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Bacterial Virulence Factors

Ability to invade Colonization Specificity of adherence

t/s 1. Tissue tropism- e.g S mutans abundant in dental plaque but x occur on epi surface of tongue
*Lectin- any 2. Species specificity- certain pathognc bacteria infect certain spcs of animals (host)
protein that 3. Gntc specfcty withn a specs- Suscptblty to Plasmodium vivax dpndnt on presence of Duffy Ag on RBC
binds to Mechanism of spcfc adherence
c’hydrte 1. Reversible attchmnt/ docking
*Ligand- Nonspecfc attrctve forces
surface mlcl Hydrophobic interctn
that xhbts Electrostatic interactn
spcfc bndg to
Atomic & molecular vibration resulting from fluctuating dipoles of similar frequencies
rcptr mlcl on
anthr surfce Brownian movement
Recruitment & trapping by biofilm polymers interctng w bacterial glycocalyx
2. Nonreversible permanent attchmnt/ anchoring
Receptor (on host) Mucous gel Mucopolysaccharide layer of glucosaminoglycans
covering animal cell mucosal surfaces

Adhesins (on bacteria) Fimbriae/ common pili Filamentous protein on surface of bacterial cells that
may behave as adhesions for specific adherence
Protein F on fimbriae cause adhesion of streptococci to
buccal epi cell (rcptr: fibronectin)
Type 1 fimbriae In Enterobacteriaceae which bind specfcally to
mannose terminatd glycoprotein on eukaryotic cell
Glycocalyx Layer of exopolysaccharide fibers on surface of
bacterial cells which may b involvd in adherence to a
Capsule Detectable layer of polysaccharide on surface of
bacterial cell which may mediate spcfc/ x-spcfc
LPS Distinct cell wall comp of G –ve outer membrne
Teichoic acid & lipoteichoid Cell wall comp of g +ve bacteria
acid (LTA)
Production Invasin Surface/ diffusible proteins that promote actin rearrangement in cytoskeleton of host cells.
of Stimulates engulfment of bacteria. Utilizd by Listeria & Shigella
xtracellular Spreading factor Hyaluronidase Producd by streptococci, staphylococci, clostridia.
substances (a family of bacterial enzymes Attacks interstitial cement of connective t/s by
(invasin) that affect physical props of depolymerizing hyaluronic acid.
t/s matrices & intercellular Collagenase Facilitate gas gangrene. Producd by Clostridium
spaces) histolyticum & Clostridium perfringens. Collagen-
m/s framework
Neuraminidase Producd by Vibrio cholerae & Shigella dysenteriae.
Breaks down neuraminic acid- intracellular cement of
epithelial cells of intestinal mucosa
Streptokinase/ Staphylokinase Kinase enzymes convert inactive plasminogen to
plasmin which digests fibrin & prevent blood clotting.
Allows more rapid bacterial spreas
Enzyme causing haemolysis/ Phospholipases Produced by Clostridium perfringens
leucolysis Lecithinases Producd by Clostridium perfringens
Hemolysins Producd by Staphylococci (alpha toxin), streptococci
(streptolysin), channel-forming protein
Staphylococcal coagulase Cell-assctd & diffsble enzyme converts fibrin to fibrinogen, causes clotting.
Xtracellular digestive Heterotrophic bact in gnrl, produce proteases, lipases, nucleases. Direct role in invsn/
enzymes pathogenesis not known
Toxin w short-range effect Bacterial protein toxin which have adenylate cyclase actvty, r thought to have immediate
relatd to invasion effect on host cells that promote bacterial invasion. 1 comp of anthrax toxin: Edema Factor
is an adenylate cyclase that acts on nearby cell to cause increased level of cyclic AMP
Ability to Defense Damage phagocytes b4 Production of aggressins e.g hemolysins & leukocidins by staphylococci
bypass/ against IR phagocytosis & streptococci
overcome Avoiding contact between Inhabiting places inaccessible to phagocytes
