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Vellend et al. 10.1073/pnas.1312779110

SI Methods Three independent Markov chains were run for 100,000 iter-
Papers, Studies, and Data Sets. Data meeting our criteria were ations, discarding the first 5,000 (burn-in), and retaining one out
found in 148 papers. Six papers reported data separately for two of each hundred iterations (thinning) (6). This analysis was
to three distinctly different habitat types, which we considered as complemented by a more conventional bootstrapped fixed-effects
separate studies, for a total of 168 studies. Individual studies often meta-analysis.
reported data separately for multiple sites within a single habitat A subset of studies reported diversity and/or evenness metrics;
type, which we considered separate data sets, for a total of 346 these data were analyzed using the same multilevel approach as
data sets. All authors contributed to an initial round of data for the species richness data (effect sizes). We recognize that
extraction, after which each line of data were rechecked by two absolute or proportional changes in these metrics are not as easily
authors (M.V. and L.B.), working together closely to resolve any interpreted as changes in species richness, so these analyses fo-
discrepancies or ambiguities and to ensure a standardized pro- cused on testing for directional trends rather than attempting
tocol across all papers. to relate any such changes to biodiversity-ecosystem function
(BDEF) experiments. In 35 of 38 studies, Shannon diversity was
Candidate Drivers of Vegetation Change. In cases for which the reported [H = −Σpiln(pi), in which pi is the relative abundance of
authors of a paper identified a primary driver of temporal veg- species i]. For analysis, we calculated exp(H), the “numbers
etation change (262/346 data sets), we classified drivers as follows: equivalent” transformation of H, which is more quantitatively
ongoing disturbance, postdisturbance succession (disturbances comparable among studies (7). In 18 studies, the Pielou evenness
include severe storms, volcanos, logging, drought, disease, and metric was presented [E = exp(H)/S, in which S is the number of
fire, with fire analyzed separately as the only subcategory with species in the plot]. We characterized the distribution of effect
n ≥ 5), ongoing or increased grazing/herbivory, reduced grazing/ sizes for each of these metrics.
herbivory, climate change, pollution (mostly atmospheric nutri-
ent deposition), plant invasion, increased canopy density (i.e., Justification for Excluding Experimental Studies. Our primary goal
reduced light), altered hydrology, or management (this category was to characterize temporal diversity change plant communities
includes altered regimes of multiple factors simultaneously, such that represent the real world, defined as any place that was not
as fertilization, mowing, grazing, or coppicing, when no one such manipulated experimentally for the purposes of studying vege-
activity was identified as the primary driver). Ongoing dis- tation change. As such, we deliberately did not consider exper-
turbances are those that occurred (often repeatedly) during the imental studies, such as those that manipulate temperature, soil
study period, whereas postdisturbance succession indicates nutrients, CO2, etc. Although such experiments can provide
studies for which the first vegetation survey was conducted after important clues as to which species might increase or decrease in
the last disturbance event. Three individual studies had unique abundance due to environmental changes under more natural
drivers (urbanization, fragmentation, and seabird colonization) conditions, the rate of environmental change (e.g., an instant
and were not included in this analysis. doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration) far exceeds the rate
of change experienced by natural communities. There is also
Statistical Analysis. We first used a multilevel approach including likely insufficient time for species that might benefit from the
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations in R version modified conditions to colonize. As such, we restricted our
2.15.2 and OpenBUGS via the R2OpenBUGS package (1, 2). analysis to studies reporting temporal diversity changes under
With multiple data sets in many studies, data sets were not in- the conditions experienced in the real world, which includes
dependent of one another, and we incorporated this dependency locations across the globe experiencing a wide variety of envi-
into a multilevel model. For data set i in study j, the log ratio can ronmental and anthropogenic drivers of vegetation change. This
be rewritten as ti−1log(SRY2,i/SRY1,i) = ESj(i) + «i. The ESj are the database is not a biased set of studies focusing only on pristine
study-level effect sizes that come from a common distribution vegetation (SI Text).
ESj ∼ N(μES, τ2), in which μES is the grand mean, or population- One type of experiment that does, in fact, mimic the real (i.e.,
average trend in diversity over time. The «i term expresses the nonexperimental) rate of environmental change is habitat frag-
data set level error. Thus, the analysis is a random-effect meta- mentation. The largest such study is the Biological Dynamics of
analysis, not assuming a single effect size value that is common to Forest Fragments project in Brazil, where, surprisingly, no dif-
all studies (3). The posterior distribution of μES, with credible ferences were found between intact forest and fragments of 1–100
intervals expressing the uncertainty about μES, indicates whether ha in terms of plant species richness or diversity (Fisher’s α) over
on average diversity is increasing or decreasing over time. The 22 y (8). Large trees in small fragments experienced greatly el-
superpopulation SD, τ, represents variation among the modeled evated mortality, with a consequent alteration of tree size
distribution of effect sizes from which our studies were selected, structure (8) and a reduction in carbon storage (9), but species
rather than only variation within the set of studies included in losses were offset by gains in species better adapted to disturbed
our meta-analysis. conditions. These results support both the absence of directional
Meta-analyses often use variance estimates to weight different species diversity trends found in our meta-analysis, and also our
observations. However, variances around mean species richness contention that other effects of environmental changes on eco-
values were only reported in 30% of the studies in our data set, system function (in this case effects of mortality and species
and none reported the covariance between the nonindependent turnover on carbon storage) likely render any effects of species
mean SRY1,i and SRY2,i values, which is needed to calculate the diversity per se negligible. A somewhat less realistic fragmenta-
variance of the log ratio (4). Thus, we took an unweighted ap- tion experiment, in which patches of grassland (Kansas) of be-
proach in the multilevel analysis, assuming the data-level errors tween 32 and 5,000 m2 were created, found similar results: larger
to follow a common distribution «i ∼ N(0,σ 2) (5). Minimal prior patches contained more species, but in equivalent small areas
information was introduced by using vague priors for the pa- (1-m2 plots) there was no such difference (10), although there
rameters τ and σ: both ∼U(0,100) and μES ∼ N(0,10,000) (5). were compositional differences (11). These studies reveal two

