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1. Thucydides Thucydides, (c. 485-425 BC), greatest of ancient Greek
historians and author of the History of the
Peloponnesian War, which recounts the struggle between
Athens and Sparta in the 5th century BC. His work was
the first recorded political and moral analysis of a
nation’s war policies.
Thucydides believed that the Peloponnesian War
represented an event of unmatched importance. As such,
he began to write the History at the onset of the war
in 431. His intention was to write an account which
would serve as "a possession for all time".
The writing of Thucydides is being used the world and
it serves as a basis for political and in the context
of the society.
2. Socrates Born in 469-399 BC, he challenged the thinking of his
contemporaries by posting penetrating questions. In
this way he aimed to strip away the prejudices we all
bring to our thinking.
Socrates’ most important contribution to Western
philosophy was his technique for arguing a point, known
as the Socratic technique, which he applied to many
things such as truth and justice. This is described in
Plato’s “Socratic dialogues.” An issue would be divided
up into a series of questions, the responses to which
progressively led to the desired outcome.
The importance of this strategy cannot be understated
and has led to Socrates earning the title of the
“father of political philosophy, morality, and good
logic.” The Socratic technique is frequently regarded
as an essential part of the American legal system.
He believed that reason and clear thinking could lead
men to truth and happiness.
3. Plato Plato (427-347 BC) was a disciple of Socrates; it is
through him we know of Socrates teaching. Plato
believed that the material world is not real, but an
imperfect image of the real, or ideal. He founded “the
Academy” the first know institute of higher education
in the west.
One of his notable contribution is Plato recognized the
need for humans to work together in society for mutual
benefit and profit. He believed that everyone had
different skills and attributes, and these could be
combined to meet the needs of the whole of society.
Following on from the division of labor and the three
main types of people in society, Plato was able to
establish a political and economic model which worked
for the benefit of all. In this society, people could
work together for mutual gain, which would, in turn,
lead to a prosperous and thriving political and
economic structure.
4. Thales of Miletus He is usually regarded as the first Greek
mathematician, and he is credited with developing the
methodologies of observation, experimentation and
deduction, which are still sued today.
He made important contribution to astronomy,
mathematics and philosophy as Bertrand Russell said
“western philosophy begins with Thales”.
He also brought up new rational basis of things rather
than initially held supernatural explanations. One such
example was his attempt to explain earthquakes by
movement of earth or floating of earth on water rather
than attributing it to some supernatural incidence.
In regards to mathematics, he reached at solution of
problems through geometry for instance the height or
distance was calculated by him through geometry. He
also used the same scientific method that is method of
deduction and reasoning rather than alluding to
mythology. Thus he was a pioneer in discovering new
scientific method in mathematics that’s why he is
regarded as the first true mathematician. Another
remarkable achievement of his was deriving the theorem,
popularly known as Thales theorem on basis of deductive
5. Anaximander Anaximander (611-547) asserted the theory of organic
evolution, with the earliest animals being fish, which
later adapted to different environments to become land
animals and human beings.
He was considered as the first scientist since he was
in charge of using the experimental method through the
demonstrative method. He discovered the obliquity of
the ecliptic and also the plane of the celestial
equator. He is considered to be the one who succeeded
in introducing the sundial in Greece and is believed to
be the creator and founder of cartography. His most
important contribution has been his prose work related
to the cosmos and the origins of life. He spoke of the
sun, the moon and the stars, these being the innermost
Anaximander postulated that opposites are united by
means of the apeiron and that they separate when they
need to form things leveled by domination cycles, for
him, this was how the world was made, by separating the
cold from the hot. He managed to observe empirically, a
water lowering in several geographical areas and took
his own ideas saying that the earth was getting dry, as
a struggle between hot and dry versus wet and cold.
Legacy/ Significance of Development Significance of Legacy in the
Development During the Ancient Greek Modern World
1. Arts and The arts reflect the society Art and Architecture is very
Architecture that creates them. Nowhere significant in this modern
is this truer than in the world because this a way of
case of the ancient Greeks. expression of the people.
Through their temples, This how people express their
sculpture, and pottery, the culture, traditions and
Greeks incorporated a beliefs. Through art people
fundamental principle of were able to communicate
their culture: arete. To the their thought to others. Arts
Greeks, arete meant also serves as a foundation
excellence and reaching for us to preserve and
one's full potential. promulgate our culture. Art
Ancient Greek art emphasized and architecture has always
the importance and been around in one form or
accomplishments of human another, helping mankind in
beings. Even though much of the development of diverse
Greek art was meant to honor activities and their
the gods, those very gods outcomes. Art is as vast as
were created in the image of an ocean, embodying a wide
humans. range of activities, such as
Therefore, art and sculpting, painting,
architecture were a photography and architecture,
tremendous source of pride etc. If we take a look at our
for citizens and could be past, we can see that the
found in various parts of earliest form of art that
the city. mankind learnt, was painting,
presented on ancient walls.
