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Name Class Date “ Note Taking Guide What Is Health? (pp. 2-5) Health Today 1. List four reasons for increased life expectancy in the United States, a. © . a. 2, Twin sisters are born in the United States. Which of these statements ean you be certain is true? a. ‘They will live for the same number of years. b. They will have the same life expectancy. Aspects of Health 3. Complete the concept map with details about the aspects of health. Physical Health Mental Health Social Health Name __ Section 1-1: Note Taking Guide (continued) A Continuum of Health 4. Complete the table with details about the ends of the health continuum, The Health Continuum Class Date lliness Wellness a. f b 8. c h 4. i e. i opyront” 23° Peaaon Sean Ine oe aes Ae Reserves Name Class Date Se “ Note Taking Guide Identifying Health Risks (pp. 6-11) Influences on Health 1. Complete the table with details about influences on health, Factor Definition Example Heredity | b. Physical 9 [© ———_____________ |d. environment Social e. f. family, friends, environment classmates Culture gh Media ki i Technology |: items people use todo |. things better and faster Healthcare |" a Behavior | 0» ——_____________ |p. Name. Class Date Section 1-2: Note Taking Guide (continued) Evaluating Health Risks. 2. Complete the concept map with details about evaluating health risks. ee —— ~ C__ Evaluating Heatth Risks > Consequences Risk Factors Analyzing Name __ _Class Date - Section 1-3 Note Taking Guide Taking Responsibility for Your Health (pp. 12-15) Healthy People 2020 the two broad goals for Healthy People 2020. a. A Healthy You 2. List three steps you can take to meet your personal health goals. b. 3. Complete the graphic organizer with examples of health skills. SS Cyst) —) Health Skills) ee Section 1-4: Note Taking Gi Health Fraud 3. List four warning signs of quackery. b Class le (continued) Date a. Your Rights as a Consumer 4. Complete the flowchart with the main steps in the process of making an effective complaint. Making an Effective Complaint a Identify the proble! | d 1 e Put your complaint in writing, Name__ Class _____Date Section 1-4 Note Taking Guide Being a Wise Health Consumer (pp. 18-24) Making Healthy Consumer Choices 1. List four factors you should consider before you buy a product. The Effects of Advertising 2. Complete the table with details about advertising methods, Method Name lass Cte, WE Note Taking Guide Personality (pp. 30-35) Describing Personality 1. Complete the table with details about five central personality traits. a ee ae Extroversion a. outgoing i talkative _ Agreeableness c ———— Conscientiousness [ee Emotional stability | g. = Openness to aay experiences How Personality Forms 2. Complete the concept map about how personality forms are influenced by eS CS which includes ‘©Peemen Eden, ne, puting w Fearon Prec Hl. Allele ern 8 Name - Class. Date Section 2-1: Note Taking Guide (continued) ‘Stages of Personality Development 3. Fillin the sequence by adding Erikson‘s seven other stages of personality ity development. Stage a. develop trust. (birth to 18 months) b. (18 months to 3 years) q © tS year), a. (6 to 12 years) eo 12 to 20 years) (ages 20 to 40) (ages 40 to 65) ‘ohare Eton, Ie, ping Peron Patna Ah are 16 Name WT Note Taking Guide Class, Date__ Self-Esteem (pp. 36-41) Self-Esteem and Your Health 1. Complete the table with details about self-esteem. re iene High ©. lack of self-respect. Fe How Self-Esteem Develops 2. Complete the outline by adding details about how selfesteem develops. 1. How Self Esteem Develops Increases or decreases as people interact with family, peers, and community. ‘A. Childhood B. Adolescence . Adulthood Section 2-2: Note Taking Guide (continued) Improving Your Self-Esteem 3. List seven suggestions for improving your self-esteem. a. Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Achieving Your Potential 4, Fill in the sequence with details about each need. Start at the bottom and work up. Self-Actualization £ Esteem Belonging Safety f Physical Needs Name Class. Date. Expressing Your Emotions (pp. 44-50) Primary Emotions 1. Complete the concept map by adding details about primary emotions. Happiness Learned Emotions 2 List three learned emotions. a b. « Recognizing Your Emotions 3. Fill in the sequence for recognizing emotions. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 {Shorraon Evento. publahieg a Peran Pat Ha. A ies reared 24 Name Section 2- Class Coping With Your Emotions 4. Complete the table with details about defense mechanisms. Peso ene : Note Taking Guide (continued) Date Een are getting divorced. Compensation « 4. Rationalization e f. Reaction 9 eames h, es formation 7 Projection ty 2 oe fl = k 1 ‘hearon Ede, In, being ot Patron Prete Ha libs esered Name Class Date. SEE Note Ta What Causes Stress? (pp. 56-59) What Is Stress? 1. Give two examples of positive stress. a. b. 2. Give two examples of negative stress. a. bi. The Many Causes of Stress 3. Complete the concept map with examples of the different types of stressors. Major Life Changes Catastrophes Everyday Environmental Problems Problems (© Pearson Education, Inc, pubahing as Peron Prentice Hl, Al ights reserved, Name Class Date. Re How Stress Affects Your Body (pp. 60-64) Stages of Stress 1. Fill in the sequence with details about the three stages of the stress response. Alarm Stage a. b. « Resistance Stage e. f 9. Exhaustion Stage h. _ _ i © Porson Education, In. publishing 8s Pearson Prentice Hal Alright reserva, 29 Name Class Date : Note Taking Guide (continued) Recognizing Signs of Stress List some warning signs of stress. 2. Physical changes include a c b. a. 3. Emotional changes include b. d. 4, Changes in thinking include b. 5. Behavioral changes include a b. a. Stress and Illness 6. Complete the graphic organizer by listing some ways that stress can affect health. Effects Cause Stress A © Posrson Education, Inc. publishing 8s Pearson Prentice Hell, Al ighs reseed, 30 Name _ Class__ Date. EEF Note Taking Guide Stress and Individuals (pp. 65-67) Responses to Stress Vary 1. What two important questions are you answering when you assess a stressful situation? Stress and Personality 2, Complete the table about stress and personality Barring ac Optimism = fa. —— | oe Pessimism — | © d =. Aims for ed perfection (© Person Education, ne, publishing 98 Pearson Prentice Hal. llrightsreserved 32 Name Class Date Section 3-3: Note Taking Guide (continued) Resilience 3. List some characteristics that people with resilience share. a. They have the support of family and friends. b. (© Pearson Edveation, In, publishing 8 Pesraon Prentice Hall. Al ight esorved 33 Name __ Class Date Coping With Stress (pp. 70-76) Take Controi of Stress 1. Complete the graphic organizer by listing some possible results of good time management. Effects Cause a a Good time management es aa Reduce Tension 2. Complete the table with information about methods for reducing tension. Physical activity | a. b,—-_— Relaxation © - Biofeedback d. 7 Edvestion, Ine, publishing ee Pearson Prentice Hal Al sights rsarve. 37 Name _ Class _ Date Section 3-4: Note Taking Guide (continued) Change Your Thinking 3. Describe methods for changing your thinking about stressors. Change Your Thinking About Stressors Avoid Negative Thinking Use Humor Build Resilience 4, List strategies for building resilience. Reach Out for Support 5, Identify two benefits of sharing your problems. a. b. {© Pearaon Education, Ine, publahing as Pestson Prentice Hal. Allights reserved 38 4 4s Se ret i gre Eerie mt Oo ant halt aoF wont . He Me deh el aya mates sus b site! fone ‘ = tsifies® tt a tte = praia e : een? tel pak) eg ot Name Class. Date LEI vote Taking Guide Mental Disorders (pp. 82-88) What Are Mental Disorders? 4. List three general symptoms of a mental disorder, b. © 2. Complete the concept map about mental disorders. = — uch as such as Name Class Date__ Section 4-1: Note Taking Guide (continued) Anxiety Disorders 3. Complete the table with details about anxiety disorders, Generalized ao — fom disorder — ~ attack e. a feeling of intense f. fear anda strong desire to flee for _ no known reason Obsessive- h. cannot stop thinking compulsive disorder E | about something: Post-traumatic stress disorder Name Class Date. Section 4-1: Note Taking Guide (continued) Other Mental Disorders 4. Complete the outline by adding details about other mental disorders. I. Other Mental Disorders A. Mood disorders extreme emotions make tt difficult to function; B. Schizophrenia C. Impulse-control disorders D. Personality disorders Group A Group B Group C {eaten Eduston ne publishing os eason rote Hl. Alright eserves. a2 Name Class Date Crmy Personal Inventory Depression and Anxiety Itis completely normal to feel anxious or depressed at times. Usually, these feel- ings are short-lived and related to a specific situation, such as a move to a new school or a disagreement with a friend. Use the following questions to assess how you cope with feelings of anxiety or depression. Consider each statement below. Write Altoays, Often, Sometimes, or Never to describe how often the statement describes your thoughts or behaviors, 1. Once I get depressed, I cannot seem to get out of it. 2. Lfeel sad more often than I feel happy or content. 