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Fall 2011,

"Can we buy some chocolates?"

"No," I stated, crouching down to look at my ten years old sister. "You ate the whole candy floss for
yourself. No more candies for today."
"Please.." Sophie pouted.
My little sister looked like any ten-year old girls would look like; she had dark brown hair, and blue eyes
like my dad, and she was the kind of person who people really couldn't help falling in love with.
She just kept looking at me with her pair of infamous puppy eyes that everyone would eventually fall
Everyone but me. "No, Sophie. You can't." I told her once again.
She grumbled, crossing her arms to her chest. "Whatever. Aaron will buy me some when he gets here," she
said, looking away from me.
"If he ever gets here." I sighed, rolling my eyes. It'd been two hours of waiting, and there was still no sign of
my ungrateful brother. It was bad enough I never had a cell phone, nor could I remember his phone number.
He didn't forget about us, did he?
So here I was, standing with my sister at the airport with our luggage, and I was wearing one of those lost
person expressions.
I looked around, chewing my nails nervously. My feet were shifting uneasily. I really didn't know what
would do if he forgot to pick us today.
The day was beautiful - the sun was shining brightly, typical Florida weather, and the sky streaked with
red, pink and gold. At least the weather cheered me up a bit, even though it was warm compared to Lenoir.
Growing up in a small village, where there were days when you couldn't just see the sun, Florida was a
huge change for me.
I circled around like an idiot, hoping my brother would show up anytime soon. Should I tell somebody
about this? What if Aaron never showed up? What was I supposed to do? It was not like I've been here
before - heck, I've never actually been twenty miles away from Lenoir. "Ellie! Sophie!"
I heard a familiar voice from behind, so I turned around, and sighed in relief the moment I saw him . A
tall, well-built guy, wearing a light blue T-shirt, and a pair of green, army shorts was standing a few feet
away from me.
He's got the same hair shade as ours; dark brown, only it was much shorter than mine. He was smiling
brightly, and he looked like he was going to explode anytime soon.
"Aaron!" Sophie squealed, and she immediately ran towards the guy whom I'd recognized as my brother.
Aaron crouched down, and pulled my little sister into a big, hearty hug.
"Hey, little sissy," Aaron said, ruffling her hair. "Did you miss me?" "Of course I missed you!" Sophie
chattered, and Aaron grinned at her. again, and his eyes met mine.
"Hey, Elle." He called me by my short name.
I grinned - forgotten I was supposed to be mad at him, forgotten he was late for more than two hours, and
forgotten he almost made me call the police for help. I simply sped up my walk, and hugged the hell out
of him.
When he finally let me go, I faked a frown. "You're late."
He simply gave me an innocent look, scratching the back of his neck. "Er, I know. Sorry, sis, got something
to catch up just now." Aaron said apologetically.
I shook my head, and stared at him for a minute. Nothing had changed much of him since the last time I met
His hair was still messy as usual, though, it had actually gotten worse than before. I could even guess, he
just got out of the bed because his shirt was crumpled. I hoped it was a clean one because I hugged him.
"I know I'm irresistible and everything, Elle. But you don't have to stare at me like that." Aaron joked,
crossing his arms to his chest.
I snorted. "Yeah right. I was looking at your shirt. Please tell me it's clean or I will have to take an hour
long shower?"
"Don't worry. I had washed this one yesterday. Jeez, I can't believe you're doubting my hygiene!"
I gave him a flat look.
He shrugged. "Whatever. Let's just get out of here, shall we?" Aaron announced. He picked Sophie up into
one arm, carrying her, and wrapped another arm around me. Being an ex- football player made him get
one of these really muscular arms.
It was a few seconds before he said, "Hey, you've gotten thin!" he said proudly, squeezing me tightly.
"Yet I still remain short," I sighed as I realized I was only at his shoulder, and Florida people sure were tall.
He laughed, "Don't fret little sister. I'm sure you'll grow up even more this year," he tried to cheer me up.
"I won't. Women stop growing when they reach eighteen years old." "Really?"
"You're a little stupid for someone who has a degree, aren't you?" I said sarcastically, teasing him.
"Keep talking, Ellie. Keep talking," Aaron said, and we made our way towards the airport main door. My
eyes squinted the moment we stepped outside of the main door. Wow, the sun really did shine around here!
Aaron chuckled as I blocked the sunshine from hitting my eyes using my hand. "We better get you some
sunglasses, Ellie. At least until you're used to the weather around here,"
"Is it always this bright?"
"Always," he pointed out before looking at me upside down. "Oh, and Elle?" "Yeah?"
"You're wearing too much clothes." he said, shaking his head in disapproval.
I looked at the people around me, and he was right. Most people around here was either in shorts or skirts.
I might just break Florida's book of record for wearing a long-sleeve, baggy, light blue shirt, and a simple
And you know what, this was the best attire I could think of before I flew to Florida. Yet it still wasn't the
most suitable one.
I sighed. "I don't know if I can survive around here, Aaron."
"Again, don't think too much. There's a reason why you have such an amazing brother," Aaron winked
his eye. "You'll be fine. And you can start over everything here. Trust me."
I curved a weak smile. He was right. It wasn't just a chance for me to turn over a new leaf - it was a chance
for me to have a whole new life. Senior year - My last year to actually be somebody, and not just this
stupid, hideous-looking girl who everyone thought they could mock everyday.
Aaron gave me an assuring smile before he suddenly sighed. "Oh, almost forgot. Welcome to Florida, Ellie
I've been here in Florida for ten days, and counting so far. And I loved it already - everything seemed
perfectly enough for me. Our house was only a five to ten minute walk from the beach which was really

It was half the size of our parents' house back in Lenoir, and had no pool or game room, but it was
everything a house needed.
A room for my brother, a room for me, a room for my little sister, two bathrooms, and a middle-sized
kitchen, and a lounge - perfect enough for the three of us.
Aaron worked as a camera director in a football game. You know, the person who gave orders, and
managed the cameras used in a football game - that was my brother's job. It didn't do much for him, but he
sure did love his job.
I could tell.
He'd said to me that we could live together with him in Florida when he had finally got a job after he
graduated from college - and when he was really confident that he was capable of raising us both.
It'd been about two years since he got the job, a decent home, and everything. Aaron finally decided to take
us with him.
I was happily enough to oblige - seeing the fact I didn't really have anything left for me in Lenoir except
for my Aunt Lynn whom I'd never liked.
I took a picture of our family together from the nightstand, and stared at it. It had been more than five years
since it happened - since my parents died in a car accident.
We weren't in the car that evening. I was only thirteen, Sophie was just five and Aaron was seventeen.
I could still remember everything perfectly. Aaron and I had been watching a movie together in the lounge,
and Sophie was already fast asleep upstairs.
Aaron then picked up a call, and suddenly cried - and he never did cry before. It was like something
really terrible had happened - and it was true; my parents left us forever.
Everything was still vivid - their faces, their laughters, and their love for the three of us. "Knock, knock," I
heard a playful voice from behind the door, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Come in,"
Aaron poked his head through the open door. "What are you doing?" he asked in a singsong voice,
"Nothing. Just sitting around like the dork that I am."
He laughed, and walked into my bedroom. It was just a normal sized teenage room, though, I knew Aaron
had tried his best to make it look like a girl's bedroom - light pink wallpaper decorated the wall with
some glow-in-the-dark stars pasted on the ceiling - he knew how much I liked it. And a computer
displayed on a smart white desk that matched the rest of the furniture.
Did I mention how great my brother could be?
"You should stop calling yourself a dork, Ellie," Aaron said as he made himself comfortable, lying next to
me. "I don't think it's the correct word to use when your grade is amazingly absurd."
I smiled, and kept my eyes to look on the picture I was holding up. There was silence between us, and
we just sat there, looking at our family picture on our last Christmas together. We were both hugging Mom
and Dad from behind, and Sophie was sitting in between them; big grins decorated our faces, and there were
snowflakes on the window behind us.
"Do you miss them?" I asked, breaking the silence. He breathed out. "Yeah."
"Me too." I said immediately, sighing. I held myself together, trying to control myself from spilling any
tears. Aaron had slipped his arm around me, making me feel safe. I realized he and Sophie were the only
family I've got left.
There was nothing left for me in Lenoir. I'd pretty much stopped trying in class by the end of my junior
year. It wasn't like I had million of friends, and a busy social life I was leaving behind.

So when Aaron tentatively asked me on his last visit, "Ellie, you remember I promised to let you stay with
me in Florida when I got a job. Well. Do you think you'd really, really be alright if you move in with me
after summer ended?"
My reply was spontaneous, "Can I start packing now?"
Believe me or not, I couldn't wait to move here, and for this day to come. Because moving to Florida mean I
could have a whole new life. I could start all over again.
"School starts tomorrow, you know," I scoffed. "Obviously."
He let out a chuckle. "Got everything you need? Books, clothes, pens..."
"Yeah, yeah. I've got it all covered. We went shopping for everything yesterday, remember?" I had bought
everything he thought I might just need to survive around here. My closet was now full of new clothes -
mostly pants, and some new shirts.
And technically, Aaron had become my unofficial stylist.
I cleared my throat. "You think I'll be okay, Aaron? I mean, here in Florida. What if everyone hates me?
What if they think I'm this ugly, useless nerd like they'd called me back in Lenoir? What if it doesn't work
out here too?" I asked, my tone decreasing as I utter each word.
He turned his eyes to mine, giving me his usual, assuring smile. "You'd be fine, Elle. How many times do
I have to tell you? You're more than you thought you are, and if they couldn't just see that, then it's their
"Sometimes, you are, the best brother in the world, Aaron."
He smirked. "I know. And, well, you always suck as a little sister, Ellie," and we both laughed
together - just like old times when Mom and Dad were still with us.
*I spent almost my entire weekend trying to decide what to wear on my first day of school. People had
always said it was important to make a good first impression. Which is exactly why I'd been trying almost
everything inside my closet.
The suburbs around here were all the higher end of the middle class; huge houses, perfect front lawns,
and shiny cars on their driveway. Our house would be considered as the smallest around here even if it
wasn't exactly that small.
I got the feeling a lot of the kids around here were fairly rich, even though Crestville High was a public
school. I kind of wished it was one of those schools that made you wear a uniform. At least then, I
wouldn't have to worry about what the heck I was going to wear on my first day.
I never used to worry so much about what I wore to school. I mean, there was no reason why I should
actually wear something nice to school back in Lenoir.
I had no boyfriend, no real friends except for a few people I'd known because of the sciences' project;
nothing more.
I was completely invisible, really.
Monday morning, I got up much earlier than I usual did, and started my search for the right outfit. It was
hot, and humid so maybe I had to wear something short?
What were the other girls was going to wear? What if I was too dressed up? What if what if what if?
I shrugged, and decided to wear a pair of jeans, and a plain, white tank top - not too fancy, not too simple,
and of course, not too slutty. It was the last thing I wanted people to think about me. I slipped my
backpack into one shoulder before storming down, heading towards the kitchen.
I prepared some breakfast for them because I was up earlier today, and my brother was nowhere to be
found. I supposed, he was still sleeping upstairs.
Sophie would be here any minute. That kid was incredible enough, and she never did need any help to get
ready for school.
"Hey, Sophie," I greeted my sister when she showed up in the kitchen. I put some toast on the table, and
slipped into one of the chairs. "Did you knock on Aaron's door?"
She nodded, and I grinned. This kid always knew what she had to do, and she never did need any help with
It was always amusing on how she coped with everything that happened in our family these few years. She
was my little sister, and I loved her more than anything.
I grabbed a piece of toast, buttering it before I heard a grunt from behind me. I turned around to see my
brother walk in, wearing just a pair of boxers. His brown hair was sticking up everywhere as he rubbed
at his eyes.
"You couldn't just put clothes on?" I asked, cringing away from him as he sat down next to me.
"No," he reached out, and grabbed my piece of toast that I'd just buttered, and took a big bite out of it.
"Aaron! Make your own!" I cried angrily as I tried to snatch it back. Sophie simply shook her head, and got
back to read her new school map. Like me, she was excited to start a new semester at a new school.
Especially when she knew her school was three times bigger than her old one.
Aaron grinned at me wickedly. "You want it back?" he offered, holding it out to me. I nodded, and went to
take it, but he pulled back at the last second - and ran his tongue over the whole top of it, licking every inch
of it, making a loud "Mmmm," sound as he did so.
I gasped as he held it back out to me, his eyes crinkling with laughter. "You're such a jerk! Jeez, you're
twenty-two, not eight, so grow up?" I scolded, and pushing his hand, and the now licked toast away from me
He just laughed, and started eating it, shrugging, and bumping my shoulder with his. "You know, I really
did miss you guys," he stated, looking at the both of us. "I promise, I'll take care of you two with my life."
I had to smile, and I knew he was telling the truth. Aaron Burke might just be the most disgusting,
annoying brother in the world.
But sometimes - just sometimes, he was adorable.
The big happy assuring grin that stretched across his face was one of the times. His light blue eyes were
soft, and caring.
My life would be fine. And even better, I hoped.
I was twenty minutes early.
Aaron had dropped me off first because my school was nearer than Sophie's. I really didn't know the way
around here so I didn't want to walk to school on my first day, got hopelessly lost, and turned up late.
The gate across the main entrance was open but as I walked up to the front door, there was nobody
around. The school ground was as huge as what I'd expected it to be like.
There was a field on one side with a whole bunch of brown picnic benches. On the other side was a parking
I decided to look around for a while, seeing the fact I was still early. The school buildings were painted
in white, and at some parts, it were painted in peach. There was a bronze- colored lion statue placed
right in front of the main door. I bet it was the school's mascot.

I got into the school building, admiring all the beautiful paintings that were aligning on the wall. The
school hallway was very huge, and I couldn't help but to feel so lucky that I get to study in this school even
if it was just for a year. I turned into a corner, and instead of more

paintings, students' lockers were attached to the wall now. I wondered which one would be mine.

Students started filling in the building, and panic struck me instantly. I looked down to myself, hoping
that I looked just fine. Neither too fancy, nor too simple. Sweats were leaking out of my palm while the
beating of my heart increased rapidly.

I was over thinking, I know, I know. But I was scared, and when you were scared as I was, it was hard not
to be totally paranoid about almost everything. Even little things.

I couldn't screw this. This year was my only chance to actually be someone. I might be a heck lot of happier,
and more confident than I've ever been in Lenoir, but I was still too insecure.

It had started well, I supposed. None of the students did give me any nasty or wry looks. They were just
giving me the look of curiosity which they'd always give to someone new who just got into their lair.

I walked deeper into the school building, exploring everything in here. I reached a section where a huge,
glass trophy case was placed. I stood on my tiptoes, leaning against the case to get a better view of
everything. Most of the trophies were from the basketball team, and a few were from other sports.

'Hall Of Fame'

I flicked my eyes to the board which the basketball team player names had been written on it. I guessed,
they were the best team the school have ever had. That is why their names were written on the 'Hall Of
Fame' board.

Team Captain: Riley Flynn. "Hello?"

I snapped my head to the right. A blonde-haired girl was standing beside me, wearing a huge smile on her
face. She's got a pair of green eyes, and she was tall compared to me. Her skin was well-tanned, but it
didn't surprise me that much - this was Florida. The land of tan- skinned people.

She wasn't this type of girl who people would say 'drop-dead gorgeous' but she was pretty enough in my

A huge grin stretched across my face quickly as she was the first person that ever gave me a genuine smile.
"Hey," I tried to sound cool, and natural. I doubted it had succeeded, though. I was never a cool person.

"You're new, aren't you?"

I nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah,"

"I'm Reese," She stretched her hand out for a handshake.


She smiled. "What grade are you in?" she asked me excitedly. "I'm a senior."

"Really? Oh, me too!" I said enthusiastically. "But I haven't got my schedule, though. I was way too

She raised her arm to look at her wristwatch. "Class will start in about fifteen minutes," she announced
before lifting her eyes back to me. "I can show you the way to the office if you want to,"

"Sure," I commented, throwing my hands in the air. "I've been wandering around the school but there was
still no sign of the office," I laughed sheepishly.

Reese averted her eyes to the trophy case. "I saw you were interested in basketball."

I glanced at the trophy case and shook my head aggressively, feeling very embarrassed. "Oh, no, no. I was
just looking at the trophies. I don't even know how to hold the basketball ball properly,"

Reese laughed, but she dropped the subject anyway. "I think we should get going. Shall we?" "Right."
This was a great start after all - whoop - I just made my first friend. Help me.

Those two words are technically my most-said words when I was in the first class of the day; English.

I was sitting right at the back of the class, holding up a textbook with my hands - and was too afraid to even
make a single move. Perspiration was currently happening really fast on the hot spots like my forehead and
neck, so I had to drop my textbook and wipe it off. The action only took five seconds, though - the fastest
wiping I'd ever done in my whole seventeen years of life.

The door to my class flung open and a young woman trudged her way into into the class, holding a stack
of books in her hands. The teacher was beautiful, really. Her golden, blonde hair shimmered as the sunlight
that was coming from the window hit it. She looked to be in her twenties, pretty young to be a teacher. A
huge smile was decorating her face.

"Hello everyone! I'm Gail Thompson, but you can call me, Ms. Gail. I hope we can work well together," she
said happily, clasping her hand together. Her eyes wandered around the room as she observed her new
students. "To start it off, turn to the person next to you and discuss your favorite novel with her or him."

I gasped, and my heart stopped instantly.

Why? Out of all the tasks available in the world, my lovely-looking new teacher had to choose the task
that'd involve talking to the person sitting next to me. The person that scared the unicorns out of me.

Why was I scared of my new neighbor that much?
Well, let me honor you by telling what happened earlier this morning.
Everything pretty much started when Reese and I had gotten my schedule from the office, and then we
both studied it together. It turned out Reese and I were in the same class for a few subjects, including the
first one for today. I couldn't be thankful enough. At least I knew I wasn't going to turn up alone.

Reese told me everything I should know about this school while we were walking down to our first class
which was English. She was a really friendly person, and I was really happy that I finally made a friend.

They say friendship is something really valuable, and once you've found the one, you'd never want to let go.
I wished Reese was the friend I'd been looking for.

I cleared my throat as I pretend to be looking around. "So, anything interesting about this school?"

Her face scrunched up. "No, not really. It's pretty normal, I guess. Bad boys, cute boys, nerdy boys -" Reese
shrugged, flicking her blonde-hair over her shoulder. "- you know, normal stuffs."

I had a strong tendency to say I didn't know what 'normal stuffs' were, and the fact she hadn't really say
anything other than the type of boys around here, but I kept it to myself. "Oh. Nice."

Reese smiled at me. "Don't worry. I am sure you'll be fine," she assured, looking at me, cocking her
head to the side. "I know you're scared and all but believe me, there is nothing to be scared of around here,"

I heaved a small sigh, looking down the marble floor. "Yeah, I guess I -"

I stopped walking abruptly when my left shoulder hit something hard, causing me to stumble backwards
remotely. I rubbed my shoulder, cursing my inner clumsiness before finally raising my eyes to the 'thing' I'd
just hit.

Well, it wasn't exactly a thing, though. It was a human.

A male human to be precise.

I let out a gasp and closed my mouth. "Oh my God, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you and it was all
my fault!" My voice was muffled and the male human hadn't turned himself to at least look at me. Feeling
very guilty, I continued to ramble, "Seriously, though. I'm really sorry. I was walking and I -"

As the boy finally turned himself to look down at me, my mouth clamped shut. It was not because of the
intensity of his killer gaze, or because he was the hottest guy I'd seen. But at the fact, his eyes were hidden
under a black shades.

"Watch where you are going next time," he said, his voice was low, firm and was intimidating enough to
chase me away from there. "You have eyes, right? So use it properly."

Reese suddenly squeaked, and she yanked my arm. "Oh god. We're really sorry, Riley. She's new here so
she doesn't know -" She paused, zipping her mouth shut. "-So-sorry again. We'll just go now. Bye!"

Just like that, Reese pulled me away from there, and we were speeding up as if we were really late to
class. I still had my eyes on him, though as we were walking (technically, jogging) ourselves as far as
we could from the boy. It was like he was the leader of some sort of a dangerous gang, and no one should
ever messed up with him.

I gulped. What if it was true?

When Reese finally stopped jogging, I realized we were far enough from that mysterious boy. Both of us
were slightly panting for breath, especially me since any sort of physical activites weren't exactly my strong

"Why are we running away?" I braved up myself to ask the question. I thought I should know if I really did
mess with a gang leader who was allowed to wear a shades to school. "Reese?"

She stared at me, and took a couple of moments before she said, "Um, I wouldn't exactly say we were
running away from Riley."

"Riley? Is that his name?" I asked dubiously before someting hit me. "Wait, his name sounds familiar."

Reese shrugged. "You'd probably seen his name in the trophy case. He's pretty popular around here,"

I pointed my finger to her face. "Yes! Riley Flynn, isn't it? He's the basketball team captain of this school!" I
said in a cheery voice, almost forgetting he could be a leader of a dangerous gang.



She sighed, her shoulders slumping down. "The word is was. Riley was the captain of the basketball
team," Reese said, and there was a hint of pityfulness in her eyes. A few moments of silence passed. "He's
quit the team about more than a year ago."

"Oh." I was somehow surprise to hear the news. "That's a shame." "It is,"
My mind began to generate a few hypothesises to why the boy quit basketball. Maybe he was really a gang
leader, and he was caught doing a serious crime in school. The basketball coach made him quit because he
was no good to be a captain.

I don't know why but I was still finger-crossing my fingers that he was a gang leader. "Do you know why he
quit basketball?" I queried, curious.
Reese didn't answer me immediately and she seemed to be thinking about something really hard. "It's a
long story." Her voice was almost inaudible especially with the noisy background of everyone's chatter.

I rolled my lower lip into my mouth, my hands gripping the straps of my backpack. "I'm sure there's enough
time. It can't be that long, can it?" I said, flicking my eyes to her. I couldn't explain why I was so
interested to hear Riley's story. But I think it had to do with my thoughts saying he was a gang leader.

"You really want to know, Ellie?" "Yeah, I guess so,"

Her feet stopped moving so I stopped walking, too. "Did you notice he was wearing a shades just now?"

I nodded. The thing he was wearing a black shades is actually the main point of my curious thoughts. I
knew this was Florida, but did he really have to wear the sunglasses? Even I didn't need one, and I just
moved here from the sticks.

Reese bit her lower lip, her eyes wandering around the hallway. "Well, he's wearing that thing for a
reason," she said, her voice was getting lower and lower.

It took me about seven seconds to realized she was talking about the shades. Blame my mind, it worked as
slow as a walking turtle. "Oh, really. Why?"

She took a deep breath, and looked around, like she was making sure no one would hear her - like she was
going to say something really epic, and top secret. Reese leaned closer to me, and whispered,

"Ellie, he's - he's blind."

To say I wasn't surprised when she told me the guy I'd just hit was blind is an obvious false statement. I
was totally utterly shock and it had increased my curiousity even more.

There were so many questions I wanted to ask, like, why he was still attending this school instead of
attending a special education school, and what did really happen to him that caused him to lost his eyesight.

But then our first class was almost starting, so I just had to keep all the questions to myself for a while.

Little did I know, I wouldn't have to wait for a while as my new neighbor in our first class turned out to
be the blind guy himself. I could just inquiry all the answers from Riley Flynn himself instead of asking
Reese if I wanted too.
Too bad, though, I was a chicken. There was no way I could brave up myself and ask Riley Flynn all the
questions. To top things off, his look was nothing more but intimidating.

I cleared my throat, taking a sideway glance at him. He hadn't moved his body at all, not even the slightest.
His hands were placed on the table, and his eyes were staring to the front.

Honestly I was scared. No, not at the fact he was - different - from anyone else. But I don't know, there
was something else about him.

Oh well, that something else could just be his very good-looking looks. With a brunette colored hair,
and a short haircut, Riley was definitely in the hot category. Half of his face was covered with the black
shades so I couldn't really imagine how he really looked like. Albeit, I had my finger-crossed he was cute.

Taking a deep breath, I finally turned myself to face him. "Hi," No response.
This wasn't such a good start.

"Umm, I'm Ellie - Ellie Burke." I tried again, not giving up on him. Still silence.
I thought of giving up since he obviously didn't want to talk to me, but then he turned his head in my
direction. I almost jumped at the sudden action. "Are you the girl who hit me just now?" he asked flatly.

"Er, yeah."

He nodded, looking to the front again. "Brilliant. A stupid girl who doesn't know how to use her eyes
properly is sitting next to me and she thinks I am a freak. Just like everyone else. This should be a fun
senior year," Riley said, sarcasm hitting every syllable of words.

"I never think of you as a freak," I said, defending myself, "You're the one who think of yourself that

He shrugged. "Whatever,"

'Relax, Ellie. This guy has been through a lot,' I said in my head, trying to calm myself. I asked him,
"What's your favorite novel?"

"I hate reading." His voice was indifferent.

I blinked my eyes in suprise. That was a low blow. It was something I used to get back in Lenoir, so I
didn't really mind that much. Truthfully, it was actually heck a lot better than what I had gotten back

Looking at the bright side, at least we were talking. Even though he seemed to be the grumpy type of guy.

