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Chapter 1



Many people want to start their own businesses considering

that they have the capital, manpower, place, etc. However, many

businesses are shutting down due to failures or lack of

implementation of effective management. Based from the

statistical study of Mason (2016), 8 out of 10 businesses cannot

manage to survive. Moreover, Olsen (2015) asserts that “lack of

management”, is one of the major causes of a business to shut

down. Management is a big word for an organization or business

wherein the manager will choose or develop a specific management

style which he will use in his business that will contribute to

the factor whether the business will survive or not.

Management must be done in a systematically step-by-step

process because it plays an important role in any kind of

business organization. Haque (2015) describes the management as

one of the most important thing on a business because it has a

direct impact to the economic growth of a business.

Many people want to start up theirown small businesses. One

of the considered small businesses in the field is canteen.

Canteen is a restaurant-type business wherein it is a commercial

establishment that serves foods and beverages to the public,

(Encyclopedia, 2017).

Canteen can be seen in school considering the factor that it

is a food-service type of business that provides healthy foods

for its target market. Cafeteria needs to provide healthy and

budget friendly food products wherein its management needs to

consider the quality, taste, life-span, cost, and safeness of the

products. The management itself needs to think and apply many

concepts and ideas of effective management to give positive

impacts to its business.

Indeed, the research determined the common management styles

being applied in a school-based business. It emphasizes the

importance of establishing effective management styles to help

the business to be successful.

The researchers have concluded this study in the three

selected public high school namely (1) Sapang Biabas Elementary

School (Senior High School), (2) Madapdap Resettlement High

School, and (3) Tinajero High School (Annex) particularly in

their school-cafeteria.
Statement of the Problem

The research aims to identify the common management styles

of the canteens of Sapang Biabas Elementary School (Senior High

school), Madapdap Resettlement High School, Tinajero High School

(Annex) and to know what management style do the respondents see


Researchers seek to answer the following questions:

1. How may the respondents describe the management styles that

are being applied in the school canteen?

2. What management style is/are the most effective by the


Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the different management styles and

their effectiveness.

The delimitation of this study is only the canteen staffs of

each school of the three selected public high schools namely,

Sapang Biabas Elementary School (Senior High school), Madapdap

Resettlement High School, and Tinajero High School (Annex) are

will be having chance consideration in gathering the data.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will rebound the benefits of the


Accounting/Business Students, the outcome of the study will

provide information about management styles that the students can


Entrepreneur, the result of the study will provide information

that will help the entrepreneur to choose which among is the best

management styles that he can use.

Future researchers, the results of the study can be use by the

future researchers to have references about the related topics.

Definition of Terms

Business is an organization or enterprising entity that engages

in commercial, industrial or professional activities.

(investopedia, 2017)

Entity is a person, partnership, organization, or business that

has legal and separately identifiable existence.

(Businessdictionary, 2017)

Management is an act of planning, organizing, leading and

controlling of an entity or organization effectively and

efficiently to attain its desired goal. (Zarate, 2015)

Organization is a social unit of people that structures and

manages to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.

(Businessdictionary, 2017)
Chapter 2


This chapter indicates the review of related literature and

studies to support the study and it is aiming to find out.

Related Literature

There are lots of things that an entrepreneur or a manager

consider in making his business successful, it may be the trends,

the skills of his workers, quality of his product or service that

he offers, his target market, and many more.

Management is one of the things that a manager or an owner

will consider in making his business to grow. As Zarate (2015),

an author of the book, Organization and Management, defined the

management as the process of planning, organizing, leading, and

controlling the activities of an organization effectively and

efficiently to achieve its goal.

Strategic Management (2012), defines effective management as

the result of market opportunities, analyzing and molding strong

desire to overcome the time. Therefore, it takes many

considerations before you can state whether the management style

is effective or not.

It only depends on how a manager manages his business, as

Management Study Guide (2017), affirms that every manager has a

different style of managing the employees or the organization

itself. The different ways of a manager who deals with his

subordinates at the workplace is called management style. The

success and failure of an organization is directly proportional

to the effectiveness of the management. Therefore, it is in the

hand of the manager and his management style the success of a


According to the North central University (2014), management

style refers to the overall breakdown of how organization can be

set to amplify the various factors that coincide with motivation

as a successful build. So making the management style as the

foundation of your organization will indicate the success rate of


Cardinal (2015), as cited by Hay-McBer (2000), they

identified six key of leadership or management style.

