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Science and Technology of Welding and Joining

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Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium

alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment

Y. X. Huang, L. Wan, Z. L. Lv, S. X. Lv, L. Zhou & J. C. Feng

To cite this article: Y. X. Huang, L. Wan, Z. L. Lv, S. X. Lv, L. Zhou & J. C. Feng (2016):
Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment,
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, DOI: 10.1080/13621718.2016.1152748

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Microstructure and microhardness of
aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat
Y. X. Huang∗ 1, L. Wan1, Z. L. Lv1, S. X. Lv1, L. Zhou2 and J. C. Feng1,2
In this study, the Al–Mg–Si aluminium alloy with a T6 temper is self-support friction stir welded, and
the effect of post-weld heat treatment on joints is investigated by detailed microstructural
investigations and microhardness measurements. The hardness decreases from average 59 to
52 HV with holding time ranging from 10 to 60 minutes at temperature 723 K. With increasing
holding temperature, the microhardness becomes more uniform and increases. Microhardness
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 01:41 26 May 2016

profiles are explained by precipitate distributions and precipitation sequences. The fine grain
structure undergoes abnormal grain growth, and the degree of which depends on holding
temperature and intense plastic deformation, and the biggest size is more than 1 mm.
Keywords: Self-support friction stir welding, Post-weld heat treatment, Microstructure, Microhardness, Abnormal grain growth

Introduction İpekoğ lu et al. revealed that FSW resulted in a strength

undermatching when the 7075 Al alloy joined in T6 con-
Al–Mg–Si aluminium alloy is an age-hardened alloy pos- dition.14 Wan et al. points out that the average microhard-
sessing enhanced strength and extensively employed in ness in WNZ near TMAZ was the lowest because of an
marine frames, pipelines, storage tanks and aircraft appli- overaging effect and the coarser second-phase particles.15
cations.1 The precipitation behaviour of Al–Mg–Si alloys So several investigations were carried out to study
is generally reported to be: supersaturated solid solution the possibility of improving mechanical properties of
(SSS) → cluster → GP zones → b′′ → b′ → β.2 Their mech- FSW joints by applying post-weld heat treatments
anical properties are strongly depended on metastable (PWHT).5,16,17 Chaitanya et al. studied the effects of
precursors of equilibrium β (Mg2Si) phases. Although five different PWHTs on 7039 Al alloy FSW joints in
the material remains in a solid state during friction stir order to understand their effects on microstructure and
welding (FSW), it is subjected to intense plastic defor- mechanical properties.16 Sato and Kokawa reported that
mation at elevated temperatures,3–6 leading to significant both direct artificial aging and artificial aging following
modification of the microstructure and mechanical prop- solutionising led to an increase in the strength of 6063
erties,7 and the softening problem can be a non-acceptable Al alloy FSWed joints.17 Safarkhanian et al. reported
problem,8 particularly in age-hardened grades.9,10 The that the strength in the joint area of 2024-T4 Al alloy
degree of joint strength loss taking place in weld region FSWed joints could be increased by a natural aging fol-
of age-hardened Al alloys depends on weld parameters, lowing solutionising.8 However, there are also contradict-
and it takes place even though optimum weld parameters ing results in literatures on the influence of PHWT on
are used.11 Due to the heat input, although not high mechanical properties of FSWed Al alloys. Elangovan
enough to melt the material, it leads to solution and/or and Balasubramanian studied the effect of different
coarsening of strengthening particles in welding nugget PWHTs on 6061-T6 Al alloy FSWed joint performance
zone (WNZ), and thermo-mechanically affected zone and observed that a PWHT consisting of solutionising
(TMAZ) and to overage (coarsening of strengthening par- and quenching followed by artificial aging resulted in a
ticles) in heat-affected zone (HAZ).12 During FSW pro- loss of strength.1 Mahoney et al. reported that a direct
cess, frictional heat associated with thermal cycle varies artificial aging without solutionising did not alter the
in transverse direction of the weld and causes an altera- yield stress, but decreased tensile strength of the FSWed
tion in precipitate distribution present in base material 7075-T651 Al alloy joints.18 Aydin et al. investigated the
(BM). These changes in the heat and temperature distri- effect of several different PWHTs on the strength of the
bution in welding process alter the strength and ductility weld zone of FSWed 2024-T4 Al alloy joints and reported
of the joints.13 that natural aging following solutionising resulted in a
decrease in the strength.19
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of
In this study, 6082-T6 alloy joints are produced by self-
Technology, Harbin 150001, China support friction stir welding (SSFSW). The effect of
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Special Welding Technology, PWHT on microhardness and microstructure evolution
Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China
is investigated. The relations between microhardness

