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ALHS 1011 Final Exam Worksheet 1

Final Exam Review Worksheet

Introduction- Chapter 1
1. Define the terms anatomy and physiology.
2. List the levels of organization from smallest to largest
3. Define homeostasis.
4. Define negative feedback mechanism and give an example..
5. Define positive feedback and give an example.
5. Define and give an example of the following anatomical positions and directional terms
 superior inferior
 anterior (ventral) posterior (dorsal)
 medial lateral
 proximal distal
 superficial deep
6. You should know the terms for the regional landmarks on the human body.
7. Be able to describe the basic function (purpose) of every body system.
8. Label the major body regions as indicated by the diagram below:
ALHS 1011 Final Exam Worksheet 2

Basic Chemistry- Chapter 2

1. List four properties that make water vital.
2. What is an acid? A base?
3. What is the normal pH of blood?
4. What is a buffer?
5. Know the difference between a carbohydrate, lipid, and protein.
6. What is the primary use of glucose in the human body?
7. What is ATP and why is it important?

Cells, Membrane Transport, Tissues- Chapter 3

1. Describe characteristics of a plasma (cell) membrane:
a. Hydrophilic Heads
b. Hydrophobic Tails
2. What is the function of the nucleus?
3. State the function of each of the following organelles:
 Mitochondria
 Ribosomes
 Golgi Apparatus
 Rough ER
 Smooth ER
 Lysosomes
4. What is the function of the following cell membrane projections?
 Cilia
 Microvilli
 Flagella
5. What is meant by selective permeability?
6. Define the following cell membrane transport processes:
 Passive Transport
 Diffusion
 Osmosis
 Facilitated Diffusion
 Filtration
 Active Transport
 Vesicular Transport
 Solute Pumping
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Membranes and the Integumentary System- Chapter 4

1. What are the four main functions of epithelial membranes?
2. What is the difference between an endocrine and exocrine gland?

3. Recognize each of the following as types of connective tissue:

 Bone
 Cartilage
 Tendons and ligaments
 Adipose tissue
 Blood
6. Describe the unique characteristics of each of the following types of muscle cells:
 Smooth muscle
 Skeletal muscle
 Cardiac muscle
7. Where is the pericardium?
8. Where is the pleura?
9. Where is the peritoneum?
10. What layer is visceral- what does the word visceral mean?
11. What layer is the peritoneum?
12. Label the following diagram:

Label the following onto the Serous

Membrane Diagram
 Label Visceral Pericardium
 Label Parietal Pericardium
 Label Visceral Pleura
 Label Parietal Pleura
 Label Visceral Peritoneum
 Label Parietal Peritoneum
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12. What is another name for the skin?

13. Where would you find a mucus membrane?
14. Where do you find the synovial membrane?
15. Name the layers of the skin from the outermost to the innermost (include the
16. What is keratin?
17. What is melanin?
18. Label the skin diagram:

Hair Shaft Epidermis

Dermis Papillary Layer
Reticular Layer Subcutaneous/Hypodermis
Meissners’ Corpusle/ Sensory Nerve Fiber Pacinian Corpusle/ Lamellar Corpusle
Hair Follicle Eccrine Sweat Gland
Arrector Pili Muscle Sebaceous Gland
Hair Root Arteries
Veins Pores

Skeletal System- Chapter 5

1. Label the following skeletal diagram
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Ribs Sternum
Sacrum Tarsals
Metatarsals Phalanges
Cranium Zygomatic Bone
Maxilla Mandible
Clavicle Scapula
Humorous Radius
Ulna Carpals
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Metacarpals Femur
Patella Fibula
Tibia Cervical Vertebrae
Thoracic Vertebra Lumbar Vertebra
Coccyx Atlas
Axis Talus
Ilium Pubis
Ischium Calcaneus

2. Label the major parts of the femur:

Head of the Femur

Lesser Trochanter
Neck of the Femur
Diaphysis of the Femur
Greater Trochanter
Condyles of the femur

3. Label the major parts of the pelvic girdle

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Ilium Pubis
Ischium Sacrum
Coccyx Pubic symphysis
Acetabulum Iliac Crest

4. Explain what is found in the yellow bone marrow and the red bone marrow
5. What is the purpose of intervertebral disk?
6. What is another name for a joint?
7. What is the function of synovial fluid?