Vellend et al. 1 of 6

important lessons for our study. First, the inclusion of such ex- biodiversity generally declines in response to certain drivers of
periments should not alter our conclusion of no net diversity change, such as habitat fragmentation, may not apply to small
change over time. Second, the conventional wisdom that plant spatial scales.

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SI Text
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Conventional meta-analysis
Species richness (155)

exp(Shannon) (35)

Evenness (18)

-0.2 0.0 0.2

Effect size (log(metricY2/metricY1).decade-1)

Fig. S1. Comparison of mean effect sizes ±95% credible intervals or 95% bias-corrected CIs in the multilevel analysis and the conventional meta-analysis,
respectively. Results are shown for species richness (multilevel analysis shown in the main text), and for the “numbers equivalent” of the Shannon index of
diversity [exp(Shannon)] and Pielou’s index of evenness. Bias-corrected CIs are generated via bootstrapping and thus may be asymmetric. See Table S2 and SI
Methods for details of analysis.

Vellend et al. 4 of 6

Number of studies


Raw effect size (log(SRY2/SRY1))






10 100 0 10 20
Study duration (years) Number of studies

Fig. S2. Relationship between study duration (log scale) and raw species richness effect sizes. Histograms of the two variables are shown on the outer edges of
each axis. The histogram of raw effect sizes (right edge) reveals the same result of richness changes centered on zero as we found using the effect sizes
calculated to express change per decade (Fig. 2).

Table S1. Summary of the BUGS output of the multilevel models of study-level effect sizes
μES Quantiles μES (%)

Data subset N Mean SE τ 2.5 12.5 25 75 87.5 97.5

All data 155 (318) 0.032 0.024 0.258 −0.018 0.005 0.016 0.048 0.060 0.081
Forest 74 (157) 0.021 0.035 0.271 −0.047 −0.019 −0.003 0.044 0.061 0.092
Grassland 39 (75) 0.014 0.051 0.261 −0.085 −0.046 −0.019 0.049 0.072 0.114
Savanna/shrubland 14 (25) 0.037 0.053 0.179 −0.070 −0.022 0.004 0.069 0.094 0.145
Tundra 7 (21) −0.038 0.071 0.137 −0.185 −0.108 −0.076 0.003 0.032 0.104
Wetland 15 (29) −0.002 0.103 0.236 −0.199 −0.114 −0.071 0.062 0.115 0.214
Europe 78 (179) −0.003 0.019 0.104 −0.041 −0.025 −0.016 0.011 0.019 0.036
North America 49 (87) 0.039 0.059 0.374 −0.076 −0.027 0.0004 0.078 0.106 0.160
South America 12 (18) 0.192 0.137 0.307 −0.082 0.046 0.105 0.279 0.340 0.454
Asia 9 (22) 0.063 0.179 0.481 −0.295 −0.129 −0.043 0.169 0.249 0.414
Australia 5 (9) 0.091 0.190 0.279 −0.236 −0.054 0.013 0.165 0.243 0.435
Africa 2 (3) Raw mean = 0.165
Postdisturbance 13 (23) 0.355 0.147 0.365 0.054 0.195 0.265 0.446 0.516 0.644
Postfire 8 (12) 0.158 0.124 0.211 −0.089 0.030 0.087 0.230 0.287 0.404
Ongoing disturbance 6 (10) 0.030 0.115 0.141 −0.206 −0.087 −0.034 0.095 0.145 0.261
Ongoing fire 6 (19) −0.014 0.115 0.240 −0.248 −0.129 −0.078 0.051 0.101 0.209
Herbivory/grazing 12 (17) 0.040 0.039 0.089 −0.040 −0.003 0.015 0.066 0.083 0.115
Cessation of grazing 7 (45) 0.101 0.162 0.374 −0.227 −0.064 0.012 0.190 0.260 0.405
Canopy closure 17 (18) 0.017 0.025 0.078 −0.034 −0.012 0.001 0.033 0.045 0.067
Climate change 11 (33) −0.063 0.049 0.132 −0.159 −0.118 −0.094 −0.033 −0.010 0.037
Pollution 8 (11) −0.025 0.054 0.099 −0.129 −0.082 −0.058 0.006 0.034 0.082
Invasion 7 (10) −0.357 0.323 0.739 −0.991 −0.687 −0.549 −0.167 −0.028 0.263
Management 16 (41) −0.008 0.053 0.109 −0.113 −0.067 −0.043 0.026 0.053 0.098
Unknown 45 (71) 0.021 0.045 0.246 −0.068 −0.031 −0.010 0.052 0.073 0.109