Corresponding author, email;

© 2016 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Institute
Received 21 December 2015; accepted 7 February 2016
DOI 10.1080/13621718.2016.1152748 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016 1
Huang et al. Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment

distribution and microstructure evolution in BM and

WNZ in term of the grain size and strengthening particles
are discussed.

Experimental procedure
The Al–Mg–Si aluminium alloy with a T6 temper (6082-
T6) is used as BM. The 5 mm thick plate is cut into
300×100 mm pieces. The chemical compositions and
mechanical properties are listed in Table 1. The SSFSW
tool with interesting tool profiles consisting of double dis- 1 Schematic presentation of the self-supporting friction stir
symmetrical shoulders (the concave upper shoulder and welding tool
the convex lower shoulder) and tapered stir pin made of
high speed steel, as shown in Fig. 1. The upper and indicating that it was heavily rolled. They are about
lower shoulders have angles of 87.5° and 75° with the 100–300 μm in length and 30–60 μm in width. A consider-
tool centre axis, respectively. The geometries and features able amount of coarse dispersions are randomly distribu-
of the SSFSW tool are listed in Table 2. The plates are ted. Black large-round particles and white rod-like
fixed on the clamping apparatus without backing bar. particles are inhomogeneously distributed, as shown in
The SSFSW tool is pressed into the plates at the edge Fig. 2b and c. The black large-round particles contained
and starts to weld with 10 mm min−1 welding speed. Mg and Si, indicating that they are Mg2Si particles,
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 01:41 26 May 2016

The minimum distance to achieve stable process con- whereas black rod-like particles contained Al, Si, Mn
dition is 12 mm (diameter of the upper shoulder). The and Fe, indicating that they are AlSiMnFe particles as
SSFSW process is performed using an FSW machine shown in inset of EDX point analyses. The 6082-T6 alu-
(FSW-3LM-003) with rotational speed of 900 rev min−1, minium alloy is an age hardenable alloy possessing
tilt angle of 4°, plunge depth of 0.1 mm and welding enhanced strength due to the precipitation of Mg2Si
speed of 50 mm min−1. And the joints are cut into two phase upon solutionising and artificial aging. The sol-
parts, one part for PWHT and the other for as-welded ution treatment is carried out at 883 K for 1 hour, and
examinations. For investigation of the thermal stability, then followed by quenching in water and subsequent by
SSFSWed samples are heat treated in an air furnace for artificial ageing at 453 K for 8 hours. The solidus temp-
10, 20 and 60 minutes at temperatures of 723 K, and erature of this alloy is about 848 K. The microstructure
then quenched in water. The selected samples are also iso- of the WNZ is illustrated in Fig. 2d–f. The WNZ is sub-
thermally annealed for up to 60 minutes at temperatures jected to a high level of plastic deformation and frictional
ranging from 723 to 823 K and subsequently quenched heating. Fine-grained microstructure with slightly corru-
in water. gated boundaries is formed homogeneously in the whole
Specimens are cut to carry out microstructural and area, as shown in Fig. 2d. The dynamic recrystallisation
mechanical characterisation and prepared according to is responsible for production of new fine grains in the
standard procedures including grinding, polishing and WNZ.20–22 The grains tend to be corrugated when the
etching. The specimens are etched with reagent (1 ml density of dislocations entering the grain boundaries
hydrofluoric acid + 1.5 ml hydrochloric acid + 2.5 ml exceeds their absorption capacity or when the process of
nitric acid + 95 ml water) to reveal microstructures. The lattice dislocation absorption requires long time.23,24
microstructure and chemical composition of the joints The similar result is also found in the reference.25,26
are analysed using optical microscopy (OM, Olympus- Wang et al. points out that the WNZ has much small
MPG3) and scanning electron microscope (SEM, HITA- equiaxed recrystallised grains and average size of recrys-
CHI S-3500N) equipped with an energy dispersive spec- tallised grains increases from 2.1 to 6.0 μm with increas-
trometer (EDS). The microhardness testing is conducted ing rotational speeds.25 The peak temperature, which
using a Vickers hardness testing machine (HX-1000) locates 10 mm away from the weld centre on the advan-
with a test load of 200 g and an indentation time of 10 cing side, increases from 525 to 603 K with the rotational
seconds. Measurements are performed pointwise in differ- speed increasing from 400 to 1000 rev min−1. Chen et al.
ent zones. studies the temperature distribution and control of 6061
aluminium alloy bobbin tool friction stir welded joints
and shows that the region very close to the WNZ experi-
Results and discussion ences temperature nearer to 753 K which forces the sec-
Microstructure ondary phase particles in the original phase matrix to
As shown in Fig. 2, the initial microstructure of BM con- dissolve and produces fine grain structure.26
sisted of large elongated pancake shaped alpha grains Figure 2e and f show the typical cross-sectional second-
phase particles distribution in the WNZ. Intense plastic
deformation and frictional heating result in generation
Table 1 Chemical compositions of 6082-T6 aluminium alloy
of a recrystallised fine-grained microstructure and more
uniform and intensive second-phase particles within stir-
Chemical compositions/wt-% red zone. Some inhomogeneously distributed large and
round Mg2Si particles are also present in the WNZ.
Mg Si Mn Fe Cr Zn Cu Ti Al SEM investigations also clearly indicated the presence
of homogeneously distributed finer strengthening par-
1.10 0.80 0.60 0.50 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.10 Bal. ticles, as shown in Fig. 2f. The precipitation of these

