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The Rise of the Digital Field Worker

in Utilities
The Rise of the Digital Field
Worker in Utilities
How the new breed of digitally-savvy field technicians
can help utilities maximize customer satisfaction,
operational efficiency, and business growth

The New Digital Landscape 2
The Rise of the Digital Field Worker.........................................2
Predictive Field Service..............................................................3
Customer Experience.................................................................4
New Business Models................................................................5
Conclusion 6
Key Takeaways............................................................................6
Additional Resources..................................................................6
the rise of the digital field worker in utilities

The New Digital Landscape

The utilities industry is facing many The Rise of the Digital
challenges, including regulatory pressures,
new competitive threats, and slowing Field Worker
growth, to name a few. To counteract Baby boomers in field service are retiring in
these challenges, many leading utility great numbers and they are being replaced
organizations are looking to their field by the millennial generation. The millennial
service team to make them more generation is the first cohort that was
competitive. Fortunately, two developments born digital with broadband, smartphones,
are converging that will positively transform laptops and social media intricately
the current operations of utility field service entwined in their daily lives.
teams, enabling them to lead change.
Millennials expect and require modern
technology to do their jobs and will
1. A new generation of digitally-born
specifically look for employers that offer
field service professionals are
cutting edge tools. Fortunately, utility field
entering the workforce. This group
service organizations have been adopting
is adept at using technology and
the types of modern technology they
actually require companies to
require and this will enable the digital field
provide them with the most current
worker to be more efficient and responsive
technologies and tools to perform
to customer needs.
their work.

2. Utility field service teams have been »» Connected devices: The Internet
digitally transforming their service of Things is connecting billions
operations through the adoption new of products across the globe. For
technologies such as IoT, machine example, Gartner forecasts that 8.4
learning, mobility, and artificial billion connected things will be in use
intelligence to arm field professionals worldwide in 2017, up 31 percent
with the modern data and tools to from 2016, and will reach 20.4 billion
enable a higher level of service in the by 2020. These connected sensors
field. can monitor the “health” of an asset
and can predict when it might fail
As a result of these two developments, allowing a worker to be dispatched.
a new type of digitally enabled service These sensors are on vehicles,
professional is emerging—the digital field substations, towers, and more and
worker. The digital field worker will enable can help utilities improve asset
utilities to get more from current and performance as well as increase
future technology investments, helping to technician utilization.
increase customer satisfaction, develop
new services, and improve operational

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»» Machine Learning and Artificial to communicate arrival times with

Intelligence: All of these IoT sensors customers and access online repair
are collecting massive amounts information. With the ability AI and
of data. In fact, there is so much ML to uncover trends in data from
information being captured that it is IoT sensors, these devices take on
almost impossible for a human to added importance as digital field
analyze and utilize the data to spot workers will be able to receive even
trends and act on the information. more information to make them more
That is where the advances in efficient.
artificial intelligence and machine
The influx of millennials and wider adoption
learning are providing invaluable
of these and other technologies have been
benefits to utility field service
the catalyst for the new digital field worker
groups. Armed with AI and ML based
and the impact will be felt in three areas:
solutions, field service providers can
collect and turn the vast amount
»» The emergence of predictive field
of data collected about products,
customers and service interactions
into actionable insights that can drive »» A new and better customer
meaningful improvements. From experience
optimizing technician travel routes, »» New work models and revenue
sending predictive alerts about streams
impending failures and uncovering
commonalities that can be used to Predictive Field Service
improve maintenance schedules,
By embedding sensors on utility assets,
AI and ML technology is making
service providers can now analyze
the digital field worker smarter by
equipment performance at scale, enabling
optimizing the whole service chain.
a new form of predictive service. Predictive
In fact, 80 percent of leaders say AI
field service uses artificial intelligence (AI),
increases productivity.
machine learning, and data science to
increase schedule accuracy and ultimately
80% of leaders
deliver better service to customers. By
say AI increases
productivity applying an added layer of machine learning
algorithms, service providers can forecast
equipment performance with increased
»» Mobility: Providing technicians with accuracy. For example, utilities can use
the right information at the right time IoT gauges on customer tanks to more
is the key to better outcomes. Smart accurately forecast gas needs and optimize
phones and other connected devices delivery times.
are now the standard of leading
Data-driven insights will help utility service
field service teams. Technicians rely
teams better understand equipment, predict
on these devices to receive real-
exactly when specific parts might fail,
time alerts and schedule updates,