host defense phagocyte & orgnsm E,g lumen of glands & urinary bladder
Avoid inflammatory response
Cover bacterial cells w host molecules e.g fibrin by Staph aureus,
hyaluronic acid capsule of S pyogenes
Prevent engulfment Capsules, M protein of S pyogenes, K & O Ag of E coli, Vi Ag of
Salmonella typhi
Prevent phagosome formation
Escape from phagosome b4 Rickettsia have phospholipase A, Listeria have listeriolysin
fusion w lysosome
Prevent phagosome-lysosome Chlamydia & Legionella cell wall comp, Sulfatides of M tuberculosis
Prevent killing & digestion Mycobacteria have waxy cell wall & mycolic acid
Brucella sp & Staph aureus produce large amounts of catalase &
superoxide dismutase
Evasion of Inducing immunological Fetal exposure
host tolerance to bacterial Ag High persistent dose of circulating Ag
phagocytic Molecular mimicry
defenses Agnc disguise Fibronectin coat of Treponema pallidum
Protein A of Staph aureus
Protein G of Staph pyogenes
Sialic acid of E coli K1 strains that cause meningitis in newborns
Immunosuppression e.g M leprae in lepromatous leprosy
Persistence at sites Intracellular pathogen (see list below)
inaccessible to IR
Induction of ineffective Ab Low avidity Ab or non-neutralizing Ab
Blockage of Ab by soluble Neutralizing Ab are diverted towards soluble bacterial Ag instead of
bacterial Ag microorganism
Interference w Ab xtvt locally IgA proteases that inactivate IgA e.g N gonorrheae, N meningitidis
Soluble extracellular protein A precipitates IgG
Agnc variation By gene rearrngmnt or gene conversion
e.g Borrelia recurrentis cause relapsing fever
n gonorrheae undergo pili gene switching
Avoiding C’ attchmnt Presence of capsule
Ability to
produce toxin Toxin Bacteria Activity
(Toxigenesis) Anthrax Toxin (EF) Bacillus anthrasis Edema Factor is an adenylate cyclase that causes increased cAMP & formtn
of ion-permeable pore→ hemolysis
Anthrax Toxin (LF) Lethal Factor induces cytokine release & cytotoxic to cell
Pertussis Toxin Bordetella pertussis Similar to Anthrax Toxin (EF)
Cholera enterotoxin Vibrio cholerae Refer to Vibrio cholerae
LT Toxin ETEC Similar to cholera toxin
ST Toxin ETEC Stimulates guanylate cyclase- promotes secrtn of water & electrolytes from
intestinl epi
Verotoxin EHEC Similar to Shiga Toxin
Shiga Toxin Shigella dysenteriae Inhibit protein synthesis by cleaving rRNA
Perfringens enterotoxin Clostridium perfringens Increase cAMP
Botulinum toxin Clostridium botulinum Inhibit neurotransmission at neuromuscular junction→ flaccid paralysis
Tetanus toxin Clostridium tetani Inhibit neurotransmission at inhibitory synapse in spinal cord→ spastic
Diphtheria Toxin Corynebacterium diphtheriae ADP ribosyltn of Elongation Factor 2- inhibit protein synthesis
Exotoxin A Pseudomonas aeruginosa Similar to diphtheria toxin
Staphylococcus Staph aureus Massive actvtn of immune system, leads to emesis
TSST-1 Acts on vascular system causing inflammtn, fever, shock
Exfoliatin Toxin Cleavage of epidermal cell
Erythrogenic Toxin Strep pyogenes Skin erythematous reaction
(scarlet fever toxin)

Endotoxin Exotoxin
Chemical nature LPS Polypeptide
Relationship to cell Outer membrane of G –ve Soluble, secreted extracellularly
Denaturation by boiling No yes
Antigenicity Yes, weak Yes, strong
Form Toxoid No Yes
Potency Less potent More potent
Specificity No Yes
Pyrogenicity Yes No

Ability to indce Intracellular bacterial pathogen

immunopthlgy Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium leprae
Listeria monocytogenes
Salmonella Typhi
Shigella dysenteriae
Yersinia pestis
Brucella sp
Legionella pneumophilia

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