Internship Report of MR Zharif

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Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Khan. PhD.

Organization Name:
Bangladesh Institution of Labor Studies (BILS)

Supervisor Name:
Mr. Syed Sultan Uddin Ahmed
Executive Director
Bangladesh Institution of Labor Studies (BILS)
Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Name: Syed Zharif Uddin Ahmed

ID: 1310609027
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Table of Context
Title Page no
1. Organization Description and Internship Report 2

2. Title of the Report 3

3. Abstract 4
4. Introduction 5
5. Objectives 5
6. Methodology 6
7. Concept of Green Factory 6
8. Current Condition of RMG sector in Bangladesh 7

9. Green Factory in Bangladesh: A step towards environmental 8

10.Management and Machineries of Green Garments Factory 9

11.Role of Trade Union and Workers on establishing Green Factory 10

12.Encounters in going Green 11

13.Rewards of Green Factory Practice in Bangladesh 12

14.Assistance and fortification needed for Green Factory 13

15.Recommendation 14
16.Conclusion 15
17.References 17
18.Annex 1 (Pictures) 18
19.Annex 2 (Checklist) 21
20.Annex 3 (List of Key Informants) 22
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Organization Description and Internship Report

Bangladesh Institution of Labor Studies (BILS) has been working for the well-being of the
worker class society from 1995. It is one of the well- recognized Human Rights organization in
home and abroad. From the beginning, BILS has been working to ensure the proper
establishment and implementation of Labor rights and better livelihood of the workers and
capacity building of the Trade Unions. BILS especially give emphasize on Trade Unions and
link them with society and provide training to cope up in a democratic way. Currently 12 major
National Trade Union federations are associated with BILS.

BILS was established by labor movement and their vision is to establish a prosperous democratic
society which would be free from discrimination and exploitation of all kinds and equal rights
and opportunities to all the people in the society especially the workers people. They wish that
the workers classes should not be treated as a commodity but has humans. Therefore, the mission
of BILS is to co-operate the Trade Unions in Bangladesh to grow like social partner as well as
vanguard for democratic development and common prosperity.

On October 16, 2017. I stared my Internship as part of my Academic Course which is ENV 498
under Professor Nazmul Ahsan Khan. PhD. There, I have conducted a research on Green
Garments Factory in RMG sector which is titled,“Green Factory in Bangladesh on RMG Sector:
A Step Towards the Environmental Sustainability.” Under the supervision of Syed Sultan Uddin
Ahmed; Executive Director; Bangladesh Institution of Labor Studies (BILS). The duration of my
Internship was 8 weeks and during my internship I have visited a Green Garments Factory
named Plummy Fashions situated in Fatullah, Narayanganj. During my field visit I have seen and
know about Green Factory and Green Garments Factory. This factory had won Number One
Green Factory in 2015 of the world. I am planning to do my thesis on this Green Garments
Factory in Bangladesh.
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Green Factory in Bangladesh on RMG Sector:

A Step Towards the Environmental Sustainability.
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Bangladesh is moving towards the Economical Solvency and achieved so many Development
Goals in recent few years. RMG sector is playing a vital role in the economy of Bangladesh. On
the other hand, betterment of environment is a globally concern matter. Therefore, the world is
now moving towards the environmental sustainability. People are now very much concern over
the environment and prefer the products those are environment friendly and made in
environment friendly production system. Hence, the concept of Green Factory has come and
Bangladesh has already adopted this on many industrial sector, but the RMG sector is the most
progressing towards Green Factory in Bangladesh. Already, the top ranking Green Factories
according to the LEED are in Bangladesh. So, there are very much positive opportunities of
Green Garments Factories in Bangladesh.
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The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) form a set of strategic pathways to guide our
development agenda over many challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change etc. To
overcome these mega challenges, we concurrently need to take different development initiatives
in the country, where the 'Green Factory' process can dynamically help us meet the many targets
of the SDGs. In our efforts towards green building, we will be able to achieve about nine out of
the 17 SDGs that can collectively play a vital role in laying our foundation for sustainable
development directly or indirectly.
In last few years Bangladesh has developed a lot economically due to the huge market of the
Garments products in home and abroad. The RMG sector of Bangladesh is now 4th in world
ranking of exporting and importing of garments products and number one highest grossing
product of Bangladesh. More than 4 million people are involved in this RMG sector which has
also created a huge job opportunity in our country and among them 80% of them are female. Due
to the low labor price, the product price is also stable which has fascinated the international
buyers and customers. Despite all these, environment is also getting polluted from this RMG
sector, even though there are laws and regulations on environment Pollution from factories and
industries. Due to the enormous nature of the industry, environmental aspects are highly looked
at in this industry, mainly resource consumption and environmental degradation. In order to
minimize the environment pollution and environmental sustainability by keeping the business
goal intact. Therefore, the concept of Green Factory has emerged. Many developing and
developed countries has adopted Green Factory concept in their industries and therefore moved
towards environmental sustainability. Bangladesh is also moving towards Environmental
Sustainability and therefore has implemented the Green Factory concept on the RMG sector.
This adaptation of Green Factory has helped the RMG sector of Bangladesh to access many
opportunities and benefits in the Foreign Markets.