2 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016

Huang et al. Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment

Table 2 Welding tool geometries and features for SSFSW

Process Tool geometry Tool material Upper shoulder diameter/mm Lower shoulder diameter/mm Pin length/mm

SSFSW Conical pin with thread Steel 12 6 4.6

particles can be attributed to heat input during welding demonstrated in Fig. 4. During the PWHT, the tiny par-
and the natural aging process. Fu et al. also pointed out ticles become more and denser. The particles include
that dissolution for the higher peak temperature and re- those precipitated along grain boundaries and those are
precipitation for the lower cooling rate occurs in the broken up by rotating stir pin. The heat input makes the
strengthening-phase particles of the WNZ.27 tiny, metastable precipitates to be coarsened (Figs. 3f–h
and 4b). The max temperature of 723 K cannot achieve
the dissolution of stable Mg2Si phase particles, but benefit
Effect of holding temperature and time atomic diffusion. The diffusive flows of Mg and Si atoms
The microstructures of the SSFSWed joints after static from tiny precipitates and α-Al matrix will strongly con-
annealing for 10, 20 and 60 minutes at the temperature tribute to the growth of the grain boundaries (Fig. 4b).
of 723 K, are shown in Fig. 3. In the BM, the small pre- The concentrations of Mg and Si at the interfaces of
cipitate free zone (PFZ) is evident along grain boundaries. grain boundaries and matrix will decrease.
The fine-grained structure is coarsened during static Figure 5 shows the distributions of strengthening pre-
annealing at 723 K, resulting in an increase in average cipitates with different heat treatment conditions. The
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 01:41 26 May 2016