Directive or Coercive

It has the primary objective of immediate compliance from

employees.This management style sets high standard and

disciplines those who don’t meet the standard

Authoritative (Visionary)

This kind of style has the objective of providing long term

direction and vision for employees.


This style has the goal of creating harmony among the

employees and managers.

Participative (Democratic)

This style has the primary objective of building commitment

and consensus among the employees.


It has the primary objective of accomplishing task of high

standard of excellent.


This style has the primary objective of long term

professional development of employee.

This management styles are the widely used style by the

respondents of the study.

A business needs to manage properly to survive in the field

of industry, it does not matter how big or small it is, it must

to be run properly by a manager or the owner. Applying those

different kinds of management style can help the manager to keep

his business present in the industry. Canteen is a restaurant-

type business wherein it is a commercial establishment that

serves foods and beverages to the public, (Encyclopedia, 2017).

The Department of Education (nd) asserts that, the school

canteen is a small business. Like other business, canteen needs

to have good management. Effective management of canteen


 Everyone involve knows its goals, objectives and

familiar with its policies.

 Canteen staff and committee develop an implementation

plan to achieve policy goals.

 Day-to-day operational procedures are structured and


 Staff are adequately trained and supervised.

 Staff carry out efficient stock management, accounting

and financial procedures.

 Staffs are familiar with and comply with relevant legal

requirements regarding food safety and occupational

health and safety standards.

Making all of this standards present on the current managing

style of your canteen that may indicate the successfulness of

your application. It can make your business to be more alive in

the industry and be more competitive.

Irginia Beach City Public High School (nd), asserts that,

The general role of the canteen in school is planning, managing,

monitoring, supervising and providing service in the

provisioning, operation and functions of a smaller food service

facility (canteen) with a staff serving breakfast and lunch with

additional sales.

Related Studies

Uche and Timinepere (2009), based on their study, it was

recommended that private enterprises should embrace management

styles in tandem with the achievement of set goals, cultural

values and organizational as there was no one best management

style. Considering the outcomes of the study, management plays

important role in organization because when they apply effective

management style, it affects the economic growth of the business.

The case study of Tamkin, Hillage, and Willison (nd)

entitled Indicators of Management Capability: Developing a

Framework, supports the idea that management skills or style can

be improve and upgrade. They stated also that managers needs to

embrace own management style to bring out the best in them.

Based from the study’s results, from being a poor manager with

the proper training seminars, poor managers can turn into

sensitive and responsible managers.


As sited by Zarate (2015) and Strategic Management (2012),

defines effect-ive management as the process of planning,

organizing, leading and controlling to be effective and efficient

to achieve the goal and desires of the business.

Many research, resolutions and articlelike Department of

Education (nd),Management Study Guide (2017), North Central

University (nd), and Riley (2015), have identified that effective

management must be done in having a good leadership to motivate

and lead the whole organization to have a strong foundation

others is to have a strategic plan to achieve the goal and to


As Encyclopedia (2017) and Irgnia Beach city Public High

School (nd) sited, canteen is a commercial establishment that

serves food and beverages for the public. However, small business

like cafeteria requires a good management style in doing it goal.

Cardinal (2015) as cited by Hay-McBer (2000)

implemented the six management style this are the (Directive or

Coercive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting,

Couching) were this six management style focus on the development

of the business.

The study of Uche and Timinepere (2009), focuses on the

different common management styles that has been being implied

on those businesses who are in the private enterprises, while the

case study of Tamkin, Hillage, and Willison (nd), Indicators of

Management Capability: Developing a Framework, there study

supports the upgrading the manager’s management style by doing

some trainings and seminars on the newbies managers. However,

those two studies hav a relation with the management styles that

our study focused with.

Chapter 3


This chapter will show how the study will be conducted, how

the result will be analyzed. It includes the research design,

respondents of the study, research instruments, and statistical

treatment of the data.

