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(Problem Based Learning)

Assistant Lecturer:
Dr. Masriyah, M.Pd
Rooselyna Ekawati, M.Sc., Ph.D

Thoiffatul Khusnun Nisa’

April, 2021
Lesson : Matematika Wajib
Class / Grade : XII / Even
Material : Single Interest, Advanced Interest, Anuity
Duration : 1 Meeting (2 x 45 minute)

A. Core Competencies
KI 1 Appreciate and appreciate the teachings of the religion he embraces.
KI 2 Demonstrate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerance, mutual
cooperation), courteous, confident in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment within the reach of the association and its existence.
KI 3 Understand knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his curiosity about
science, technology, art, culture related to visible phenomena and events.
KI 4 Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of the concrete (using, unraveling,
arranging, modifying, and making) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading,
counting, drawing, and composing) in accordance with what is learned in school and other
sources that are the same in perspective /theory.

B. Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)

Basic Competencies (KD) Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)
3.7. Analyze interest, growth, decay 3.7.1. Identify the single interest concept
and annuity 3.7.2. Identify the concept of compound interest
3.7.3. Explains the concept of growth and decay
3.7.4. Explain the concept of an annuity
4.7. Solve contextual problems 4.7.1. Solving single interest contextual problems
related to single and compound 4.7.2. Solving the compound interest contextual
interest, growth and decay, and problem
annuities 4.7.3. Use procedures to present and resolve
contextual problems of growth and decay
4.7.4. Use procedures to present and resolve
contextual problems about annuities
4.7.5. Presents problems and solutions related to
compound interest
4.7.6. Presenting problems and solutions related to
growth and decay
4.7.7. Solve problems related to annuities

Character Focus:
1. Cooperation
2. Confident
3. Critical
4. Careful
C. Learning Objectives
Following Indicators 3.7.1 , 3.7.2, 3.7.1 dan 4.7.2
3.7.1 Students are able to identify single interest concepts

3.7.2 Students are able to identify the concept of compound interest

4.7.1 Students are able to solve single interest contextual problems

4.7.2 Students are able to solve contextual problems of compound interest

D. Learning Material
1. Reguler Learning Material (attached)
a. Single Interest
b. Compound Interest
2. Remedial Learning
a. Assignments related to regular material that have not been mastered by more than
50% of the total students.Materi
3. Enrichment Material (attached)
a. Questions related to the regular material given to students with a difficulty level
above the questions on the regular material.
E. Learning Method
1. Learning Model : Problem Based Learning
2. Method : Presenting and Group Discussing

F. Media and Learning Tools

Learning Media : PPT
Learning Tool : Stationary, Laptop, Gadged
G. Learning Source
1. File Lembar Kerja Siswa/LKPD (terlampir).
2. E-Book Mahir Matematika untuk SMK/SMA se-derajat (NonTeknik) Kelas XII

H. Learning Steps

First Meeting (2x45 minute

Indicators 3.7.1, 3.7.2 , 4.7.1 and 4.7.3

Activities Activities Description Duration

1. The teacher begins the lesson with greetings and
invites students to pray according to their respective
2. The teacher checks the attendance of students by
asking students to turn on the camera when their name
is called.
3. The teacher asks students to prepare stationery to be
used in learning and asks students to always take care
of themselves by complying with health protocols.
4. The teacher conveys the learning objectives and
competencies to be achieved in single interest and
Preliminary compound interest, namely students are able to 15 minutes
understand single interest and compound interest and
students are able to solve contextual problems related
to compound interest and single interest.
5. The teacher conveys the perception of single and
compound interest material, namely arithmetic
sequences and sequences.
6. The teacher motivates students by explaining the
importance of single interest and compound interest in
everyday life, including single interest and compound
interest which are applied in the system of saving
money in the bank, the system of buying and selling
shares and so on.
7. The teacher conveys the scope of the assessment of
knowledge and attitudes as well as the technique,
namely written tests for knowledge and observations
for attitudes during learning.
8. The teacher explains the learning model that will be
used to study single interest and compound interest
material, namely by using a problem-based learning
model. And explains some of the processes and
procedures that must be considered in implementing
problem-based learning models, including the main
purpose of learning not to learn a lot of new
information but to investigate important problems and
train students to become independent individuals.
Students can think creatively and critically as possible
to solve it. Students can also ask questions actively
during the learning process.
FASE 1 : Provide Problem Orientation to Students