"Really? Oh well, I like Twilight's books. You know, those vampires and werewolves stuffs. Stupid, and
childish, I know," I laughed sheepishly, shaking my head. "But I'm a hopeless romantic so I love that kind
of books. Oh, and Nicholas Sparks' too!"

He remained silent, his face was blank. I wondered for a second if he was suffering from a strained neck
because his head wasn't moving. It could be broken, too or he was actually mad.

No, of course not, idiot. Well, he better not be. His looks was way too good for a mad person.

"Er, are you okay? You want me to get help?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't get mad at me. I heard a
grumble coming out of him, and it seemed like he was rolling his eyes under those sunglasses. I bit my lip
nervously. "I didn't mean to be rude or anything, really. I just thought you need help because-"

"No, I don't need help," Riley said, sighing heavily. His voice was deep, and firm, and he made it sound
like he was going to kill me.

"Oh," was all I could respond. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you..." I wiped my sweaty palms on my thighs
slowly. "I'll just keep quite now....."

The guy named Riley surprised me again when he spoke, "I think Twilight is stupid. There are no such
thing as vampires, and certainly there's no such thing like love,"

I raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess, you don't believe in love, do you?" "No."
I snorted. "Figured that one out easily." "Do you?"

He let out a grunt. "Do you believe in the L word?"

I laughed, swiping at a strand of my hair. "Yes, I do believe in love. I told you I'm hopeless romantic,"

He smirked. "I figured out that one easily, too."

I smiled, looking at him intently. He's got dimples, both on his cheeks. And his smile was actually one of
those rare smiles that you just couldn't help to smile along with.

I caught myself staring at him before clearing my throat.

Ms. Gail walked towards our tables, wearing a sweet smile. She shifted her gaze to my direction. "Hi
there. I've never seen you around before,"

"Uh, yeah. I just moved to Florida." I told her, smiling. "My name is Ellie,"

"Oh, I see," Ms. Gail grinned, averting her eyes to Riley. "I saw you two were having a good conversation
together," she commented.

I let out an awkward chuckle. "Oh, yeah. Riley is...." I paused, trying to think of the most polite word to
describe him, "er, he's quite a nice person to talk to. We're talking about Twilight and .... love."

She nodded. "Right then. I'll just leave you both alone to continue now," Ms. Gail said
conversationally. She placed a hand on Riley's shoulder before walking to another group.

"She's nice, isn't she?" I commented, looking over at Ms. Gail. "This class is going to be fun,"

Riley scoffed. "You just knew her about half an hour ago. How can you tell she's nice?" he made a point,
his tone was sharp as usual.

"I can tell." I simply said. "You're weird."

"I know."

A couple of moments went by silently and awkwardly. I didn't know what else could I say to him and Riley
also didn't show any sign he would talk to me. I looked around, filling in my time in this class. When my
gaze landed on him, curiousity was burning inside of me. I really wanted to know what was his story.

So then, pulling every gut inside of me, I just asked, "What happened ..... to you?"

It took some time before he breathed out, and his body winced slightly. "Soon enough, you'll know it by
yourself. No one ever asked me that question, but everyone in this school already knew about it," Riley
said, and there was a hint of tiredness in his tone. "That's how this school, or maybe even this world

I looked at him closely. "I wanna know it from you," Riley turned his head to me.
I added, leaning closer to him, "I know how it feels. When people talks behind you, especially about the
things you don't like to hear-it's not the best feeling in the world."

Peering curiously at me, he asked, "You're not disabled, are you?"

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. "People talks about everything. Not just about disabled person, Riley."
I mused.

His head dropped down. "Yeah. I hate people."

The bell finally let out a ring, and I frowned, sighing slowly. I was just getting closer to Riley, but now the
class was over. There were a lot of things I just wanted to tell him and somehow,

I liked talking to him. Riley wasn't all bad. He was grumpy and sarcastic, but deep down, I knew he was a
nice guy.

After taking out of his folded walking stick out of his bag, Riley got up to his feet. As he was about to make
his first step away from there, he turned around again.


Then he told me, "It was an accident. Things like that happen sometimes." 3rd

They say curiousity kills the cat. But this time, curiousity definitely killed me.

"Wait! Riley!" I shouted, literally jumping out of the chair before I started chasing the guy named Riley

I thought he was going to stop, like, any normal human being would just do every time they hear someone
calling (screaming) their names. But my prediction turned out wrong as he didn't even show any sign of
interest to stop walking. Riley even sped up his pace, and eventually made his way out of the class door.

"Riley, where are you going?" Ms. Gail asked, her eyes held concerness as he walked pass through the
teacher's table without saying a thing. I showed her a quick smile before rushing out of the class.

I turned my head to the right and left, trying to locate him. There were quite a number of students filling
in the hallway so I couldn't see where he was. After a couple of seconds, my eyes finally landed on a boy
wearing a red shirt-and I was pretty sure that was Riley. I became even more sure when everyone
seemed to be creating some sort of an aisle for the boy to walk.

When I was about a foot behind him, I grabbed his arm. "Riley...." My voice trailed as I was attempting to
catch my breath. I lifted my eyes to see his face, and boy, it was so obvious he was pissed. I couldn't help
but to wonder why. "Why... are .... you running away from me?"

He pulled his arm out of my grab harshly, causing me to stumble slightly. "Who says I'm running away
from you?" Riley said, "And even if I am. It's obviously because I don't want to talk to you."

"What did I do wrong?" "Nothing."

"Then why don't you wanna talk to me?"
Riley let out a grunt. "Gosh, you're so annoying. I just don't want to!" he barked, and the people standing
and walking near to us were now staring.


"Okay. Bye." Riley ended our conversation, and he started walking away from there, leaving me behind. I
watched him walk a few feets away from me, and I had a feeling he didn't even know where he was at this

"Where are you going? I can help you to get there," I offered my help, jogging to catch his fast pace.
Riley totally ignored me while he tapped all of the floor using his walking stick, making sure nothing was
blocking his way. God, why was he so stubborn? Taking a deep breath, I said, "Riley."

"I don't need your help. I can do this myself," he snapped, but I didn't believe his words even for a second.

"Do you even know where you are right now?" "Yes."

He stopped in his tracks instantly. "I said I don't need your help, idiot! Is that so hard to be understood?
Are you really that dumb?" Riley growled, turning himself to face me.

I blinked my eyes in surprise, and for a couple of moments, he seemed shock too. Sighing, he finally added,
"Look, just get lost from here, okay? I don't want any help and I don't want anyone near around me. I told
you I hate people."

I didn't say anything and just stood there, watching him as he ranted at me. I wasn't mad at him-annoyed
yes, but it was still bearable.

"Stay. There." Riley warned, pointing a finger at the top of my head. Feeling slightly offended, I took his
hand and gestured it so that his finger was pointing at my forehead instead.

"I'm not really that tall," I told him when his face scrunched up in confusion.

"Like I care," Riley said. He let out another angry grunt and started walking away from there once again. It
was obvious he was trying to walk as far as he could from me, and Riley didn't even seem to be using his
walking stick. He just hurried away and luckily for him, most people would give him some space to walk.

When luck was taken away from him, Riley bumped into a guy, and the guy pushed him to the side. "Hey,
watch where you're going!" he yelled, and Riley ignored him simply. He kept his face straight, even though
I knew he was embarrassed and pissed.

It was a few moments before the stupid guy muttered something like, "Freak." and all of his friends
laughed. It was loud enough for me to hear it, and it was certainly loud enough for Riley to hear it, too.

Did everyone treat him that way?

It was bad enough no one even volunteered to help, and they were calling him a freak? What was wrong
with the people in this school?

Riley bumped into another person, and he was howled once again. Everybody in the hallway were now,
laughing at him, mocking him-like they were the most perfect human beings in this world.

And everything that was happening to Riley at this moment reminded me of myself back in Lenoir. This
freak girl who lost her parents in a car accident.

That was enough-I couldn't take it much longer. Somehow, it was painful to see him being treated that
way. And this was obviously because I'd been through something like that before.

I ran to his side and held his arm just about he almost hit a dustbin. "Watch out," I said, gesturing him
to the right way, "See? You need me."

---"Seriously?" "Yeah."
"Like, seriously?"

I nodded aggressively, trying to show to her that I wasn't joking. "Yes, I'm serious, Reese," I said, glancing
at her. "Why do you seem so surprised, though?"

Reese widened her eyes, shaking her head. "Riley Flynn accepted your help and he even told you what
happened to him," she made a point, "Isn't that very surprising?"

I was a little taken aback. "No, not really."

"Ellie, this news is very surprising if you know him since middle school," she said, shrugging. "Even before
he lost his sight, Riley didn't really like to share anything with anyone except his best friend."

I thought about it for a moment. "Well, yeah. He isn't the friendliest guy in the world," I said, "but he isn't
all bad."

Reese suddenly stopped walking and lowered her bump to sit on a bench. "Sit down and tell me what really
happened between you and him."

So then I sat down next to her and started telling her everything.
After I'd saved Riley from hitting the dustbin, he-to put in the right word-was growing on me, I guess. He'd
stopped ranting and chasing me away from there. And when I offered to help him to get to his next class,
he didn't even protest. Albeit I did make sure I wasn't walking too close to him.

He hated people.

"Where is your class?" I asked, filling in the awkward silence between us. The hallway was getting emptier
and emptier since the bell would ring anytime soon. As I was escorting him to class, I'd totally forgotten
that I still needed to get to mine on time. And to top things off, I had no idea where my class would be.

"It's on the third floor, the fifth room on the left," Riley told me in a completely flat tone. Like one of
those lifeless robots.


I heard him taking a long breath. "Why are you doing this?" he inquired. Not angrily though, more like

"Doing what?" I asked dubiously. "This," he said, "helping me."

"Is that so weird?" "Yes."

He heaved a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "Forget it," Riley said, his voice faltered.

I bit my lips, doubting if I should ask him the question that has been bothering for so long. "Was it a car

Riley snapped his head to look at me as if he was really surprise. I began to feel regret of my stupid action. I
shouldn't have asked him that kind of question. I looked down to the floor and played with my fingers.

"Sorry I didn't mean to..." "Yeah," Riley answered. "It was."

"Oh." I responded, nodding my head. Angriness somehow started to boil inside of me as I lost my
parents in a car accident, too. Thousands of people have lost their love ones in a car accident. "Curse the
inventor of a car." I muttered, annoyed.

Surprisingly, I heard a weak sound of laughter coming out from Riley. It was just a small, tiny laugh-
something between a hearty laugh, and a chuckle.

But it was nice, and it made me want to smile along with him.

"Why did you laugh?" I asked him, and I couldn't help the stupid grin that was crossing my face.
"Curse the inventor of a car?" Riley repeated mockingly.

"Yeah. Think, if only he or she didn't invent the car, there'd be no such thing as a car accident, right? People
would still use the bicycle and it's completely harmless. Sure, you'll probably get scratches when first time
riding but at least it's not going to kill you. The air will not be polluted too!"

"Woah. This is not a debate competition,"

I blushed at his words. "I'm just saying," I said sheepishly.

When we reached his class, I opened the door for him. "We're here!" I announced cheerfully. "I think I can
take it from here," Riley told me, "and you still need to get to your class,"
I scratched the side of my head. "Yeah, true." I said, smiling sheepishly. I waved a goodbye before I
remembered that he couldn't see me. "So .... I'll see you later?"


"Oh, come on. We're friends. You should say 'yeah, see you'," I said, rolling my eyes. "Since when are we-"
Riley made an obnoxious facial expression. "-friends."
"Since I saved your life!"

"A dustbin wouldn't kill me."

I let out a weak chuckle. "Okay, okay." I said, giving in. "Bye, Riley!" "Bye."
The bell finally rang and I sighed. Great, I was late for class on my first day of school. I rushed away
from there, speeding up and tried not to hit anyone on my way to class.

"Hey, Ellie,"

I spun around again when I heard him calling my name. Why did he like to do this? Calling me at the last

"Yeah?" I practically shouted as we were a few feet away.

"Thanks," Riley muttered, loud enough for me to hear him, "and tell your teacher you helped me. I'm sure
he or she will understand."

My lips broke off into a huge grin, it stretched from ear to ear. "You're welcome, Riley."

"Wow. Just wow." That was Reese's reaction when I'd finally finished telling her everything that happened
between me and Riley Flynn.

"What do you mean 'wow'?" I quired, giving her a weird look. We were walking in the hallway to the
main entrance when school was over. My first day of senior year went well, I guess. There was nothing
bad happened except for the fact Riley had howled at me for a couple of times. Other than that, it was
perfectly fine.

"Ellie," Reese said, setting her eyes on me. "A few of us in this school tried to help him but he never did
want any help. Riley would either howl them or worst, shove them away. But you-you did it fine. It's like a

"I wouldn't say I did it fine." I shrugged, running a hand through my hair. "I got howled too. But I think he's
probably growing on me."

"Or ...."

"Or ...?"

Reese stopped walking, and I did the same thing. "He likes you," she told me her hypothesis while smiling

"God, no way." I said, shaking my head repeatedly. I was pretty sure my cheeks were tinted in pink right
now. "He-he couldn't be. I mean, why would he like me? He hates people."

"We never know..." Reese was still giving me that knowing grin. But then she dropped the topic off when
she asked, "Anyway, enough about Riley Flynn. Tell me more about you, Ellie Burke."

"There's nothing interesting about me," I said, snorting.

"Oh, come on!" she insisted, bumping her shoulder with mine. "There must be something!" From this
moment, I knew Reese was a persistent type of girl. She wouldn't just drop a subject easily.

I hummed. "Okay, if you insist. I came from a small town in Lenoir and I'm awkward, and my social-life
is almost nonexistent. I have an annoying older brother and a younger sister. I'm afraid of rats and mices
and I was born in August."
"Impressive. Now that is something," Reese said, rubbing her chin. "Okay, my turn. My name is Reese
Elizabeth Martin and I was born in June. I hate my name because I'm always mistaken as a boy
because of it. I wish my name is Britney or Kate or something. I have an older sister named Natalie and
she's a bitch. Thank God she left for college -"

I laughed loudly as she continued telling me about herself. Reese was a funny person and she rambled a lot
When we arrived at the main door, I looked around for Aaron's car. I squinted my eyes as the Florida sun
was really bright and finally spotted the red Ford Escort. "Hey, I think my brother is already here," I said,
waving my hand, "I'll see you tomorrow, Reese!"

She waved back, a grin was decorating across her face. "Bye, Ellie! It was nice knowing you!"
"You too. Bye!" I chirped and made my way towards Aaron car. Sophie was already inside the car, sitting
in the front seat. Then there was my brother-looking messy as usual, wearing just a pair of shorts and a
white shirt.

"Hey, guys," I said as I got into the backseat of the car. I leaned forward and turned my eyes to Sophie.
"How was school?" I asked her, hoping she'd say it was great. The first thing I wanted is for my sister to
be happy with her life over here.

Sophie didn't help a rough time back in Lenoir. She was quite okay with everything, being the amazing
her as always. Sometimes I just wished I got all her courage and confident. Sophie was way better than
me in fitting into a new situation.

So it did not surprise me when she said, "Great! I met a lot of new friends. They're really nice, and they even
invited me to go to the beach this evening,"

"Really? That's great." I said, patting her head. "Can I go?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course. I'll have to go with you though, but I promise I'll be ten feet away from
you," I said, raising a hand to make a promise. "And no swimming. You don't know how to swim."

"That's alright with me. Thanks, Ellie!" she chirped, nodding excitedly.

"Right. Ignore your big brother over here and go on with your girly conversations," Aaron said, teasing
us. "I'm invisible."

I chuckled. "Don't you have to work today?"

"I'm on leave, but I gotta get back to work tomorrow," he told me, and his car started leaving my school.
"So, I need your help to pick Sophie up from school everyday. Only if that's okay with you..."

"Nah, it's alright," I said, and I meant it. Sophie's school was just a few minutes walk from mine so it
wasn't really a problem.

At least I'd have someone to walk with me instead of walking alone.

"Thanks, sis," Aaron said gratefully. He turned to a corner, and Crestville High was out of our sight. "Oh,
yeah. I almost forgot. How was your day, Elle? Met any interesting people?" he asked, glancing at me
through the rear-view mirror.

I laughed, but the thing is, we all know he was asking the right question-and he was totally right.

"Actually, yeah. I do. I met a very, very interesting person in my class today," I answered, smiling all by
myself as I remembered of Riley Flynn.-------------------------------------------------------------------

I got showered, and ate some snack with my brother and sister. Then I went back upstairs, and got
change. Sophie didn't know how to swim so I couldn't risk letting she go by herself.

Plus, I hadn't really got the chance to check out the beach. Maybe I'd meet some new people who live in
this suburban, and who knows - I might just meet some new friends over there.

"Ellie, I'm ready to go," Sophie shouted from downstairs, and she sure did get ready fast. Unlike me - I
didn't even know what to wear.
"I'm coming!" I called back, and slipped into a yellow summer dress. I wasn't going to swim anyway so I
didn't think wearing a bikini would be necessary. I grabbed my purse, and headed downstairs.
"Come on, let's get going," I said to Sophie, running a hand through my mid-length dark brown hair. She
was staring at me so I glanced down at myself. "What?"

She smiled, "You look pretty."

I laughed sheepishly, stroking her hair. "Thanks, Soph," I said, grinning. "We better get going now, we don't
want your friends to keep waiting!" I said, and Sophie nodded.

She went out of the house first, and I followed her from behind. "Bye, Aaron!" I shouted before I closed
the door.

"Bye! Make sure to be home before dark!" I heard his voice, shouting - briefly before the door was
I took Sophie's hand into mine, and we walked down towards the beach which was just a five-minute
walk from our home.

The street was busy in the evening, and there's a few people who were hanging around in their front
lawn; gardening.

It was almost the same back in Lenoir; only the weather was way too cold over there, and there were
ranches, or horse stables, instead of huge houses, and gardens.

Sophie and I were making our way down the beaten sandy track, between the shrubbery, and the beach. She
was armed with towels, and a sand bucket in her hands.

The beach was packed with people on that day. Aaron had told me the beach was always full of people,
especially in the evening, and in the morning. The beach was the place, where everyone around here
spend their time.
The blue sky was beautiful; fluffy clouds with many shapes was up there, and of course, the sun was
flashing - it was a great day for a beach walk.
There's a volleyball court too, and a few people; maybe a year younger than me were playing over there.
There's a bar shack not too far from the ocean, and kids - and parents, playing happily together.

About a hundred meters away from me there was a place - which I guessed, we can get our body boards,
or surf boards.

"Hey, there they are!" Sophie said, pointing towards a group of kids. They were playing in the sand, and I
was slightly relief because there was a woman, who was watching them. I supposed, it's one of her friends'

Sophie introduced me to her friends, and I got to know the woman. Her name is Marie, and she was living
just a few blocks away from us with her family. A tall woman with a beautiful golden-shining blond hair,
and a pair of blue eyes.

And the most important part was, she was kind. She even asked, if we need any help around here.

I left Sophie to play with her friends under Marie's supervision. I was so happy Sophie was fitting in very
well. I thought she wouldn't be - because we all know how Florida could be sometimes. But I guessed, I
was over-thinking.
Just like I'd promised her, I walked away from there, making my way down the beaten sandy track on the
beach, heading for nowhere. I decided to take a walk around here, and just chilling out - alone.

I was actually enjoying the sun, seeing I didn't get much back in Lenoir. It was a great change for me.

My hair was all over the place as the wind blew it. I ran a hand through my hair again, and again - trying
my best to keep it in place.

The gentle breeze caresses my skin, and everything was fine before I spotted someone so familiar, sitting
alone on the sand a few meters away from me.

What was he doing here? Did he live in this suburban too? Then, I saw a yellow Labrador dog, running
towards him - and obviously, it was his guide dog.

I didn't know why - but my legs were walking towards him, and it was almost unconsciously.

I stopped by his side, a spot where the sand was fine, and soft - just before it turned harder, and damp
nearer the shore. I didn't know whether he'd realized someone's here, but I thought blind people has good
hearing abilities.
It took me some moments before I said, "Hi."
He startled so I guessed - he didn't realize I was here in first place. He tilted his head to look at me. "What -
you? What are you doing here?" Riley asked, exclaiming.

It surprised me a little that he actually recognized my voice.

"Yup. Me," I said, and took a seat beside him - on the soft, shimmering sand. But not too close, though -
I didn't want him to freak out. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He sighed. "Getting some peace, but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to get it now you're here." Riley stated,

I looked at his dog. "Your dog?" I asked, and he ignored me. "What's its name?" "Ellie."
I was taken aback for a second before I burst out laughing. "You're joking, right? Wow, you do have a
good sense of humor, Riley," I smiled, and patted his dog head. "Hey, Ellie. We have the same name."

He smiled, again - this easy, friendly smile. It's kind of lopsided smile, going up higher on the left, but it
looked quirky, and cute on him.

And I didn't know if it was the smile or just that I was crazy, but I smiled along with him.

Riley surprised me, when he actually tried to talk to me. "Where do you live?" he asked, in a normal tone -
not the high, shouting tone he'd always use.

"Just a few minutes walk from here," I answered. "You?" "About fifteen minutes walk away,"
I nodded, and wrapped my arms around my knees. "You always come around?" I asked
conversationally, and he nodded. "Alone?"

"With Goggle,"

"So that's your dog's real name. I thought you really named it after my name. I'd be flattered if you did," I
said facetiously, teasing him.

I stole a peep at him from the corner of my eyes. He was looking over to the ocean, like always. And he
was wearing a gray T-shirt, and a khaki shorts. The sun hit the left side of his face, throwing shadows over
the side to me.

He just looked hot - it was almost impossible to believe it. Riley was silent. Then, "Just shut up."
"You know, I don't do that," I laughed. "I like it here - Florida. It's so much better than Lenoir. The weather,
people, and everything."


I nodded. "Yeah. That's where I'm from. This place with high mountains, and small villages. The place
where people live in a ranch, and yes, I have a horse stable, and I ride." I explained to him.

It didn't make any sense, but I actually love talking to him. It was like I could tell him everything.

"I know where Lenoir is," Riley stated, sounding a little annoyed with my pretty long explanation.
"It's a pretty cool place actually,"

I almost choked when he said this.

I laughed. "Cool? Um, no. This is cool. Florida is cool. Lenoir, not cool," I said, rambling. "Yeah - the
place is cool, as in cold, but... ergh, you know what I mean."

He grinned again, "You're odd." "Can you stop calling me that?" "No."
I sighed melodramatically, rolling my eyes. "I figured. I take it you grew up here?" "Yes."
"I see. It's beautiful around here, the beach." I said, forgetting he couldn't see. I bit my lips, but decided
not to take back my word. It might just get worse.

"I know. I've seen the beach since I was born." He answered in a calm tone. I sighed in relief
I really thought he was going to shout at me, or chase me away from there. I thought about something for a
moment, "Um, Riley?"
"What now?"

"Why do you push everyone away from you? Why won't you let someone to help you?" I asked

Silent. Before he finally said, "I don't want anyone's sympathy. I don't need it, and I wouldn't be needing it.
I can live by myself."

I nodded, and waited for a few minutes. "Well - not everyone helps you because you're... sightless. Some
people are just..." I trailed off, trying to find the correct word, "helping others, because they have a heart."

He grunted. "No one in Crestville High has a heart, Ellie. That's the first thing you should know." he said,
raising his tone slightly.

"Including me?"

He turned himself to face me. "Why are you asking me a lot of stupid questions? Stop it. It's freaking
annoying." he said sharply.

"Sorry - I didn't mean it," I said, looking down at the sand. "I was just, er, curious. I guess."

He sighed, shaking his head, and didn't say anything. He turned his eyes back to the front as gentle waves
rushed to the shore - and the sound of it made me feel calm.

I caught myself off guard when I began to stare at him - like he was the most interesting sight I've ever seen.
His face was calm, and I could imagine him, closing his eyes under those sunglasses. He was sitting Indian-
style with his palms placed on his thighs - like he was doing some yoga. I could hear the sound of his
breathing - slow, and steady.

The sight was just beautiful in some way, and I couldn't explain why. Riley Flynn was really unpredictable.

"Why'd you move here?" Riley suddenly asked.

I shook my head, getting myself out of my deep thoughts. "What? Uh, yeah. My brother lives here, and like
I said, Lenoir isn't the best place you want to be in," I sighed, recalling everything I've faced back in

Believe me, it wasn't something that anyone would have wanted.

He nodded, indicating he got what I just said. He took a deep breath before he spoke again, "Why are you
doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Being nice to me? You said it yourself that you didn't do this because you feel pity for what happened to
me. So what's the reason?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to find an explanation -but there wasn't. I didn't even know why I
was being nice to him.

"I - I don't know," I said honestly, stammering. "It's just.. I think you're..." "Pitiful?"
"No. No, unique, actually,"

He let out a chuckle, a sarcastic one. "Unique? That's the first time I've heard someone calling a blind person

I laughed. "I guess, I am weird anyway,"

He ignored me again, before he called for his dog, "Goggle, let's go home, buddy." and stood up to his feet -
and his dog barked.