Research Design

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of

a population or phenomenon being studied. The description of

effectiveness of the different management style by the

respondents is the focus of this study.

Respondents of the Study

This study delimits only the staffs of the three selected

public high schools namely, Sapang Biabas Elementary (Senior High

School), Madapdap Resettlement High School, and Tinajero High

School (Annex) are will be having chance consideration in

gathering the data. Those respondents will be considered in this

study when they are familiar with management style that their

canteen managers are implementing.

Research Instruments

The main instrument on this study for data collection is a

structured questionnaire designed in two (2) check-lists, one is

for the different management styles that are being observed in

the school canteen and one for the most effective management

style based on the respondents.

Research Procedure

The researchers will make a letter of permission for the

school where the respondents are located. The researchers will

ask personally the respondents to answer the instrument. The

instrument has a two parts which the first is, the respondents

will check which among the given management style that observed

in there canteen. The second is they will check which among the

different common management style is effective for them. The

instrument will be collected by the researchers by the day that

the instruments will be answered. The instrument will used for

the future objectives of this study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The study of quantitatively describing the characteristics

of a set of data is called descriptive; frequency is the number

of times an event occurs.

Statistical Formula for each management style:

Chapter 4
Table 1: Ranking of the management styles (observed):
Management F % Total Number of the
Directive 8 61.53% 13/ 100%

Authoritative 5 38.46% 13/ 100%

Affiliative 9 63.23% 13/ 100%

Participative 6 46.15% 13/ 100%

Pacesetting 5 38.46% 13/ 100%

Coaching 6 46.15% 13/ 100%

Interpretation of the data:

The table shown above present the data which answers the

question “What are the management styles that are being observed

by the respondents in their canteen?” it shows that most of our

respondents observes the directive style of managing in there

canteen, and the least observed management style on those given

management style are the authoritative and pacesetting.


Analyzing the table 1, we see that Affiliative got the

highest score among other which is (9) that is 63.23% of our

total respondents. This numbers shows how affiliative style of

managing in the business is always observed. Authoritative and

Participative both got 5 of frequency that is 38.45% of the total

number of our respondents. Participative and coaching both got a

frequency of (6) which is 46.15% of the total respondents.

Table 2: Respondent’s choice which among is/are the most

effective management style.

Management Style F % Total Number of the

Directive 3 25% 13/ 100%
Authoritative 2 15.38% 13/ 100%
Affiliative 2 15.38% 13/ 100%
Participative 4 30.77% 13/ 100%
Pacesetting 2 15.38% 13/ 100%
Coaching 1 7.69% 13/ 100%

Interpretation of the data:

The table above only shows how the respondents answer the

question” which among the management style that is most effective

for the respondents.” The table presents that participative which

got the highest frequency shows that this kind of management is

the most effective among the given management styles for the

respondents while the coaching got the least score among those

given management styles.


The table 2 shows the chosen management styles by the

respondents in terms of effectiveness. Participative got 4 in

frequency which (25%) of our total respondents which means, it is

the most effective for the respondents. While coaching got the

least which is (1) in frequency that indicate that this

management style is not that applicable to a canteen business.

Chapter 5



The researchers have formulated a research title, evaluation

of the common management styles in the canteens of three selected

public high school. This research aims to identify which among

the management styles (directive, authoritative, affiliative,

participative, pacesetting and coaching) are being applied in the

school canteen and what may be the most effective among those

given management styles. This study focused in the management

styles which being implemented on the school canteen. It delimits

on those staffs of the canteen of the three selected public high

schools. The result of the will provide information that will

help accountancy/business students, entrepreneur and future

researchers, in terms of making our study as there reference.

Descriptive research is the method used by the research to

describe the population or phenomenon, wherein our study

determines what are the management styles that are being apply in

a school canteen and what is the management style that a canteen

manager can use that is to be evaluated by the respondents. The

questionnaires which have been develop by the researchers serves

as the instrument for gathering the data needed to fulfill the

information needed to satisfy the purpose of this study. The

statistical treatment used is the frequency and percentage to

determine the result of the findings.