The objective of conducting this research is to find out the progress and opportunities of Green
Garments factory in Bangladesh. As it is a new subject in Bangladesh and there are many
chances for further studies and research on this. From this I will do my thesis and further
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To conduct this research, I used the secondary information which are collected from different
website and articles. Therefore, it is a qualitative research. Besides, I visited a Green Garments
Factory and interviewed three persons of that factory for my research purpose.

The Concept of Green Factory

The term “Green Factory” raised from “Green Economy” that is the pathway to the
environmental sustainability which is followed by many organizations such as the World Bank,
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Strategies,
plans and policies have been given to rise the Green Factory, that ensures better production
considering the environmental condition. United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) has defined Green factory as, “A pathway of sustainable growth by undertaking green
public investments and implementing public policy initiatives that encourage environmentally
responsible private investments.” (UNIDO,2011).
“Green Factory” refers a factory that is environment friendly in all aspects. Like the other
traditional industries, a Green Factory should not be harmful for the environment. Human health
and environmental sustainability should be the top priority of a Green Factory rather than the
industrial production and financial development. The purpose of a Green Factory is to reach the
targeted production and economic development without harming the environment and the
society. In a broader sense, a green industry is one that sustainably uses any inputs, where
production process requires less use of water, energy, and materials, where solid waste is reused
and recycled, any emission of harmful gases are reduced, and production process is free from
harmful human toxins. A green industry takes an approach towards any form of growth by
reducing its impact on the environment while taking into account of environmental criteria that
may or may not directly relate to the development at hand, but to the ecosystem of the world at
large. A green industry can help them to reduce costs, fight climate change, re-think long-held
business practices and open doors to a countless of opportunities (Fineman and Clarke, 1996).
According to UNIDO (2011), two main approaches towards creating such industry are by
installation of new technologies or starting from scratch. For example, greening an industry
relates to an industry or a facility that has already been founded and is functional. This focuses
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the long-term environment performances regardless of sector, size or location. This also includes
any internal process that reduces the environmental impacts by using more efficient resources
and most effective use of natural resources, renewable energy, by improving the health safety
issues and reducing any overall risks. Additionally, creating Green Factory relates to a new
industry or a facility that needs to be established focusing on zero environment pollution. A
company should focus on adopting the cutting-edge technologies while installing renewable
energy and erecting the business in a way that green principles are embedded in the earlier stages
of planning (UNIDO, 2011).

Current Condition of RMG sector in Bangladesh

The garment industry has played a pioneering role in the development of industrial sector of
Bangladesh. Though it took a rather late start i.e., in 1976 but it soon established its reputation in
the world market within a short span of time. Resultantly garment is now one of the main export
items of the country. Besides, enriching the country's economy it has played a very important
role in alleviating unemployment. At present there are more than two thousand one hundred
garment factories in the country employing more than 12 lack labors. 85 percent of the labor
force is women. Bangladesh is clearly ahead of other Southeast Asian suppliers in terms of
capacity of the ready-made-garment industry. It also offers satisfactory levels of quality,
especially in value and entry-level midmarket products.
For the cheap labor price, the garments products are also in suitable price for the buyers. On the
other hand, the condition of the workers is not well. The low wages are not well enough to
maintain their family properly. Besides, lack of proper implementation of labor laws, unequal
distribution of salary, gender discrimination, insecurity etc. are the main problems in the RMG
sector. Besides sudden unrest on the factory workers, clashes between Factory owner and
workers often close down a factory. On the other hand, national and international competitions
shutting down many factories. The accident in Rana Plaza on 2013 has reviled the scenario of the
workers condition of Bangladesh to the world and thus sanctions from the western markets. But
now, because of the proper initiative from the government and the BGMEA the condition of the
RMG sector is improving. Despite that, lack of skilled workers, on the other hand imbalanced
flow of order as well as limited time, makes it difficult to maintain the betterment of quality or
unable to deliver quality products, thus making us losing the competition in the market with the
industries from Thailand, India, Vietnam and China.
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Figure: Current Condition of workers employment in RMG Sectors in