I stood up, and brushed the sand off my butt. "You're leaving now?" I asked, even though the answer was
quite clear.
"I thought I'm the blind one," he said sarcastically, and I laughed. Riley did have a good sense of humor. I
just hoped he'd show it more to me.
"You know - this whole being grumpy, nasty doesn't really suit you," I said truthfully. "You should really
show the other side of yours, it'll be more, er, convenient,"

"Your choice of word is really bad, Ellie," Riley said, and tugged on Goggle's leash.

I smiled, and decided to ignore his comment. "I'll see you tomorrow, Riley," I mouthed, and laid a hand on
Goggle's head. "I'll see you around, Goggle. Take care of Riley."

I saw Riley's lips twitched a little, and he walked away from there, leaving me behind, without saying

I thought it actually went well - at least, Riley said something more than a 'Yes' or 'No' to me.

It was quite a big achievement for me - yet, I still needed to figure the real reason I was being nice to him,
and an explanation for the weird sensation that had crept into my spine when I see his smile.

The next day, I wasn't sure what to expect in English. I had got a lot of stares from people, and I figured it
was because of the fact I had spoken to Riley the day before.

I ignored all the looks, and went into the classroom. I took my seat next to him without saying

He turned his head towards me, but didn't say anything. If I hadn't known that he was blind, I would've
thought he was staring at me - but since I did know, I guessed that he was just thinking about
He finally broke the silence. "You're quiet today."
I raised an eyebrow, and a grin had stretched across my face. "I suppose you're thankful about it," I teased,
propping my arm on the table, enjoying the sight of Riley getting uncomfortable.

He turned away from me, "I am."

I laughed as he was acting funny. "Aw, for a second, Riley, I thought you were missing the annoying me."

He snorted. "I don't," Riley muttered. "I won't."

I rolled my eyes, and ignored his word. "I told you, this whole bad guy doesn't suit you. You're too cute
for that."

He flicked his eyes to me instantly. "You do not just call me cute." he said warningly, pointing a
finger in my direction.
I smirked. "Cute."
He sighed. "What did I do that I get you as my English partner?" he said dramatically.

I punched his arm lightly. "Hey, you should consider lucky that I am your friend. It's hard to get a friend as
great as I am,"
"Friend? Since when we're friends?"

"Since we met the first time," I said, pretending to glance at the clock. "Which means, since yesterday."

He immediately scowled. "I don't like the idea," he mumbled. I grinned at him. "You'll like it, trust me." I
The class went on fast, and then the bell finally let out a ring. I decided to wait for Riley to leave the
classroom. When he realized I was still there, he scowled. "Why are you still here?" He asked, snapping.

"Waiting for you."

"And why is that?" He asked, turning himself to face me. Even under those sunglasses, I knew he was
glaring at me.

"I don't know. I'm not rushing to anywhere. We're friends now, so I figured I can't just leave you alone
here," I made a point - raising my voice a little because the people around us was making loud noises as
they left the classroom.

His head dropped down. "I have a feeling that I will be regretting this," Riley said, sighing, and I laughed.

"Well, Ms. Burke, you're still here," Ms. Gail showed up in front of me, and she was looking lovely -
wearing a white blouse, and a gray knee-length skirt.

I smiled. "Yeah, Riley needs a friend to keep him company, don't you?" I joked, setting my eyes on him.

"I never said anything," Riley grunt, and grabbed his bag from the floor. "Let's go, Gail. I don't think I
could stand her any longer." he got up to his feet.

"You don't really mean that, do you?" Silence.

"See. I know you like me," I mused, half laughing. He grumbled, and slipped his backpack into one

Ms. Gail suddenly clasped her hands together, letting out a loud sigh. "Hey, I just remember that I have
something important to do, and I think, it wouldn't be done by the time school is finished," she said,
regretfully before turning her eyes to me.

She said, "Do you mind walking with Riley to his classes? I really need your help, Ellie."

Riley's mouth fell open. "No, what the hell. Gail - I don't need her help okay. If you're busy then I'll go to
my class by myself and -"

"It's okay with me," I interrupted him, nodding, and wearing a cheeky smile. "I don't mind walking with
Riley to his classes if you want."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? Oh, thank you so much. I really appreciate your help, Ellie." Ms. Gail said

Ms. Gail put a hand on Riley's shoulder. "I'll pick you up after school okay? Tell me you're going to be
fine, Riley."
Riley shrugged. "Okay," he said. "Whatever you say."

I expected Riley to protest harder than that - but to my surprise he didn't. I stood up, and grabbed my
bag. "Come on, Riley, or we'll be late." I said, slipping my arm through his.
"Alright, let's do this," I said, heading out the room, tugging Riley along with me. "So I have a question for

"Why am I not surprised?"

"You seem to be close to Ms. Gail." I started.

"She's my aunt. I figured you already know that, seeing you'd been stalking me since yesterday,"
Riley said sarcastically, shrugging.

I frowned. "Who said I was stalking you? I am just being nice, and helping my teacher out. I thought
everyone do that."
He snorted. "Yeah right. If you're not stalking me, then you should've been able to explain why're you
being nice to me," he stated. "No one really talks to me except you."

"Well. Like I told you, I'm just being nice, and helping out my teacher. Nothing more, Riley Flynn. Don't
be flattered."

"Who said I'm flattered?"

"Geez, I wonder how Ms. Gail puts up with you," I rolled my eyes, turning into a corner. We walked down
the hallway, with people staring at us. It wasn't as difficult as I thought - considering everyone moved
away when we passed.

I tilted my feet to lean closer to his ear. "Everyone is still staring at us. Do you think I should start waving
my hand or something?" I joked with hope he'd smiled.

Riley shook his head, and a smile spread over his lips. "You really are strange, Ellie." "Can you stop calling
me weird?"
"I didn't call you weird. I said you're strange."

"They're synonyms, nerd." I said, and he let out a small laugh. I tightened my grip, and lifted my eyes to see
his face.
There's still a trace of a smile - that infectious smile on his face.

"You laughed." I mused, smirking. He scowled. "No, I didn't."
When we got to the classroom, I paused at the doorway. "Which seat is yours?"

"At the back, the second table on the left," Riley replied, and I removed my arm from his and grabbed his
hand - placing it on my shoulder so that he could follow behind me.

"There you go, Mr. Flynn. Do you need anything else?" I asked as I helped him to sit down on the chair.

Riley grinned, and I smiled once again the moment I looked at him. "No, I think I'm good from here," he
told me. It took him a few seconds before he hesitated and added, "thanks."

I shook my head. "It's no problem. I'll come to you later on. We'll go to the cafeteria together, during lunch."

"I don't go to the cafeteria, Ellie." He said, his jaw tightened a little bit, but his voice remained calm.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But now you're stuck with me so you just have to," I said, and he tried to protest. But
before he could even do that I said, "I'll see you later. Take care!" and turned around, leaving his classroom.

I think it went pretty well, don't you think? "Come on!"

"No. I said no!"

I sighed. "Riley, please. Don't make this hard for the both of us. Are you seriously going to let me starve?"
I pouted.

"You can go if you want. I'll just wait for you here," Riley said, sticking to his decision. "I'm not going in
there. Not for me, and certainly not for you."

I crossed my arms to my chest. "I'm not going if you're not coming," I said firmly. "I'll just starve here
then. It's bad enough, I didn't have any breakfast this morning."

He breathed in heavily, obviously trying to hold his anger. I just stood there, and didn't add anything else.
Riley hesitated for some moments - before he finally fell for my charm.

"Fine. But we're going to sit far away from everyone else."

I smiled happily. I knew he had a heart. "Okay. I don't mind." I said, and looped my arm once again through
his. We walked into the cafeteria, and whispers, and stares began immediately.

It was uncomfortable - but it was still bearable. I took a sandwich, and a milk for myself before I turned
my eyes to Riley. "Are you hungry?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "No. Can you be more faster?" He gushed, tightening his grip around my arm, and he
really looked uncomfortable.
"Sorry." I muttered, and after I got what I want, I led him towards an empty table at the back of the cafeteria
where no one was around - except for a couple of nerdy guys.

I helped him to sit down before I took a seat opposite to him. "I got you these." I passed him a chicken
"I thought I said I don't want anything," Riley snapped, shrugging. I rolled my eyes, and slipped the
sandwich into his right hand.

"I don't care. Eat. I don't want you to be sick," I said, and unwrapped a sandwich for myself. "I'm
responsible in taking care of you."

I couldn't be sure, but I thought he rolled his eyes at me. "I'm not a kid, Ellie. I don't need a babysitter." he

"Who said I'm your babysitter?"

He grumbled under his breath, but then I knew he was actually amused because the corners of his lips turned
up a little. And I smiled - when he opened the sandwich, and ate it.

"Hey, Ellie!" I heard Reese's voice, calling my name. I waved my hand at her, and made a hand gesture,
asking her to join us.

"Who the hell is that?" Riley growled, putting down his sandwich which was half eaten. "My friend, Reese."
"Don't tell me she's joining us because -"

Before Riley could even finish his words, Reese was already taking a seat next to me, smiling cheerfully.

"I never got the chance to talk to you today. Where have you been?" she asked, placing a hand on my

I chuckled. "Well - I was actually busy with something. Ms. Gail is busy so she asked me to walk around
with Riley, help him with his class." I said, pointing my jaw to Riley who was scowling.

Reese turned her eyes to Riley before back to me again. "Oh, yeah. Um, hi, Riley. How're you?" she
asked kindly. "I'm Reese. We used to be classmates in sophomore year. I doubt you remember me,
though." she laughed sheepishly.

Riley totally ignored her, and he'd stopped eating his sandwich. I kicked his leg under the table, causing
him to moan, "Ouch! What the hell? Who did that?"

"I did," I said dryly. "Reese was talking to you, Riley. You shouldn't have ignored her."

Reese waved a hand at me. "No, no. It's okay, Ellie. I understand," she smiled assuringly, before standing
up to her feet. "I'd better get going. I need to visit the library first. I guess, I'll see you around then, Elle?"

I gave her an apologetic smile, and waved my hand. "Sure, bye. I'll see you later, Reese." I said, and she
went away from there, heading out of the cafeteria.

I turned my eyes back to Riley.

"I can't believe you acted like a jerk to my friend. That's not a nice thing to do, Riley." I muttered,
disappointed with how he behaved just now.
"Well. I'm not a nice person."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "You are. But you refuse to show it."

His jaw tightened, and his face tense. "How'd you know that I'm a nice person? You don't even know
who I am, Ellie. You can't judge me like that." he said, increasing his voice. The nerdy guys next to our
table were already staring at us.

I sighed. "I - I just know. Don't ask me why. I can't give you the answer." I drawled, looking away from
him. I seriously didn't know why I was still there - sitting with this jerk, nasty guy.

I think the problem was actually me - I was too nice, and I couldn't help, but to try my best to help him
because he's different or should I say, unique?

I bet I'd do the same thing for anyone - and it's not like I helped him because Riley was just about the
hottest guy that ever graced on earth.

I walked him to every class, but we didn't talk to each other. I didn't have any mood to talk to him or to put
up with his weird, cranky attitude. Riley was quiet too - and he was probably enjoying the silent side of
When the school was finally over (much to my relief), I walked Riley to where he said Ms. Gail would be
meeting him. We didn't talk - just silent ourselves.

Ms. Gail showed up a few minutes later, and sped up her walk as she saw us. "Oh, I hope I'm not late. I'm so
sorry, Ellie. I hope Riley was behaving when he's with you." she said, panting for breath.
I nodded my head. "Yeah - everything's fine. It's no problem. I'm glad that I could help," I smiled,
glancing at my clock. "I have to go now. Need to pick up my sister at her school."

"Do you want a ride home? Your sister can squeeze in with us."
I shook my head, waving my hands dismissively. "No, no. It's okay, Ms. Gail. My house is not that far
from here, and I don't want to be a burden," I said, smiling sheepishly. "I'll just get going now."
"Okay, take care of yourself, Ellie. And again, thanks," Ms. Gail said, in a tender voice. "For taking care of
Riley, and be his friend."

I didn't entirely understand what she's trying to say so I just smiled. "Bye," I said to Riley, without
expecting any reply, and made my way from there.
As I was already a few steps away from Riley, and Ms. Gail - I turned around again.

Tucking a strand behind my ear, I said, "Hey, Riley. You want, uh - wanna go to the beach this evening?
I'm not doing anything so ... yeah. I thought we can meet up and talk?" And I laughed sheepishly all the
Silent, like always before he spoke placidly, "I'm not sure. I may be busy this evening."

"Right," I nodded, shoving my hands into pockets, rocking on my heels. I didn't even know why I was
doing this. "But - if you change your mind, I'll be there, you know? Same place, same time," I mumbled,
smiling awkwardly.

"Okay," he replied, and his face was blank. He turned his head to Ms. Gail. "Let's go home. I'm tired." he
informed - and then he was gone from there.

Ms. Gail shot me one of her tender smiles, and looked at me with an amused expression before she
followed Riley from behind. I waved a hand at them, even though they already turned around - so they
couldn't see it.
'Shoot!' I slapped my forehead lightly as I remembered the fact my sister was waiting for me at her school.
This whole Riley thing was really making me go crazy. I'd turned into something else, I guessed.

I was practically jogging all the way to Sophie's school, which was ten minutes walk from my own. Her
school was big; almost as big as mine. I figured every school in Florida was big - except if it has been just
me who thought the school buildings around here was big.

I found Sophie, waiting on a bench - alone, and I felt really bad for her. I could see she kept looking around
- probably wondering where I was.

"Sophie, I'm really sorry. There's something - there's something I gotta do at school. Sorry, I know I'm
late," I said, putting my hand on my chest as I panted for air. "How long have you been waiting for me?"

Sophie sighed, looking at me with her pity look. "It's okay. It's not that long. You know, you don't have to
do this, Ellie. I can walk on my own." she offered.

I shook my head instantly. There's no way I would let her do that. "No, no. You can't. It's too dangerous.
Never mind, I'll be here early tomorrow. I promise," I said, holding a hand up.

Sophie smiled. "I know you will."

I laughed, and grabbed her hand into mine. "Let's go home, Soph. I'm hungry." I grumbled, rubbing my
stomach using my other hand.

She nodded enthusiastically, and we walked down the cobbled street with our hands intertwined together -
and just for the record, I love my little sister.
I was early.

Not that I was excited, really - but I didn't know. After I had my shower, I did my homework, and then I'd
watched some cartoons with Sophie, but still - the time was moving super slow, and I couldn't help, but to
glance at the clock every twenty seconds.

Sophie was then terribly annoyed so she practically chased me out of the house - and she wouldn't let
me come home until I meet the-person-I-was-waiting-for. I haven't told her or Aaron about Riley - I didn't
want them to freak out, and think about it in the wrong way.

So here I was, walking down towards the beach - wearing yellow sun shorts, and a white tank top. Like the
other day, the beach was full of people - some of them were sunbathing, and a few of them were surfing,
even though the waves weren't that huge, and nice.

I flicked my eyes to the volleyball court as I heard a roar erupted from that direction. There were a few
people playing over there - a couple of boys, and girls who looked not much older than me. And some of
them even looked familiar. Maybe they're from one of my classes.

Not that I knew who they were personally, though. They looked like they belong to the popular clique
- the jocks or even the cheerleaders. And certainly, they didn't care about any new students at all.

As I inched closer to the edge of the court - I noticed there were two girls in the audience, who seemed
fixated on the two players on the left. No surprised there, they were the kind of boys who any girls were
always crazy about.
Especially the taller one with light brown hair in this tight, fit black tank top. He was good in volleyball too
- I watched him score a point for his team, and the blonde, and her friend cheered for him instantly.

They're both pretty and thin with perfect sun-kissed look, and obviously used to being the center of
attention, and boys drooling over them.

I turned my attention back to the game just as the cute guy scored another point. And then another. And
still another. I didn't know what the score was but they were obviously the better team.

The game suddenly seemed less interesting, and I turned to leave just as another serve sailed over the net. I
looked over to the place where Riley, and I met yesterday, but there was still no sign of him. Maybe he
wouldn't show up, and I was here for nothing.
Riley did say he may be busy this evening - damn, I should've listened to him. I shouldn't have come,
and wasted my entire evening here. He obviously hated me - why did I bother to help him so much?

"Watch out!"

I vaguely heard someone shouting as a full speed volleyball headed in my direction - directly to my face.
My eyes widened, but before I could even react, the ball had slammed right onto my forehead.

And then, just like that, I knew it was too late. I realized I had fallen down onto the ground - because I
could feel the soft sand in between my fingers, and my butt sure was hurting.
I opened my eyes, blinking - and soon, the blurry images had turned to normal. Up close, I saw the cute-
light-brown-haired guy staring down at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, gasping. I tried to get up into a sitting position, and he helped me. Vaguely, I
heard someone begin to laugh - and why shouldn't someone laugh? I looked pretty bad actually.

I shook my head. "I'm fine, I think," I said, pinching my forehead lightly.

He looked at me intently. "Are you sure? You want me to get something for you?" he asked, and there was
a huge sound of contrite in his voice. "The ball knocked you kinda hard...."

I nodded. "You can say that again," I agreed, and he smiled apologetically. Up close, he was more
handsome than I thought - he got this pair of mesmerizing blue eyes, and dimples on both his cheeks.

"Hey Aiden! Are you getting back in the game or what?" the blonde girl shouted to our direction with
hands on her hips - and she looked pissed.

The cute-light-brown-haired-guy craned his neck to look at her. "You go on first. I need to check if she's
really okay," he informed before turning his eyes back to me, smiling. "Are you sure you're really okay?"

"Yes," I replied, this time in a more confident tone. "I'll be fine. You can go on and play. Don't want to
keep her waiting." I said jokingly, and he let out a low chuckle. It was another cute laugh too - but it wasn't
that special compared to Riley's.

"She could wait. Um, it's my fault the ball hit you. You're sure you don't need anything? Water - or
something?" he asked again, his blue eyes glimmering under the beach sun.

I waved my hand dismissively. "No, it's fine, really. I'm used to this - and my head is strong like steel," I
said, laughing sheepishly. I knew I sounded like an idiot, but what else could I say? - I didn't want him to
feel guilty.

"Here let me help you," he offered his hand when I tried to stand up. I took it, and he practically
pulled me up - and seconds later, I was back on my feet.

To be honest, my head wasn't exactly strong like steel. The pain was still there, and it actually got worse
when I stood up. I squinted my eyes, and blinked a few times before I was back on earth again.

He looked at me with a serious look. "Are you sure you're alright?" he asked again, for the hundredth time
I nodded, looking around for a while. I had to admit, I was still in a very confused stage - and it was
definitely caused by the volleyball.
Note to self - I will hate volleyball forever. And ever.

Then, it clicked - and I glanced at my watch instantly. "Oh, yeah. I gotta go now. Thanks for helping me," I
gushed, smiling at the cute-light-brown-haired-guy.

He tried to say something - because I saw him opening his mouth, briefly before I went away from there.
But I didn't hear him though, and I jogged all the way towards the place I was meant to meet Riley Flynn.


I was late - if Riley ever showed up.

I didn't know why, but I had a good feeling he'd show up - which was why I had been running all the way
from the volleyball court to the place where we've met yesterday.

The sun was descending, giving the ocean a sheen like liquid gold. On the beach, a few remaining
families were congregated on towels near the water along with a couple of sand castles about to be swept
away by the rushing waves. Terns darted in and out, hunting for crabs.
I stopped for a few moments as I panted for breath, and sweat was trickling down my face. I knew this was
ridiculous, but the last thing I wanted is showing up late. I didn't want Riley to think I was toying him or
I tilted my head, looking over the spot - and there he was. Even with his back facing me, I knew it was
him. And I was even sure when I saw Goggle - standing by his side.

A huge grin stretched across my face absent-mindedly as I looked at him from far. I knew he'd come - I
knew he didn't hate me. Being a hopeless romantic as I always had - I felt truly happy, and that weird
sensation formed in my heart again.
I sped up my walk towards him, ignoring that I was still panting for breath. All I wanted was to be there,
and talk to Riley.

"Hi," I said, flopping down next to him, panting for breath. I turned my eyes to him, and noticed that he
was scowling. "Am I that late?" I asked, biting my lips.

He shrugged. "Yes. But I was actually enjoying the silence without you," Riley said, nodding.

I smiled, "Sorry," I said apologetically. "But it's not my fault actually. I was here much earlier, but there has
been, er, an accident."

"Accident?" He looked a little taken aback.

I sighed. "I went to watch some volleyball game. But then - um, the ball knocked me down. So then I
passed out for a few seconds." I told him what happened.
He laughed. "Why it didn't surprise me?"
"Shut up," I said, faking hurt. "It hurts. But the guy who was supposed to guard the ball apologized to
me. And he seemed to regret it."

He asked me, still grinning. "What happened then?"

"I told him I was fine - and my head is actually strong like steel - and he doesn't have to worry about
me. Then I realized I was late - so I ran all the way here," I said, stretching my legs forward. "The end."

Riley nodded, and he'd stopped laughing at me. "Well, your head is really strong like steel. That's why
you're weird."

"I take that as a compliment. Being weird is cool."

He chuckled, shaking his head - and I found myself staring at him again when he laughed.

Riley then turned his eyes to me. "I wonder what you look like," he suddenly said, frowning in confusion.

I grinned, tapping my finger toes in the soft sand. "Well. To be truth, I look like Megan Fox," I joked,
laughing. There was no way in hell, I'd look like Megan Fox.

Riley snorted. "I don't believe that even for a second," he said, and he was probably rolling his eyes under
those sunglasses.

I laughed. "Okay, okay. I have green eyes which my dad said is big, and round. Then I have dark brown
hair, and it's quite long - and sometimes bushy. I've also got chubby cheeks which my brother always
said, it reminds him of dumplings," I paused, trying to think of something more about myself.

"Hmm, what else? Ha, I'm petite - I prefer that word more than short but still, I hate this. And for your
information, I'm only at your shoulder." I told him everything.

"Shorty." Riley mocked, smirking evilly.

I pushed his shoulder lightly. "I know, I know. Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. "I used to be really fat,
like really fat. But my brother said that I got thin - so I don't know if it's true or not,"

"What's your current weight?" Riley asked, interrupting me again. "Hundred sixteen pounds,"
"Oh. That's heavy."

"Riley!" I screamed, pushing him again. He gave a breath of laughter, and I had to laugh - I just had to.

He did laugh a lot today, and of course, his sentences were much longer than usual. I couldn't be happier
about it - I'd never thought he'd even care to listen to what I say.
And then I wondered why everyone hated him so much. Like the other day, when a stupid guy called him
a freak. What did he do till he deserve all this? I've only known him since yesterday - but I already felt
comfortable around him, and not forgetting he was funny.

I fixated my eyes to look at him. "So, what do you think I look like? Flawless? Gorgeous? Beautiful?" I
asked him excitedly.

He hummed for a moment, probably imagining how I look based on my descriptions. Then he said,
"Shrek. You look like the green, cartoon Shrek."

My jaw dropped, and my eyes widened. "Riley! How could you?" I exclaimed, faking hurt, but he was
already smirking. "I do not look like Shrek!" I stated seriously.

Riley laughed again; a hearty, cute laugh that I didn't think has been heard by anyone for ages. "From your
descriptions, yes. You do look like Shrek. I can't think of anything else." he said.

I rolled my eyes, shrugging. "Is there any hope I'd look like Megan Fox?" I asked while I was trying to hold
myself from laughing along with him.

His laugh was really infectious. "Zero."

"Meanie, jerk." I shrugged, letting out a grunt. It was a few seconds before I asked, "What's your eye
"Why'd you want to know?"
"Nothing. I'm curious, and I told you what I look like. And then you told me I look like Shrek. I think it's
fair enough if you tell me your eye color,"

"I'm not telling you. I think, it's the only thing you don't know about me. You're such a stalker." Riley
mimicked, stroking Goggle's body.

I shrugged. "Whatever. Not that I care anyway," I said, lying to him. I'd been trying to figure out his eye
color since the day I met him, and it kept bugging me.

Well, everything about Riley Flynn was bugging me, even. Then we both didn't say anything. Except it
wasn't an awkward kind of silence, one where I wondered if I should make conversations or wondered what I
could say to him.

It was the nice kind of silence - the one where you just enjoy the company.

"It's getting dark," I said, breathing out, looking around the beach. There was only a couple of people left,
mostly surfers who were packing up their things.

"It's always dark," Riley muttered, and his eyes were looking directly to the ocean. "And will always be."

"There's always hope, you know," I said, looking at him. "Even when it seems impossible."

He didn't add anything else, and we just sat there, enjoying the sunset, and the sound of waves crashing
on the rocks - and just for a split moment, I wasn't thinking about everything that had happened in my life.

There was no English the next day - so yeah. And to be honest, school was a little boring without that
class. It's not that I missed Riley, and his smile and ...
Oh, shut up brain !

It's just - I missed Ms. Gail's class. She was a good teacher, and English was actually one of my favorite
Yup - that was why it was boring that day.

"Seriously? You actually went to the beach with him? With Riley Flynn?" Reese asked, squealing as I
told her everything when we're on our way towards my locker after lunch.

