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Nama : Fernanda kumalasari

Kelas : 1A Keperawatan

NIM : 201018


Pulmonary poly o

1. The way to the doctor’s room from the parking lot….

Go straight then turn left then go straight into the entrance straight turn right and the destination is
on the right.
2. Excuse me Sir, my patient has been hospitalized here, I want to go to the pulmonary poly, Sir,
can you show I the way, Sir….
From the car park you can go straight until there is a turn, you turn right then pass through the
entrance to the front room of the hospital, then there is a pulmonary poly.
3. There is a patient who wants to go to the city hospital ground floor, where it is located….
From the parking lot go straight, then turn left at main entrance, go straight through the corridor
then turn right, the city hospital ground floor is behind the pulmonary poly.
4. Where dentist location from the car park….
From the car park you can go straight, then turn left at main entrance, keep going straight until
there is a doctor's room then turn left, the dentist location is in front of ear nose and throat and
coronary care room.
5. The way to the ear nose & throat from the parking lot….
Go straight then turn left then go straight into the main entrance straight turn left and the
destination is on the left.
6. The way to the obstetricts room from the parking lot….
Go straight then turn left then go straight to the main entrance, then you pass the receptionist and
pulmonary room, then turn left and the destination is on the left.
7. The way to the receptionist from the parking lot….
Go straight then turn left then go straight to the main entrance, then the receptionist is in front of
the pulmonary poly.
8. The way to the coronary care from the parking lot….
From the car park you can go straight, then turn left at main entrance, keep going straight until
there is a doctor's room then turn left through dentist room, and the coronary room is in front of
9. The way to the hepatology from the parking lot….
Go straight then turn left then go straight to the main entrance, then turn left through receptionist,
then your destination is on the right.
10. The way to the ICU from the parking lot….
Go straight then turn left then go straight to the main entrance, then turn left through the
receptionist, then go straight left and your destination is behind the receptionist.

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