Tutorial 264 Casaco Minha Terra Rosarios4 EN V3

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Autumn . Winter

Minha Terra


100% Wool

Minha Terra

Autumn . Winter

76 cm 44 cm
55 cm

59 cm


11 balls of Terra from Rosários 4, colour 14 (100g/170m). With 4,5 mm needle, cast on 100 stitches.
Row 1: K2, (P2, K2) until the last 6 sts, P2, K4.
NEEDLES Row 2: K2, P2 until the end of the row.
Knitting needles 4,5 mm and 5 mm.
Repeat these two rows until piece measures 15 cm.
Change to 5 mm needles.
Row 1 (RS): K68, place marker, (K2, P2) 7 times, ending with P4.
1 stitch marker.
Row 2: K2, P2 until the end of the row.
SIZE Repeat these two rows until piece measures 55 cm.
One size. Armhole
RS: bind off 11 sts at the beginning of the row. [89 sts on the needle]
Continue working the garter rib stitch until 8 rows from the beginning
BACK of the back shoulder.
With 4,5 mm needle, cast on 130 stitches.
Row 1: K2, (P2, K2) until the end of the row.
RS: bind off 57 sts and turn work. Place the 32 sts on a stitch holder.
Row 2: P2, (K2, P2) until the end of the row.
Only on the 57 sts that are on the needle work the following rows:
Repeat these 2 rows until piece measures 15 cm.
WS: bind off 8 sts – work until the end of the row.
Change to 5 mm needles.
RS: work all stitches.
Row 1 (RS): knit.
WS: bind off 6 sts – work until the end of the row.
Row 2: P2, (K2, P2) until the end of the row.
RS: work all stitches.
This two-rows repeat create the garter rib stitch and should be
repeated until piece measures 55 cm. WS: bind off 5 sts – work until the end of the row.
RS: work all stitches.
WS: bind off 4 sts - work until the end of the row.
RS: bind off 11 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Continue with the garter rib stitch until the armholes measure Shoulder
Rua das Grutas, 13 - Apartado 123 2485-059 Mira de Aire - Portugal

22 cm. RS: bind off 10 sts - work until the end of the row.
WS: bind off 3 sts – work until the end of the row.
RS: bind off 10 sts – work until the end of the row.
Bind off 10 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
WS: bind off 2 sts – work until the end of the row.
Bind off 9 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. [50 sts on
the needle] Bind off the remaining 9 sts.
Tel. +351 244 447 300 Fax +351 244 447 309

Bind off all sts.

info@rosarios4.com www.rosarios4.com
With 4,5 mm needle, cast on 100 stitches.
Row 1: K4, (P2, K2) until the end of the row.
Sew front shoulders with back shoulders.
With RS facing, transfer the 32 sts from the right front (that were
on a stitch holder) to the 4 mm needle and continue working
Row 2: P2, K2 until the end of the row.
Autumn . Winter these sts in the garter rib stitch (work st as they appear). Pick up
Repeat these two rows until piece measures 15 cm.
34 sts along the right front neckline; pick up 62 sts on the back;
Change to 5 mm needles. pick up 34 sts along the left front neckline, and work in garter rib
Row 1 (RS): P4, (P2, K2) 7 times, place marker, K68. stitch the 32 sts of the left front (that were on hold).
Row 2: P2, K2 until the end of the row. Row 1 (WS): K2, (P2, K2) until the end of the row.
Repeat these two rows until piece measures 55 cm. Row 2 (RS): K4, (P2, K2) until the last 6 sts, P2, P4.
Repeat these two rows for 8 cm.
Change to 5 mm needle and work another 8 cm.
WS: bind off 11 sts at the beginning of the row. [89 sts on the needle]
Bind off all sts.
Continue working the garter rib stitch until 7 rows from the beginning
of the back shoulder. FINISHING
Sew and apply one button under the collar and on the opposite
side sew a small crochet chain to make the buttonhole.
WS: work 57 sts and turn work. Place the 32 sts on a stitch holder.
Only on the 57 sts that are on the needle work the following rows: ABBREVIATIONS
RS: bind off 8 sts – work until the end of the row. RS: right side
WR: work all sts. WS: wrong side
RS: bind off 6 sts – work until the end of the row. K: knit
WS: work all sts. P: purl
RS: bind off 5 sts – work until the end of the row. St/sts: stitch/stitches
WS: work all sts.
RS: bind off 4 sts – work until the end of the row.

WS: bind off 10 sts – work until the end of the row.
RS: bind off 3 sts – work until the end of the row.
WS: bind off 10 sts – work until the end of the row.
RS: bind off 2 sts – work until the end of the row.
Bind off the remaining 9 sts.

With 4,5 mm needle, cast on 78 stitches.
Row 1: K2, (P2, K2) until the end of the row.
Row 2: P2 (K2, P2) until the end of the row.
Repeat these two rows until piece measures 15 cm.
Change to 5 mm needles.
Row 1 (RS): knits all sts.
Row 2: P2 (K2, P2) until the end of the row.
Repeat these two rows and at every 10th row increase 1 st at
the beginning and 1 st at the end of the row until you have 96
sts on the needle. These increases should be incorporated in the
garter rib stitch.
Continue without increases until the sleeve measures approx.
44 cm.
Bind off all stitches.
Rua das Grutas, 13 - Apartado 123 2485-059 Mira de Aire - Portugal
Tel. +351 244 447 300 Fax +351 244 447 309
info@rosarios4.com www.rosarios4.com

(100% Wool)

A one-size-fits-all pattern to suit all sizes! It is made with Terra, 100%

wool, which turns this cardigan into an incredibly comfortable knit,
that you will want to wear everywhere.
Colour 10

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