I nodded, grinning. "Yup. But that's the good news. Are you ready to hear the bad news?" I said, opening
my locker with my eyes looking at her.

"A volleyball knocked me down yesterday," I said, sighing. I placed my Math's textbook into the locker. "I
went to watch some volleyball game, and then a volleyball that came out of nowhere hit my forehead."

I nodded, laughing. "Tell me about it. Luckily, there's this guy who helped me." I said, mentioning the
cute-light-brown-haired-guy that I met the other day.

Reese then got excited. "Really? Is he hot?"

I laughed sheepishly - yeah, that guy was hot and all. "I don't know. Well, maybe. He's a good volleyball
player." I answered, taking out a Chemistry textbook out of my locker into my backpack.
"Oh. He sounds hot."

"I know." I said, and we both laughed. I closed my locker, and slipped my backpack into one shoulder.
Then I wondered for a second - where Riley was. I haven't seen him on that day, and it was really odd

I caught myself looking around - but there was still no sign of him. Maybe he didn't come to school, sick or
something. But he looked okay yesterday, so it was pretty impossible that he got sick.

I know, I know - I shouldn't have cared like this.

"Ellie? What are you looking for?" Reese asked, waving a hand in front of my face. She then looked around
- putting on a confused look.

I let out an awkward chuckle, clearing my throat. "Oh. It's nothing. Ha-ha. I was just, er, looking around
the building. Trying to get used to it." I explained, hoping she wouldn't ask

more about it. She nodded - and she got back to her excited mood once again. "So, tell me about this cute
volleyball player. What's his name?" Reese asked, cocking her eyebrows playfully at me.

"Um, I don't know. I never asked. After he helped me, I sort of ran away from there," I said, shrugging as I
recalled the jogging session towards Riley. "But I guess, he's studying in this school. Some of his friends
look familiar."

Reese sighed, probably disappointed that I couldn't provide her more info on the cute volleyball player.
"Well. Maybe," she agreed, pausing for a few seconds. "Hey, maybe if you meet him again he'll know you!"

I shrugged. "I doubt it. I think he's this kind of popular guy who doesn't talk to anyone other than his
friends." I stated.

"Really?" said a guy's voice that's deep, friendly, and most definitely not Riley's.

We both turned around - and a very familiar guy was standing behind us with his arms crossed on his
chest. His blue piercing eyes were looking right at me.

My jaw dropped, and I turned my eyes to Reese - only to find she was looking at me too. I flicked my
eyes back to the guy. "Um, hi. I didn't see you there." I said, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah. You were so busy talking about me - and uh, our little accident," He said, forcing a smile. "Sorry."
he finally added.

I held up both my hands. "I'm not angry or anything, really. I know you have no intention of hurting me," I
said truthfully, laughing a little.

He nodded. "Yeah, but still.." he trailed off before he stretched out his hand. "I'm Aiden," the cute-light-
brown-haired-guy finally revealed his name.

I took his hand, shaking it awkwardly. "Hi, er, I'm Ellie," I told him, and turned my eyes to Reese. "And
this is my friend, Reese."

Aiden shook hands with Reese - who seemed to be very surprised since he showed up behind us. Maybe she
knew who he was.

"So... How's your head?" Aiden asked, rubbing his forehead. I laughed. "Nah, it's okay. I told you it's strong
like steel." Reese shot me an obnoxious look - yeah, I know, I know.
Aiden surprisingly laughed. "You kept saying that since yesterday, you know. I'm starting to believe it." he
I just laughed, not knowing of what to say. It was the first time a guy had ever spoken to me - or technically,
intending to have a conversation with me.

No, no, Riley doesn't count. I was the one who always started our conversation. He's just so - ah, forget it.

The bell rang, much to my relief actually. It was so terribly awkward that someone as hot as Aiden tried to
talk to me. Plus, I didn't want him to ask where I was from.

I didn't want to talk about Lenoir. Ever.

"What class do you have after this?" Aiden asked casually, giving me one of the smiles that could melt
every girls' heart in this world.

"Um, History." I answered, smiling like an idiot.

Aiden's eyes lit up. "Really? Well, me too," he said in a surprised tone. "What a coincidence." Great. Just
Reese turned her eyes to Aiden before it turned to me. "Well. I have Physics," she spoke, giving me a
this-is-your-chance look.

I shot her don't-you-dare-leave-me-alone look - and we both was sort of exchanging glares for a few
"I'll see you after class, Elle. Bye!" Reese said excitedly, waving a hand at me. "It's nice knowing you."
she said to Aiden.

Aiden smiled, nodding. "You too." he said while I was trying my best to grip Reese's arm, stopping her
from leaving me.

Unfortunately, she managed to overcome my strength, and then she was gone from there - walking
backwards, smiling at me all the time.
I. Couldn't. Believe. This.

I turned my eyes back to Aiden as Reese disappeared from my sight. He was still smiling - which made
me feel so awkward.

"We should really get to class," I said, breaking the silence, forcing a smile. The hallway was almost empty,
making things worse for me.

"Yeah sure," Aiden agreed, sweeping his hand to let me walk first. I smiled sheepishly, and we started to
walk to our class.

In cliche' stories - the heroine would usually feel very happy, and nervous that she got to walk with
probably one of the hottest guys in school. And then they'd feel attracted to that guy, and then bla bla bla.

But seriously - this has been just seriously wrong for me.
"So, I've never seen you around before," he started, flicking both his mesmerizing blue eyes to me.

"Uh, yeah. I just transferred here two days ago." I answered, my hands were holding the straps of my
backpack so tightly - because he was dangerously close to me.
"Oh. Cool."

He chuckled. "I've been looking for you around the school, you know. I knew you must be studying here
because you came to the beach yesterday,"

I tilted my head to look at him. "Really? Why?" I asked, frowning in confusion. Why in the world was he
looking for me?

His eyes were everywhere but on me. "Er, I just wanna say sorry for yesterday." Aiden replied, running
a hand through his hair.

I sighed, smiling. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?" I joked, shaking my head. "My
head is-"

He cut me off, "Strong like steel? Yeah. I got it."

I laughed - yeah it was pretty stupid. Damn. I should've figured something smarter than that.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks. "And it's not every day, I always got lucky to have met someone pretty
like you." Aiden stated, looking at me so tenderly that it actually me feel so - special.
What - what did he say?

I stared at him with wide eyes - putting on a very obnoxious look as I was so confused. Stupidly, I
started to look around for the girl who he just called pretty - and I found out no one was around us.

Oh, and then I realized I was the one who he called pretty.

And this was one occasion when I just couldn't hold back a blush.

"Me?" I asked, squealing. Aiden nodded, and he was still wearing that insanely cute smile. "Pretty?
He laughed. "Really, really."

The blush rose in my cheeks again, and I couldn't stop it. For a moment, I wondered how I looked at this
point - maybe like a beet-root, I guessed. Or maybe worse.

I laughed sheepishly, trying to ease the tension inside me. "Yeah right," I blurted, shaking my head. "And it's
not every day, you met someone whose head's strong like steel!"

I knew it was not the kind of thing, I should say - even as I was saying it, but by then it was too late.

I wanted to slap myself in the face - then turn to dust.

He laughed, though, like I just made a good joke. "Yeah. That one too," Aiden chortled, winking at me.

My cheeks turned warm, and pink again - and I gulped at how dangerously close he was to me. My heart
raced at the thrill of having someone like him interested in me.

Aiden. I bet he was like, the quarterback or something. He just emitted that kind of social standing - the
confidence, the winning smile, the way he carried himself. It all screamed Mr. Popular, and Mr. Player.

It made me wonder why he was walking with me, talking to me.

I sighed in relief as I saw the History class - and truthfully, I've never been this excited to learn History.
When I was about to put my hand on the door knob which looked nicer than ever - Aiden stopped me.

"Wait," he said, standing in front of me - blocking my way into the class. "I need to ask you something."

I waited.

"Can I see you again?"

Do you like the chapter? Well, it's my favorite actually. I love writing Ellie-Riley's beach moment :D
And then we have Mr.Hottie Aiden :))

And yes, English is my 2nd language. That's why my grammar is .... Atrocious? lol. Point out my mistakes
as much as you want! But don't just say 'You have grammar error' because I don't even know where I was
wrong!! :P
"Can I see you again?"

I blinked my eyes, staring at him as he spoke. This was another occasion that I couldn't help but to blush.
This cute guy wanted to see me again - me!

"Oh, yeah. Sure," I replied, internally congratulating myself that I didn't stutter or make myself look

"Cool," Aiden said, shooting me another flashing smile. I wondered, how blessed he was to have a face
like that - it wasn't supposed to be legal, really.

And then he opened the door for me, and we both got into the classroom together. A few people were
already staring as I walked towards an empty seat - and I guessed, it was because of Aiden.

I bet they were like 'Who's that girl with Aiden?' and this actually made me feel so awkward as I'd always
hated, to be the center of attention. I was totally invisible to everyone in Lenoir
and there's no way in hell a cute guy like Aiden would've wanted to talk to me.

And when I moved here - I instantly became somebody who everyone were gossiping about, and the first
week of school wasn't even over yet. Everyone probably knew my name already
and my class, and everything.

But to be honest, I'd rather have people gossiping about me because I helped the boy who lost his sight than
someone who just got the attention of probably the cutest boy alive.

Because helping the boy who lost his sight was the right thing to do, and it meant something to me.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun, and took out my History text book out of my bag. Luckily, the only two
seats left in the classroom was far away from each other - one at the front, and the other is situated at the
back of the room.

I chose the seat at the back of the class, of course - that way, I wouldn't have people staring at me all the
"Class, please open page twenty-one of your text book, and start your reading. I will ask questions
based on the title in about twenty-minutes." Mr. Jameson, my history teacher instructed.

This man was in his thirties, I guessed. His hair was thinning, and some of them were in white. He's
short, and paunchy - I couldn't remove my eyes from staring at his round, big stomach. Anyhow, never
judge a book by its cover, eh?

I flicked my eyes to Aiden who was sitting on the seat in front of the class - and I caught him looking over
at me.
I blushed immediately. Was he staring at me? If he was, that's pretty creepy, and not forgetting I looked like
a monster right now - with my messy hair bun, and everything.

Well - maybe it wasn't exactly the smartest idea to sit at the back of the class

I smiled awkwardly, and he smiled back. Yup - he was definitely checking me out. Great, Ellie. You
looked like a monster, and the cute guy was staring at you.

"Mr. Miller?" our paunchy history teacher asked, tapping his hand on Aiden's table. "Is there a problem?"
"No, sir." Aiden said immediately, craning his neck to look at the front. I looked down, hoping Mr.
Jameson wouldn't ask me the same question. I hoped he didn't see me smiling at Aiden.

And then my wish was granted - Mr. Jameson didn't say anything after that embarrassing moment, and I
didn't think he saw anything.

Thank you Mr. Jameson! May God bless you!

There was no more staring after Mr. Jameson caught Aiden in action - and I couldn't be more thankful about
it. Well, maybe Aiden did glance at me a few times, but I'd kept my eyes to look down at the book
whenever he did that.

His eyes - I don't know.

The bell rang, and I stormed my way out of the class. I had packed up all my things even before the bell
rang. I knew Aiden would've wanted to talk to me after class - but I didn't want to. There's something else
I must do.

I vaguely heard his voice, calling my name - but I simply ignored it, and made my way through the
hallway to find Reese. Fortunately, Aiden didn't chase me because when I turned my eyes to look behind
me - he wasn't there.
Yay. I guessed.
"Reese!" I practically shouted when I saw the blonde-haired traitor who left me behind with Aiden. She
turned in my direction, smiling, and skipped towards me happily.

"Oh my god, Ellie! I've been looking for you! So Aiden Miller is the cute volleyball player? Oh my, my!"
She exclaimed, her eyes widened like meatballs - and I wouldn't be surprised if it came out of its socket.

I knew this was coming.

I sighed. "Yes, yes. He's the guy I met yesterday," I gave her the answer. "I can't believe you bailed on me
just now." I frowned.

"Oh, sorry. I just thought you would've wanted that. It's Aiden Miller, you know." Reese said, rolling her
eyes - and we started to walk through the hallway.

"Who's this guy anyway?"

"Ellie! He's like - like the hottest guy that ever lived. Aiden's really popular, and so hot and..."

I stopped in my tracks. "Hold on. Reese, breath in. Relax." I said, taking a deep breath, and she followed

When Reese was finally relaxed, we continued our walk. "Okay. Now Aiden's like the star of the school.
He's the basketball team captain, and he's -"

I interrupted her, "Wait. The basketball team captain?"

She nodded. "Yup. He replaced Riley after.... Uh, you know. After Riley became blind." she explained, her
tone decreased as she spoke about Riley.

"Oh. I see." I simply said, and somehow, I felt bad for Riley. Aiden took his place - just because he's
blind. Riley lost everything, and Aiden got everything.

Was I angry about this?

"Um, so yeah. You're so lucky that you got...." Reese continued to speak, but I barely heard any of her
words after that. I was so - sad.

I couldn't stop imagining how Riley would've felt after he knew someone took over his place. Just because
he got into an accident, and lost his sight. Riley and Aiden used to be teammates, I guessed. And maybe they
used to be best friends.

Your own best friend took everything from you? Ouch.

".... and Aiden seemed to like you! And everyone is talking about you and Aiden," Reese's word swept
back into my ears before I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Ellie... Are you okay?" she asked in concern tone.

I shook my head, getting out of my deep thoughts. "Yeah - I was just, um, thinking." "You're not mad at me
for leaving you, are you?" Reese asked with a huge sense of contrite.
I shook my head enthusiastically. "I know you did that for me," I said, giving her an assuring smile.

She looked at me intently. "You don't like him?"

I laughed. "I don't know. He's hot - but a little creepy, I guess," I said, rolling my eyes. "Mr. Jameson
caught him stalking me."

"Aw, he really likes you. Maybe it's love at first sight!"

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe he just did that because he feels sorry. Geez, why would Aiden like someone like
me? I'm .... atrocious!"

"Ellie, you're not atrocious," Reese protested, frowning. "You're kind, and pretty."

I looped my arm through hers. "Well, if you say so," I said, and we both laughed. The stares were getting
worse - and I just kept my eyes to look down.

It took me a little while before I asked, "Did you see Riley today?"

Reese nodded. "I saw him walking in the hallway after Physics. But I don't know where he is right now,
though." she told me.
I smiled - at least I knew he was around the school that day. And he was not sick or whatsoever.
Knowing that he was safe and sound made me somewhat happy - how cheesy was that!

And yes - I missed him. But don't get me wrong, I missed him because he's a great friend, and funny. I had
fun when I was around him, and I love pissing him off.

Reese then bumped her shoulder to mine. "I guess, the fairy godmother heard your wish, Ellie," she
teased playfully, pointing her jaw to a direction. "Look who's heading this way."

I frowned in confusion, but flicked my eyes to the direction she was pointing at. My lips twitched into a
smile instantly as I saw Riley - walking with Ms. Gail about a few feet away from us.

"This is creepy, you know," Reese teased, looking at me with an amused expression. "What?"
"You would smile every time you see Riley," she said in a singsong, poking my ribs. "You're creeping me
out. Not Aiden."

I laughed sheepishly, but I didn't say anything. I knew she told the truth - I would smile every time I saw
Riley. Weird, but it was the truth.
Someone got an infectious smile.

"Wait for me here," I said to Reese, and I didn't even wait for her to give an answer - instead, I made my
way towards Riley.

"Hi, Riley!" I greeted him excitedly before I shot Ms.Gail a smile. I turned my eyes back to him. "I didn't
see you around today. I thought you were sick or something."

Riley let out a laugh - but it was a sarcastic, annoying one. His jaw tightened, and his face was tense.

"It's none of your business," he said through clenched teeth, and I was taken aback a little. I thought we
were good after yesterday - and he'd changed his attitude towards me.

Ms. Gail squeezed Riley's arm, and I heard her say, "Riley..."

"What? Doesn't she have something else to do other than messing around with my life?" he said, and his
words stabbed directly into my heart.

I must say, ouch.

Ms. Gail frowned at him before she turned her eyes to me. "I'm sorry, Ellie. I'll just leave you both to talk
for a while," she said, smiling apologetically.

Ms. Gail then left us together - to talk.
"Why are you angry at me?" I asked, raising my voice slightly. I was pissed because I didn't know where I
was wrong.

We talked, joked, and laughed together yesterday. Didn't it mean something to him? Hadn't he considered
me as his friend?

"Who said I'm angry at you? I'm happy for you, Ellie." Riley replied, in a very very annoying tone, stressing
on my name. "Go and talk to your new friend. I'm sure he's more perfect than I am. He can see you."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand -"

"Shut up, Ellie. I may be blind, but I'm not deaf or stupid," Riley snapped, cutting me off. "Just leave me
alone. And just - just pretend like we never knew each other."

I just stood there, totally speechless when he said that. 'Just pretend like we never knew each other'

What the hell?

"Riley," I started, but he was already walking away from there, leaving me behind. I was totally
speechless, and my heart somehow had stopped beating for a moment.

"Riley, wait," Ms. Gail called for him, but he didn't even wait for her. She fixated her eyes to look at me.
"I'm sorry, Ellie. He's - Riley's not in the best mood today."

I shook my head, smiling weakly. "It's okay, I understand. You should go and chase him..." I said, pausing
for a few seconds. "and take care of him."

Ms. Gail sighed, and then she was gone from there - trying her best to chase Riley.

I didn't even move an inch - I just couldn't. Why did he say that? Why did he ask me to pretend like we
never knew each other? I felt like I want to cry - but I knew I'd never do that.

After my parents died, I had promised to myself that I would never cry - because crying would never
bring back my parents, crying would never get me a popular life, and obviously
crying would never save my friendship with Riley Flynn.

I turned to leave from there, dragging my legs towards Reese, who was still waiting for me. It still hurt -
yes, especially because I didn't know why he was so angry at me. Like I did something really wrong in
his eyes.
"Hey, where's that Riley smile?" Reese asked, grinning at me, but I didn't smile back. She placed a hand
on my shoulder. "Elle, are you okay? What happened? What did Riley say?"
I looked down, sighing - trying my best to hold myself together. I took a deep breath. "Nah, nothing.
Riley's not in the mood," I lied to her, smiling assuringly. "Let's just get to class."

School finally ended for this week - yeay?

The weekend was something I had always looked forward to when I was at Lenoir - because it meant I
didn't have to meet all those people who hated me for two glorious days.

Two days but it meant the world to me.

But now - I kinda hated the weekend. Especially after I realized I lost a friend today, and it sucked that I
didn't know where I was wrong.

I'd been analyzing his words in my last class, trying to figure out what he really meant - but I didn't know. I
still didn't quite get it. I spent the whole two periods, but still, nothing came up.

And you know what, everything actually just got worse after the school ended. The moment I stepped
outside of the school building - it began to rain.

And I walked to school.

And I had to pick up my sister first - by walking.

"I can give you a ride if you want? I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind," Reese offered kindly. I really wanted
to take the offer - but I didn't know. I really hated to be a burden.

Which was why I said, "No, it's alright, Reese. I'll just wait until it stopped raining." I looked up as a flash
of lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a roll of thunder.

Crap. Double crap.

"Are you sure? It's raining heavily, Ellie," she offered again. "I don't think it'll stop anytime soon."

"Really, really. I'm sure about it," I said, waving a hand at her. "You just go on. I'll see you tomorrow."

She gave me a weak smile, hesitating to leave me. "Okay. See you." Reese said in a low tone before she ran
towards her mom's car. I watched her car, leaving the school, and I knew no one was going to help me at
this point.

I looked up to the sky again - praying hard that the rain would go away soon. It was not because I
wanted to go back home, but it was because I was worried about Sophie. She was probably waiting alone
in her school, and she'd always hated lightning.

I wondered how she was doing - God, please protect her.

I waited for more than half an hour, but it was still raining. The school was almost empty, and there were
only a few cars left - which I guessed, were the teachers'. My thoughts were only for Sophie. I couldn't
think about anything else but her.
Suddenly, a black convertible car pulled up beside me, and I jumped in shock. The window rolled down,
and Ms. Gail's smiling face emerged.
"Ellie? Why're you still here?" she asked, and her eyes were looking around me. "The school will be closed
in minutes, you know."

"Yeah. I know, but it's raining. Um, so I'm kinda stuck here," I muttered, flicking my eyes to the passenger
seat. Riley was there - frowning as he probably heard my voice.

Did he hate me that much?

"Get in the car. I'll send you home," Ms. Gail instructed, raising her voice slightly as another lightning

I waved my hands dismissively. "No, it's okay. I gotta pick my sister up at her school," I told her, half-

Ms. Gail sighed. "Ellie, just get in the car. We'll pick your sister up. It's raining heavily, and it's getting
dark." she said, exasperated.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, debating with myself. It's not that I didn't want her help - but her nephew
hated me. Maybe Riley would hate me even more if I accept her offer.
I smiled. "No, really. It's -"
"Just get in the car, Ellie. Don't be so stubborn," Riley's voice echoed, making me jump a little. "Gail
said it's getting dark. There are ghosts in this school, and then your sister. Think about her."

I couldn't help but to smile on this - he just offered to help me. Riley Flynn wanted to help me. And he was
right, I must think of Sophie. She was alone over there, and I didn't think Aaron could help us at this point.
He told me he's got to work in the evening.

"Okay," I agreed, and got into the car's passenger seat. I buckled up my seat belt before I uttered,
"Thanks, Ms. Gail, Riley."

"Nah, it's fine. So your sister's schooling at Maximilian?" she asked, glancing at me through the rear-

I nodded.
"Okay," Ms. Gail answered, and the car started to move. I glanced at Riley, and noticed he was still
frowning, but it wasn't that scary though. I still couldn't believe he just insisted to help me.

I looked out of the window, watching the soft patter of raindrops - and maybe that day wasn't as bad as I
thought. It was just a blessing in disguised.

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth - without rain, there would be no life.

** 8th
The rain was still pouring down heavily when we reached Sophie's school. I wiped the window using
my hand, trying to locate where my sister was - and my heart stopped beating as I didn't see her standing at
the usual place.

Where was she?

I couldn't even breath or speak - and couldn't believe this was happening. Sophie couldn't be missing. I'd
never forgive myself if anything bad ever happened to her - she's my only sister, my only.

"Sophie isn't there," I croaked, putting my hand on my chest as my eyes did its job to search for my sister.
"Where's she? God...."

Ms. Gail craned her neck to look at me. "I'm sure she's waiting for you inside the school, Ellie. Don't
panic, I'm sure she's fine." she said, trying to calm me down.

"I'm going to find her," I told her, and my hand was already trying to open the door before I heard Riley

"I'm coming with you."

I shook my head. "No, Riley. You stay here. I'll be fine," I said, rejecting his kind offer.

"I know I'm blind, but I can still hear, you know," Riley mumbled, sounding a little annoyed. I opened my
mouth, intending to stop him but he interjected, "I'm still going with you."

I sighed, debating with myself whether or not should I bring him along. The rain was showing no sign
of stopping - and my sister was alone, nowhere to be found.

I made a decision. "Okay, let's go." I agreed, and made myself ready to get wet. "Do you have an umbrella?"
I asked Ms. Gail.

"Yes, it's in the hood," she prompted, nodding her head. "Let me go with you. I can be a help too."

"No. You stay and watch everything from inside the car. If you see her sister, just give me a call," Riley
said firmly, and I've never seen him like this before. He looked so - determined to help me find my sister.

Like it was his sister who's missing.

"Riley's right," I agreed, and Ms. Gail sighed. "Let me just take the umbrella, and then we'll go and find
my sister." I went out of the car, and my whole body drenched the moment I stepped outside - but
seriously, I didn't care.
All I wanted at this point was to find Sophie. Nothing else did matter to me.

After I've got the umbrella, I rushed to the front door, and opened the door for Riley. "Here, let me hold
this," Riley said, taking the umbrella out of my hand.

"But -"
"Ellie, now isn't the right time to fight, and be a pain in the ass. Let's just find your sister," Riley shut me
up, and he grabbed my arm, dragging me away from there.

Another thunder flashed, and still, the sky wasn't showing any sign of stopping the rain. It has made it even
harder to search for my sister. I prayed, and prayed that nothing would've happened to her.

"Sophie! Where're you?" I shouted, trying my best to find Sophie - but no one replied. We searched
everywhere - the parking lot, the main door, the garden, and even inside the school building, but there was
still no sign of Sophie.

"Sophie!" I screamed again, obviously exasperated, and I felt like my world turned upside down. I
couldn't imagine if I couldn't see my little sister again.

Sophie Burke's probably the most annoying sister - but I love her more than anything, and I'd do anything
for her happiness. She's the only family I've gotten other than Aaron. The girl who was always there for
"Ellie, we'll find her," Riley whispered softly, wrapping his other arm around me. I ran my hands through
my drenched hair, holding myself together. If it wasn't because of his arm around me, I would've fallen
onto the ground.
I couldn't lose her. Sophie must be around here somewhere. She couldn't have gone missing. I needed her.