The mean effect sizes (μES) express the grand mean decadal-scale species richness log ratios, as described in
the main text, and the SE expresses the uncertainty about this mean. τ is the superpopulation SD, expressing the
heterogeneity among studies. N is the number of studies (data sets) in the analysis. Bold numbers indicate means
with 95% credible intervals that do not overlap zero.

Vellend et al. 5 of 6

Table S2. Results of the conventional fixed-effect
Diversity index N Weighted mean 95% bias-corrected CI

Species richness 155 0.017 −0.023 0.053

exp(Shannon) 35 −0.007 −0.084 0.130
Evenness 18 −0.050 −0.175 0.020

In this analysis we estimated the weighted mean of the log ratio (effect
size) under the assumption of a single effect size common to all studies (1, 2).
As most studies had several data lines in the database, species richness, di-
versity, and evenness values were pooled at the study level before this anal-
ysis by calculating the mean, weighted by sample size. N is the number of
studies in the analysis. Because calculating the variance of the log ratio
requires the covariance between the nonindependent SRY1,i and SRY2,i values
(3), which was never reported in the original studies, we used the square
root of the sample size as a weighting factor for the resampling test (4). The
bias corrected 95% CIs were calculated with 2,000 bootstrap resamples (1, 4).

1. Hedges LV, Gurevitch J, Curtis PS (1999) The meta-analysis of response ratios in experimental ecology. Ecology 80(4):1150–1156.
2. Harrison F (2011) Getting started with meta-analysis. Meth Ecol Evol 2(1):1–10.
3. Lajeunessei MJ (2011) On the meta-analysis of response ratios for studies with correlated and multi-group designs. Ecology 92(11):2049–2055.
4. Adams DC, Gurevitch J, Rosenberg MS (1997) Resampling tests for meta-analysis of ecological data. Ecology 78(4):1277–1283.

Table S3. Results of multilevel analysis with covariates

Model coefficient (γ 1)

Predictor variable Mean or no. studies Median Range Mean 95% CI

Latitude (°) 39.3 46.0 −43.2, 78.9 −0.0016 −0.0036 0.0005

Longitude (°) −19.2 4.1 −156.7, 172.8 −0.0001 −0.0008 0.0006
Plot area (m2) 653.5 43.8 0.04, 13,000 0.0004 −0.0019 0.0026
Time interval (y) 25.9 18.0 5, 261 −0.0019 −0.0042 0.0005
Plot permanent (no/yes) 59/96 0.0715 −0.0249 0.1683

Effect sizes across the j studies were modeled as ESj ∼ N(γ 0 + γ 1Uj, τ2), in which Uj is a study-level covariates (1).
Iterations were set as for the main analysis and priors of γ 0 and γ 1 ∼ N(0, 10,000). ESj was expressed per decade
(main text) for all analyses except when using Time interval as a predictor, in which case the raw log ratio was
used. Plot area was square root transformed before analysis. The reference level for “Plot permanent” was set as
no; the coefficient for this analysis models the increase in effect size in permanent plots. Note that the means
here were calculated across studies, such that some means reported across data sets in the main text are slightly
different (some studies included multiple data sets).

1. Gelman A, Hill J (2007) Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models (Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge, MA).

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