the rise of the digital field worker in utilities

and forecast when equipment should be met. However, utilities are not meeting
serviced, or replaced. expectations. For example, Capgemini
research on customer experience reveals
Typically, these sensors communicate that 79 percent of utilities believe they are
through the layers of the IoT stack and customer-centric, but only seven percent
generate a ticket into the Field Service of consumers share that view. The digital
Management system. In turn, this ticket field worker in utilities will play a key role in
generates a work task, which can be enabling a better customer experience in
automatically scheduled based on the the following ways:
characteristics of the case and the
resources available. An alert can then »» Faster Service Resolution:
be sent directly to the digital field worker Consumers no longer tolerate
through multiple communication channels multiple calls to fix a problem. The
such as voice, text, and IVR, helping to access a digital field service worker
utilize resources more efficiently. has to online knowledge bases
The new digital field worker will no longer enables them to have the most up-to-
be idly waiting for the next call, but rather date information on an asset to assist
be informed in real-time about events with repair. In fact, Best-in-class field
before they happen, helping increase service organizations are 72 percent
resource utilization and improve customer more likely than peers to utilize visual
experience. collaboration tools in service.
»» Increased Transparency: Consumers

Customer Experience expect real-time technician travel

updates and direct communication
Consumers have high expectations on what with technicians prior to service. The
constitutes exceptional service. The new digital field worker is equipped with
consumer is immersed in the digital world mobile devices to communicate with
though smart phones, apps and devices. a customer through their preferred
They expect to be able to interact with method of communication, provide
service providers across various channels real-time updates on their location
such as chatbots, text, online self-service, and offer accurate arrival time so the
and mobile apps. consumer is fully informed.
»» Scheduling Convenience: The days
79% of utilities believe of long service window times are
they are customer centric, coming to an end. As an example, 73
VS but only 7% of consumers percent of consumers say valuing
share that view their time is the most important
thing a company can do to provide
them with quality field service. In
The “Uberization” of service has become the past, scheduling was an inexact
the expected norm, and consumers will science but now a technician can be
leave a provider if expectations are not utilized much more efficiently with AI

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technology that can use predictive operations. The new digital field
data to reduce idle time, better worker does not have to be a full-time
anticipate travel time, and allow for employee, but could be a freelancer
back up resources to step in quickly that a service manager can rely on
when necessary. to help deliver skilled service while
maintaining costs.
Digital technology not only makes the lives
of consumers much more efficient, but this »» New Services: Homes and
connectivity greatly improves the ability of commercial properties are becoming
the digital field worker to deliver exceptional “smarter” with internet connected
service. devices and appliances. End users
now have more information on
energy use and can make choices
New Business Models to reduce consumption. According
PwC reports they have found that some to PWC, about two-thirds of utility
field service teams in the retail gas industry executives interviewed in a survey
have realized as much as $20 million in said their companies currently
annual cost savings through new digital have smart home or building and
approaches. This is important as all utilities energy analytics offerings, and 90
are under pressure to control costs and percent expect to be offering such
increase revenues. The digital field worker products within three years. In
enables a provider to accomplish both of addition, the International Energy
these objectives, as follows: Agency released a report that stated
that more than 1 billion households
»» Cost Savings: The millennial and 11 billion smart appliances
generation greatly values work/life could join interconnected electricity
balance. As a result of this attitude, systems by 2040. However, as the
younger workers are more open to number of devices grows so too
taking temporary, “gig” work. This does the difficulty implementing
new labor model is often referred and maintaining them. A recent
to as the Gig Economy and is study found that nearly 90 percent
highlighted by driving for Uber or of consumers would be very likely
listing your services on TaskRabbit. to have a service technician deliver
Tapping into this gig economy is help in connecting their smart
now a viable option for utility service home. Utility service teams do not
providers to supplement staff, scale necessarily have to add full-time staff
to meet new market demands, or to support this market, but can rather
use freelance talent to serve hard-to- utilize new workforce models like
reach areas. Becoming more efficient freelancers and contractors to help
with talent management through control costs while developing a new
the gig economy model is essential revenue stream.
to the profitability of field service

the rise of the digital field worker in utilities

By 2022 IDC predicts that 80 percent of revenue growth will depend upon digital offerings
and operations. The digital field worker will be a key component in transforming field
service operations. The digital field worker provides utility firms the opportunity to
differentiate themselves from other vendors with exceptional customer service, create
new business opportunities to increase revenue, and utilize new worker behavior to
become more efficient in their talent management operations. The digital field worker has
the potential to be the catalyst that enables utilities to use digital technologies to drive
organization-wide success and growth.

Key Takeaways
»» A new type of field service professional is emerging to help deliver a better customer
experience as well as create new revenue opportunities.
»» The digital field worker has the potential to be the catalyst that enables utilities to
use digital technologies to drive organization-wide success and growth.
»» The new digital field worker will no longer be idly waiting for the next call, but rather
be informed in real-time about events before they happen, helping increase resource
utilization and improve customer experience.

Additional Resources
»» A Field Guide to Recruiting Millennials
»» Demystifying Predictive Field Service
»» 3 Ways Electric Utilities Can Use Field Service to Gain a Competitive Advantage

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ClickSoftware is a global leader in field service management solutions, delivering value
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ClickSoftware blends unparalleled industry expertise and state-of-the-art computer
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