"Where's she?" I muttered, almost inaudible as my breathing rate increased. Riley pulled me closer to his
chest, and I knew he was trying his best to make me feel better.
I screamed again, using everything I had inside me, "Sophie!"

But the result was still disappointing as no one replied. I didn't know what I could do - I felt terribly guilty,
and useless. What would Aaron say if he knew about this?
I was such a freaking bad sister.

"Ellie, did you hear that?" Riley suddenly said, exclaiming, squeezing my arm. I looked up to him, and
frowned in confusion.

What was he talking about?

I opened my mouth to say something - but he was already dragging me away from there. "This way," he
muttered, leading the way.
"Riley, where are we going?" I asked, sniffing my nose. I looked around us but there was still no sign of
Sophie. "Riley..."

"Ellie, call for your sister again," "What?"

"Just do what I said!"
"Sophie!" I called her name again, like he asked me to do. I waited but there was still no sign of the girl. I
almost gave up before something miracle happened.

"Ellie!" I heard Sophie's voice, coming from somewhere. "Ellie, is that you?" the voice echoed again.
A huge smile crossed my face instantly - she was here, Sophie's here! She's not missing. My little sister was
still here.

"Sophie, where are you? I'll come to you!" I shouted again, and cleared my throat. It was hurting
because of all the shouting. "Sophie?"
"I'm here!"

"Where?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to get a better view. The rain didn't help at all.

"She's over there," Riley said in a confident tone, pointing his finger. I flicked my eyes to him, and maybe it
was true - blind people do have great hearing ability. I pulled his arm, and walked towards the direction
he was pointing at.

"Sophie? I'm coming for you," I called, looking around to find her. "Where are you?"

"In here!" I heard her voice again, and a sound of people knocking hard on a glass windowpane. I looked
around for the source of the sound, and finally, I saw Sophie, standing in a pay phone booth - knocking hard
on its glass.
Have you ever had the feeling of losing something so valuable, but eventually you found it again? Well,
that's how exactly I was feeling at this time. Nothing could compare how happy I was to see her again - I
thought I had lost her.

"Sophie!" I exclaimed, and ran towards her, ignoring that I'd probably get a bad fever because of the rain. I
opened the door hastily, and pulled her into a big hug immediately. "I thought I lost you. God, Sophie, you
scared me to death."

She cried. "I'm sorry, Ellie. I waited for you but you never showed up. I came here to call Aaron because
I thought you're busy or something. But then the pay phone is broken so I'm stuck in here," she explained,
sighing. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry about me."

I squeezed her tightly. "It's okay. It's my fault - I should've come here earlier. I'm sorry, Sophie." I
muttered, and let go of her. "I promise I'll be a better sister. I'm not going to be late again," I made a vow,
cupping her face.

"You're already the best sister in the world, Ellie," Sophie smiled weakly, and I pulled her into another
hug. By the time, I realized Riley was standing behind me, but he didn't say anything.

I got up to my feet, and turned myself to face Riley. "Thank you, Riley. I don't know what would happen
if you didn't help me," I said, remembering the fact he's the one who found Sophie - not me.

He smiled, "It's nothing. Now let's get back to the car. Gail must be so worried about us." Riley said, and
I nodded.

I looked down to Sophie. "Let's go, Soph." I told her, wrapping an arm around her, - and noticed she
was looking at Riley before her eyes flicked back to me. I knew she was about to ask me who he was, but I
mouthed, "Later."

Sophie nodded, and then the three of us walked back to Ms. Gail's car. My body already felt weak, and I
realized I'd gotten a fever. Great - it's the weekend and I was sick.

I opened the car door for Sophie, and she got into the car. When I was about to close the door again, Riley
stopped me.

"You go in first. I'll get this umbrella," he said, putting his hand on the door to let me in. "But - "
"You're already drenched, and I know you have a fever," Riley drawled, wearing a serious look. "Don't
make me push you into the car."

I hesitated, but he looked so serious about shoving me into the car. When he did realize I was hesitating - he
did push me into the car, and closed the door immediately. My eyes were staring at him as he placed the
umbrella back into the hood before he went back to the front seat.

"Everyone okay?" Ms. Gail asked in a concern tone, and we nodded. "I'm so worried, you know. I almost
called the police."

"Thanks, Ms. Gail. I don't know what to do if you didn't help me," I said gratefully, wrapping my arm
around Sophie, kissing the top of her head.

"It's okay, Ellie. I'm happy to help you," she smiled, craning her neck to look at me. "Oh, Ellie, you look
terrible. Why don't you stop by our house first? To warm yourself up."

I shook my head. "No, it's fine," I said, rejecting her offer. She helped me a lot, and I didn't think I could
ever repay her kindness. If it wasn't because of her and Riley, I would've still stuck at school in this rainy

"And I'm fine -" Sneeze. "- not sick."

"Ha-ha. Not sick, huh?" Riley gave a breath of sarcastic laughter. "You're coming with us. Gail, ignore

"Please, Ellie..." Ms. Gail beseeched, looking at me. "Just for a while. I'll send you home after that."

I sighed, hesitating. "Do you mind?" I asked Sophie, setting my eyes on her. "No. I think it's fine."
"Great!" Ms. Gail said excitedly, and her car started to move, leaving the school. I stole a peep at Riley
from the rear-mirror, and noticed he wasn't scowling anymore.

It's weird actually - he was really mad at me back at school, but then he insisted on taxing me, and helped
me to find Sophie. His mood was really unpredictable, and a little annoying actually.

Needless to say, I'm happy he wasn't mad at me anymore. I think.

Well, I didn't know if he'd reconsider me as his friend again or not. He helped me - and friends help
each other, right? So, me and Riley were friends?

Ah, this was so complicated.

Ms. Gail finally pulled up to a house, that was less than a five-minute drive away. The house was large,
with a massive oak tree shading the driveway, and it has a huge wrought-iron gate.

I guessed, Riley's family were pretty rich - no actually, they're rich, like really rich. I felt my jaw drop at
the size of his house. I got out of the car slowly, and Sophie hopped out after

"Come on, Ellie, Sophie. I'll get you both something warm," Ms. Gail offered kindly, gesturing her hand to
invite me into her house.

I smiled, putting my arm around Sophie, and got into the house. "Your house is beautiful," I praised,
looking up at the high-arched ceilings. Paintirngs lined the walls, and I couldn't help but to stop and marvel
at them.

"Ah, this is not my house. It's Riley's parents. I'm his mother's sister," she explained, waving her hand
dismissively. "I'm not that fortunate to own all this,"

"Gail, stop saying that. This is your home too," Riley stated, rolling his eyes. He walked towards a
spiraling staircase, "I'm going upstairs to change,"

Ms. Gail led us towards the kitchen, and she prepared some hot chocolates. It'd been so long since I had
experienced this feeling - having a woman taking care of me and my sister. It somehow made me miss
Mom, and Ms. Gail did remind me of her.

The kitchen was luxurious - huge cabinets that were specially painted and glazed in gold attached to the
walls. There's a square white-colored table placed in the middle, and then a French Door refrigerator,
which was even taller than me was placed on the right.

A beautiful, medium-sized chandelier decorated the high ceiling - giving the room a nice lighting, and

It was so ..... Incredible.

Ms. Gail left the kitchen room, before she came back again, two minutes later, with two clean towels.
Commenté [R5]: Sécher vous
"There. Dry yourself up. Do you guys need anything else?" She asked kindly, passing the towels to us.

"No, this is already enough. Thank you so much," I said, drying my hair using the towel. I looked around
for a while, before I asked, "Where's his parents?"

"Hmm? Oh, Riley's parents are away for work. They'll only be back on Monday," she informed,
sipping her own hot chocolate. "Make yourself comfortable. And can I borrow your sister for a while,

I blinked. "Borrow Sophie?"

She nodded, placing her cup onto the kitchen table. "Yeah, I want to show her something," she said,
Commenté [R6]: Bien aimé
flicking her eyes to Sophie. "Come on, sweetheart,"

Sophie turned her eyes to me, probably asking for my permission. "Go on, I'll be fine." I grinned,
nodding my head. Ms. Gail stretched her hand to Sophie, wearing a big smile on her face.

I wondered what Ms. Gail wanted to show her as I watched them leaving the kitchen. It was a little awkward
- sitting inside this wonderful, perfect house alone. Plus, I wished someone could turn up the radiator as
my body was freezing.

I swear, I'd turn into an ice if I stayed this way. My feet, and hands were already trembling because of the
coldness inside this house. Well, maybe I was the only one who was freezing. Sophie and Ms. Gail looked

"Hey," I heard Riley's voice from behind me as he made his way into the kitchen. "Where's everyone?" he
asked, walking towards the refrigerator.
I spaced out for a moment before blinking my eyes. "Um, I don't know. Ms. Gail took Sophie with her. She
said she wanted to show her something," I told him, feeling a little odd as he knows no one is around -
except me.

Riley nodded opening the refrigerator. It took him several minutes to take out a bottle of J20 out of it. "You
want anything?" he asked, poking his head to look at me.

"No, thanks. I'm good."

He walked over towards me, without even hitting anything on his way. He held up his bottle at me, "What
flavor is this?" he asked.

"Um, orange."

"Ah, okay. Thanks," Riley shrugged, opening the bottle for himself. We sat silently at the
Commenté [R7]:kitchen
????????? table,
and I didn't know what I should say. I didn't want him to get mad at me if he still hadn't reconsidering me
as his friend.

But he looked okay.

"Riley, why didn't you hit anything on your way here? I mean - no offense. It was just weird. And then you
know no one is here except me." I asked, my voice cracking and raspy because I was trying not to cough.

He shrugged. "I live here since I was born, and nothing has changed since then. Mom and Dad didn't
want to change anything. I knew you are the only one here because I heard no other voices other than
your loud sneeze."

I nodded, sniffing my nose as I said, "Right." Commenté [R8]: renifflement

It took him a few moments before he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I said hastily, nodding my head, but stopped because it made me feel dizzy. "Are
Commenté [R9]:you?"

He smiled. "I have strong antibodies." Commenté [R10]: anticorps

I laughed, but I had to turn away, coughing hard. "Yeah right."

"Do you wanna, um, sit in the living room? I can turn on the radiator for you," he asked, and his smile
faltered. There's a sense of kindness in his words - and it made me feel comfortable, and .... happy.
"That'd be great. Thanks," I said, pausing. "For everything."

"Stop saying thank you. I'm tired of saying 'You're welcome'," he said in a cute falsetto tone that made me
chuckle a little.

He led me towards the living room which has two red comfortable-looking sofas, placed next to each other -
and a burgundy coffee table in the middle.

I made myself comfortable on one of the sofas, and he's right - it was warmer in here as he'd probably
turned on the radiator. I felt a little better, and began to relax myself.

"Feeling better?" he asked, taking a seat on the other sofa next to mine.

I nodded, beaming on him. "Why're you still wearing your shades?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Ha-ha. Nice try. But I still won't show you my eyes," he said sarcastically. I frowned, wondering why
he still refuses to show me his eyes.

"Come on. Don't make me take it off myself. You know how I'd do that, right?" ICommenté
started [R11]:
to laugh,
??????? but it
turned into a coughing fit again. Damn - I hated to be sick like this.

He was probably rolling his eyes as he said, "Whatever. Try me. And stop laughing! You're sick."

I grinned wickedly, moving my butt to sit beside him instead. "I'm sitting next to you now, fyi,"

He cringed away. "Go away. You'll be passing on your gems to me," he frowned, moving away from me.

I went closer to him. "Ho-ho, no way. You challenged me, Riley Flynn. I'm going to take your shades off
Commenté [R12]: ???? Ombre
your face." I teased, holding myself not to cough.

I didn't really want to pass my bacteria to him.

I saw his lips twitch into a tiny smile. "Stop-" faking cough "- you're going to make me sick,"

I gave out another laugh, and this time, it turned into a sneeze - luckily, I managed to turn
Commenté away.
[R13]: ????? "Be

ready as I'll see your eyes, Riley Flynn. Behold the power of Ellie Burke," I said, faking a British tone.

to Igrab
Riley covered his face using his hands as his shades. "No way. I won't let you
tried My hands w
he whined, and I laughed.
when I turn
see it. Go away, you little weird, strange girl," the left, as
violent sne
I grabbed his hands off his face, pulling it away from there - but he's holding it tightly.
Riley sudd
"Just. Let. It. Go." I said, trying my best to pull his hands away, but he's too strong. I could hear a sound his hands t
of laughter coming from him. holding mi
muttered a
examined my hands. "I didn't know you're this sick." Comment
9th s’emparer
Dedicated to the creator of the cover on the side --> Gémissait



"I didn't know you're this sick."

Riley fixated his eyes to look at me, putting on a serious expression - like he was really shock on how cold
my hands were at this point. I just stood there silently, and let him hold my hands for a while, and I just
had to admit this,

I love holding his hands. It's warm, comfortable...

I know, I know - hopeless romantic.

"I'm fine, Riley. Don't worry about me. Gee, I didn't know you cared about me this much," I said jokingly,
pulling my hands out of his. If only it's true - that he cared about me that much.

Riley grimaced. "Ha-ha."

I laughed again, and like always, it failed miserably. I let out another loud cough again, turning my
head away from him. My throat was dry, and I wished I could be on my bed right now.

I hoped Ms. Gail and Sophie would show up soon because I really wanted to go home - fast. It was bad
enough I looked like a freaking monster, with this clown nose and all. And I got to say this, I was thankful
Riley couldn't see me like this.

Riley cringed away, but he was still wearing one of the sympathetic looks on his face. And surprisingly
Commenté [R16]: ????????
then, he took off his hoodie. "Wear this," he said, passing me his brown hoodie.

I shook my head. "No, thanks."

He frowned. "I really don't get you sometimes, you know." "What?"
He sighed, shaking his head. "Just take it, Ellie," he said, stressing on my name, and he handed over his

I beamed at his hoodie, and realized how much I actually wanted it. I knew I'd turn into a huge ice cube
if I didn't wear something else to cover my body. Slowly, I took it from his hand.
"Thanks." I muttered.

Riley nodded as I slipped into his hoodie. It was a little big for me, considering how tall, and broad-
shouldered he was. A strong scent of something between citrusy, and woodsy swept Commenté
Whatever it was, it was a really great smell.

"Can I ask you something?" "What?"

I hesitated for a second, biting my lower lips. "Just now, when Sophie was missing you looked - um,
no, actually, I just want to ask you why did you help me?" I asked, stuttering.

He shrugged, snorting. "I'm not that mean, you know."

I chuckled. "I didn't mean it that way, Riley. I mean, you looked so ... determined to help me find my sister.
It was almost like Sophie's your sister," I explained, and he frowned immediately.

Did I say something wrong?

Riley didn't say anything. But I could see a muscle jumping in his jaw, and there was a line creasing his
forehead. Like I just said something really insensitive, and it made him angry.

"I didn't mean to - Riley, I was just asking. You don't have to answer that question, really."

He took a long breath. "I had a sister," Riley mumbled, bringing his hands together, with his eyes looking
down to the floor. "But she died."

I was stunned, and blinked my eyes as I didn't know what should I say. No wonder he looked so determined
to help me - he must have known how did it feel to lose a family member.

"I'm - I'm sorry."

He sighed, raising his head to look in front. "I knew how hard it was to lose a sister. I don't want you to
feel the same thing. That's why I helped you, Elle. I knew you wouldn't forgive yourself if you lost her."
Riley explained, and his voice strained.

I couldn't imagine, what Riley had been through in his life - he lost his sight, and he lost his sister.

I went closer to him, ignoring that I was still sick. "Can I ask you what happened?" I tried, looking at him
intently. "You don't have to answer, if you're not okay with it."

I could see he was hesitating, and I thought he wouldn't tell me before he finally spoke, "I killed her."

My eyes widened, and my heart stopped beating. "Riley, don't say that. What happened?" I asked
hurriedly, and I didn't know why - but it was painful to hear something like that coming out of his

He rubbed his face, obviously trying to hold himself together. "She's with me during the accident, and
she died on that day. I was driving the car, and if only I didn't...." Riley trailed off.
Commenté [R18]: ?????? suivait

I assumed her sister died during the accident - the accident that caused him to be blind. No wonder he said
he killed her. Riley obviously lost everything on that day, and I wondered for a moment [R19]:
how did this boy
Pas étonnant

cope with everything.

When my parents died - I thought I lost everything. I didn't know what to do, and what could I do. I cried
all night, hoping God would return them back to me. I swore I'd do anything as long as He gave my parents
back to me.

But I finally realized things like that would never happen - things like happily ever after never exist.

I wrapped my arm around him, giving him a side-hug. "It's not your fault," I whispered, tears
Commenté [R20]:running
????? DICO down
my cheeks. This whole thing made me remind of my parents, somehow.

He flicked his eyes to look down at me. "Why're you crying?" he asked slowly as he probably heard that I
was crying while hugging him.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm just always emotional like this," I said, faking a laugh. I wasn't ready to
tell him everything - I was still afraid of the fact my parents died. I looked up to him, smiling. "What's her

His lips curved into that warm smile something I had been missing this whole day. "Lucy." Riley told me.

I smiled. "That's a beautiful name."

"Yeah, she's beautiful too.." Riley trailed off before he continued, "Lucy was just nine when the accident
happened." His smile disappeared instantly from his face.

"She's lucky to have a brother like you, Riley."

He snorted, clenching his fists. "Lucky? I killed her, Ellie. I killed my own sister. She's - she's just nine!
She's so young..."

I cut him off, "But she had a brother who loves her so much. Lucy is happy up there, and I'm sure she wants
you to be happy."

Riley shook his head. "I won't forgive myself. I killed her," he stated painfully. "If only I was careful that
night. If only I didn't bring her along with me she'd still alive. She'd still be here."
"You shouldn't
blame yourself for what happened. It's fate

bring Lucy back alive, Riley." I murmured, but I didn't think he was even listening to what I say. He Comment
looked terribly guilty to himself. le destin

I looped my arm through his. "You're a great person, Riley, really. I've never met anyone like you
before," I said honestly, resting my head on his shoulder. I breathed in his citrusy scent, and it made me
feel so safe, and happy.

I did expect him to push me away, considering how sick I was. But to my surprise, he didn't, and he just
sat there, silently. I looked down to our arms as I enjoyed the warmth I was getting from him. Riley
seemed warmer than his hoodie covering me.

And I could feel my heart thudding, increasing per moment.

"I have another question," I said, covering my mouth as I yawned. Commenté [R23]: bâllait

He's probably rolling his eyes as he said, "You never stopped asking questions, Ellie. It's one of your weird,
ridiculous habits." Commenté [R24]: habitude, coutume

"One of my wonderful habits, actually." Silence.

I chuckled. "So, want to tell me the reason why you got mad at me for no reason?" I blurted. "No."
I cringed away from him, annoyed. "Why?" Comment
Riley shrugged. "I don't want to talk about it. Just forget everything I said," he said, and I felt a tingle of
happiness. "It's not important."

I grinned, "That means, we're friends again?" Another silence.

"Riley?" I insisted.

"Fine, fine. We're friends again. As long as you stop being so..." I interrupted, "Weird?"

He scoffed. "And annoying." Commenté [R27]: moquer

"Ah, I don't think I can stop doing that," I said, laughing. "It's like - asking you to be nice, and stopping you
from being hot."

He cocked an eyebrow, turning his head to look at me. "Hot? Did you just say I'm hot?" Riley prompted.

I blushed instantly, and I didn't how to reply to his question. Why did I say that? Gosh, I could be really
stupid sometimes.

"I was just saying that, really! I didn't, um, mean anything," I exclaimed, waving my hands enthusiastically.
I shut my eyes, hitting my forehead.
Riley cleared his throat, and turned his eyes away from me. "Oh, okay." he blurted awkwardly.


I still couldn't believe, I just said that. Yes - it was true. Riley Flynn was the hottest guy that I've ever met.
With that toned, and good physique, and the fact he's got chiseled face, no doubt he was incredibly hot.
Commenté [R28]: ???? ON
Even with his shades on, I could say he was perfect.

But that didn't mean he should know about this! Stupid me!
There's an awkward silence between us, and Riley had kept his eyes to look everywhere, but at me. I
wondered where Sophie and Ms. Gail was, and I hoped they'd show up soon enough. This awkwardness
were killing me from inside.

"Do you know where Ms. Gail and Sophie could be?" I asked, breaking the silence first.

He looked down. "Maybe Gail's showing Lucy's stuff to your sister. She's very close to Lucy before she -
died. I don't know," Riley sighed.

I blinked. "Yeah. That makes sense."

He nodded before he said, "I don't know what I'll do without her. Gail helped me a lot, even more than my
own parents." Riley explained, putting on a very disappointed expression.

I controlled the urge of saying 'At least your parents are still alive' and smiled. Instead I said, "She's an
amazing person."

He gave out a breath of laughter. "Yeah. You said that on the first day we met, remember?" I scoffed. "How
can I forget."
It took him a few seconds, before he asked, "Ellie, I need to say something," I smiled. "I thought I'm the one
who does the talking."
Riley seemed to ignore my babblish words when he said, "Thanks." His eyes were looking directly at me
even if he still had his shades on.

I couldn't help but to blush again, even though he only said thanks. "For what?" I asked, sounding a
little amused. I flicked my eyes to look at his shades, and saw my own reflection on it.

Gosh, just take off the freaking shades.

Riley shrugged. "I don't know. I was just saying that," he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
He then pointed a finger to my nose. "Don't flatter yourself too much!" he exclaimed, warning me.
I laughed, knowing what he really meant. Riley would never admit he said thank you. It's just in his nature.
"Whatever, and I'm not flattering."


I scowled, and then we both said nothing. I peered at him tentatively, and if Riley could see this he'd
probably think I was checking him out.

"I'm not done with your eyes," "Yes, you are. And you lost."
I grunted. "That's because I'm sick. I'll see your eyes soon enough, Riley. Trust me," I said in a mischievous

"Why do you want to see my eyes so badly?" Riley suddenly gushed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"For fun. We can know many secrets through our eyes, you know. Haven't you watched that kind of


"Heartless," I muttered, frowning. "And let me tell you something. There's so many emotions can be
expressed through a simple meeting of eyes. Especially love."

"So blind people like me can't fall in love? Because we can't really see anyone's eyes?" he snapped, like I
just insulted him or something - even though I didn't really mean it that way. Commenté [R29]: Snapped????

I slapped his arm as I was slightly pissed. "Can you be more optimistic sometimes? I didn't mean it that
way, Riley. Of course, blind people can fall in love. It's not like you're an alien or something," I shrugged.

"Sorry for snapping at you," he mumbled, looking contrite. "It's just - this kind of things is really sensitive
when you're blind."
"It's become sensitive because you're a pessimist."

"You would instantly become a pessimist if you lost everything like me, Ellie," he grumbled.

I shook my head, disagreeing. "You would instantly become a pessimist if you think you lost everything
when you didn't, Riley." I stated firmly, using the exact tone he had used. "You still have your parents,
and a great aunt. You're rich, and smart."

Riley said nothing.

"Stop thinking you lost everything.... because you didn't," I drawled, trying to change his mindset. "And
you have me. I'm your friend, and I'll always be there for you."

"You really mean it?" Riley asked, turning his face to look at me. His voice was soft, and smooth, like
he's really hoping I would say yes. He actually sounded like a five year old kid who was asking his first
friend, would he talk to him again.

It's cute.

I nodded, smiling. "I mean it. As long as you won't get mad at me for no reason," I complained, rolling my

"Hey, I have a reason why I got mad at you. I - I just don't want to talk about it," Riley defended
himself, grumbling. "It's not important anyway."

"Whatever," I replied, looking around the living room. It was a big house - and most furniture was in
mahogany, giving the house an elegant look. I looked up, and saw a big chandelier, just above our heads.

Before I could even explore more of his house with my eyes, Ms. Gail and Sophie finally showed up. I
stood up walking towards them, and noticed my sister was already wearing a different clothes - she was in
a beautiful pink dress.

Which, I guessed, was Lucy's.

"Ellie! How do I look?" Sophie asked excitedly, swirling, showing her new dress to me. "Ms. Gail gave me
this. There's so many beautiful dresses in that room! But this is the most beautiful! And there's so many

I smiled, feeling a little uneasy because I knew what happened to the owner of the dress. "Sophie, you're
just borrowing the dress, okay?" I said, and stroked her hair which probably had been blow-dried.

"No, let her just take it, Ellie," Ms. Gail said kindly, smiling at the both of us. "No one in the house will be
wearing it anyway. It used to be Lucy's but she -"
"I know what happened, Ms. Gail," I said, cutting her off. I knew she'd be sad, if she mentioned what
happened to her beloved niece.

Ms. Gail forced a smile. "I supposed Riley told you, huh?" she said, glancing at Riley, who was already
standing beside me.

I nodded, giving her an assuring smile. I could see it in her eyes how much Lucy did mean to their family. I
was sure she used to be the baby of this family. It must've been hard for them to accept her death. And of
course, to accept that Riley lost his sight.

"Ookay, let's get you guys home now!" Ms. Gail chirped, but I knew she was just pretending to be alright.
She glanced at a big, antique clock placed beside a fireplace. "Ah, it's late. I'm sure your parents are
panicking right now."

