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Sex Acquiring virulence gene Transformation Cells take up naked DNA

Tansduction Phages carry DNA
Conjugation Cells mate through specialized appendages
e.g sex pili
Mobile genetic element Transposon ST enterotoxin genes
Virulence plasmids TTSSs in Shigella, Yersinia; toxins in
Salmonella, E. coli, B anthracis
Phage-encoded virulence Botulinum toxins, diphtheria toxin, shiga-
like toxin, staphylococcal toxins, TTSS
substrate in Salmonella
Pathogenicity island Carriage of (many) virulence genes
Presence in pathogenic vs x-pathgnc strain
Diff G+C content from host chromosome
Occupy large chromosomal region
Compact distinct genetic units, often flanked by DRs, tRNAs, ISs
Presence of (cryptic) mobility genes
Unstable, prone to deletion
Secretion systems LEE region in EPEC
Spi1, Spi2 region in Salmonella
Cag in H pylori
Adhesins, siderophores, toxins Uropathognc E coli (Pai I, II, IV, V)
Yersinia spp (HP1)
V cholerae (VPI or TCP-ACF element)
Sense environment And Switch virulence genes on & off
In simplest cases, change in intracellular ion [ ] linked directly to gene expression
In . complex case, sophisticatd signal transdctn cascades allow bacteria to regulate gene xpression in
response to environmental cue
Swim To site of infctn
Stick To site of infctn
Scavenge For nutrients esp iron
Survive stress
Stealth Avoid immune system
Strike back Damage host tissues
Subvert Host cell cytoskeleton &
signaling p/way
Spread Through cells & organs

Body surface Dryness, shading, lactic acid, fatty acids

Mouth Flow of saliva, mucin, saliva, lysozymes
Stomach Mucin, HCl, pepsin
Small intestine Flow of gut contents, mucin, bile salts, hydrolytic enzymes,
lactoferrin, lymphatic t/s, shedding & replacement of epithelium
Vagina Mucin, other glycoproteins, lactic acid produced by lactobacillus
Semen Mucin, spermin
Tears Lysozyme
Respiratory tract Mucin, cilia, mΦ

External structures Flagella (H Ag) Thread-like appendages, chemically composed of protein (flagellin)
Locomotory organ, Agnc props
Peritrichous Flagella all around the body of bacteria e.g Salmonella typhi
Amphitrichous Single flagella at each pole
Lophotrichous Bunch at flagella at 1/ both ends e.g spirillum e.g Spirillum
Monotrichous One flagella at 1 end only e.g V cholerae
Pili/ fimbria Glycoprotein in nature, extruding from cytoplasmic membrane
Mediates attchmnt
Sex pilus
Capsules (K Ag) Amorphous material surrounds many bacteria
Usually polysaccharide & occasionally protein
Inhibit phagocytosis. So their presence correlates w virulence in certain bacteria
Cell wall F(x)
Maintenance of morphology of organsm
Enhancement of IR to various cell metabolites
Induction of fever by muramylpeptide (e.g it’s a pyrogen)
Induction of sleep by muramylpeptide (e.g it’s a somnogen)
Competition of muramylpeptide w serotonin for rcptrs on mΦ. Serotonin, when bound enhances chemotactic response
Induction of inflammatory arthritic joint disease by peptidoglycan-linked polysaccharides
Inductn of IR by teichoic acid. This response is used in the serologcl idntfctn of G +ve
Inductn of IR by O-polysaccharide. This response is used in the serologcl idntfctn of G -ve

Gram positive Thick peptidoglycan layer Complex, interwoven network that surrounds entire cell &
(multiple layers) composed of a single covalently linked macromolecules.
N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylmuramic acid
Rigid support for cell
Maintain characteristic shape of cell
Allows cell to w/stand media of low osmotic
Attached on outer surface of of peptidoglycan framework
Cell wall teichoic acids
Cell wall-specifc polysaccharides
Proteins of special significance- M, T, R protein of
gp A Streptococci, Protein A of Staph Aureus

Gram negative Thin peptidoglycan layer Periplasmic space present between cytoplasmic membrane &
peptidoglycan layer- contains B-lactamase.

Outer (complex) layer Phospholipids

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
Composed of 3 regions- O-polysaccharide (somatic Ag),
Core polysaccharide, Lipid A (responsible for toxic effects
& anchored in outer membrane)
Various proteins (porons) + lipoproteins
Each is Agnc.
Protoplasmic membrane Underneath peptidoglycan & encloses cytoplasm. X play major role in pathogenesis ( source of lipoteichoic acid) but important
osmotic barrier
site of initiation of cell wall synthesis
site of attchmnt of chromosome
site of cytochrome system
location of various transport enzymes

Nuclear material Nucleoid Area of cytoplasm in which DNA is loctd.

Single, circular molecule
DNA undergoes semi-conservative replication

Cytoplasm Ribosome 30s + 50s = 70s (s= Svedberg unit)

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