All of the canteen staffs were use as the respondents. As

they observed the management style of the canteen that they were

involved, the results shows that affiliative got 61.53%, while

participative and Coaching got the same percentage of 46.15, same

as with authoritative and pacesetting they also got the same

percentage of 38.46% of the total number of respondents. The

respondents evaluated those given management style by choosing

which is the most applicable for them, the results of this is,

most of the respondent choose participative, which got 30.77% of

the total respondents, choose as the best management style which

they may apply to their canteen. The least among them is the

coaching which somehow indicates that this management style is

not applicable to a canteen business.


From the finding of this study, we determine the common

management styles that are being implemented in the school

canteens of the three selected public high school namely, Sapang

Biabas Elementary (Senior High School), Madapdap Resettlement

High School, and Tinajero High School (Annex). The other findings

where listed below:

 Most of our respondents answered affiliative and directive

as their most observed management style in their canteen

which affiliative got 63.23%, while directive got 61.53 % of

the total number of the respondents. Authoritative and

pacesetting got the same least percentage of 38.46% which

indicates that this two management styles are not often use

in canteen.

 As the respondents evaluate the given management styles,

they choose which of this given is the most effective

management style that they may recommend on the manager.

Participative has been chosen by the respondents as their

most effective management style which got 30.17% of the

total number of the respondents. While coaching got the

least which indicates that this management style is not

somehow effective to a canteen business.


In view of the findings and conclusion, the following are

hereby presented:
1. Canteen manager may use participative managing style to give

his business a positive growth.

2. Managers may lessen the use of coaching is there managing


3. Future entrepreneur may consider what management style that

he will use according to his business before starting.

Business case studies. (2017). The importance of effective
management. Retrieved from

Cardinal, R. (2016). 6 Management Styles And When Best To Use

Them – The Leaders Tool Kit. Retrieved from

Department of Education. (n.d.). Canteen Management. Retrieved


Entity and Organization. (2017). Retrieved from

Haque, F. (2015). Importance of management in small management.

Retrieved from

Investopedia. (2017). Business. Retrieved from

Irginia beach city public high school. (n.d.). Cafeteria

management 1. Retrieved from

Management Study Guide. (2017). Management Style - Meaning and

Different Types of Styles. Retrieved from

Mason, M. K. (2016). Why causes a small business to fail.

Retrieved from

North Central University. (2014). SEE THE BIG PICTURE IN BUSINESS

Olsen, E. (2017). Ten Common Causes of Business Failure.
Retrieved from

Uche, C and Timinipere, N. (2012). Management Styles and

Organizational Effectiveness: An Appraisal of Private Enterprises
in Eastern Nigeria . Retrieved from

Appendix A

(Letter of Consent)
Appendix B

(Survey Documentation)
Appendix C


School: __________________
DIRECTION: Check which among the management style that you
observed the most in your canteen’s manager.

It has the primary objective of immediate compliance
from employees. This management style sets high standard
and disciplines those who do not meet the standard.
The “firm but fair” manager, it gives employees clear
direction and motivates by persuasion and feedback on task

The “people first, task second” manager, avoids
conflict, focus on good personal relationships among
employees and motivates by trying to keep people happy.

The “everyone has input” manager, encourages employee
input in decision making, motivates by rewarding team

The “do it myself” manager, performs many tasks
personally and expects employees to follow his/her example,
Motivates by setting high standards and expects self-
direction from employees

The “developmental” managers, helps and encourages
employees to develop their strengths and improve their
performance, motivates by providing opportunities for
professional development.
____________: others

DIRECTION: Check which among the management style that is most

effective for you.

It has the primary objective of immediate compliance
from employees. This management style sets high standard
and disciplines those who do not meet the standard.
The “firm but fair” manager,it gives employees clear
direction and motivates by persuasion and feedback on task

The “people first, task second” manager, avoids
conflict, focus on good personal relationships among
employees and motivates by trying to keep people happy.

The “everyone has input” manager, encourages employee
input in decision making, motivates by rewarding team

The “do it myself” manager, performs many tasks
personally and expects employees to follow his/her example,
Motivates by setting high standards and expects self-
direction from employees

The “developmental” managers, helps and encourages
employees to develop their strengths and improve their
performance, motivates by providing opportunities for
professional development.

__________: others

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