I just smiled bitterly, shaking my head at Sophie when she looked up to me. I wasn't ready to tell her, or
Riley that my parents were - dead.

"I think I'll just stay home. You just go and send them, Gail," Riley told us.

Ms. Gail nodded. "That'd be fine. Go to bed, Riley. I'm sure you're tired," she admonished him.

"Yup. Sophie, say thanks to Riley," I said to my sister, smiling. Somehow in my heart, I knew Sophie
could cheer him up. Maybe she could at least mend his heart that was broken because he lost his sight, and
his sister.

Everyone always fell for her charm - Sophie's charm.

"Thank you, Riley," Sophie said, flashing him a cheeky grin. If Lucy was still alive, they'd be at the same
age. And maybe they would even be friends - just like me and Riley.

I just had to smile, every time I realized we're friends again.

I watched in awe as a big smile crossed his face. "You're welcome. Don't ever go missing again. You
should see how sad your sister was," Riley said, and his hand wandered for a moment before he finally
placed it on her shoulder.

"Okay. I promise I won't do it again." Sophie made a promise, looking at Riley before her eyes shot in the
direction of me.

Ms. Gail then placed her hands on Sophie's shoulder. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get to the car," she said,
gesturing Sophie towards the door. Sophie nodded, and they both went away from there.

I turned my eyes to Riley. "I know you're tired of this, but still... thanks," I quoted honestly. "I didn't know
what to do if you weren't there to help me find Sophie."

"Okay," Riley replied, pausing before he continued, "You have an amazing sister, Ellie. You're lucky."
The sincerity of his voice almost melted me. The way he said it, I knew he really meant it.[R30]:
Commenté I wasFaire in a state
of awe for a moment, and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered happily.

I laughed, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Yeah. And she has an amazing big sister, don't
you think?" I joked.


I laughed even harder, and it turned into a violent cough. Gee, I thought my fever had gone, but no, it was
still there. Maybe slightly better, but still - I was sick.

"Stop laughing. It'll get worse," Riley grumbled, shaking his head in disapproval. He pretended to glance at
the door. "I think Gail has been waiting for you,"

I frowned. "Kicking me out of your house, huh?" I shrugged, pretending to be sulking.

"Yes." Riley shot me an evil grin. He began to walk away from there, heading towards the staircase.

"Bye! Don't miss me too much!" I exclaimed, watching him walking away from there. I laughed when I
heard him grunting as he climbed the staircase, and finally gone from my sight.

That boy was just too cute sometimes. 10th

"This is your house?" Ms. Gail asked as she pulled up, and parked her car behind my brother's.

I nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt. I averted my eyes to look at the house, and saw Aaron through the
lounge window. He kept walking around the house, holding a phone in his hand - and I could tell, he was
panicking like a mad man at this point.


"Who's that guy?" Ms. Gail asked again, pointing her finger to the window. When I didn't reply her
question, she turned her eyes to me. "Ellie?"

"Um, he's my older brother," I answered, smiling bitterly. My stomach was tied in knots as I imagined how
my brother would react when he see us. He must have been worried sick about us.

"Oh, I see," she nodded, looking over to the window. She flicked her eyes to me. "I think I should meet
your parents and explain everything. What do you think?" she suggested, and thought it'd help me.

I shook my head almost instantly, excitedly. "No! - Er, I mean, you shouldn't have to, Ms. Gail. It's fine.
My brother would understand," I exclaimed, waving my hand. "I don't want to bother you."
Commenté [R31]: je ne veux pas vous dérangé
She sighed, smiling. "You're too kind sometimes, you know, Ellie. And remember this - " she pointed her
finger towards me. " - You and Sophie would never bother me." Ms. Gail emphasized.
Commenté [R32]: accentué

I opened my mouth, before I closed it again. I didn't know what should I say to stop her. I knew Ms. Gail
would still want to meet my parents no matter what I said.

Well, the problem was actually - I didn't have any parents. Only a brother.
Should I tell her the truth?

I hesitated for a second, but then I agreed. "Okay, if you say so," I said, and she smiled[R33]:
Commenté happily. I went
si vous y tenez ????????
out of the car, and opened the door for Sophie. She was already half-asleep, and looked very tired.

I guided both Sophie, and Ms.Gail towards my house. I gulped, praying hard that Aaron wouldn't be
that mad, even though I realized - it was quite impossible.

I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door, slowly. It only took about four seconds for Aaron to open
the door. His eyes widened when he saw us, and his hair was sticking out at all angles - like he was drunk or

"Hi," I smiled innocently, putting my hands on Sophie's shoulders who was standing in front of me.

Aaron's eyes widened even more, and his mouth fell open. "Hi? Really, Ellie?" He exclaimed, shocked.
Before I could even add anything else, he pulled both of us into a tight hug - showing how grateful he
was to see us again.

I smiled a little, and felt slightly guilty. I should've called him from Riley's house. Why didn't I think about

Sometimes, people could be really stupid, really. Or maybe it was just me. Yeah - me.
"I'm so worried about you guys. God, where did you go? You should've called me, Ellie!" Aaron literally
shouted in relief, and he was still hugging us tightly.

"Aaron. I. Can't. Breath." I muttered slowly, trying my best to utter each word properly. I looked down to
Sophie - who was squeezed in between us. Her eyes were already wide open, and her face's squashed to his

Aaron let us go. "Sorry," he mumbled, and turned his eyes to look at me, giving me a death stare. "You
owe me an explanation, Ellie Burke."

"Aaron .... I"

"Actually - " Ms. Gail elbowed me out of her way, and she stood in front of me. " - I owe you an

Aaron looked a little surprise, and glanced at me. "Who's this?" he asked, amusing.

"She's my English teacher, Ms. Gail," I said, introducing her to my brother. "Ms. Gail, this is my brother,
Aaron Burke."

"Hi, I'm Gail Thompson," she said kindly, offering her hand.

Aaron's eyes lit up brightly as he took her hand. "Aaron," he told her. I just stood there, looking at my
brother intently. Something weird was going on here. His mood changed drastically.

My prediction turned out to be true when Aaron added, "How come you never told me that your English
teacher is a beauty, Ellie?"

Oh God, I should know this was coming.

Ms. Gail chuckled, shaking her head. "Ookay. I should say thank you for that. But now, back to our
discussion, Mr. Burke. Ellie and Sophie was - "

"Call me Aaron," He winked his eye, leaning his shoulder against the side of the door. "And why don't we
talk inside? It's cold out here, and Sophie needs to go to the bed."

"Good idea." Ms. Gail agreed. Aaron inched to the side, and made a grand sweeping gesture her to go in.

When she was in, he grabbed my arm. "Why didn't you tell me about her, Ellie? Man, she's hot!" Aaron
whispered slowly, leaning closer to my ear. I was sure he didn't want our little Sophie to hear what he said.

"Ew, Aaron. She's my teacher!" I squealed, slapping his arm. "You're not going to do - whatever you're
planning to do!"

Aaron ignored me when he said, "Go and send Sophie to her bedroom, Ellie. Give me some time alone
with your teacher."

I frowned, but then I obeyed his order. "Fine. Just don't do anything.... stupid!" I warned, pointing a
finger to his nose.

I rolled my eyes, and led Sophie to her bedroom. Aaron went away from there, and I saw him leading Ms.
Gail to the lounge. I stole a peep of them as I ascended the staircase, and hoped Aaron would keep his

Ms. Gail and Aaron. Ew, no!

"Good night, Sophie," I wished, kissing her forehead as I put her on the bed. "I love you." I stroked her

"Good night, Ellie. Thanks for everything. I love you too," Sophie mumbled, in a sleepy tone. I nodded, and
she closed her eyes.

"Okay, sweet dreams." I grinned, and waited until she was fast asleep. Everything that happened that
day seemed like a dream to me. I still couldn't believe I almost lose my sister.

When Mom told me she's pregnant with Sophie, I was the happiest girl in the whole world. I would finally
have a friend in the house, and when it turned out to be a girl, things just got even better. I could still
remember how tiny, and cute she was, when she's still a baby. The first time I saw her in the hospital, I
almost fainted because of how small she was. I touched her, and then she wrapped her little fingers around
my thumb.

From that moment, I swore I'd be the best sister anyone would ever dream of.

I went out of her bedroom, slowly as I didn't want to wake her up. My body was weak and I couldn't think
of anything else but my bed. Luckily it was the weekend. At least, I could rest, and sleep, and sleep -
nothing else did really matter.

Then it hit me. Aaron and Ms. Gail was still downstairs, alone. When two adults were alone, so many
things could happen. And then the way, Aaron spoke about Ms. Gail was really creepy, and ....

I couldn't let that happen!

I literally ran back towards the staircase, heading downstairs. I hoped Aaron did keep his promise that he
wouldn't do anything ... odd.

"Aaron!" I shouted, the moment I showed up in the lounge. They were both there - sitting on two different
sofas, and were giving me a confused look.

"Hey, we're just talking about you," Aaron said, in an assuring tone. Even though it didn't sound that
convincing. The way his eyes narrowed at me, and that mischievous grin crossed his face.

Well, at least, nothing like I've expected to happen, did happen. The thoughts of my teacher, and my
brother together was just .... horrible.
I walked closer towards them, and took a seat next to Aaron. I looked at him as he said, "If you say so,
then it's fine. I was just so worried about Ellie and Sophie. I thought they had been kidnapped or

"No, they were at my house," Ms. Gail explained, glancing at me. "I'm sorry that I didn't call first, though."

Aaron laughed, and tapped his thigh. "No, no. No harm done. I'm not mad or anything," he convinced.
"Besides, I should thank you. I don't know what would happen to my sisters if you didn't help them."

"You're welcome," Ms. Gail smiled genuinely. Her eyes looked around our house, and I guessed, she
was searching for my parents or any adults. "So, it's just the three of you?"

Aaron nodded. "Yup. Me, Sophie, and Elle," he answered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh, I see. Your parents are still living in Lenoir then?" she assumed, smiling. I turned my eyes to Aaron
- only to find he was looking at me too. He gave me a confused look, and I shook my head.

I exhaled loudly."Um, Ms. Gail. There's something you should know...." I started, trying to collect every
inch of courage inside me. I realized she'd know this soon enough, and I had to tell her this.

"I'm going to check on Sophie." Aaron said, excusing himself. His facial expression had changed again,
and this time, it was a sad one. He got up to his feet, and went away from there - leaving me and Ms. Gail

Ms. Gail was still looking at me intently as she waited for me to speak. "What do you wanna tell me,
Ellie?" she asked, in a confused tone.

I took a deep breath. "My parents are dead." I finally blurted it out. Since their death, I've never told
anyone about it. Aaron was the one who had always done the job for me. I've always been the weakest
among my siblings - the girl who only knew how to cry, mourn and shut herself from the world.

Ms. Gail looked surprised, I could see it in her eyes. Maybe no one did expect my parents are dead. She
moved closer to me, sitting next to me.

"Oh, Ellie. I'm - I'm really sorry," she sighed sorely. She took my hand into hers. "Why didn't you tell me

I gave her a weak smile. "I don't know how to..... I've never told anyone about this," I explained.

She nodded, squeezing my hands. "I understand," Ms. Gail paused before she continued, "So, your brother's
your guardian?"

I nodded, without saying a thing.

It went well, I guessed. Better than I'd expected. I thought I'd ended up crying like a baby, but until this
point, I hadn't cried.
"Can I ask you to do something for me?" I asked, muttering. She nodded, and smiled. "I think it's better if
Riley doesn't know about this. Uh, I just don't want him to feel sorry for me, and you know, change

I knew Riley would've treat me nicer if he knew about this. He might be arrogant, snobbish and cranky all
the time, but he has a good heart. I didn't want Riley to act different around me, just because I lost my
parents. I still wanted Riley to act like Riley - not someone else.

Ms. Gail seemed to understand. "Okay. I won't tell him," she agreed, nodding her head.

Then Aaron came back into the lounge, smiling. "Sophie's fast asleep," he announced before he glanced at
me. "Ellie, you should probably get some sleep too. You look like a zombie,"

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks?"

"Your brother's right. I'm leaving so you could get some rest, Ellie," Ms. Gail said, getting up to her feet.

"Thanks ... For everything," I said honestly. She nodded, and gave me a hug - something I've been missing
from a woman these few years. I hugged her back, and felt thankful as I realized I was surrounded by
beautiful people.

I escorted Ms. Gail to her car, with the nosy Aaron who never stopped asking her to stop by our house,
anytime she wants to.

My brother could be really, really annoying sometimes. And there's no doubt we shared the genetics of

And he's such a man-whore!

"Hey, Ellie," Aaron called as I almost climbed the staircase to get to my bedroom. I turned around,

"If you're going to ask for my permission to date my English teacher, then I think it's not the best idea to
get it now. The result may be disappointing."

He gave a breath of laughter, walking towards me. "No, not that," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Then what?"

Without answering my question, he pulled me into a hearty, big brother hug. "I'm glad you and Sophie
came home," he said genuinely, and I just had to smile.

"I know you love me," I joked, holding back a cough.

"Ha, and you're returning it by passing on your germs," he shook his head, narrowing his eyes. "What a great
sister you are."

"Whatever," "So, now's the right time to ask for your permission to date your hot English teacher?"


Aaron shrugged. "Bad Ellie, bad," he mussed my hair, which made me scowl at him. Though, I didn't even
bother to fix it back, knowing I already looked like a zombie.

I climbed the staircase, using all the energy left inside me for walking. "Night, Aaron." I muttered,

"Night, sis!" I vaguely heard him shouting from downstairs.


I felt so gross the next morning. I didn't even want to leave my bed. I did try, I made four steps towards
the door but then groaned, and went back under the covers.

Aaron brought me some tea, and some antibiotics - and they did make me feel a little better.

I was still wearing Riley's hoodie, and actually slept in it. His hoodie made me feel comfortable, and warm.
Just like whenever I talk, laugh, or smile with him. Everything about Riley Flynn made me feel happy,

Sophie and Aaron came in to see me around one, in the afternoon. Both of them were looking good, and
healthy, even though Sophie was having a light flu.

"Feel any better?" Aaron asked as he watched me eating my chicken soup. It wasn't that good, but I just had
to give him a credit. He cooked the soup, and it's hard to find a male population that could cook nowadays.

"Yeah. Thanks, Aaron," I said, sipping my soup. I drifted my eyes to look at Sophie, who was sitting on
Aaron. "You're okay, Soph?"

She sniffed. "Yeah, don't worry about me, Ellie. You're the one who's sick." she said, giving me a concern

I waved a hand. "I'm fine, people. Not dead yet." I interjected, idiotically. But no one did laugh at that
one, even though I found it funny.

Their smile faltered. I could see a little spark die in their eyes. Aaron tried to keep his tone good-natured
when he said, "Oh, I have something for you. Maybe this could cheer you a little bit."
I tried to talk, but it turned into a coughing fit. Once that stopped, I placed the bowl on my thighs, and
blurted, "What is it?"

Aaron smiled at Sophie, and my little sister nodded her head. I gave them a quizzical look before Sophie
took something from the nightstand - a box. I was too sick to even notice she had put something on it.

"What's in that?" I asked, frowning. Aaron passed me the box, and took the bowl of soup away from me,
instead. I examined the medium-sized box which was wrapped poorly.

I smiled a little because I knew it was Sophie who wrapped it. Aaron shrugged. "Just open it, Ellie. You'll
know soon!"
I sighed, and began to unwrap the box. My eyes widened, and a huge grin stretched across my face
quickly, when I finally knew what was it.

"A phone? Seriously?" I exclaimed, opening the box hastily. I took out the cell phone out of the box, and
held it gratefully in my hands.

It was some swanky new model - I've seen it on the TV before. It has a slide-out keypad, and was black in
color. I grabbed the box again, and read what it had written on it. It stated there, this phone has 3G internet,
unlimited texts, and could stores tons of musics.

It might not be an iPhone, or a Blackberry, but still - I appreciated my first cell phone. It sounded like a
good phone. It looked looked like a good phone.

And now, even though I didn't want them to catch my germs and get sick, I couldn't help myself from
wrapping my arms around them. "Oh, thank you, thank you. I love you guys," I said honestly.

Well, I'd still love them even if they didn't get me a new cell phone.

"Told you it could cheer you up," Aaron said teasingly. "I thought you might need it now.
Commenté Especially
[R34]: taquinerie
after what happened last night. I don't want it to happen again."

My smile weakened as I felt bad. "I'm sorry." I muttered, pulling back to look at him properly.

Aaron wrapped an arm around me. "I forgive you. Just don't do that again, okay?" he said in a serious tone.

"'Kay," I replied, with my eyes on the phone. I couldn't believe I'd finally got this thing. I never thought
I would ever need it. I've never had a friend so I didn't think having a cell phone would be necessary.

But now - I had friends.

I turned my eyes to Aaron. "Can I go out? And take the bike?" I asked, giving my brother a cheeky grin.

He gave me an obnoxious look. "What? You wanna ride the bike? To where?" he asked, confused.
"Elle, you're sick."
I climbed off my bed, and stretched my body. It was still painful, and sore. But it was much better than
before. "I need to go to some place. Got something to do," I explained, rushing towards the cupboard for a
decent clothes.

"No, you can't, Ellie. You're still sick, you need to rest," Aaron protested, trying to stop me. "Or at least let
me send you with the car. Where are you going?"

I stopped to think for a second before I shook my head. "I'm going to Riley's. He's Ms. Gail nephew,"

"Oh, yeah. Gail told me a bit about him. He's your classmate, isn't he?"

"Yup," I answered, popping the 'p'. I tried my best to ignore how gross it was to hear he called her Gail.

I wondered for a moment if Ms. Gail had told him that Riley's .... blind. But I guessed, she hadn't because
Aaron didn't add anything else after that.

I got ready, and made my way downstairs. I went quickly towards the kitchen, and walked to the fridge. I
took a bottle of water, and opened it, taking a sip.

"I'm still driving you," Aaron suddenly said, when he showed up in the kitchen. His arms crossed on his
chest, wearing a serious look on his face.

I sighed. "Fine," I said, giving in. Maybe it wasn't exactly a good idea to take the bike in this condition. I
might just pass out in the middle of nowhere. I took a bottle of pills from the cabinet, and shook two pills
out of it.

I swallowed the pills quickly, and was in a horrible state in a moment as it passed through my throat. I
grabbed Riley's hoodie, and made my way out of the kitchen.

"Let's go," I said, looping my arm through Aaron's as I walked away.

My lips twitched into that smile, and I couldn't wait to see him again. There was something on my mind
that I wanted to do as soon as I got there.

And it has something to do with my new phone - I smiled evilly. 11th


"Are you sure about this, Ellie?"

I sighed. Aaron has asked the very same question for more than twenty times now. "I'm sure. Don't worry
too much about me. I'm not a kid anymore." I whined, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not going to be able to pick you up, you know. You sure Gail could give you a ride home? Have
you called her?"

I nodded, rolling my eyes. "Yes, Sir. Do you have any other annoying questions to ask me?" I replied
sarcastically, and actually lied to him.

I hadn't called Ms. Gail to ask if she could give me a ride home. But I guessed, it's not a big problem,
right? Aaron got some work to do so he couldn't pick me up later on. I lied to him because I knew he
wouldn't let me go to Riley's if I hadn't called her.

I flicked my eyes to his house, and spotted her black-convertible, parked safely in the driveway. She
was home, and she definitely wouldn't mind sending me home.

Aaron frowned. "I was just making sure."

"Well, now you're sure so I'm going inside!" I stated, and opened the car door, getting out of the car. "Bye!"
I shouted, shutting the door.

I pressed the bell, and waited for someone to open the gate. "Hey, Ellie!" I heard Aaron's voice, shouting
my name. He had lowered the window down. "Don't be here for too long. I'm leaving at four so someone
needs to watch Sophie at home," "I know, I know. Just go away!" I shooed my nosy brother, and hoped that
someone would open the gate soon.

He frowned. "Why do you hate me this much? Afraid of the fact I want to meet your new boyfriend?" he
taunted, annoyingly.

"Why're you being so nosy?" I retorted, shaking my head. Then I turned around as I heard the big, gold gate
creaked. "Go away! Someone's opening the gate." I shouted at him.

Aaron sighed, resting his head on the steering wheel. "Whatever. I'm so terribly sad my sister is hating me
because of her new boyfriend,"

I gave him a flat look.

I saw he stole a peek at me, and probably realized his acting wasn't working. "Fine, fine. I'll go," Aaron
shrugged, turning on the engine once again. "Just take care of yourself, okay?"

"Okay, okay."

I thought he was going after that, but he wasn't. "And say hi to Gail," he said playfully, winking his

"Ew, no."

Aaron laughed, and he finally said, "Bye, Ellie." And his car left the Flynn's residence a moment later.
The gate was fully opened, and I couldn't help but to feel so small, and insecure. The house was really big,
and it was nothing compared to mine. I couldn't see all this last night because it was dark.

There's a mini garden on the left side, and it looked really beautiful. Maybe his mom or Ms. Gail loved
gardening. And there was actually a garage that could fit in at least two cars.

I walked down towards the door, and realized there was an old lady, waiting for me on the steps.

The lady looked nice, though - much to my relief. She's got dark hair that was streaked with gray, and tied
into a tight bun. She was wearing, which I guessed, a maid's uniform - the black and white one.

"Hi," I said, smiling. "I'm here to see Riley. Is he home?"

The lady didn't say anything, and looked at me up and down. "Are you Ellie Burke?" she asked
eventually, looking at me intently.

I blinked in surprised. "Yeah. I'm Ellie," I replied, tugging Riley's hoodie with both of my hands. I
figured, maybe Riley or Ms. Gail had told her about me.

"Ah, I see. Well, Riley's home," she grinned, nodding. "He talks a lot about you, that's why I knew your

"Bad things or good things?" I chattered, chuckling. I could guess what he probably told her - I was weird,
annoying, persuasive, stubborn and much more.

She smiled. "Well, both, I guess," she answered. "Anyways, my name is Rebecca, and I was the one who
Commenté [R35]: couche
changed Riley's diapers when he was a baby,"

I laughed, covering my mouth as I held back a cough. "I see. A nanny, isn't it?"

"That's the official name," Rebecca nodded, shooting me a genuine smile. "I'm happy Riley's got a friend
now. I thought he wouldn't ..... After the accident."

"I'm happy to be friends with him too," I said honestly. Rebecca shot me another smile, and she looked
happy to hear what I said. She must've been very close to Riley since he told her about me. And the way
she talked about him, I could tell how much she loved him. Then I remembered Lucy. I wondered if she
knew her, but I supposed she did. Rebecca said she was the one who changed his diapers.

"Who's there?"

I turned my head to look behind Rebecca when I heard his voice. Rebecca moved to the side, revealing
Riley who was walking towards us.

And I swear my heart stopped beating for a second when I realized he wasn't wearing his shades.

"Who are you talking to?" Riley asked as Rebecca held his hand, helping him to stand beside
Commenté [R36]:her.
tenu "I heard
voices, and my name."
I stood there, beaming at him. My heart felt weak as it started thudding like crazy. It got worse when I
lifted my eyes to look at his eyes - something I've been wanting to do since the first time I met him.

He's got dark brown eyes, and not blue like I'd expected. People have always said that blue eyes were
sexy, handsome, and charming.

But his brown eyes in some way gave me warmth, and comfort.

"Oh, it's your friend, Ellie," Rebecca answered his question, squeezing his arm. "She's here to see you."

I was still gazing at him as he turned his eyes to look at me. My heart beat faster, and then even faster. I
swear if there weren't any rib cages in our body, my heart would've fell out of my body.

"Ellie?" Riley called out my name, sending shivers down to my gut. "What are you doing here?"

My mouth somehow refused to answer his question, and I kept staring at him, longer than I usually did.
The intensity of his beautiful eyes was killing me from inside, and I gulped.

I was lost in his eyes, and the sayings were true,

There's so many emotions could be expressed through a single meeting of eyes. "Ellie?"

"Hey, are you there?" Plop...

I was awake when I felt a hand on my arm. "Ellie," Rebecca's voice blasted through [R37]:and
my ears, brought
fourdroyé, fichu, anéanti

me back to earth.

When I was finally conscious, I realized they were both giving me odd looks, and there wasn't a
surprised there. "Um, sorry. I was thinking about something," I said awkwardly, biting my lower lips.

"What are you doing here?" Riley asked, and again, it made my heart race unusually. "Shouldn't you be in

God. This was the reason why he should wear his shades to cover his eyes.

"I'm - I'm, um. I want to send this back to you," I stuttered, holding out his hoodie.

His hands wandered everywhere so I guided his hands to take his hoodie. The moment I touched his
skin that odd feeling crept down my spine again. And the funny thing was I didn't want to let it go.

What was happening to me?

I pulled my hand hastily, afraid that I might scare him off. I didn't want him to think in a bad way about me.
Riley probably noticed it when he raised his eyebrow, giving me a weird look.
"I'll leave you guys now. Do you want to drink anything, Ellie?" Rebecca asked, shooting me a tender smile.