grain size. Krishnan shows that the WNZ in FSW 6061 joint with holding temperature of 723 K shows a con-
aluminium alloy exhibits coarsened grains after solution siderable increase in the density of spherical Mg2Si pre-
treatment at temperatures between 793 and 833 K.28 cipitates, uniformly distribution throughout the matrix
Numerous strengthening precipitates have densely distrib- (Fig. 5b and f ). In the WNZ, a preferentially etched
uted inside the grains. The strengthening precipitates have zone is characterised by a significant refinement of the
coarsened severely. The precipitates near grain boundaries second-phase particles, as compared to the WNZ micro-
disappear, and the width of PFZ along the grain bound- structure with holding temperature of 773 K, which
aries has increased compared to the BM microstructure, showed a dispersion of coarse over-aged particles as
as shown in Fig. 3a–c. The Mg and Si atoms are in shown in Fig. 5c and g, respectively. The time above the
solid solution, and the formation of PFZ is due to further dissolution temperature is insufficient to cause complete
solutioning of precipitates. The strengthening precipitates dissolution of the coarser particles. Murr and co-workers
existed in WNZ and BM both undergo severe coarsening indicate that some of the precipitates are not dissolved
and partial dissolution with the increasing of annealing during welding of alloy 6061.29 The strengthening precipi-
time, as shown in Fig. 3c, d, g and h. During subsequent tates undergo severe coarsening and partial dissolution as
cooling stage or PWHT stage the re-precipitating pro- a result of the high peak temperatures. PWHT resulted in
cesses of strengthening phase particles occurred in the the precipitation of homogeneously distributed needle-
WNZ. The longer annealing time accelerated the coarsen- shaped strengthening particles in WNZ of the joints pro-
ing processes. For annealing time 10–60 minutes, due to duced in T6-temper condition (Fig. 5h). Sato et al.
the increasing of the annealing time a part of strengthen- showed that a post-weld heat treatment on a 6063-T5 fric-
ing-phase particles occurred dissolving and the other tion stir weld forces the precipitation of strengthening par-
occurred coarsening (Fig. 3d and h). ticles in regions where the Mg and Si are in solid
In order to reveal the microstructure evolution behav- solution.30 The strengthening precipitates were re-precipi-
iour with heat treatment, a schematic presentation is tated preferentially along grain boundaries, sub-grain

2 Microstructure feature. a Optical photo of BM; b particles in BM; c higher magnification of BM; d microstructure of WNZ; e
second-phase particles in the WNZ; f higher magnification of WNZ

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016 3

Huang et al. Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment
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3 Microstructure evolution with heat treatment conditions. a Unaffected BM; b–d BM with holding time of 10, 20 and 60 minutes;
e as-welded WNZ; f–h WNZ with holding time of 10, 20 and 60 minutes

boundaries, and dislocation cores during cooling. The

WNZ exhibits a supersaturated solid solution state with
a high concentration of vacancies, thereby it promote
the diffusion of the solute atoms to form strengthening
particles during the subsequent cooling stage or PWHT
process compared with the BM microstructures, as
shown in Fig. 5d and h.
Interestingly, PWHT resulted in the formation of
abnormal grain growth (AGG) shown in Fig. 6. The
fine-grained structure developed under FSW is stable
during static annealing at temperatures up to 723 K.
However, with increasing in annealing temperature to
773 K, the abnormal grain growth is characterised by
the evolution of very large grains which are millimetre
scale. The maximum size reaches about 1300 μm. The
AGG formation is quite pronounced, occurring mainly
in the shoulder action regions. Chen et al. studies the
temperature distribution and control of 6061 aluminium
alloy bobbin tool FSW joints and shows that the region
very close to the WNZ experiences temperature nearer
to 753 K which forces the secondary phase particles in
the original phase matrix to dissolve.26 Furthermore, the
extent of AGG is higher in the weld zone of the joint pro-
duced with the holding temperature of 823 K. This clearly
indicates that the holding temperature plays an important
role on the degree of AGG.
The difference in the degree of AGG can be explained
by the amount of plastic deformation and the stored
4 Schematic map of microstructure evolution behaviour energy. The plastic deformation in the shoulder action
with heat treatment. a Unaffected BM; b PFZ and the pre- zone is higher, and AGG is more likely to develop. The
cipitation of second particles; c coarsening of strengthen- upper and lower shoulder regions both experience signifi-
ing particles cant frictional heating and plastic flow owing to the

4 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016

Huang et al. Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment

5 Distribution of strengthening precipitates with heat treatment conditions. a Unaffected BM; b–d BM with holding temperature
of 723, 773 and 823 K; e as-welded WNZ; f–h WNZ with holding temperature of 723, 773 and 823 K

contact with the shoulder. The energy stored in the destabilised by dissolution of the pinning phase. During
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 01:41 26 May 2016