9. The teacher presents problem orientation related to

single interest and compound interest to students in an
interesting and accurate way and involves students
directly to identify these problems.
10. The teacher said that the target to be achieved in
learning was the student's ability to investigate a
problem in their own way and the results obtained by
each student could be different but based on the same
11. The teacher says that students must be active in the
investigation that will be carried out to solve the
problems given.
FASE II : Organizing Students to Study or Research
1. The teacher divides students into groups of 3-4 60 minutes
2. The teacher provides a LKPD file for each group,
which contains problems regarding single interest
and compound interest that they must solve through
the class whatsapp grub.
3. The teacher explains the rules of the activity to be
carried out, namely the students discuss with their
groups the problems regarding single interest and
compound interest in the LKPD file provided, then
the results of their group work are presented in the
main zoom room, and if there are things that are still
not It can be understood that you can ask the teacher
via WhatsApp chat privately.
4. The teacher provides information about learning
resources that can be accessed, namely 2. Advanced
Mathematics E-Book for SMK / SMA to the same
degree (NonTeknik) Class XII pages 77-96.
5. The teacher can clarify what students should do in
an investigation to obtain the right data, namely
analyzing the information on the LKPD file.
6. The teacher asks students to gather with their respective
group members at the breakout zoom meeting to start
working on the LKPD file.
FASE III : Assisting Independent and Group
7. Students observe the problems in the given LKPD file.
8. The teacher provides assistance if students have
difficulty understanding the problems given.
9. Students carry out activities that aim to identify the
concepts of single interest and compound interest and to
solve contextual problems related to single interest and
compound interest.
10. Students analyze the data presented in the LKPD file
FASE IV : Developing and Presenting Artifacts and
11. Students type the results of their discussion in the
prepared LKPD file.
12. Students return to the main zoom room to present
the results of their discussion on single interest and
compound interest
13. Students compare their work results with the work
of other groups.
FASE V : Analyzing and Evaluating the Problem Solving

14. The teacher and students reflect on the activities that

have been carried out to identify the concept of
single interest and compound interest and to solve
contextual problems related to single interest and
compound interest.
15. Teachers and students analyze and evaluate the
problem solving presented by each group.
16. The teacher provides reinforcement of the concept
of single interest and compound interest as well as
solving problems related to single interest and
compound interest in contextual problems.
1. The teacher and students conclude the material that
has been studied related to single interest and
compound interest.
16 m
2. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions if
they are still having difficulties.
3. The teacher and students reflect on the learning
Closing u
process of single interest and compound interest with a
learning model based on the problems that have been
carried out.
4. The teacher gives practice questions related to single
interest and compound interest (as attached) as
homework and is collected at the next meeting.
5. The teacher assigns students to study the next material,
namely annuity decay and growth.
6. The teacher ends the lesson by leading a prayer and
saying greetings.

I. Assesment
Assessment techniques
a. Knowledge
KD Indicators of Competence Achievement Time

3. 4 3.7.1 Identify the single interest concept

At Learning
3.7.2 Identifying the concept of compound Assignment
b. Skills

KD Indicators of Competence Achievement Assessment Time


4.4 4.7.1 Resolving contextual problems related

to single flowers. Time and After
4.7.1 Resolving contextual problems related Learning
to compound interest.
c. Remidial Learning
In remedial activities, the teacher provides understanding to students who have
not reached basic competencies in regular material. Here are alternative ways to
provide remedies:
1.Ask students to make a summary of the single interest and compound
interest material based on the incomplete material;
2.Ask students to ask friends who have completed the incomplete single
interest and compound interest material or peer tutors;
3.Provide worksheets related to single interest and compound interest
material for students who have not completed.
d. Enrichment Learning
Enrichment learning is given to students who have reached or exceeded the
KKM. There are several activities that can be designed and carried out by
teachers in relation to enrichment, including carrying out the following activities.
1. Group learning, which is a group of students who are given enrichment
tasks to work on together at and / or outside of class hours related to
single interest and compound interest material.
2. Independent learning, where students are given enrichment tasks to do
individually / individually related to single interest and compound interest