I was about to answer the question before Riley interrupted me."Never ask her if she wants or needs
anything. She would say no," he answered for me. "Just grab any drink for her. She wouldn't mind. I told
you she's weird."

I scowled. "How did you know I would say no?"

He flicked his eyes to me, smirking. "Try me. Request anything you want to Rebecca. She would get it
for you," Riley sneered.

Still scowling, I averted my eyes away from him. "Rebecca..." I started, trying to think of the most polite
way to ask for something. But to be honest, I could not. Well, maybe he was right.


She waited for me, smiling kindly, and it made me feel so guilty. It was her place, I shouldn't be asking for
anything from her. It was wrong.

Riley crossed his arms to his chest, and his lips twitched into an evil grin. He could be really mean
sometimes. "Come on, Ellie. Ask for something," he sneered, cocking his eyebrows.

I sighed, knowing I lost to him "Anything would do, Rebecca," I answered, grimacing.

Rebecca chuckled, shaking her head anonymously. "Alright then, sweetheart," she mumbled. "No wonder
Riley loves to talk about you. You're so cute!"

Riley's eyes widened, and I thought he was blushing a little. "What are you saying, Rebecca?" he exclaimed,
putting on an odious look.

"Don't listen to him," Rebecca mouthed silently, and winked her eye. I laughed, and nodded my head
before she went away from there.

Riley turned to look at me. "Don't listen to her. She was just saying that for fun. Rebecca didn't mean
anything," he said ominously.

I laughed, and coughed at the same time. "Sorry." I muttered. "You're still sick, aren't you?"
"Better than yesterday, though."
He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Come on. Let's sit in the garden," he said, and started to walk away from
there. I followed him from behind, and Riley led the way to the garden.

The garden wasn't actually as small as I thought. It was quite big, and there's a lot of flowers, and trees in
this area. Mostly was roses in different colors, and there were tulips, and lilies - and there's a white swing
placed under a big, old tree.

Riley took a seat on the swing, but he didn't start swinging it yet. "Why're you still standing?" he asked,
looking up at me. "I don't want to be responsible if you pass out."

I smiled, and took a seat beside him. He started swinging it when he realized I had taken my seat.

"Your mom planted these flowers?" I asked conversationally, looking around the area,. "It's amazing."

He nodded. "Yeah. Well, she used to. She and Gail used to plant all those flowers together...." Riley paused
before he finished his words, "and Lucy loved to join them too."

"I didn't mean to -"

He seemed to ignore me before sighing. "Everything changed after the accident," Riley told me. "They
never say this to me, but I know they're blaming me for her death. I just know it."

"Don't say that. No parents would ever blame their own children," I debated. "It's just you, I think. You're
just over-thinking about it. And being a pessimist."

"Maybe I can't see their faces, but I can still hear them, you know. I know they want me to become who I
was before it happened, but I can't. I'm blind. There's nothing anyone could do about it."

"Surgery, maybe?" I tried, flashing him an encouraging smile. "I've always seen a movie like this. You
could get your sight back through a surgery, right?"

His lips curved into a smile. "I did think about that one before. But I don't know," Riley shrugged.
"Maybe I just don't have any strong reason why I should get my sight back. And the surgery risk is really

My smile faded away. "Oh, really." I drawled, disappointed.

He turned his warm, brown eyes to look at me. "Hey, you shouldn't sound so guilty about it," Riley
chuckled. "And you know what, I think you watch too many movies, Ellie. Weird."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so mean sometimes, Riley Flynn."

He gave out a breath of laughter as Rebecca showed up, holding a tray in her hands.

"Thanks, Rebecca," I said as she handed me one of the glasses. She gave another glass to Riley, and he
thanked her.
"Have fun kids!" she chirped, walking away from there. Rebecca might look old to some people, but I
didn't think so. She looked so fun to be with, and Riley was lucky to have her as his nanny.

"Rebecca is cool," I said, complementing.

"Yeah. She is. I knew her since I was a baby."

I laughed as I recalled what she told me just now. "Yeah, she told me she was the one who changed your

Riley frowned. "When I was a baby, Ellie."

I laughed. "Whatever," I said before catching his eyes again. I never thought I would finally see his eyes.
This was really happening. Up close, it was more beautiful than I thought.

And somehow, I could stare at it for as long as it's possible.

"Ellie?" I heard his voice calling my name. "Are you still there? Don't tell me you passed out!" Riley
literally shouted.

I was back on earth when I felt a light slap on my right cheek. "Huh? Sorry, I was thinking about
something. What did you say?" I murmured, and was still in a blur state.

Riley cringed away. "You're acting weird today," I laughed. "I thought I'm always weird."
"You are. But today you are very strange," Riley uttered, looking at me tentatively. It was truly weird to
Commenté [R38]: sincèrement
talk to him without his shades on because his eyes were looking directly to me. I was used to him wearing
his shades.

"Um, you don't have your shades on," I spoke, my mouth snapping shut.

Riley touched his face so I guessed, he didn't notice it in the first place. "Shit. I forgot to wear it." he cursed,
frowning. "No wonder you're acting weird."


He averted his eyes away from me. "Now you know everything about me," Riley shrugged.

"It's not a big deal. Why didn't you want to show me your eyes?" I asked, sipping my orange juice.

Riley leaned back in his swing, and started swinging it again. "Because it's the only part of my body that
has no use to me. I can't use it anymore so why show it to the world?"

"That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard," I said truthfully, and he scowled instantly. "At
least you still have your eyes, and it's nice. What about the blind people whose eyes became ugly and
He shrugged. "I know, I know." Riley gave in as he probably didn't want to hear any of my ramblings on
how ungrateful he was.

I grinned in victory. "Good."

"But that's not the only reason. I wear the shades because my eyes are sensitive to the sunlight. It's
one of the effects because something is off with my brain or something," Riley explained.


"And did you say I have nice eyes?" Silent. "Maybe."

"I should say thanks, I guess." Riley said in a genuine tone. I was taken aback a little as I couldn't
believe he could say thank you to others.

"Wow." I mused.


"You said thanks."

Riley frowned. "You really know how to ruin everything sometimes," he shook his head, obviously

I chuckled. "Sorry, Riley. And you're welcome," I said casually. "It's nice to see this side [R39]:
Commenté of yours. The
cute, sweet, kind side of Riley Flynn."

"Ugh, Ellie. Please. Don't make me chase you out of my house," Riley rolled his eyes, and I knew he was
joking. "Why're you here actually? I know it's not just for the hoodie. But if it was, then you're really nuts."

I slapped my forehead. "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot!" I gushed, pushing a hand into my pocket to take out my
new phone. "Look at what I just got!" I waved my phone excitedly.

"I can't see, genius." "Sorry," I apologized, flashing him a cheeky smile. I grabbed his right hand, and
placed my phone in it. "So, what do you think it is?"

It took him only three seconds before guessing, "A phone?"

I nodded. "Yup, my brother bought it for me. It's my first phone. I've never had one before," He cocked an
eyebrow. "Really? I had my first phone when I was thirteen," he bragged.
I shrugged. "So? It's not like I needed anyway,"

He smiled apologetically. "Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," Riley muttered. "I shall say congratulations
on having your first phone then?"

"That's better."
Riley let out another laugh. "You came over here just to show me your new phone?"

"Not quite. I came here to ask for your phone number." I answered him before realizing it's actually
embarrassing. "Um, you know, it'll be easier! If I wanna talk to you or something...."

Somehow, I thought he shot me an amused smile. "So you're asking for my phone number, huh? Is that
right?" Riley's smile turned into that snobbish smirk that a player always had.

I slapped his arm lightly. "Don't be so flattered! I was just asking for a phone number, that's all," I
grumbled. "It's a normal thing, okay? Friends have each other phone numbers."

Riley laughed, and it was actually the loudest one I've ever heard coming out of him. "Fine. Stop giving
me your lectures. Give me your phone," Riley said, holding out his hand for my phone.

"You know how to type using a phone?"

"Ellie, I've used this thing for what? Twenty years?" Riley crowed. "But I don't do message, okay? I don't
want to type something wrong, and give you the pleasure to laugh at me because of it."

"I won't laugh at you," I promised, placing my phone in his hand.

"Ha-ha. Like I'm going to believe it," Riley grimaced, punching in his number before handing it back. When
I glanced down at the screen he'd save it under Riley Flynn.

I got up to my feet, and holding out the now empty glass to him. "I should get going now. My sister's alone
at home."

"Your brother?"

"He's got to do something,"

"So you're walking home? Are you crazy? You're sick, Ellie," Riley sputtered, putting on a worried look.

"Yeah.. well," I started, biting the inside of my cheeks. "Is Ms. Gail around? Can she send me home?"

He looked a little taken aback. "Wow. You did know how to ask for something," he mused. Silent.
Riley sighed. "But she's not home. Gail's out for something. I don't know when she'd be back, though." he
said in a disappointed tone.

"But I saw her car in the driveway -"

"Well, she took her own car then. That one was mine, and she drives me around using it because Gail
knows how much I love it,"

"Oh, really," I sighed, regretting I didn't call her in the first place. I should've listened to Aaron's advice.
Maybe this was a karma. "Never mind then. I walk home then."

"No. I'm not going to let that happen. What if you pass out in the middle of the road?"

I smiled. "Riley, it's okay. I'm not going to pass out, okay?" I said, assuring him. "It's not that far."

He didn't say anything, and it looked like he was thinking hard about something. "Hold on a second," Riley
said, holding up both his hands. "I think I know who can help you."

Before I could even ask for more information, Riley made his way from there, heading into his house.

;) enjoy!

Tick tock tick tock

I sat back on the swing as I waited for Riley in the garden. It has been more than fifteen minutes, but he
hasn't shown up yet. I wondered what was he up to when he said he knew someone who could help me.

Wait, he wasn't thinking of driving me back home, was he?

No, of course not. That would be totally ridiculous. I mean, Riley always had crazy ideas, and he could be
very mean, but he wasn't that stupid. Except if he wanted to get rid of me once and for all.

But he wouldn't do that, would he?

I pushed my feet onto the ground, and leaned back in the swing. I thought back about the surgery that he
mentioned just now, and somehow, I wished he would do it. At least he could see everything again, and get
his life back.

But then the risk's high, and I didn't know whether I could ever live normally again if something did
happen to him. In some way, Riley had become a part of my life.

If something did happen to him, who would sit beside me in English? Who would mock, taunt and make
fun of me? And the most important part, who'd ever make me smile like an idiot all the time?

Wow. I realized he's quite important to me.

Riley showed up a few moments later, and he already had his shades on. "Ellie, are you still here?" he
asked, walking down to my direction. "Do you seriously think I'm going to run away from your house?" I
teased, getting on my feet.

"Well, who knows. You're unpredictable...... And nuts." I smiled. "I told you I would never leave you."
He gave me a close mouth smile, the one which has always made the butterflies in my stomach goes
wild. "Thanks," he said in a soft, low tone that sent shivers to my spine.

"You're welcome." I muttered while congratulating myself inside my head that I managed to utter each
word properly. I thought I was going to pass out.

He breathed out, still smiling. "Oh, well. I called someone for you. He said he could send you home,"

I raised an eyebrow. He? "Who?" I asked in confusion, trying to think of someone who he might just call.
But then Reese had said every single of his friends left him after the accident. They thought he's a freak.

Riley simply gave me a half-smile. "You'll see. Let's wait in the driveway. His house is just three blocks
away from mine, so he should be here in minutes,"

I was about to ask something, but Riley was already walking away from there, heading towards the

"Can I ask you something?" he suddenly asked, taking a sit on the steps in front of the main door.

"Yeah. Sure," I replied, and took a seat next to him. I flicked my eyes to look at him, and was actually
Commenté [R40]: ??????
thankful he had his shades on. His brown eyes were too hot for my view.

"You know almost everything about me which I don't even know why," Riley said, shrugging. "But I don't
know anything about you. I mean, other than you have a brother and a sister, and you're [R41]: you know…. I mean?????

I bit the inside of my cheeks as I didn't know how to answer his question. I supposed Ms. Gail hasn't told
Commenté [R42]: ??????
him about my parents. If she did, Riley would've treated me nicer because he's a good guy.

"There's nothing special about me," I finally figured out an answer. I swiped at a strand of my hair. "I'm a

Riley shook his head, sighing. "Your answer is so predictable. Why're you so nice? Answer this one."

I laughed. "Really? I don't even know I'm nice,"

"Nice in a weird way, though. Did you ever get mad at something?" "Of course I did! I'm not an alien!"
"Okay. Tell me when did you get mad."
"Whenever this snobbish, idiot guy named Riley Flynn is around me," I answered, chuckling. Needless to
say, everyone knew it wasn't true. I was always happy in a mad kind of way when I was around him.

He laughed, flashing both his dimples. Riley looked terribly adorable. "Good answer. I'm impressed. It
just proves you could get mad and mean,"


Riley tried to say something, but then he shut his mouth again as a silver-colored BMW pulled up in his

If this was a movie, there'd be some dramatic song playing right now as I waited with bated breath for the
driver to go out of the luxury car.

Slamming the door shut, he raked a hand through his wavy, golden brown hair, and his eyes were shielded
by a pair of black sunglasses. My eyes widened as I finally recognized who he was.

Aiden Miller.


"What are you doing here?" I literally exclaimed, and I realized it was a little rude. I got up to my feet, and
Riley did the same thing.

Aiden shot me a smile. "I thought someone needs a ride home?" he asked, leaning against his car door.

I frowned in confusion before turning to look at Riley. "You called him?" I asked him, again, in somewhat a
rude tone.


Putting on a shock look, I asked, "What? Why?"

Riley sighed. "He has a car, Ellie. Aiden could drive you home," he answered slowly.

I averted my eyes to Aiden before back to Riley again. Since when they were friends again? I thought Aiden
left him after the accident because he's blind now. What was going on here?
Boys were really unpredictable.

Aiden walked to the other side of the car, and opened the passenger front seat for me. "Come on, let's get
you home," he pleaded, putting off his sunglasses, revealing his sexy eyes.

I hesitated, and just stood there without moving even an inch. I didn't know whether this is a good idea or
not. Heck, I didn't even expect this to happen. I never thought Riley would call Aiden to send me home.

"Ellie, go home. You're still sick," Riley mumbled, pausing for a few seconds. "You have my number,

Hesitating, I bit my lower lips. I wanted to say no, but it wasn't the right to do. Aiden came just to help me
out, and it was Riley who called him. At least, I should appreciate what both of them have done for me.

"Okay," I agreed, walking to the open door. I lifted my eyes to look at Riley. "Bye. I'll talk to you soon," I
waved my hand at him.

Riley raised a hand. "Bye."

Aiden closed the door for me when I got into his car. I watched him walk to the driver's seat, and couldn't
help but to drool over how hot he looked. He was wearing a gray shirt which was really fit, and showed
off his muscular arms, and stomach. His blue jeans were low, and fitted his body perfectly.

"Ready?" He asked, smiling as he got into the car. My eyes turned to look at where Riley was still standing.
His face was shallow, and that little adorable smile of his has faded away.

"Yeah," I answered, and nodded. Aiden then pushed his car horn before moving his car away from the
Flynn's residence.

I told Aiden the road to my house, and he instantly knew where my house was. He said one of his friends
live nearby (only four blocks away from mine), and he knew the way around this suburb.

The first few moments after that went by silently. It was an awkward one, unfortunately for me. I still
wasn't quite sure whether he was really nice or else.

"I haven't said thank you," I started to speak first, keeping my eyes to look in front.

"No problem. Riley told me you're sick," Aiden spoke, glancing at me before turning back his eyes to look in

"Yeah, a little. It's not that bad, though, Riley has just been over-reacting," I said, rolling my eyes.

Aiden let out a low chuckle. "Yeah, well. That sounds like Riley,"

It took me a few seconds before I asked, "I don't know you guys are still friends. I thought, you know,
after the accident - you and him aren't talking anymore."

He sighed. "We weren't," Aiden replied. "This is the first time he talked to me since two years ago."

I was taken aback by his answer. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Riley changed after the accident. We're friends, well to be honest, best friends. But I
don't know -" Aiden shrugged. "I guess, he just doesn't want to continue the friendship anymore, and don't
ask me why. I would never understand him."

"How long have you been friends?"

"Since we're four," Aiden said, half-smiling. "We went to the same Playgroup. We both grew up here

I nodded, and to what's it worth, Aiden sounded like a good guy. And their friendship story sounded
amazing. It was a sad case that Riley ended it, and it was probably because he was being a pessimist again.

"Riley seems to like you," Aiden suddenly said, and his voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I blushed.
"What do you mean?"
He chuckled. "He has finally had the gut to speak to me again just to ask for my help. And trust me, I
know who he is. You must mean something special to him," Aiden winked his eye.

I laughed awkwardly, still blushing. "Well, I'm his only friend. Reese told me all his friends left him
because he's blind now," I said bluntly as I wanted to know how he'd react to it.

His smile faltered. "Some of them, yeah. Believe me, Ellie. I tried to talk to him ever since he woke up in
the hospital after the accident. But he didn't want to. He said he didn't want to meet or talk to anyone,"

I felt guilty for snapping at him as he continued to tell his story.

"Riley is different, and hell, I don't even know who he is right now. My best friend is dead to me, and not
because he's blind but because he's changed. It hurts like shit." Aiden raised his voice slightly. He sighed.
"I'm sorry, Ellie. I'm just -"

I shook my head. "No, I am sorry. I shouldn't just assume everything without asking first," I said

Aiden gave me a weak smile. "Apology accepted," he said. "And I gotta say thanks to you too."

"For what?"

A huge grin plastered on his face. "Well, Riley and I finally talk again and it's because of you. It means a
great deal to me," he said genuinely. "And well, maybe after this we'd be friends again, I hope."
"You're welcome," I grinned. "And don't worry! I promise I'd try to talk to him about you," "Thanks," Aiden
muttered, turning into a corner. "I'm sure he'd listen to you."

I just flashed him another smile. The rest of the ride passed in silence, and we finally reached my house.

"Thanks, Aiden," I chattered, unbuckling my seatbelt. "You just save my life."

He chuckled. "No problem. I'm glad I could help you," Aiden chirped, looking at me with his smashing blue
eyes. "And again, thanks. For making Riley talk to me again."

I laughed. "Okay. I'll see you later," I went out of the car, and shut the door behind me.

He lowered the window down. "And you know what, I think I like you even more," Aiden said directly,
without even hiding anything. He sure was a straight-to-the-point kind of guy.

I blushed, and my mouth failed to utter anything. I could feel the heat on my cheeks as my hands started
trembling. The butterflies inside me weren't fluttering, instead they were hitting on the wall of my stomach -
punching it.

I managed to curve a weak smile, internally applauding myself for not doing anything stupid.

Aiden gave a wave, flashing me his killer smile before his car leaves my place. I waited until his smart
BMW was out of my sight before heading into my house.

Later that night, I slammed myself onto the bed, and took my new cell phone from the night stand.
Everything has been set up by my brother - the internet connection (even though I don't really know what to
do with it other than Google) and Aaron had even taught me how to use the camera, play the music, and
how to save someone's number.

But there were only two contacts registered in my cell; Riley Flynn and Aaron Burke. Yeah, I know.
Pathetic, wasn't it?
Nevertheless, I didn't know what to do with it, and I was bored. I glanced at the clock, and it was past nine
o'clock. All the teachers somehow were kind enough because there were no homeworks for this weekend.
Weird, but it was the truth.

I unlocked my cell phone, and opened the 'Contact' section. Like I said, there were only two people in the
list. I scrolled down to 'Riley Flynn' and pressed the button in the middle of my cell phone.

There were only two options - call or text message.

Definitely not text message. Obviously, he was blind. Riley wouldn't be able to read the message,
except if he asks for somebody's help to read for him. Oh, well, that would be totally embarrassing for
me then. What would they think of me?

That means, there was only one option left; call.

I hesitated. Should I call him? What if he was asleep? What if he ignored my call, and hated me after that?
What if what if what if.

Screw it.

I pressed the 'Call' option, and waited with bated breath for him to pick up my call. Nauseous feeling started
to form inside of me, and my heart weakened with every moment passed.

Beep. Beep. Beep. "Hello?"

"He-Hello?" I stuttered, shocked at how different his voice sounded. But still, I knew it was him. No one
had ever greeted people like he was going to kill them other than him. "Riley?"

I heard a sigh. "You again,"

I couldn't help but to laugh, and was surprised he still recognized my voice. "Hey, how did you know it's

"I could sense a high content of weirdness in your voice," Riley replied placidly. "Of course it's you, Ellie."

I grinned. "Whatever. But your voice sounds different, though." Somehow, I knew he was smirking. "What?
Sexier? Hotter?"
"Ew, please," I denied, rolling my eyes. "Your voice sounds like that yellow square thingy," I spoke with my
other hand making a square shape hand gesture.

"Yellow square thingy?"

I hummed for a moment, trying to think of the name of the cartoon I've watched with Sophie the other day.
"Ah, Spongebob! Your voice sounds like Spongebob!"

I thought I heard him laughing, and I smiled instantly. "You watch Spongebob? How old are you? Six?"

I frowned. "My sister made me. But Spongebob is cute! And Patrick and -"

He cut me off. "Elle, I don't really want to hear any of your ramblings on Spongebob and his friends," Riley
said dejectedly. "And I do not sound like Spongebob."

"Yeah, you do,"


Riley grunt. "Ugh, why are you calling me? I'm going to have a nightmare tonight," he complained,
and I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

Placing a pillow under my head, I laughed. "You'll have sweet dreams, trust me," I assured. "And can I ask
you something?"

"As long as it's a normal, and reasonable question,"

I grinned. "So, Aiden told me you haven't spoken to him since the accident happened. Is that true?"

Riley didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Yeah." "Why?"

"I don't really wanna talk about this, Ellie," Riley said, lowering his tone. "You won't understand."

I sighed. "Riley, I just want you to know that Aiden doesn't seem to care that you're blind now," I
murmured, hoping he would believe me. "Neither do I."

It took him some moments before he spoke, "I know. But I'm not ready to face him yet. I'm not the same
person anymore, I'm different. I can't play basketball with him, or surf, or even see him."

"So if you're not ready to face him, why did you call him just now?" I asked, confused.

"That's because you need someone to send you home. And I could only think of him," Riley explained
before grumbling. "Can we just end this Aiden conversation? I rather talk about Spongebob."

I chuckled. "I thought you hate Spongebob." "No one hates Spongebob, Ellie."
I laughed again before yawning. I glanced at the clock, and realized it was almost my bedtime. No wonder I
was sleepy. "Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked, covering my mouth as I yawn again.

"Why? You wanna sleep already?" Riley asked, amusing. "What time is it?" I went to look at the clock.
"And you wanna sleep already?"

"I'm cool like that," I said, laughing. I snuggled into my cozy comforter, and my eyes became even more
tired. "What time do you always sleep?"

"Anytime I want to," Riley answered before he suddenly moan, "Ouch!" and I heard a loud thud sound.

My eyes widened in shock. "Hey, what happened? Are you okay, Riley?" I asked, worried that something
might have happened to him. "Riley?"

"I'm fine," he replied, but he sounded hurt, though. I frowned. "What happened?"
"I fell on my butt out of the bed," he replied in an annoyed tone. I laughed so hard that I swore, this
could last until tomorrow. "Go on. Laugh at me."

I tried my best to stop laughing. "Sorry. It's just - I can't imagine the look on your face," I said. "It must be so

"I'm hanging up on you,"

"You won't," I laughed, and yawned again. "God, Riley. You're really funny,"

He laughed - that one infectious laugh. The most adorable, cutest laugh I've ever heard in my life.

"Good night, Riley," I eventually said, smiling like an idiot. I swore, if anyone saw me like this, they
would've thought that I was crazy, and called the mental hospital to catch me.

I imagined one of his smiles that had always made my heart race. "Good night, Ellie," Riley wished, and
his voice made me want to jump around like a monkey.

No, actually, like a gorilla.

Pressing the red button, I ended my weird conversation with Riley Flynn, even though his voice was still
tingling in my ear.

Clutching my proud cell phone into my chest, I closed my eyes, and drifted into a beautiful, peaceful sleep.

And just for a split second, I thought I was falling in love with him. 13th

A couple of weeks passed, and I had spent most of my time with Riley. We did almost everything
together - homeworks, school stuffs, and I had even got a chance to teach him how to read a book in
It surprised me a little that he hadn't learned it, even though it has been more than a year since he was blind.
Ms. Gail told me that Riley didn't want to learn it. He said it made him look so stupid.

She asked for my help to convince him, and to my surprise, he agreed to learn how to read it. To be honest,
it wasn't that hard to convince him. Well, Riley did get angry at first, but then he finally obliged.

"Okay, Riley. Now, try to read this," I said softly, and guided his fingers to touch a word on the Braille
book. It was just a simple story book which Ms. Gail had bought for him as last year's Christmas' gift. But
he never used it.

His fingers examined the word tentatively, and I tried my best not to laugh at how adorable, and cute his
face expression was. It took him some moments as he never did know how to read Braille before this. It
was his first lesson.

