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Observation Notes 1

He/she used available materials and resources. Also, he/she chose activities relevant to
the prescribed curriculum and appropriate to student abilities. He/she planned student
grouping according to instructional needs. He/she modelled, demonstrated, and provided

Observation Notes 2

He/she focused student attention. He/she informed students of the objectives of the
lesson. He/she related the lesson to previous and future lessons. He/she presented new
material clearly and logically.

Observation Notes 3

He/she monitored student learning continuously. He/she provided feedback. He/she

provided opportunities to practice under direct supervision of the teacher. He/she provided
opportunities for students to practice independently. He conducted smooth transition from one
activity to the next.

Observation Notes 4

He/she showed concern for students. He/she established feeling/tone. He/she

established a level of difficulty which encouraged success. He/she used student interest and
background. He/she used extrinsic/intrinsic rewards.

Observation Notes 5

He/she used variability in presentation. He/she demonstrated enthusiasm, vigor,

involvement, and interest in lesson presentation. He/she spoke clearly and put ideas across
logically. He/she praised, elicited, and responded to student questions. He/she taught accurate
and up-to-date information. He/she coordinated learning content with instructional objectives.
He/she used effective examples and illustrations. He/she presented learning content in a logical
sequential order.

Observation Notes 6

He/she communicated expectations of performance to students. He/she used objective

student data to set expectations. He/she encouraged participation from all students. He/she
used higher order questioning techniques to promote critical thinking skills. He/she
demonstrated ability to conduct lessons using a variety of methods.

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