Green Factory in Bangladesh; A Step Towards the Environmental Sustainability

Green Factory is a very new concept in Bangladesh, where most of the people are still unaware
of the issue. But a few activities of the country's different organizations are conducted in line
with the concept. For example, the Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI) of the
government of Bangladesh has been working innovatively to step forward with the sustainable
building concept in the country. This organization can inspire us to adopt innovative green
building by providing both technology and strategic support and sustainable raw material
solution for their clients.
Green Factory concept is adopted in many developing and developed countries of the world
which includes India, South Korea etc. Therefore, many Garments factories has established
themselves as a Green Factory. Apart from that, some other industries are also on process of
turning into Green Factory. The transformation of the Garments factory into a Green Factory has
helped to gain the reputation that were lost due to different industrial accidents. Besides, the first
world countries are now very much aware over the environment and they always seek those are
environment friendly. Therefore, Green Factory has indeed attracted some customers in recent
years. Besides help and support from the Bangladesh government and BGMEA also helping to
establish Green Factory in Bangladesh. As a result, Bangladesh has total 35 Green Factories and
among the Top 10 ranking of LEED. These are the names of top 10 factories in RMG sector in
the world –
1. Envoy Textiles
2. Remi Holdings
3. Plummy Fashions
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4. Classic Fashion Concept Ltd.

5. Next Accessories Ltd.
6. Genesis Washing Ltd.
7. Vintage Denim Studio Ltd.
8. SQ Birichina Ltd.
According to the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act, 1995 and Bangladesh
Environment Conservation Rules, 1997; every Government and Non-government organization or
industries should conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) before establishing or build
any development project or industry and submit a report to Department of Environment (DOE).
If anyone fails to do that, they have to face consequences. Therefore, building all the Garments
Factories in Eco-friendly way is the first step to establish Green Factory. Besides, according to
the announcement of the Trade Minister; Bangladesh Government will give intensive and
opportunities to those Garments and others that turned into Green Factory.

Management and Machineries of Green Garment Factory

While visiting the Plummy Fashion in Narayanganj, I have observed the management system of
a Green Garments Factory. The production and quality control management as well as workers
relation is almost same as the other garments industries of Bangladesh. But there are differences.
A Green Factory must have sufficient amount of open space which Plummy Fashions have.
There are sufficient number of employees and managerial personals on the factory. The factory
is three separate buildings and both are two stored. According to the factory authority, if any
industrial accident occurs, the workers can jump from the second floor without any major injury.
Moreover, the factory has proper firefighting system and water sources which is an artificial
water body that can provide water for firefighting for a day. There is always chance of industrial
accidents and therefore, the factory is always prepared for any incident although there have been
no accident so far.
Plummy Fashion has Rainwater harvest system. Have rainwater collecting pipes on the roof. On
the rainy season the rainwaters are stored on the underground water reserver. These waters are
used on the washrooms and shower rooms on the factory. As these rainwater is not sufficient for
factorial use, so they practice underground water for dying.
Plummy fashions have renewable power sources that are used for electrical instruments such as
the fans, lights and others of the factory are mostly powered by the solar panels those are set up
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on the roof tops. Still this power source is inadequate to run a whole factory. As the factory is
situated near the capital Dhaka and in a suitable place so power sources are not a problem.
The most interesting part of the Plummy Fashions is they have Skylight system on their roof.
Therefore, when they turn off the light, the top floor of the factory gets the proper light on the
day time. This has helped them to reduce the consumption of the electrical energy on light,
besides there are so many big exhaust fans that bring out the warm air outside.
Like every other Green Factories, Plummy Fashions also have an ETP system. Although there
are not much waste water are produced from the Garments factory apart from the dying section.
The used water of the dying section come to the ETP system which is monitored by automated
machine, after that, those use water again become usable again.
The Plummy fashion has sufficient open space which green trees that also has become
refreshment and amusement for the workers. The factory authority has fulfilled all the
requirements of LEED to achieve LEED Platinum, but those are not sufficient enough. Still
because of the Environmental Protection and mental satisfaction, Green Garments Factory is
very promising for our both economic and environmental development in Bangladesh.

