Retaining Wall: and To and

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CHAPTER Retaining Wall

used in rail and
are commonly
filled earth of greater height. They
are built to retain
level especially in
approaches to
Retaining walls to maintain track or road
where earth filling is required walls and
road projects retaining walls are required. Wing
also if basements are provided wall. To release
bridges. In buildings 10.1 shows a typical retaining
abutments are also acting
as retaining walls. Fig. the retaining
reasons, weep
holes are provided in
water pressure building up during rainy
unnecessary drains are to be provided. Back
back fill and infront of retaining wall longitudinal
walls. At the top on
sand so that drainage in longitudinal
near retaining
wall is with broken stones gravel or
on walls is released.
is improved and water pressure

Weep hole Back fill

Dran - Gravel/sand filing

Fig 10.1 Typical retaining wall

The following two types of RCC retaining walls are commonly used

1. Cantileverretaining wall
2. Counterfort retaining wall
These two types of retaining walls are shown in Fig. 10.2 (a) and (b). It may be observed that:
() In cantilever retaining wall stem, heal slab and toe slab are all acting as cantilevers due to
pressure from back fill and soil pressure.
(ii) In counterfort retaining wall counterforts are provided at regular intervals to strengthen the
wall. In this case stem and heal slab act as continuous slabs. Since stem is strengthened with
counterforts they are capable of retaining earth to greater heights.
Retaining Walls 181


Toe slab-
Heal slab

(a) Cantilever retaining wall

Counter fort

stem Heal slab

Toe slab-

(b) Counter fart retaining wall

Fig. 10.2 Types of RC.C. retaining wals


a) On stem: If back fill is finished horizontally at top ofthe wall, according to Rankine's theoy
pressure on stem from back fill (active earth at depth h below the top of wall is
given by
Pa=ka Yh ..(10.1)
where k, =Coefficient of active earth pressure
1-sin .(10.2)
Angle offriction of back fill soil
7= Unit weight of back Hence total
kayH1, at the bottom ofthe stem (Fig. 10.3).
Thus it varies linearly from zero
at top to

horizontal pressure on stem

maximum moment of
It causes

from the base of stem.
horizontal pressure is at
at the base of the stem, since the resultant
182 Advanced R.C.C. Design


H 2
P =1/2k,YH

Ka yH
Fig. 10.3 Active earth tressure on stem; if back fill is horizontal

There may be surcharge pressure w, on the horizontally finished backfill. This may be due to traffic
on the top of backfill or due to any structure near it. The effect of surcharge on stem is a uniform
pressure (Fig. 10.4) of magnitude

Thus in case of backfill with surcharge stem of retaining wall is subjected to a uniform horizontal
pressure p, and linearly varying pressure p, as shown in Fig. 104.


IPsl Pa
Fig. 10.4 Active earth pressure on stem for surcharged horizontal back fill

If back fill is sloping the pressure on the stem is paralel to the top surface and its value is given by
Pa,Yh .10.3)
where =cos-cosB-cos .(10.4)
cosp+ ycosB-coso
where B is angle of slope of back bill with the horizontal and K is the coefficient of active earth
pressure for such case. B is also known as Surcharge angle (Ref. Fig. 10.5) and o is angle offriction.
Retatning Walls 183

Fig. 10.5 Acitve earth pressure if back fill is sloping

The stem is always below ground level to an extent of depth of foundation. The pressure executed
soil o n f
side ofstem is called passive earth pressure. The coefficientof passive earth pressure
much more than coefficient of active earth pressure. The relationship between coefticients or
kp and active earth pressure k, is
nassive earth pressure


This pressure causes stability. Usually it is neglected in the design.

Toe and Heal Slab
Soil Reaction on
the end of heel.
linearly with more pressure on toe end and less pressure
The soil reaction varies since soil cannot apply
at the end of heel is never negative,
Design principle is to see that pressure structure itself will be in
earth pressure is negative the stability of
negative earth pressure. If the
the heel slab are to be
direct weight of backfill and surcharge
Apart from soil pressure, are shown in Fig. 10.6.
considered in the design. These loadings

10.6 Pressures on toe and head slab

184 Adxanced R.C.C. Design


In retaining walls it is not sufficient if we design the sections of various parts for moments and shear
It is necessary to check the retaining wall for the following two types of complete failures

(i) Overtuming about toe

(i) Sliding
Overfurning: The earth pressure on the stem causes overturning moment about the toe. The
weight of backfill earth, surcharge, self weight of retaining wall cause stabilizing moment about the
toe. Hence factor of
safety against overturning is given

F M,
where M, is overturning moment about toe and M, is stabilizing moment about toe. A minimum factor
safety of 14 is to be used. As IS
per 456-2000, only 0.9 times the characteristic dead load shall be
taken into consideration

F 0.9M
M, (10.6)
Sliding: The horizontal pressure H on the stem tries to slide the
fill. This is resisted by fractional force retaining wall away from the back
between the soil and heel and toe slab. If u is the
friction and W is the total downward
coefficient of
load, the maximum resisting frictional force is