Lesson : Matematika Wajib
Class / Grade : XII / Even
Material : Single Interest, Advanced Interest, Anuity
Duration : 1 Meeting (2 x 45 minute)

Group :

Members :

Materi : Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar

Basic Competencies (KD) Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)

3.8. Analyze interest, growth, decay 3.8.1. Identify the single interest concept
and annuity 3.8.2. Identify the concept of compound interest
4.8. Solve contextual problems 4.8.1. Solving single interest contextual problems
related to single and compound 4.8.2. Solving the compound interest contextual
interest, growth and decay, and problem

Purpose of Student Worksheets

1. Students are able to identify the concept of single interest

2. Students are able to identify the concept of compound interest

3. Students are able to solve single interest contextual problems

LKPD Work Guidelines

1. Read and pay attention and the problems presented carefully.
2. Solve the problems given in accordance with the results of the investigation that you
3. Type your answer in the answer place provided.

1. Red Yellow Green Bank is a bank that requires customers who borrow money from it, to
be paid in full within 5 months. Romi borrowed capital from the Red Yellow Green Bank
in the amount of Rp. 1,000,000, - for the purpose of opening a study house in front of his
residence. If Romi is required to pay his debt of Rp. 200,000, - every month with an
additional single interest of 2% of the total loan. So that the total money that Romi has to
pay to the bank every month is Rp. 220,000. Where 20,000 thousand is obtained from 2%
x 1000,000, - (initial loan). After 6 months of running, Romi realized that his study house
had a lot of enthusiasts. For this reason, he wants to open a branch learning house by
borrowing money from the Red Yellow Green Bank again. The Red Yellow Green Bank
charges a single interest of 2% every month for Romi's second loan. Please answer some
of the questions below based on Romi's problem above!
a. Make an arithmetic sequence from the first loan installment that Romi pays every
month, until the loan is paid off in 5 months?
b. What is the total single interest that Romi will have to pay on his first loan?
c. How much is Romi's loan so that the installments paid by Romi are more than Rp.
800,000, -? Explain your reasons!

2. Rasyid recently saved money at a private bank in his city. The amount of the
savings is IDR 5,000,000. If the bank gives Rasyid a compound interest of 1% of
the amount of the final savings each month, the size of his savings for the next 3
months will be as follows:
Akhir bulan ke- Simpanan Awal Bunga Simpanan Akhir (setelah
ditambah bunga)

1 5000.000,00 50.000,00 5.050.000,00

2 5050.000,00 50.500,00 5.100.500,00

3 5100.500,00 51.005,00 5.151.505,00

4 ……. ……. ……..

5 …….. …….. ………

a. Can Rasyid's final savings until the 3rd month form an arithmetic
sequence? Explain your answer!
b. How much final savings did Rasyid have in the 5th month?
c. How many months does Rashid have to wait for his savings to reach more
than 5,300,000? Explain your reasons!
3. What is the difference between the concept of compound interest and single
interest? Explain !
4. If a bank wants to set an interest rate of 2% for each of its customers who deposit
money with it. Which type of interest (single or compound) should the bank offer
so that the bank will benefit more!
Lesson : Matematika Wajib
Class / Grade : XII / Even
Material : Single Interest, Advanced Interest, Anuity
Duration : 1 Meeting (2 x 45 minute)

Kerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini dengan semaksimal mungkin !