Role of Trade Union and Workers on Establishing Green Factory

The worker classes are the main Impetus on to build up a prospers industry as well as the
civilization. They could be very much useful in establishing a Green Factory. Although, much of
the worker classes in Bangladesh are not aware about the environment as well as environmental
degradation and lack so much knowledge about it as because most of them are not properly
educated. Therefore, the trade unions can come forward on establishing to put on sufficient role
on it. Trade Union can arrange tanning session on educating the workers about the environmental
problems and healthy work environments. They will help to promote environmental
sustainability as well as aware others about it. The trade union will submit their demand
regarding Green Factory so that it can be properly established. Besides, they can also teach the
worker how to handle the chemical products that might be harmful both for human health and
environment. How to collect the use products and way to recycle and reuse those. Although, all
these workers and people who run a trade union are not Financially well established and
therefore it is challenging to give them knowledge about the Green Factory and Environmental
Sustainability as their main goal is to be financial sustainable. But still for the sake for healthy
environment and good workplace Green Factory would be a perfect choice.
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In South Korea, Philippines, South Africa, India etc. several trade union organizations
contributed vital role on establishing Green Factory or Environmentally Sustainable factory.
These not only benefitted the environment of the areas but also the development of their

Encounters in going Green

Although establishment of Green Factory in RMG sector is a great breakthrough for the
environment and economy of Bangladesh. But there are challenges that the garments owners
encounter. First of all, this concept is new in Bangladesh and most its population do not know
and understand about it. Therefore, many owners still don’t feel interest in Green Factory as well
as environment protection. But the main challenge is that, the cost of establishing and maintain a
Green Factory. Establishing and maintaining a Green Factory is expensive. But the owners
cannot add its price into the product as because, the buyers are not willing to pay for it rather
they are cutting the prices. As a result, the owners have to bear the expenses from other of their
factories. The Commerce Minister of Bangladesh Government also stated this situation. On the
other hand, a Green Factory have to be established outside the city where the population is not
dense. But the factory will face the lacking of skilled and eligible workers as the rural areas do
not have skill workforce to labor on a Garments Factory. On the other hand, the good number of
skilled worker class live in the city area and they cannot afford to travel far to the workplace.
Additionally, experts would be needed to maintain the quality of the Green Factory. Another
challenge is to have proper power sources. Renewable power sources like solar panel cannot
provide the electrical energy required. Besides setting it up is also costly. And without the city,
managing the power sources would be difficult for a factory owner. As well they cannot produce
the goods according to the price demand of the buyers. Moreover, the factories and head quarter
being outside the city, and the buyers do not feel comfortable to go far and place order.
Therefore, the low category factories are entering into the competition with their low-quality
goods and many beneficial deals get missing out.
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Rewards of Green Factory Practices in Bangladesh

Economic development is not something that will come overnight and environmental protection
is a long-term process. Considering the global competitiveness scenario, Bangladesh is paying a
notable emphasis on green initiatives, especially for marketing reasons. A company can reduce
electricity, water and consumption of other resources by taking green building initiative. Settings
up green factories are still too expensive in Bangladesh for the larger dependency of raw
materials on external sources. But green initiatives can save money in the long run by abating
cost of utility services such as power and water, as elucidated in earlier sections.
In Bangladesh, many factories are turning Green after the Rana Plaza incident on 2013 which
claimed the life of 1100 workers. Therefore, the quality and high valued buyers are getting
interested of the products from the Green Factories. As environmental sustainability is the main
concern also the better-quality products. The Green Factory in RMG sector has a huge possibility
both for economic development and environmental sustainability. Therefore, the buyers and
sellers are steady bargaining leverage. The company can show the buyers that their products are
all environment friendly and sustainable quality. And a good value is needed to continue this
type production. Environment friendly products are very much popular outside Bangladesh and
most of the western countries are using biodegradable products. For example, Thailand is using
environment friendly & biodegradable plastic bags and tissue papers. Therefore, they have
reduced the environment pollution and degradation. Use of environment friendly garments
products and Green Factory would help RMG sector of Bangladesh to eradicate the bad images
of the past and will get recognition of environment friendly products.
Bangladesh Bank has also launched Green Banking on 2011 in order to ensure environment
friendly banking, which can make a great contribution to the transition to resource-efficient and
low-carbon industries. Bangladesh bank is providing facilities to establish green industry and
green economy in Bangladesh.
The most hopeful news is that, a very good number of quality buyers are increasing for the Green
Garments Products and they are very much appertaining it. Thus, encouraging others to establish
Green Garments Factory.
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Assistance and fortification needed for Green Factory