shoulder region increases due to finer grains. The AGG the PWHT with holding temperature above 773 K frag-
formation degree upon subsequent heat treatment is mented and segregated second-phase particles go into
higher when the stored energy is high.30 Higher amount solid solution. With fine grain sizes associated with
of AGG formation after PWHT is probably due to the SSFSW in shoulder action region, the driving force for
evolution of finer grains, as shown in Fig. 6. This is likely grain growth exceeds particle pinning pressure, leading
the reason for the AGG formation in a narrow region to AGG, as shown in Fig. 6.
endured the shoulder action. It is important to highlight
the fact that AGG could have initiated by dynamic recrys-
tallisation and continued with subsequent heat treatment. Microhardness
With the observations of grain size and second-phase par- Figure 7 shows the variations of microhardness distri-
ticles within the BM and WNZ, and then the subsequent bution of joint cross-section. The microhardness distri-
development of AGG in the shoulder action region, it can bution profile of as-welded T6 joint exhibits W-shape
be argued that the grain size and precipitates morphology and is corresponding to four distinct microstructural
are important to the formation of AGG. Once grain size zones. As illustrated, a microhardness decrease (strength
decreases, the pressure generated by the driving force for undermatching) is observed in the HAZ, TMAZ and
grain growth will exceed the particle pinning pressure, WNZ.9,33 The microhardness falls dramatically in the
leading to AGG.31 It is generally accepted that second- region that is passed over by the shoulder and the lowest
phase particles have an important effect on the occurrence hardness in as-welded joint is observed at HAZ. The
of AGG.32 Second-phase particles lead to grain boundary reason for the hardness decrease is due to the fact that
pinning via the Zener mechanism, which halts grain overaging takes place as a result of heat input during
growth. The microstructure of Zener-pinned grains is welding. The heat input during SSFSW leads to solution

6 Abnormal grain growth with post weld heat treatment (823 K, 60 minutes). a–c Upper shoulder action region; d–f lower
shoulder action region

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016 5

Huang et al. Microstructure and microhardness of aluminium alloy friction stir welds with heat treatment
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7 Microhardness distributions with heat treatment conditions. a As-welded; b 723K-10 minutes; c 723K-20 minutes; d 723K-60
minutes; e 773K-60 minutes; f 823K-60 minutes

and/or coarsening of strengthening particles in WNZ and hardness of the nugget is related to complete solution of
TMAZ and overage (coarsening of strengthening par- overaging strength phases and new precipitation of fine
ticles) in HAZ. The relative microhardness increase in needle-shaped precipitates. With the holding temperature
the WNZ is due to the grain refinement and the presence of 823 K, the precipitates are very fine and seem to be uni-
of homogenously distributed precipitated particles. The formly distributed throughout the matrix. This is the main
hardness is determined by the grain size and the volume reason for the enhanced hardness.
percentage of precipitates and dislocation density.
The PWHT resulted in the deterioration of hardness
value in comparison with as-welded joints. The BM in Conclusions
initial condition T6 showed a hardness value of 100HV,
The Al–Mg–Si aluminium alloy with T6 temper was self-
but in the as-welded joint the lowest hardness was only
support friction stir welded. The performance and micro-
57HV in HAZ. The hardness profiles of the precipi-
structure evolution is investigated with post-weld heat
tation-hardenable Al alloy depend strongly on precipitate
treatment. Increasing the annealing time, the strengthen-
distributions rather than on the grain structure. The soft-
ing-phase particles occurred dissolving and coarsening.
ening was characterised by dissolution or growth of
The hardness decreased from average 59 to 52HV with
strengthening needle-shaped precipitates. The hardness
holding time from 10 to 60 minutes at temperature 723
of the joints which are treated at holding temperature of
K. With increasing the holding temperature, the micro-
723 K exhibits significant decrease. The microhardness
hardness tends to be uniform and increased due to com-
decreased from average 59 to 52HV with holding time
plete solution of overaging strengthening particles and
ranging from 10 to 60 minutes. The reason is the differ-
new precipitation of fine needle-shaped precipitates. The
ences in the heat treatments applied, namely a longer
weld nugget grain with shoulder action undergoes abnor-
holding time, i.e., 60 minutes at 723 K, which led to overa-
mal grain growth depended on holding temperature and
ging, than the shorter holding time, i.e., 10 and 20 minutes
intense plastic deformation.
at 723 K, as shown in Fig. 3e–h. The precipitates with
holding temperature of 723 K are coarse and appear to
be agglomerated continuously at the grain boundaries.
The joint experiences a decrease in the density of nee-
dle-shaped precipitates. Instead, the average hardness The work was supported by the National Natural Science
exhibits a better dependency on the holding temperature. Foundation of China (No. 51575132).
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K offered the lowest decrease in the hardness and exhib-
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Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2016 7

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