1. 1. Red Yellow Green Bank is a bank that requires customers who borrow money from
it, to be paid in full within 5 months. Romi borrowed capital from the Red Yellow
Green Bank in the amount of Rp. 1,000,000, - for the purpose of opening a study
house in front of his residence. If Romi is required to pay his debt of Rp. 200,000, -
every month with an additional single interest of 2% of the total loan. So that the total
money that Romi has to pay to the bank every month is Rp. 220,000. Where 20,000
thousand is obtained from 2% x 1000,000, - (initial loan). After 6 months of running,
Romi realized that his study house had a lot of enthusiasts. For this reason, he wants
to open a branch learning house by borrowing money from the Red Yellow Green
Bank again. The Red Yellow Green Bank charges a single interest of 2% every month
for Romi's second loan. Please answer some of the questions below based on Romi's
problem above!
a) Make an arithmetic sequence from the first loan installment that Romi pays
every month, until the loan is paid off in 5 months?
Because every month Romi has to pay 220,000, - then the installments he
pays will form an arithmetic sequence like the following:
S5 = 220,000, 440,000, 660,000, 880,000, 1,100,000
b) What is the total single interest that Romi will have to pay on his first loan?
The amount of interest per month is 20,000, then in 5 months the amount will
be 100,000, -
c) How much is Romi's loan so that the installments paid by Romi are more than
Rp. 800,000, -? Explain your reasons!
4000,000, - because when 4000,000 must be paid in installments for 5
months with the same amount of installments each month, you get 800,000
plus an interest of 2% per month, then Romi's installments on the second loan
will be 880,000, -
2. Rashid recently saved money at a private bank in his city. The amount of the savings
is IDR 5,000,000. If the bank gives Rasyid a compound interest of 1% of the amount
of the final savings each month, the size of his savings for the next 3 months will be
as follows:
Akhir bulan Simpanan Bunga Simpanan Akhir
ke- Awal (setelah ditambah

1 5000.000,00 50.000,00 5.050.000,00

2 5050.000,00 50.500,00 5.100.500,00

3 5100.500,00 51.005,00 5.151.505,00

4 ……. ……. ……..

5 …….. …….. ………

a. Can the amount of Rashid's savings up to each month form an arithmetic

sequence? Explain your answer!
No, because the difference between the tribes is not the same.
b. How much final savings did Rasyid have in the 5th month?A
Akhir Simpanan Bunga Simpanan Akhir
bulan ke- Awal (setelah ditambah

1 5000.000,00 50.000,00 5.050.000,00

2 5050.000,00 50.500,00 5.100.500,00

3 5100.500,00 51.005,00 5.151.505,00

4 5.151.505,00 103,030.1 5.254.535,1

5 5.254.535,1 105,090.70 5.359.625,8


c. How many months does Rashid have to wait for his savings to reach more
than 5,300,000? Explain your reasons!
Five months is enough to make Rasyid's savings reach over 5,300,000.00.
3. What is the difference between the concept of compound interest and single interest?
Explain !
Single flower has the same flower size each month. Meanwhile, compound interest
has a different interest rate every month.
4. If a bank wants to set an interest rate of 2% for each of its customers who deposit
money with it. Which type of interest (single or compound) should the bank offer so
that the bank will benefit more!
Single interest, so that the amount is fixed (additional interest). If you use a
compound, the interest rate will be greater according to the amount of savings and the

A. Interest
In this modern era, the presence of banks is unavoidable. Currently, the function of
banks is not only as an institution that handles savings and loans, but almost all
activities related to finance are always related to banks, for example insurance.

The convenience that is enjoyed by the community is of course not free or free
because banks as institutions certainly need operational funds. Where do the
operational costs come from? Of course, from the services obtained by each banking
activity which is usually called interest.
Bank interest is a remuneration provided by a bank based on conventional principles
to customers who buy or sell a product. In addition to this, interest can also be
interpreted as the price that must be paid to a customer who has a deposit that must be
paid by a bank customer, namely a customer who obtains a loan. In carrying out daily
banking activities, there are two types of interest given to customers, namely as
1. Interest on savings
This interest is an interest that is given as a stimulus or as remuneration for customers
who save their money in the bank. The meaning of this deposit interest is the price
that the bank must pay to its customers, such as current accounts, savings interest, and
deposit interest.

2. Loan interest
The purpose of this interest is the interest given to borrowers or the price a borrowing
customer must pay to the bank. An example is loan interest.
Example 1
Wulan borrows money from the cooperative in the amount of IDR 1,000,000.00.
After one month, Wulan must return the capital and interest amounting to
Rp1,020,000.00. Determine the amount of interest and the interest rate?
Interest = Rp1.020.000,00 – Rp1.000.000,00 = Rp20.000,00