Bangladesh is now sufficiently economic developed but environment pollution is high these
days. As climate change and environmental pollution is a very serious concern of the world,
Green Factory is an initiative to betterment of environment. Green Factory has become popular
in the world as well as in Bangladesh and number one LEED certified Green Factory is in
Bangladesh. But it is not fully knowledgeable among the general people. Because of lack of
support and other issues, many garments owners do not feel comfortable and confident on
turning green. Although the number one Green Factory of the is situated in Bangladesh which
has also got the LEED Platinum winner which is Plummy Fashions, but still proper provision is
required. Bangladesh government has been supporting for establishing Green Garments Factories
and Bangladesh Bank also giving incentives.
One of the main challenges in establishing a LEED required Green Factory is a good open place.
Very few Green Garments Factories are able to set up their factory with proper open spaces. As
it is difficult to find open spaces in the City areas, therefore factories are have to built far away
from the city. Besides building a green factory also need specific infrastructural methods which
is also very costly. Therefore, proper infrastructural support is needed from Government and
NGOs .
On the other hand, availability of skilled workers is also a problem outside the metropolitan
cities. Therefore, proper training has to be provided to the local workforces those are willing to
work in a short period of time.
Although government and Bangladesh bank are helping to establish Green Factory in
Bangladesh, but there are very few support from the BGMEA and other Non-Government
Organizations. Beside Medias don’t focus on the good initiatives of Green Factories. Therefore,
this concept is still unknown to many people, which has hampering to achieve the business goals
of those Factories. It would be helpful for them if government would reduce some taxes on the
set-up materials of the Green Garments factories so that they can set up properly. Although
Bangladesh bank has been providing incentives for setting up Green Garments Factories but
other banks are not helping. They seek profit most from the profitable factories and provide loans
accordingly with high interest. If Bangladesh bank implement some rules on some Banks for the
Green Garments Factories, then it would be very much helpful on cost consumptions.
On 2015, Plummy Fashions has achieved the LEED Platinum Trophy and become the world’s
Number One Green Factory. Therefore, they are trying to attract the customers and buyers those
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are concern about the environment and interested in eco-friendly products and production. But
not all are the same, and many of them seek cheaper product rather then the quality. So, creating
awareness on the general people about the environment and eco-friendly products and
productions is necessary. It would be supportive on making majority of garments product buyers
to make order from the Green Garments Factories.
To ensure quality production and factorial management, a good technical advisory assistance is
important. Although every garments factory has a technical advisor but they are not experienced
on green factory. NGOs can help on getting advisors for the Green Garments Factories.
There are so many garments industries in Bangladesh and only 35 of them are Green Garments
Factory. Therefore, a huge competition is ongoing between all these RMG factories. Despite
that, none can produce quality products which might someday impact on our economy.


As Green Factory concept is still unknown to the General people and not very much popular in
the RMG sector. Therefore, my recommendation would be
1. Involve the media on showing the benefits of Green Factory in RMG sector and its
benefit towards the environment of Bangladesh. As the environment of Bangladesh is
degrading due to fulfilling the basic demand of the huge population. So, it is necessary to
start protecting it from now.
2. Putting Green Factory into the syllabus of University Education curriculum with the help
of UGC and Education ministry so that students can learn about Green Factory and feel
interested on work on it.
3. Involvement of the renowned and new NGOs on promoting and establishing more Green
Garments factory in Bangladesh. As it is very costly to build and maintain a Green
Factory which also effects on the product price of the company. So therefore, they can
promote and help the garments to get foreign donors. Therefore, others will be
encouraged on establishing or transforming their garments factories into a Green Factory.
4. Although Bangladesh Government and Bangladesh Bank is assisting the Green Garments
Factories in Bangladesh but it is still not satisfactory for the owners. They still have to
spend a lot of money on the factory to keep up the LEED requirements which they have
to cover up from the product price. But on the contrary, they lose many customers.
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5. Creating internship opportunities and recruiting young environmental experts to work on