If PH is total horizontal
pressure, then factor of safety against sliding is given by

PH .(10.7)
As per IS 456-2000 in this case also a
minimum factor of safety of 1.4 is to be provided and only
0.9 times characteristic dead load is to be
092 W
If this value is less, then shear
key (Ref.
shear key gives the additional resistance to Fig. 10.7) may be provided. The passive earth
pressure on

H w

Overturning point of toe Shear key
Passive earth pressure
Fig. 10.7
Retaining Walls 185

10.5 DEP

F i g . 1 0 8
is the height of back fill to be retained, which is known in a
design. The
Aepends upon the availability of good soil for foundation. Howevera minimumn deptn
d e p e n d
pth given
R a n k i n e s ormula should be provided.

ow by
min ...(10.8)

SBC of soil and y unit weight of soil on which footing is resting.



Fig. 10.8


10.6 or
of foundation. height
height of earth to be retained (H.) is known. By adding the depth
to fix up
In approblem base slab, it is necessary
wall H is found. To find the pressures acting on wall and 1) the
r et
of base slab. Based on experience and
ization studies (Ref.
jth and thickness
base width
are available in the literature:
following guidance
= 0.48H to 0.56H
= 0.3b
Toe projection
Thickness of stem =
Thickness of base slab 12
width of stem = 150 to 300 mm
Top and sliding. If they are
satistied pressures
Then checks are applied for safety against overturning not exceed SBC and minimum
stem and on base slab. Maximum
soil pressure should
calculated on increased.
are not satisfied
base width is to be
should not be -ve. If these requirements
pressure heel slab act
in 10.9.The stem, toe and the
The various parts retaining walls bend as shown Fig.
of checked for shear.
are designed for moment and
as cantilevers. These slabs

Fig. 10.9
186 Aduvanced R.C.C. Design
EXample 10.1: Design a cantilever retaining wall to retain an earth embankment with
a hori.
top 3.5 m above ground level. Density of earth 18 kN/m°.
soil is 200 kN/m'. Take
= Angle of internal friction o =30" sSR horizontal
coefficient of friction behween soil and concrete = 0.5. Adopt M20 pr
concrete and Fe-415 steel. rade
H= 3.5 m Y 18 kN/m 30° SBC, ,= 200 kN/m?
=0.5 Sh 20 N/mm s = 415 N/mm
Coefficient of active earth pressure

k sin 1-sin 30
1+sin 1+sin 300 3
Minimum depth of foundation is

Yainy = 1 . 2 3m
Provide depth of foundation as 1.25 m
Height of retaining wall 3.5 + 1.25
4.75 m

Preliminary Dimensions of Retaining Wall

B= 0.48 H to 0.56 H 2.375
m to 2.66 m
Say b 2.5 mn
Toe projection =
0.3 b =
0.75 m

Thickness of base slab

Thickness of stem = = .4.75 say 0.4 m
Let top width of stem be 0.2 12
10.11 shows various forces on
m. Fig. 10.10 shows dimensions of the
the retaining wall. retaining wall selected. Fig.


0.75 0.4 1.35

Fig. 10.10
Retairing Wals 187


Fig. 10.11

Check for Stability

overturning point O znd the

Vsous vertcal loads acting on the retaining wall. their distances from
of thesesforces about O are sbown in the table below:

Weight in N M, inN-

Wight of bacdfil = 135x435x 18=105.7 25 1s 1929

Retangular portion 02x435x25=21.75 0.75-040.1=1.05 2284

Trniangular portion w x0.2x435x25= =10.88 0.75x02=08 9.61


Base slab = 0.4x 25x25=25 3125

W =1633 EN M-2566kEN
Horizontal pressure
Pa H
=xx18x4.75 = 67.688 EN

Overturning moment. M =P=67.688 x 3

= 107.17 EN-m

As per IS 456-2000. factor of safety for over turningis

0.9x 256.6
2.15> 1.4 Hence O.K.
F =


0. 0.9x05x 163.33
= 1.09<1.4
F PH 67.688
Hence shear key is to be provided.
188 Advanced R.C.C. Design

Pressure Under Base Slab

Total moment about point O

M, - M, = 256.6 -
107.17 = 149.43 kN-m
Total vertical load = 163.33 kN
Horizontal distance from 'O' where resultant intersects the base line
[Ref. Fig. 10


1.25 1.25

Fig. 10.12
T 149.43 = 0.915 m

Eccentricity -0.915 =0.335 m

. Maximum pressure

P1 -o 1 6x0.33571
2.5 117.86 kN/n?
Minimum pressure,
P225 L =12.8kN/m
p SBC of soil
and p is
Hence satisfactory.
Design of Stem
Stem acts as a cantilever of height 4.35 m
subject to uniformly varying load of
Maximum moment at the base
=ka Yh
of cantilever

x 18x 4.35 =
82.31 kN-m

Since M20 concrete and M,

1.5 x 82.31

123.47 kN-m =

Fe-415 steel are used

Retaining Walls 189
0.138 f bd* =
M,. for
balanced section
200x 1000
0.138 x
x d* =
123.47 >x 10°
d 211.5

Depth d= 350 mm and overall

depth D = 400 give
Area of steel required is obtained from
mm sufficiently under reinforccu

M, = 0.87/,A,a
bd S
123.47 x 10 =
0.87 x 415 x
A x35o1-A 415
1000x 350
977 A
A16867.5 A+977 x 16867.5 =0
A1041 mm
Using 12 mm bars,

S x 1000 = 108 mm
Provide 12 mm bars at 100 mm c/c.