B. Single Interest
Pay attention to the following problems! Suppose a person borrows money from a
bank in the amount of Rp1,500,000.00 and it has been agreed that within one year the
person must return it in the amount of Rp1,620,000.00. The money of IDR
1,500,000.00 is called capital and any excess money of IDR 120,000 is called interest
or service on the capital loan. The amount of interest is often expressed in% (read
percent) and is referred to as the interest rate, which states the ratio between interest
and capital in a certain time unit (1 month or 1 year). In the case above, the interest
rate per year can be stated by:

In a more general form, if a capital amounting to M0 is interest by obtaining a capital

service of B, the amount of the interest rate per unit time can be determined using the
M1 = the amount of money returned after one period
M0 = amount of capital lent
b% = per unit time interest rate

If the capital M0 is interest-bearing for n periods (months or years) and the interest
rate is b% (per month or per year) by means of a single interest, then the formula for
determining the amount of that capital and the interest is formulated as follows:

Mr. Hermawan bought a notebook for Rp. 2,285,000. Because he didn't have enough
money, Mr. Hermawan paid it in installments every month. Pak Hermawan's monthly
installments are Rp.297,000 for 10 months. Calculate the percentage of Mr.
Hermawan's installment interest!

Dividing capital by 10 months is obtained:
Capital = IDR 2,285.00 / 10 months
Capital = IDR 228,500 / month
then find the amount of interest per month by:
Interest = IDR 297,000.00 - IDR 228,500
Interest = IDR 68,500
the amount of interest per month installments is:

Installment percentage = 30%

C. Compound Interest
If single interest is an interest that is always fixed in value, then what about compound
interest? Compound interest is the interest that will be given based on the initial
capital and accumulated interest in previous periods. Compound interest has many
variations and is always changing (not fixed) in each period
Compound Interest Formulas
If the initial capital of M0 gets compound interest of b (in percentage) per month, then
after n months, the amount of capital Mn becomes:

If it is known that the loan capital amounting to Rp1,000,000 has a compound interest
of 2% per month, then after 5 months, what is the final capital?
To be able to solve this problem, we will use the formula that we already know,
M0 = IDR 1,000,000, b = 2% = 0.02, n = 5 months
Mn = M0 (1 + b) n
Mn = 1,000,000 (1 + 0.02) 5
Mn = Rp1,104,080, 80

1. Capital of Rp. 12,500,000 is loaned for a period of 2 years with a single interest
system agreement and an interest rate of 1% per month. determine the amount of
money that will be received after taking the time that has been determined!
2. Talitha borrowed Rp. 1,000,000 in the advanced jaya cooperative. The cooperative
sets a single interest rate of 3.5% per month. how much money should he return if the
payback period is 1 year?
3. Mrs. Ina borrowed money from Bank Jatra smoothly amounting to Rp. 15,000,000.
within 1 month the money must be returned in the amount of Rp. 15,750,000. specify:
a) Single interest rate
b) The amount of money that must be returned by Bu dina if you want to borrow
money for 1 year
c) The amount of money that must be returned by Bu dina if you want to borrow
money for 1.5 years
4. An employee keeps money in the bank in the amount of Rp. 10,000,000. with a
single interest system of 0.4% per month. in a period of several months the merchant's
money will be Rp. 10,440,000?
5. Agus borrows money from a bank of Rp. 2,000,000 with a single interest rate of
30% per year. within 60 days, agus must have returned the money. how much interest
and the amount of money to be returned agus? (1 year: 360 days)

1. The king borrowed Rp. 3,000,000. The bank provides compound interest of 3.5%
per year with a period of interest every semester. if the king borrows money within 2
years, determine the amount of money to be returned at the end of the 2nd year!
2. Lovita borrows Rp. 2,000,000 to a borrower with a compound interest agreement.
If the interest rate for Lovita is 5.2% per year, determine how much money Lovita has
to return during the 8-year loan period!
3. Fatimah saves money in a prosperous bank that provides compound interest at an
interest rate of 4.75% per year. how much money is fatimah at the end of the 5th
4. A bank makes loans to its customers at a compound interest of 3% per annum. if a
customer borrows Rp. 5,000,000 and the bank charges compound interest per month,
how much capital must be returned for 1 year?
5. A capital of Rp. 5,000,000 at interest under the compound interest system rule.
after 10 years, the capital was Rp. 7,500,000. determine the annual interest rate in

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