Muscular System-Chapter 6
1. Know the differences between smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle.
2. Where do you find skeletal muscle?
3. What are the 5 steps of an action potential (this comes from Assignment 3- Muscular
Written Assignment)


4. What is an origin? An insertion?

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5. Define the following terms:

Plantar Flexion

Prime Mover




6. Know the difference in aerobic and anaerobic metabolism

7. Label the following muscular diagrams:

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Platysma Sternocleidomastoid
Trapezius Deltoid
Pectoralis Major Biceps Brachii
Brachialis Rectus Abdominus
Internal Oblique External Oblique
Abdominal Aponeurosis Tibialis Anterior
Triceps Brachii Latissimus Dorsi
Gluteus Medius Gluteus Maximus
Iliotibial Tract Hamstring Group
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Gastrocnemius Satorius
Quadricep Group Adductor Muscle Group
Soleus Achilles tendon
Iliopsoas Brachioradialis

Nervous System- Chapter 7

1. What does the central nervous system consist of?
2. The peripheral nervous system?
3. What is an afferent neuron?
4. An efferent neuron?
5. What is the somatic nervous system?
6. What is the autonomic nervous system?
7. Describe the sympathetic nervous system.
8. Describe the parasympathetic nervous system.
9. What is myelin, and what is its function?
10. What happens at the synapse?
11. Label the four regions of the brain.

Label the following onto the Serous Membrane Diagram:

 Cerebrerum
 Diencehpalon
 Brain stem
 Cerebellum

12. Label the areas of the cerebrum:

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Label the following onto the

Cerebrum Diagram
 Frontal Lobe
 Parietal Lobe
 Occipital Lobe
 Temporal Lobe
 Cerebellum
 Gyrus
 sulcus
 Fissure

13. Describe the basic functions of the brain:

Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Lymbic System
Medulla Oblongata

14. Label these areas of the brain:

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Label the following onto the Sagittal Brain

 Corpus Collosum
 Pons
 Medulla
 Hypothalamus
 Cerebral Hemisphere
 Cerebellum
 Spinal Cord
 Pituitary gland

15. List three layers of the meninges from outermost to innermost.

16. What are the spinal nerves?
17. What are spinal nerve plexuses?
18. What are the cranial nerves? What are their basic functions?

Number Name Function

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Special Senses- Chapter 8

1. Label the eye:

Ciliary Body Sclera

Choroid Cornea
Iris Pupil
Aqueous Humor Lens
Vitreous humor Retina
Fovea Centralis Optic nerve
Optic Disk Conjunctiva

2. Label the ear:

ALHS 1011 Final Exam Worksheet 15

Auricle/Pinna External Ear

Middle Ear Internal Ear
Vestibulocochlear Nerve Semicircular Canals
Oval Window Cochlea
Vestibule Round Window
Pharyngotympanic Tube Malleus
Incus Stapes
Tympanic Membrane External Acoustic Meatus
External Canal Bony Labyrinth

3. Which cranial nerves are responsible for vision, hearing, smell, taste?

Endocrine System- Chapter 9

1. Define hormone.
2. Explain the negative feedback mechanism that regulates blood levels of nearly all
ALHS 1011 Final Exam Worksheet 16

3. Which gland is called the Master Gland?

4. State the basic action of the following hormones:
 Growth hormone
 Oxytocin
 Antidiuretic hormone
 Thyroid hormone
 Parathyroid hormone
 Epinephrine
 Insulin
 Glucagon

Blood-Chapter 10
1. What determines the color of blood?
2. What is the normal pH of blood?
3. Define hematocrit?
4. What is the function of the following blood cells?
 Erythrocytes
 Platelets
 Leukocytes
5. What is the function of hemoglobin in oxygen transport?
6. Hemoglobin contains what mineral?
7. Where are blood cells produced?
8. Define the following:
 Hemostasis
 Hematapoiesis
9. What blood type is the universal receiver?
10. What blood type is the universal donor?
11. What does it mean to be RH+ or RH-?

Cardiovascular- Chapter 11
1. List the layers of the heart from the outside in. Which layer contains the muscle?
2. Label and list the steps of pulmonary and systemic circulation:
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1. 11.
2 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

3. Label and trace the conduction of the nerve impulses through the heart.
Please lable the following Intrinsic Anatomy on the diagram:
• Left Atrium
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• Sinoatrial Node
• Atrioventricular Node
• Right Atrium
• Bundle Branches
• Pukinje Fibers
• Interventricular Septum
• Bundle of His
• Aortic Valve

4. Define systole.
5. Define diastole.
6. Compare and contrast arteries, veins, and capillaries with respect to function and
7. What do veins have that arteries do not have?
8. Label the heart diagram:
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Aorta Carotid artery

