculties in different universities in Malaysia. The result displayed
that payment, promotion, working environment and research work activities positively
related to the job satisfaction.
Ssesanga & Garrett; 2005; Job Satisfaction of University Academics: Perspective from
Uganda; Here, they found out nine factors to determine the academic job satisfaction. They
are teaching facilities, research works, supervision, payments, promotion opportunities,
colleagues, working environment, governance and lastly the job itself. And also, turnover
intention is positively related to these factors.

6. Hypothesis Development and Conceptual Framework

H0 = There is no relationship between dependent and independent variables
H1 = There is relationship between dependent and independent variables

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7. Research Methodology
7.1 Research Design:
This research work will be the combination of both descriptive and exploratory research.
To complete the research work data and information from different sources will be
required. As the study will be the mixture of qualitative and quantitative research, data will
be collected from both primary and secondary sources. For data collection, a proper and
well-furnished structural questionnaire will be prepared. Both nominal scale and ordinal
scale will be used in the questionnaire. In some cases, the interval scale will also be used.
It can be said that a mixture of the scaling techniques with different point rating scale will
be used for data collection. There are almost 40 independent variables traced out regarding
the topic and the questionnaire will be constructed based on these variables. After the
completion of questionnaire, pilot survey will be done before going for the actual field data
collection to check back the quality of the questionnaire. As this research work’s
respondents will be the faculties from different background, position, age group etc. to
provide data, so for this reason non-probability judgmental sampling will be used in the
survey. Data will be collected from at least 150 respondents from different private and
public universities from Dhaka and also outside of Dhaka. Through hard copy and soft copy
data will be collected.

7.2 Data Analysis:

It’s been stated that the research work will be the mixture of descriptive and exploratory
research. With the proper evidences, qualitative and numerical analysis will be done to
verify the findings of the study. To develop the theoretical background and to build up
conceptual framework, secondary data will be collected from different journals, websites,
reviews etc. Almost 40 independent selected variables will be being chosen and due to these
factors job satisfaction and turnover intention will be operated as independent variable. For
evaluating the relationship with dependent variables and independent variables, regression
model will be developed separately to show the relationship. Data entry will be conveyed
in SPSS 20 and will be tested under some specific hypothesis. Different statistical tools like
correlation, regression coefficient, factor analysis, trend analysis will be used in this study.

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8. Expected Outcome
Through this study, it’s expected to find out the relation between dependent and
independent variables primarily which actually do matter in the turnover intention. Also,
need to expose which factor/s affect/s the turnover intention among the faculty members
very appealingly so that necessity steps can be taken by the authority to fascinate those
talents and remain stay in that particular university.

9. References
A comprehensive relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Private
Commercial Bank Employees in Bangladesh (June, 2013). Retrieved on April, 2019. From
Determinants of Academics' Job Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Private
Universities in Bangladesh (February, 2015). Retrieved on April, 2019. From
Faculty job satisfaction across gender and discipline (September, 2009). Retrieved on
April, 2019. From
Gender differences and job satisfaction: a study of university teachers in the United States
(2005). Retrieved on April, 2019. From
Job Attitudes (April, 2003). Retrieved on April, 2019. From
Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staff in Private Universities in Malaysia (2005).
Retrieved on April, 2019. From
Job Satisfaction and Teachers’ Turnover: A Study on Private Universities in Bangladesh
(August, 2012). Retrieved on April, 2019. From'_T
Job satisfaction of University academics: Perspectives from Uganda (July, 2005). Retrieved
on April, 2019. From
Relationship of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Private Secondary School
Teachers (July, 2015). Retrieved on April,2019. From

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The Relationship of Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, Mental Health of Government and Non-
Government Employees of Bangladesh (June, 2013). Retrieved on April, 2019. From
The Validity of Mobleys (1977) Model of Employee Turnover (1984). Retrieved on April,
2019. From
Turnover Intent Diploma Thesis. Retrieved on April, 2019. From
0132834979.pdf. Retrieved on April, 2019. From

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