"Food?" Riley guessed, turning his eyes in my direction. His eyes glimmered with hope and curiosity, and
he was putting on a serious expression. "Ellie, is it correct?" He asked again when I didn't respond to his

I smiled, and clapped my hands. "Yay! You did it! Your first word!" I cheered loudly for him, and he smiled
instantly. "Well done, Riley! I knew you can do it!"

He let out a low chuckle. I could see it clearly how much it meant to him. Both his dimples were visible
as a huge smile plastered on his face. No matter how many times I saw that smile, it could still
weakened my heart, and made me smile along.

That's how infectious his smile was.

But still, I hadn't gotten the chance to meet his parents, even though I went to his house for almost every
day. Riley told me his parents were always busy with their works, and they're always out of the country.

And it seemed like Riley didn't like to talk about them. Well, I couldn't blame him, though. His parents
should've been here for him. If I were him, maybe I would've acted the same way.

As days passed, I became closer to him,. My days were exceptionally wonderful, and full of laughter. He
had changed a bit, I guess. Riley never did howl, or get angry at me anymore.

And the best part was, he finally learned how to say thank you and please to me! I couldn't be more happier
with my life now.
Although, I hadn't invited him to my house. Well, Riley never did care, though, and he never did ask about
it. I still wasn't sure about telling him that my parents were dead.

The reasons were still the same, I didn't want him to change his attitude towards me, and I was afraid of
losing the Riley I've known for the past few weeks.

The Riley I might be falling for.

Nevertheless, I realized I have to tell him about my past someday. Friends should share every secret together
- good or bad. It'd make the friendship become even stronger, and happier.

And maybe I just was over-thinking, and exaggerating about this. Maybe Riley wouldn't change his
attitude towards me, even though I told him that I didn't have any parents.

We talked almost about everything now - music, food, and of course, Spongebob.

Riley loved Avenged Sevenfold's rock music while I hated the band, and their music creeped me out.

He loathed One Direction more than anything when I was one of their crazy fans. I hated Squidward, but
Riley respected his cranky attitude.
There were so many differences between us, and it actually caused us to fight every time we talk.

But the differences between us were actually what I love about our friendship. We became closer each
day. Now, I knew almost everything about him, and he's really unique - or should I say, one in a million? I
loved having a fight with that snobbish guy too.

I couldn't imagine Riley being nice to me. Hell, no.


The day was beautiful, like always - Florida's a really nice place, and I loved it already. I told Riley once
that I want to live here forever, and ever. Well, you wanna know how did he react to it?

He laughed. Riley said it was a crazy idea, and listed twenty reasons why I shouldn't live here until the day I
die (two of it was because of the Tsunami's, and sharks) And he also said that it was way too early to talk
about our old days.

I hated him sometimes, really. He laughed at me for too much.

Wearing a white summer dress, I made my way towards the beach on a bright Thursday evening. Riley
and I met up at the beach almost every day after school - at our usual spot. It has become somehow, a daily
routine for the both of us.

"Ellie!" I heard someone calling my name as I was walking down the beaten sandy tracks. I turned around,
and found Aiden, running towards my direction.

"Oh, hi, Aiden," I said, greeting him with a smile. I looked at him up and down. "Volleyball, huh?"

He nodded, chuckling. "Yeah. What are you doing here?" he asked me as a sweat trickled down the side
of his face.

"Oh, um, I'm meeting Riley," I said in an awkward tone, chewing my lips. "You know, just hanging
around, and talking. Nothing else." I didn't want Aiden to think otherwise.


I flicked my eyes away from him, and saw Riley sitting at the usual place. "Oh, Riley's here," I said, turning
my eyes to meet his electric-blue ones. "You wanna go and say hi to him?"

He shook his head almost instantly. "Nah, I'll pass. Riley wouldn't want to talk to me. I don't want him to
get angry at you," Aiden said, looking over at Riley.

I gave him a weird look. "What? I'll make him talk to you. Come on! This is a great chance to get your
friendship back!" I exclaimed, widening my eyes excitedly.

Aiden grinned, showing off his left dimple. "No, really, Ellie. Maybe later. I have to get back to the game
..... Sorry," he apologized, grimacing.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll go now then, bye. Talk to you later," I forced a smile, and gave him a wave. Aiden
waved back at me before I walk away from there.

I had been hoping he would want to talk to Riley. I realized he needed more friends to support him,
and not just me. If their friendship was as close as I thought, Aiden would really be a great help. Maybe it'd
cheer Riley up even more.

As I inched closer to Riley, a smile appeared instantly on my face. I sneaked behind him, wanting to
give him a surprise. I held myself from laughing as I kept imagining how his surprised face would look

"Riley!" I shouted, placing my hands on his shoulders. He was really shocked until he pushed me, causing
me to fall down onto the sand.

"Who's that?" Riley snarled, standing up instantly. His face was serious, and it took him a few seconds to
realize it was me. "Ellie?"

I pouted, rubbing my butt. "How could you do this to me, Riley?" I grumbled, trying to get up.

He sighed. "God, Ellie. You scared me to death!" Riley snapped, and he walked closer to me. His hand
wandered before grabbing my arm. "Don't ever do that again," he warned, pulling me up.
"I was just joking around," I defended, getting onto my feet. I scowled as my butt was hurting. I began to
regret that I surprised him from behind.

I assumed, Riley rolled his eyes under the shades. "In case you've forgotten, I'm blind, Ellie," he said acidly.

I realized he was right. "Sorry. I wouldn't do that again," I said apologetically, looking down to the gold

Riley sighed, and took back his seat on the soft sand. "Are you okay, though?" he eventually asked.

I nodded, sitting next to him. "I'm fine. Still alive,"

He chuckled, causing my dopamine level go silly. "I knew a push wouldn't have killed you. Even a gun or
a big truck couldn't kill you," Riley sneered, grinning.

I scowled. "Shut up."

His head dropped down, still grinning. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for pushing you. Happy?" Riley muttered
using an annoyed tone.

I smiled as the butterflies inside me fluttered happily. "Yes, Riley. And you're forgiven," "I don't know why I
still hang around you,"
"Because you like me?" I tried, flashing him a cheeky smile. I didn't really mean anything, just wanting to
know his reaction.

Riley didn't say anything.

Slapping his arm, I laughed. "Chill out! It was another joke," I chirped, smiling. An awkward feeling crept
into my spine as Riley remained silent. "You and me? How funny is that, right?" I bumped my shoulder with

Riley shook his head, turning his eyes to look at me. "Um, yeah. Ha-ha." he finally responded, and I could
tell he was forcing a smile.

I smiled, biting my lips. "You okay?"

He nodded, giving me an odd look. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Riley gushed, and I smiled. He
started talking again a minute later, "So, you never told me about Lenoir,"

I frowned immediately. "Um," I hesitated, and gulped. "There was nothing interesting happened to
me in Lenoir, really," I said, with hope he would believe me.

"Come on. I told you everything and I know you're lying. There must be something about Lenoir," Riley

I gulped again, as the memory of Lenoir came back to haunt me. I had been trying to forget everything,
and it was almost successful - until now.

Riley's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah? Sorry, I was just thinking about something," I
said, breathing out.

"Oh, okay. Now tell me about Lenoir. What's it like? You said you know how to ride a horse, right?" Riley
asked, and he actually sounded excited. It made me feel even more guilty, and uneasy.

I breathed in, trying to relax. This wasn't that bad, Ellie. Just tell him what he should know, nothing else.

"Well, Lenoir is beautiful, and it's just a small city. It can get really cold on some days..." I started, trying
to think of any relevant information. "We live on a ranch, and there's a horse stable beside it. I have a horse
named Jelly,"

His lips twitched upward into a warm smile. "I never ride a horse. And why Jelly? That's a hideous name,

I laughed. "I don't know! Maybe because it rhymes with my name, and she's sweet like a jelly." I
explained, shrugging.

"Crazy Ellie. Hey, that sounds good too," Riley chattered, nodding. "No wonder you're crazy."

"Do you wanna hear my story or are we back to the weird convo?" "Sorry. Back to you," Riley apologized,
offering me a smile.
I took another deep breath. "My school was small, and there were not more than seven hundred
students studying there. But still....." I trailed off as I held back myself.

All the faces of the people who hated me came back into my brain. Their terrible words, their laughters, and
the way they had looked at me - it was just too horrible.

Fatty Ellie!

Hey, look at that fat girl!

"Ellie," Riley's soft voice tingled in my ears, but my mouth failed to utter a reply. My eyes weren't
blinking, and my heart raced as everything came back to haunt me.

Fatty fatty fatty Ellie Ellie Ellie

God, she's so hideous. She should just kill herself!

"Ellie, are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, and that one managed to pull me out of my thoughts.

A tear dropped from my eyes. "I used to be a nobody. Everyone over there hated me, and they called me
names," I croaked, failing to control myself. "I don't know what did I do till they hated me that much! I
was just......"

Riley wrapped his arm around me, and in some way, it made me feel so safe, and I didn't want him to let
go. His arm fitted perfectly around me - like he was really made for me.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I didn't know your life was...." Riley stopped talking, and I guessed, he was trying to
figure the right word to say. "If only I knew..... I wouldn't have asked you about Lenoir."

I sniffed. "It's okay. You shouldn't sound so bad about it," I said, convincing him. "I'm not going back to
Lenoir, anyway. Like forever, and ever."

"You don't have any family there?"

I shook my head before remembering Aunt Lynn. "Oh, yeah, my aunt lives there. But I never did like her," I
shrugged. "She's ten times weirder than me."

Riley let out a soft chuckle. "That's .... creepy."

"Tell me about it. You should meet her for yourself," I rolled my eyes. "I moved here with hope to start a
new life. I just want to be me, you know - just me. It's my last year in school,"

Riley looked down to me, and offered me a genuine smile. "You are you, Ellie," he mumbled softly.

The butterflies inside of me had turned into gorillas again, and it kept jumping around - making me feel
wild, and crazy.

I lifted my eyes to look at his eyes, and even though he was putting on his sunglasses - I could imagine
his beautiful brown eyes looking at me. In this kind of occasion, I couldn't help but to feel thankful that
he's blind.

I looked like a beet-root.

"Thanks," I managed to let out that one simple word, internally clapping my hands for my achievement.

He squeezed me, and it made things got worse - the gorillas inside me turned into love-sick gorillas.
Instead of jumping, it were waltzing inside my stomach!

"You're welcome," he uttered. "We're friends, right?" Wait, what did he say?
I pulled away, putting on an obnoxious look on my face. "Did you just say we're friends?" I asked
excitedly, and my eyes widened like eggs. "Oh my god! It's the end of the world!"

He gave me a flat look. I laughed.

"You always destroy serious moment, you know," Riley grumbled, shaking his head in disapproval.
I laughed even harder until I was out of breath. "Sorry, sorry. It was just - that kind of moment only
comes once in a life time, Riley," I chirped, teasing him.

"Am I that bad?"

I hummed. "Uh, let me think ..... Yeah."

He grunted, annoyed. "What should I do to prove that I am nice?"

I chuckled. "Nice wasn't made for you, Riley. But, anyway, I know just how you can prove that you're


"Okay, so it's Sophie's birthday this Saturday. And we're having a small party. I want you to come to my
house," I told him, elbowing him.

He scowled. "A party?" Riley repeated, gulping.

I rolled my eyes. "It's just a small party. Just our family, and you, and Ms. Gail," I informed. "Please......."

He shrugged. "I don't know - you parents are going to be there? Your brother?" he asked, and he actually
sounded scared.

Damn; parents thingy again.

"Um, yeah. Everyone's going to be there," I prompted, nodding. "Ask Ms. Gail to come with you, and
please say yes, Riley......"


I pouted, shaking his arm. "Riley, please......" I beseeched. "Do it to prove you're nice, and you said that
we're friends, right? Please......"

He sighed, dropping his head. "Fine. I'll go," "Yeay! It's going to be fun, I promise!" "Whatever."
I showed my pinky finger at him. "Come on. Let's pinky promise," He looked taken aback. "Pinky what?"
I sighed. "Pinky promise, Riley. Don't tell me you don't know what that is?" I frowned. "That's for kids, Elle.
We're seventeen."
"I don't care," I insisted, and grabbed his hand. "Show me your pinky finger, and promise me you'll attend
Sophie's party."

"I can't believe this," Riley sighed, but still, he showed me his pinky finger. I smiled, and wrapped my
finger around his.

I looked down to our intertwined fingers, and smiled - the hopeless romantic side of me wished he
would never let it go, and we would live together in Florida forever and ever.

I could take on the sharks and the Tsunami, really. 15th

(Not edited)

"Wear this hat!"

Aaron's eyes widened as he stared down at the hat I was holding. "What the fudge? Hell, no way. I'm not
wearing this -" he took the hat out of my hand. "- crap!"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, come on. It's Sophie's birthday! What happened to let's-make-her- happy-on-her-
birthday?" I reminded him, folding my arms across my chest.

"That doesn't mean I have to wear this stupid hat," Aaron protested as he sat down on my bed. "Can we just
skip this part?"

I scowled. "No," He frowned as I seized the hat from him. "Just wear it. Believe me, you still look good
wearing it." I placed the hat on his head before staggering backwards to observe my brother.

I lied. Aaron looked miraculously hideous wearing the party hat. It was green with silver stripes, and it
has 'Happy Birthday' written on it. The hat even has its own special feature - a furry white ball, stuck on top
of the cone.

He sighed. "I know you're lying, Ellie. You're never good at it," Aaron grumbled, and I grimaced.
"You're lucky I love my sisters."

"Aww, that's sweet of you," I teased as he tucked the string under his chin. I grabbed my own hat from the
dresser, and put it on. While Aaron's hat was green, mine was bright pink.

Call me girly, I don't care.

Aaron pointed a finger at me warningly. "No pictures, no videos -" "Okay, okay,"
"And if you ever laugh at me, I'll put it off right away," he fussed, narrowing his eyes at me.

I shrugged. "I won't laugh at you, I promise. No one is going to see you wearing that hat anyway. Just
me and Sophie,"

Aaron literally ran towards my dresser mirror, pushing me out of his way. "Oh, God. This is horrible," He
sighed dramatically, staring at himself in the mirror. "Why did you give me the green one? It's the hideous
of them all."

I sauntered closer to him before wrapping an arm around his waist. "Green suits you," I convinced,
smiling at him in the mirror. "I think we better get to Sophie's room before she wakes up." I gestured
Aaron to the door as he kept adjusting his party hat.

Slowly, we made our way towards Sophie's bedroom, and I opened her bedroom door. I poked my head
through the door, and sighed in relief as I realized she's still sleeping.

"Is she still asleep?" Aaron asked as he poked his head through the door right above my head.

"Yeah, and shut up!" I whispered, hitting his stomach. I pulled my head out of the door, and he did the
same thing. "Let's get to the middle of the room, and shout 'happy birthday'!" I suggested, grinning.

"What if she gets a heart attack?" Aaron said, raising his eyebrow. His words made him look even stupider
than before - with his stupid, green hat and all.

I slapped his arm, annoyed. "Sophie's turning ten, not eighty!"

He shrugged. "Fine, fine. Sorry." Aaron placed his hand on the doorknob before turning it really slow.
Tiptoeing, we made our way to the middle of the room, right in front of her bed. "1 2 ....
3 .." I counted before we both shout, "Happy Birthday, Sophie!"

Aaron started to blow his blower loudly, and we both danced around like maniacs. I slipped my hands into
my hoodie's pockets, and threw the pink confetti around her bedroom.

Sophie got up into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes. Aaron and I were both grinning happily as we
waited for her reaction.

When she finally realized what was going on, a huge smile crossed her face instantly. "Oh, my God.
Thank you so much," Sophie cried happily, covering her mouth using her hands. Her eyes held a huge
glint of happiness.

I skipped closer to the bed, and threw myself around her. "Happy birthday, Sophie. I love you so so much," I
cooed, kissing the top of her head.
Sophie planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, Ellie. I love you too!" She chirped, flashing me a big smile.

"What about me?" Aaron pursed his lips, crossing his arms to his chest. The blower was still hanging on his
lips, and it made him look like a retarded guy.

I've never seen Aaron Burke looked so ... not cool.

We both laughed, and Sophie widened her arms for a hug. Aaron leapt towards her, and jumped onto
the bed.

"Happy birthday, sissy!" he wished, crushing her bones. "You're a big girl now, aren't you?" he ruffled her
hair playfully.

"Yup," Sophie chortled, popping the 'p'. "Thanks guys. I'm so happy today." she said genuinely, and
I put my arm around her.

In this kind of occasion, I couldn't help but to miss my parents. If only they're here with us, it'd be more
perfect than this. It's weird to celebrate her birthday without Mom and Dad, I never thought I could ever
do this.

Aaron insisted on giving Sophie a surprise early in the morning - just like we had always done with our
parents when they're still alive. I was weak, and almost nothing without my siblings.

"I wish Mom and Dad are here with us," Sophie suddenly said, looking down to the teddy bear she was

I didn't say anything neither did Aaron.

It took everything inside of me to utter this, "They're always with us, Sophie. Mom and Dad would be so
proud of you. If we always remember them, then they'll never leave us,"

Sophie's lips twitched into a weak smile. I looked up to Aaron, and he was giving me his usual assuring
smile. His blue eyes were shining, and I knew he's proud of me.

I've finally learned how to accept things, thanks to him.

"Ellie's right. As long as we stick together, Mom and Dad would never leave us," Aaron said, breathing out.

And then we just sat there, hugging each other, and laughing at how ridiculous Aaron looked like.

Balloons. Check! Streamers.

Check! Food. Check! Riley...
I sighed, and dropped myself onto the couch. I just couldn't stop thinking about him, and I didn't even
know how his name ended up on my to-do list. My brain was full of his name, and his incredibly hot face,
his warm smile, his dimples, his laugh, his...

Oh, shut up brain!

I really had to stop thinking about him. It's not like I haven't talked to him for weeks. Heck, I talked to him
like an hour ago. Riley called me to ask what was Sophie's favorite color. I guess, he was shopping for
her birthday present.

The whole house has been decorated - light blue balloons were scattered everywhere, and some of them
were attached to the front door. Colorful streamers were hung around the house
the stairs, the ceiling and even the food table.

Even though the party was just for our family, and of course, Riley and Ms. Gail, we still decorated the
house as much as we could. Aaron and I decided to make this day special for our beloved little sister. She
deserved it anyway.

Talking about special, we even prepared a lot of food. There were red velvet cupcakes, pizzas, a warm apple
pie, and some cookie-dough ice-cream for desserts. Just by saying their names, it made my stomach growl

I went upstairs when everything was settled. I still needed to get ready for the party. I don't know if it was
necessary to dress up - I mean, Riley's blind. No matter how good I tried to look (which was actually
impossible) he wouldn't get to see me.

Tired, I dropped myself onto my bed, lying on my back. I knew this was going to be a long night. I needed
to tell Riley about my parents, and there was no way out. I couldn't think of any excuse to give him, and
tonight might just be the right time for me to tell him everything.

We've been friends for more than a month now, and I trusted him. Deep inside, I knew Riley trusted me too.
He told me almost everything so why shouldn't I do the same thing?

Staring at the ceiling, I sighed. Tonight would also be the first official meeting of Aaron and Riley.
Though, Aaron knew who Riley was, and he knew he's blind. I didn't think I could ever keep more secret.
It was hard enough to keep one particular secret from Riley.

Aaron was shocked, of course. He never thought his ultimate crush's nephew was blind, and that I was
crushing on a blind guy. It took him several days to accept the shocking news, but he eventually gave his

He said he wanted me to be happy, and he knew Riley made me feel happy. Aaron also knew Riley was the
reason I kept breaking all the plates in our house.

Blame Riley as he had such an infectious smile. My stupid brain didn't want to stop thinking about it.

After I got showered, I slipped into my new dress. It was a strapless, coral-colored dress, and the skirt was
knee-length. My hair has been straightened, and it was cascading down my back. I observed myself inside
the mirror tentatively, feeling so insecure.

I didn't even know why did I try to look good for the party. It's not like Riley could see me - he's blind,
idiot. Then again, I doubt I looked good anyway. Riley did say I look like Shrek, and he didn't even have to
look at me.

I felt more self-conscious when I put on a pair of black wedge two-inch heels. For your information, it
was only the second time I wore these heels. The first one was during Mom's best friend's wedding, and I
had stumbled for countless times on that day.

I've always hated high heels - and this thing were actually placed right on top of my cupboard, been left until
it were covered with dust until today.

I wandered downstairs, taking longer than usual given how cautious I was walking in heels.

"Hey, Aaron," I muttered, sauntering into the lounge. Aaron was busy arranging the napkins on the table.

He gave me a closed mouth smile before lifting his eyes to look at me. "Hey-" He stopped talking
instantly, looking at me up and down.

I bit my lips, and waited for his reaction. Did I look horrible? Was that why his eyes widened like

A huge smile formed on his face, and I couldn't help but to sigh in relief. "Wow." Aaron mused,
clapping his hands. "You really are falling hard for that blind guy, aren't you?"

I frowned. "His name is Riley." I said, somehow in a defensive tone. I really hated it when someone call
him 'blind guy'. Maybe because I've never looked at him in that way. Riley was pretty much perfect to me.

He chuckled. "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way, Elle," he apologized, walking closer towards me. He put his
hands on my arms. "You look beautiful. Sad case that guy can't see you,"

I poked his forehead. "Again, his name is Riley Flynn," I stated patently, and he pouted, rubbing his
forehead. "And don't ever say anything like that in front of him, okay? He's really sensitive."

"Anything like what?"

"You know, words like blind, sightless, can't see, weird, freak -" I gave him a few examples, rolling my
eyes. "- I don't know. Just promise me you'll be nice to him, Aaron. Please....." I pleaded, using my puppy

He shrugged. "I'm not that mean, you know. And okay, I promise. I won't offend your new boyfriend by
saying those words you've said,"

"He's not my boyfriend." "He will be."

I groaned in frustration, and he laughed. My brother could really be so freaking annoying. "Just -" I
pointed my index finger to his nose.

He held up his hands. "Wohoo, don't worry, my lady," Aaron slapped my finger away. "I won't say
anything stupid to your boyfriend -" he stressed his voice on boyfriend, narrowing his eyes at me. "-
because my lover is his aunt."

I felt like puking. "Eww, Aaron, get over yourself. Ms. Gail is my teacher and she won't -" Before I could
even finish my sentence the door bell rang.

Aaron flicked his eyes to the door. "I bet our lovers are here." he turned his eyes back to me, cocking his
eyebrows. I opened my mouth to say something, but Aaron was already heading towards the door.

He opened the door, revealing Ms. Gail and my potential crush. I stood behind Aaron as he stepped aside
to let them in.

"Hey, Gail," Aaron greeted my teacher, flashing one of his so-called special smiles. "I'm glad you could
come to our house for Sophie's birthday party." He shook her hand.

Ms. Gail grinned. "No problem. I'm happy to celebrate it together with your family," she said genially
before smiling at me. She looked beautiful - wearing a plain, red strap dress, the skirt not too tight or short.

Aaron turned his eyes to Riley. "You must be Riley? Ellie's bo -" I knew he almost blurted boyfriend, but
thank God he managed to stop. Aaron winked his eye at me playfully. "- friend."

I take back every nice things I said about Aaron.

Riley smiled, and my stomach did a back flip. "Yeah. I'm Riley Flynn," he introduced himself, holding out a
hand. "You're Aaron Burke? Ellie's brother?"

Aaron nodded, and shook his hand. "Yup. The one and only," he joked, and Riley let out a low chuckle.
But his low chuckle still made my heart race like a Formula one car. How did it possible, I would never

God, Riley looked so hot. I found myself drooling over him, and my eyes were checking him out intently.
He was wearing a black button-down shirt, and dark pants. His hair was messy in a sexy way. His deep,
warm brown eyes were visible as he didn't have his shades on.

How could he make me feel so much by just standing in front of me?

"Let's get to the lounge. I think Sophie's already there," Aaron said, still showing Ms. Gail his infamous
smile. I ignored him as I knew nothing would stop him from flirting with my own English teacher.

Aaron, and Ms. Gail were walking in front while Riley was walking beside me. I realized there were at
least ten inch gap between me and Riley, but I was still breathing nervously.

"Where are your parents?" he asked, and it made my heart stopped beating for a moment. Why did he ask
that one particular question?!

I gulped, trying to find an answer for him. Things got worse when Riley turned his eyes to look at me.
The intensity of his dark brown eyes was killing me from inside.

"I-I-" I stuttered, biting my lower lips. I stopped walking, and Riley did the same thing as he probably
realized I wasn't walking anymore.

"Ellie?" His voice echoed inside my ears, sending shivers through me. I averted my eyes away from
meeting his as I couldn't take it much longer. There was something in his eyes that made me feel something
I've never felt before.

Tell him now! No, not now!

Riley would understand. He's a good guy! Well, that's why you couldn't tell him!
I slapped my cheek, squinting my eyes. I couldn't think of any answer, I was blank. I realized Ms. Gail and
Aaron were already gone from there so they couldn't help me - no one could help me at this point.

Man up, Ellie. Don't be a chicken.

I inhaled deeply before flicking my eyes to see his beautiful face. "Riley, there's something you need to
know about me, and it's important."

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