Superior Vena Cava Subclavian Artery
Pulmonary Trunk Aortic Arch
Myocardium Left atrium
Apex of the heart Right Ventricle
Brachiocephanlic Artery Inferior Vena Cava
Right Pulmonary Artery Left Ventricle
Left Pulmonary Artery Fossa Ovalis
Ascending Aorta Tricuspid Valve
Right Pulmonary Veins Chordae Tendineae
Left Pulmonary Veins Pulmonary Valve
Right Atrium Aortic Valve
Interventricular Septum

10. What do the coronary arteries do?

11. Describe hepatic portal circulation.
12. What is the circle of willis?
13. What is the blood brain barrier?
14. What is the only deoxygenated artery?
15. What is the only oxygenated vein?
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Lymphatic System- Chapter 12

1. What is the primary function of the lymphatic system?
2. What is the body's first line of defense?
3. What do phagocytes do?
4. List the cardinal signs of inflammation.
5. What is an antigen?
6. What is an antibody?

Respiratory System- Chapter 13

1. Trace the path of ventilation (this comes from Assignment 6- Respiratory Written

2. Where does gas exchange occur between the lungs and the blood?
3. What is another word for breathing?
4. What does respiration mean?
5. List and describe the four events of respiration:


6. What kind of cells transport oxygen?

7. How does respiration happen (what type of membrane transport mechanism?)
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Digestive System- Chapter 14

1. Trace the path of food through the alimentary canal from ingestion to defecation (this
comes from Assignment 7- Digestive Written Assignment)

1, 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

2. What is the primary digestive function of the following organs:

 Stomach
 Small intestine
 Pancreas
 Liver
 Gallbladder
 Large intestine
3. Carbohydrates are broken down where and into what?
4. Proteins are broken down where and into what?
5. Lipids are broken down where and into what?
6. Bile is produced by the __________ but stored in the __________.
7. Label the following diagrams:
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Duodenum Jejunum
Ileum Gallbladder
Liver Esophagus
Parotid Gland Sublingual Gland
Submandibular Gland Pharynx
Stomach Spleen
Pancreas Transverse Colon
Descending Colon Ascending Colon
Cecum Sigmoid Colon
Rectum Appendix
Anus Splenic Flexure
Hepatic Flexure
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Esophagus Fundus
Lesser Curvature Greater Curvature
Rugae Pylorus
Pyloric Sphincter Draw the esophageal sphincter
Duodenum Body
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Gallbladder Hepatic Ducts

Common Bile Duct Cystic Duct
Duct of Wirsung (Pancreatic Duct) Ampulla of Vader (Hepatopancreatic
Sphincter of Oddi (Duodenal Papilla) Duodenum
Right Lobe of Liver Left Lobe of Liver
Falciform Ligament Head of the Pancreas
Tail of the Pancreas
8. What is mesentery?
9. What is omentum?
10. What is peristalsis?
11. What is segmentation?
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Urinary System- Chapter 15

1. Label the major organs of the urinary system:

Renal Artery Renal Veins

IVC Renal Hilum
Aorta Iliac Artery
Iliac Vein Ureter
Rectum Uterus
Bladde4r Urethra
Kidney Adrenal Gland

2. Trace the filtrate from the glomerulus to the point at which is it is excreted as urine.
(From Assignment 8- Urinary Written Assignment)
1. Follow filtration from the glomerular 6.
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2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

3. Follow blood through the kidney through the abdominal aorta (From Assignment 8-
Urinary Written Assignment)
1. Abdominal Aorta 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

9, Right Atrium

4. Describe the normal components of urine, and what is typically not excreted (i.e
glucose, protein)
5. What is the special type of epithelium found in the bladder?
6. Define alkalosis. An alkaline substance has a pH of _________________.
7. Define acidosis. An acidic substance has a pH of __________________.
8. What is the function of a buffer?
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9. What is the normal pH of blood?

10. Label the major parts of the kidney:

Renal Vein
Renal Pelvis
Renal Medulla
Renal Artery
Renal Cortex
Renal Pyramid

Reproductive System- Chapter 16

1. What is the prostate gland, where is it located, and what is its function?
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2. What are the testes? Where they located and what are their functions?
3. What are the ovaries? Where are they located and what are their functions?
4.. Where does fertilization take place?
5. Where is sperm produced?

6. Label the major anatomy of the female reproductive system:

Ovary Myometrium
Fundus of the Uterus Vagina
Broad Ligament Cervix
Body of Uterus
Fallopian Tube
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Rectum Ovary
Vagina Uterus
Cervix Bladder
Fallopian Tube
7. Label the major anatomy of the male reproductive system:
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Seminal Vesicle Ureter

Rectum Prostrate
Bulbourethral Gland Vas Deferens
Ureter Bladder
Glans Penis External Urethral Orifice
Epididymis Testis

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