3. I cannot figure out exactly what is bothering me. 4. Things | used to enjoy do not interest me anymore. 5. Getting to sleep at night is a problem for me. 6. [wake up feeling sad or anxious. 7. Lhave trouble concentrating on my work. 8, I feel tired most of the time. 9. L worry about bad things happening to me. 10. Ihave a lot of trouble making up my mind. 11. Ido not want to be around other people. 12. I feel isolated from other people 13. [find it hard to keep appointments and make plans. 14. It is difficult for me to express how I feel 15. Other people seem to enjoy life more than I do. 16, withdraw from others when I feel sad 17. J eat far too much or far too little. Most people will answer Sometimes to many of these questions and Often or Always to only a few of the questions. If you answered Often or Always to many of these questions, talk to a parent, guardian, or other trusted adult about getting help. ‘© Pearson Eaveaton in, publishing 3 Pareon rovico Mall. Allrightsrosaved 55 Name Class Date, EET Note Taking Guide Eating Disorders (pp. 90-93) Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Binge Eating Disorder Complete the table with details about eating disorders. ees EEreecnr recs Definition | a. docs not eat enough | e. i — food to maintain aheatthy weight — Symptoms |b. _ f. eating in private: _ | j, bathroom visits _ __| after eating Health | —| 9 — ke, excess weight gain: risks unhealthy dieting; — | —______] areatertisk of | tess Treatment | d. he L aa Name _ Class Date Class Debate: Mental Disorders and the Legal System In some criminal trials, the defendant pleads “guilty by reason of insanity,” or “guilty but mentally ill.” This defense has been used since 1843, but in recent years some states have eliminated or greatly limited its use. Advocates of this defense say it helps protect those with mental disorders. Others say all individuals who commit crimes should be treated in the same way. Prepare to debate this issue. Working in sruall groups, brainstorm a list of arguments for allowing a “guilty but mentally ill” defense. Make a second list of arguments against allowing sucha defense. You may want to do additional research to find evidence to support each position. Argument For Allowing a Mental Illness Defense: Argument Against Allowing a Mental Illness Defen: on Pronic Hall. Al rights reserved. Name Class, Date ELT Wote Taking Guide Depression and Suicide (pp. 94-99) Clinical Depression 1. List five signs of clinical depression. b. ist five risk factors for depression. Self-injury 3. Define the term sefinjury 4, People who self-injure 2 don’t hurt themselves on purpose ave trying toil themselves. «. tend tobe proud oftheir behavior 4. are trying to relieve painful feelings, ‘© Peston Edun ne, publehing a Parson Pants Hal, A gh ser Name Chass Date Section 4-3: Note Taking Guide (continued) Suicide Prevention 5. Complete the outline by adding details about suicide prevention. 1. Suicide Prevention 4. B. Protective factors 1 2 3 4 C. Cluster suicides 9 Warning signs E. Helping others F. Helping yourself a7 Name Class Date_ ELL note Taking Guide Treating Mental Disorders (pp. 102-104) Locating Community Resources 1. List three reasons why people do not seek help for a mental disorder. b. Types of Mental Health Professionals 2. Complete the table with details about mental health professionals. Psychiatrist a Clinical psychologist b. : Social worker Mental health counselor | d. _ ‘aaron Edvnton ne, publahing s Peron Prem He. A ight resend 51 Name Class Date Section 4-4: Note Taking Guide (continued) Kinds of Treatments 3. Complete the outline by adding details about treatments for mental disorders. 1. Kinds of Treatments Some disorders and come patients respond better to some ‘treatments than to others, A. Psychotherapy 1. Insight therapy. 2. Cognitive and behavioral therapy 3. Group therapy B. Drug therapy C. Hospitalization

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