With the advancement of time,
newer forms of art arose,
such as music, theatre and
photography, etc., which are
nowadays considered the most
beautiful types of performing
2. Mathematics Ancient Greek mathematicians The mathematicians of ancient
contributed many important Greece made a hugely
developments, including the significant contribution to
basic rule of geometry, the world thought and all
idea of formal mathematical practical subjects which
proof, and discoveries in depend on that intellectual
number theory and applied basis, from geometry to
mathematics. Greeks refined engineering, astronomy to
analytical methods by design. Influenced initially
introducing deductive by the Egyptians, Greek
reasoning and mathematical mathematicians would push on
rigor in proofs. Rigor was a to make breakthroughs such as
thoroughness and attention Pythagoras' theory of right-
to detail for improving angled triangles and, by
accuracy. Proofs established focusing on the abstract,
analytical methods as having bring clarity and precision
a formalized structure. to age-old mathematical
problems. Their solutions
provided the fundamental
Of importance was the mathematical building blocks
suitability of mathematics that all future
to analytical methods. They mathematicians and scientists
saw mathematics as would build upon right up to
efficient, precise and the present day.
exacting. As having an
absolute purpose to describe
and document aspects of the
observed natural world and
universe. This nicely fit
their objective for
accuracy. That mathematics
itself could be studied, as
pure mathematics, to reveal
or uncover knowledge by
logic and reason was seen as
a unique and distinct
3. Science The Ancient Greeks made many Science has the potential to
advancements in science and change the world. Over the
technology. Greek past two hundred years,
philosophers began to look humanity has experienced
at the world in different changes at a pace that few
ways. They came up with could have imagined. This has
theories on how the world been largely driven by
worked and thought that the scientific advancement, and
natural world obeyed certain has brought with it great
laws that could be observed economic, technological and
and learned through study. societal progress.
The Greeks were one of the
first civilizations to study Science has, for example,
medicine as a scientific way cured disease, brought us
to cure illnesses and closer together through
disease. They had doctors travel and modern
who studied sick people, communications technology,
observed their symptoms, and and helped us better
then came up with some understand and respond to
practical treatments. The environmental challenges.
most famous Greek doctor was
Hippocrates. Hippocrates In this modern world we had
taught that diseases had face many changes and
natural causes and they problems, and sometimes with
could sometimes be cured by the use of science we are
natural means. The able to solve this problems
Hippocratic Oath to uphold that are occurring.
medical ethics is still
taken by many medical
students today.
4. Educational Education for Greek people Education is an important
system was vastly "democratized" in tool that is applied in the
the 5th century B.C., contemporary world to
influenced by the Sophists, succeed, as it mitigates the
Plato, and Isocrates. Later, challenges which are faced in
in the Hellenistic period of life. The knowledge gained
Ancient Greece, education in through education enables
a gymnasium school was individuals’ potential to be
considered essential for optimally utilized owing to
participation in Greek training of the human mind.
culture. The value of This opens doors of
physical education to the opportunities enables
ancient Greeks and Romans individual to achieve better
has been historically prospects in career growth.
unique. There were two forms Education has played a
of education in ancient paramount role in the modern
Greece: formal and informal. industrial world.
Formal education was Only education can help our
attained through attendance society to progress further
to a public school or was and education is the only
provided by a hired tutor. element that is equally
Informal education was significant for all sects,
provided by an unpaid ethnicity and social groups
teacher, and occurred in a because it has the power to
non-public setting. uplift everyone.
Education was an essential
component of a person's
5. Politics Greeks had a high priority Politics is very important in
on politics as a result of this modern world because we
their public lifestyles. are able make things in
Politics is significant order. We use politics to
during their time because rule over the people which is
they serves as their for the betterment of the
foundation to keep things in country. Politics helps us
order. With politics they determine who should be the
were able to organize their deserving leader who will be
community. This also put up in a position. With
symbolizes power to them. politics we will be able to
With politics they were able identify the people who has
to create their own rules so the best qualities who can
that their will fair and serve and help the citizens.
justice in their community
and to avoid conflicts.

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