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Evan Stewart

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp I Pd. 3

24 November 2020

Deadly Daylight Savings Time

Waking up to the sound of an unpleasant alarm an hour early is a common experience we

have all had and dreaded. For a majority of countries, time zones remain the same across the

whole year. However, nearly a third of the world’s countries observe a different time zone each

year. This practice, known as daylight saving time, has failed to provide any meaningful benefit

to society. Daylight saving time should not remain in practice because it leads to increased

injuries and crime after switching time zones, provides no benefit to energy savings, and leads to

less uniform time zones across the globe.

Each year in the United States, the country switches from standard time to daylight

saving time. This causes all Americans to collectively lose an hour of sleep following the second

Monday of March. According to Bryan Brown, this loss of sleep leads to more traffic accidents,

heart attacks, and work-related injuries. This is further cemented by EHS Today, which states

that there is a significant increase in injuries reported by the Mine Safety and Health

Administration (MSHA) on the days following the switch. Furthermore, The Economist notes a

25 percent increase in heart related problems in the three days after switching time zones. These

are likely caused by the added stress of the switched schedule along with a reported lack of sleep

following the change. While some take the opposite stance on these issues (such as Christopher

Avis), stating that there are a decreased number of injuries following the switch, there is little

evidence that support these claims. Aside from the health downsides with changing time zones,
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there is also a significant increase in crime. According to the Morning Edition, there is a

“substantial increase in robbery during the sunset hour that is affected.” With a 27 percent

increase, it is clear to see how crime increases following the switch from daylight saving to

standard time. Removing the annual switch from standard time to daylight saving time would

reduce the number of traffic, workplace, and heart related fatalities and decrease the amount of

crime across the globe each year.

One of the biggest supposed benefits of daylight saving time is an increase in

productivity and energy savings during months that generally receive less sunlight. This is

because with more daylight, there is less of a need to provide artificial lighting in buildings.

(Avis) While this idea has remained unchallenged for most of the daylight saving time’s

existence, recent studies have demonstrated the falsity of this claim. In fact, there is little

evidence that daylight saving time has any energy benefits. (Brown.) According to Avis, the

increase in daylight provided by daylight saving time reduces the amount of energy needed

across the country, as a result of a lessened need to have electric lighting and lowered oil use.

However, the energy savings generated by the switch are counteracted by an increase in heat and

gas bills, as the mornings are often cooler times as the clock is rolled back. Furthermore, worker

productivity is drastically decreased for a period following the switch, with a 68 percent increase

in lost workdays as a result of lack of sleep and injuries related to it. ("Daylight”) According to

the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey, people slept an average of 40

minutes less on the Sunday night the day prior to the switch to daylight saving time. This lack of

sleep is the likely culprit of this loss of productivity. Aside from the statistics that show a loss of

productivity, many Americans have stated themselves that they are not in favor in of daylight

saving time, stating the switch causes them confusion and provides them little benefit. (Brown)
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This distaste for daylight saving time can also be found in other countries, such as Germany,

where 67 percent of the replies in a survey conducted by a European Commission were in favor

of abolishing daylight saving time. Recognizing these concerns, dozens of states are considering

stopping the annual switch, such as Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida. In order to increase worker

productivity and maintain good energy standards, daylight saving time should no longer be


Daylight savings time interrupts with the uniformity of the time zones across the globe.

This leads to a variety of problems, especially related to traffic scheduling with flights and

automobiles. (Brown) This is exemplified in areas like Arizona, which does not observe daylight

saving time, despite the states around it doing so. This is especially a problem in Europe, where

inconsistent observation of daylight saving time leads to conflict with inter-country travel. Many

European law makers have identified this as a problem and have begun to pass laws to combat

this. Many countries have considered outright stopping the practice of daylight saving time,

while other have proposed a schedule that the entirety of the EU could follow. In many countries,

such as Germany, law makers are even considering adopting a permanent daylight saving time

schedule. This would provide the country with additional hours of daylight while removing the

negative effects of daylight saving time. If Germany is to follow this schedule, other countries in

the EU would have to adapt to keep airlines intact. ("Summertime”) In order to keep the global

schedule uniform, countries should stop practicing daylight saving time and adopt a consistent


In conclusion, the annual switch in time zones from standard time to daylight saving time

should be abolished. Daylight saving time has increased health problems following the switch

between time zones, leading to more car accidents, heart attacks, and work-related injuries.
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Furthermore, this switch has led to increased crime rates in the hour the switch effects. Despite

common misconceptions surrounding this issue, daylight saving time has also reduced

productivity and energy savings. It has also eradicated the uniformity of the world’s time zones.

Removing the annual switch from daylight saving time to standard time would benefit society as

a whole by decreasing injuries and crime rates, removing an unnecessary system, and increasing

time zone uniformity. Alarms around the world finally be able to save the ears of those resting an

hour longer without daylight saving time.

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Works Cited

Avis, Christopher. “Daylight saving time saves more than time.” Business Perspectives, vol. 17,

no. 1, Spring 2005, p. 16+. Gale Academic OneFile,

b6. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

"Bringing in the Sunlight." American School & University, 1 Apr. 2013. Gale In Context: High


Accessed 28 Oct. 2020.

Brown, Bryan. “The End of Daylight Saving Time?” Junior Scholastic/Current Events, 14 Oct.

2019, p. 15+. Gale Academic OneFile,

80. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

“Daylight saving time connected to increased injuries.” EHS Today, vol. 2, no. 12, Dec. 2009, p.

17. Gale Academic OneFile,

1e. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

"Study Sheds Some Light On Criminal Activity During Time Change." Morning Edition, 4 Nov.

2013. Gale In Context: High School,

. Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

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"Summertime ruse; Daylight-saving time." The Economist, vol. 431, no. 9137, 6 Apr. 2019, p.

44(US). Gale Academic OneFile,

u=pl1949&sid=AONE&xid=a1b84c09. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020

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