the Green Factories so that they can help in managing properly environment friendly
garments factory. An environment expert can determine on which part of the garments
can use the renewable energy effectively. In fact, they can help to build up and manage a
perfect Green Garments Factory.
6. In Bangladesh, very few research works has been done so far about Green Garments
Factory. The Garments Factories should come forward and welcome the researchers to
conduct study on their Green Factory and inscribe a report on their factory and their
initiative towards environmental sustainability. Besides, publishing those reports on
international journals would help Bangladesh a good reputation as environmentally aware
country and also recognition of the Green Garments Factory and thus leads towards
environmental sustainability.
7. The banks can provide low interest loans on the Green Garments Factories. Implementing
Green Banking and Green Financing Policy would be a very good steps. Higher interest
in bank loan is a major problem in establishing Green Factory in Bangladesh.
8. Implementing and setting up a Green Factory in Bangladesh is very costly. The
government can initiate duty free service on exporting and importing of goods and
machineries of a Green Garments Factory so that it would not take so much on properly
functioning a Green Factory.
9. Government can provide lands and utility service through the eco-friendly industrial zone
to ensure the more establishment of Green Factory in Bangladesh.
10. Proper enforce of the law and policy regarding environmental protection on the industries
so that most of them turn into Green Factory.


Economic development is a basic requirement as well as keeping the natural environment clean
and livable. Green Factory is one of the initiatives that have made us responsible for the
environment. It might create some difficulties to achieve the business goals, initially, of the
Factory owners while also allowing to sustain the environment. Although this concept is new in
Bangladesh, and as usual it will take time to properly establish it in our country and society.
Once established this will allow for a cleaner future for our people and our planet. The
sustainability comes through maintaining the economic advancement without being bogged
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down by natural calamities and medical expenses for the affected populace; workers or the
residents in the affected area.
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1. BD factories in top green list. Retrieved from
2. Green Factory Concept. Retrieved from
3. Green Factory. Retrieved from
4. Green Factory Concept. Retrieved from
5. Mridha, R.U. (2017, June 4). Green Garment Factory: It's Saving, Nearly on All
Accounts. The Daily Star. Retrieved from
6. Ovi, I.H. (2017, May 30). Green revolution in Bangladeshi apparel industry. Dhaka
Tribune. Retrieved from
7. Patriot Group. 2017. Eco Factory Concept in Bangladesh: Patriot Group Joins the
League. Retrieved from
8. Promoting Regional Environmental Sustainability Management. Retrieved from
9. Rajon, S. (2016, March 19). Eco-manufacturing and green financing in Bangladesh
RMG. The Independent. Retrieved from
10. Reza, A.K., Islam, S., Shimu, A.A., (2017). Green Industry in Bangladesh: An Overview.
ResearchGate. Retrieved from DOI: 10.5296/emsd.v6i2.11027.
11. Yeasin, M. (2016, June 9). Green factories increasing in ready-made garments sector. The
Independent. Retrieved from
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LEED Platinum Medal won by Plummy

Fashions in 2015

Premises of a Green Garments Factory

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Reenable Power Source: Solar Panel in a Garments Factory

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

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Sky Roof; Source of Natural Light into the top floor of Factory

Alternative Water Source for Production use and Fire Fighting

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1. Since when your factory became environment friendly as well as green factory?

2. Would you please explain what does a Green Factory looks like?

3. How do you come to know about the Green Factory?

4. What influenced you to establish a Green Factory in Bangladesh?

5. Is it very expensive to establish a Green Factory in Bangladesh?

6. What are the advantages of Green Factory in Bangladesh?

7. What are the challenges you faced and facing for a Green Factory in Bangladesh?
(Policy/Workers/Trade Unions/Governances)

8. Why is it important the RMG factories in Bangladesh increasingly becoming


9. What is your future goal for your business also for the environment of

10. How do you maintain all the process to keep Green factory? What are the

11. Is this Green Factory hampering to achieve your business goals?

12. What are the power sources in your factory?

13. Are the factory workers benefitted on the new work environment? Is there any
Draw Backs or Problems they are facing?

14. Is there any risk of industrial accident? Any incident of it so far?

15. Is there any change to workers status and benefit due to Green Factory? What are
16. Any Government or NGOs as well as organizations those are supporting you to
establish this Green Factory?

17. Does your factory have Trade Union? How do they perceive the initiative?
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Key Informant Designation Organization

1. Md. Fazlul Hoque Managing Director Plummy Fashions Limited
2. Md. Enamul Haque Khan Manager (Admin) Plummy Fashions Limited
3. Mr. Mizan Assistant Plummy Fashions Limited

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