Distribution Steel

Average thickness of wall 200+400 = 300 mm

A 1000 1000 x 300 = 360 mm
Providing 180 mm* on each face and using 8 mm bars

4 x 1000 279 mm
Provide 8 mm bars at 270 mm clc on tension face
A mesh of 8 mm bars @ 270 mm is given on compression face of the wall.

Curtailment of Vertical Bars

Bending moment is proportional to cube of depth of filling and thickness varies linearly from 200 mm
at top 400
mm at a depth of 4.35 m. One third of vertical bars
may be curtailed at a
height of 1.5 m

Ombase and anotherrd at a height of 3 m from the base as shown in Fig. 10.14.

Check for shear. V=PH = 107.17 kN

V= 1.5 x 107.17 = 160.75 kN

190 Advanced R.C.C. Design

160.75 x 1000
= 0.4 N-mm2
1000x 4000

x12 x10 = 0.283
400 x 100
T = 0.4 Nimm
No shear reinforcement is required.
Design of Toe Slab
Pressure diagram under the base varies from 117.86 kN/m° to 12.8 kN/m* as shown in Fig. 10.13

-88.3 kN/m
0.75 04

Fig. 10.13

Pressure at the face of toe = 12.8+(117.86 12.8) = 86.35 kN/m*

Dividing it into a udl of 12.8 kN/m and a linearly varying load

M-86.35x x075xa7.86-8635)xx075
30.19 kN-m
M, = 1.5 x 30.19 = 45.285 kN/mn
d 350 mm
45.285 10 =0.87 415 A,x A K
x x x
3501000 x 350
1000 x 350 20

358.36 A 16R675)
A-16867.5 A, + 16867.5 x 358.36 = 0
of ST

A 366 mm2
As, minimum = X1000x 400 480 mm
A= 480 mm
Using 12 mm bars

4 x1000 235 mm
Provide 12 mm bars at 300 mm c/e in both directions.
Retaining Walls 191

of Heel Slab
kN/m* on outer edge kN/m* at the face of the
NWAdth is 1.35 m. Pressure varies from 12.8
to 69.53

s shown
in Fig. 10.13.
ack fill YH, =
18 x 4.35 = 78.3 kN/m
Weight of
self weight 0 4 x1 x 25 =
10 kN/m
Total downwand load 78.3 + 10 =8.3 kN/m
Maximum bending nmoment

883x-128x x (69.53-128)135xx135
= 56.04 kN-m

M =1.5 x 56.04 84.06 kN-m

of steel required is given by

Hence area
84.06 x 10 = 0.87 x 415 x AX 3 5 0 | 0 0 0 x 350 X 20 A 415

665.2 As 16867.5
16867.5 =0
A-16867.5 A, + 665.2 x
A693 mm
bars at 160 mm c/c in both directions.
minimum reinforcement
of 12 mm

Design of Shear Key

shear key = 86.35 kN/m
Pressure at face of

passive earth pressure

Coeficient of

resistance offered by passive earth pressure
of shear key,
If'*'is the projection
X vertical pressure
= 259.05a kN
3 x 86.35 x a

Factor of safety against sliding

0.9W+259.05a 1.4
F- 67.688

0.9x0.5x 163.33 +259.05a14

a = 0.085 m

Provide 200 mm deep shear key.

in Fig. 10.14.
are shown
The details of reinforcement
192 Aduanced R.C.C. Design

2@ 270 cl 14 m
-12300 clc.
-8@270 chc.
-12@ 200 cle.
4.75 m 1.4 m

-12@ 100 clc.

1.4 m
1250 12@ 160 clc
12@300 clc 200
Stem Reinforcement
400 (Longitudinal view)
Fig. 10.14 RC. Details


If the height of backfill to be retained is more than 4.5 to 5.0 m, it is
preferable provide counterfort
retaining walls. For larger heights cantilever retaining walls will be uneconomical.
The provision of counterforts change the structural behaviour of retaining walls
stem and heel slab act as continuous horizontal slabs completely. The
supported by counterforts. Fig. 10.15 shows the
deflected shape of stem. The bending moment in vertical direction is
small and it is
by minimum reinforcement, which is provided on both faces of the stem. Hence usually
taken care

bending in horizontal direction as a continuous slab. The heel slab is loaded in the design
of stem is for
downward direction
by backfill and self weight. Soil reaction acts upward, as we had seen in the case of
retaining wall. However now bending is as a continuous slab between the support of counterforts.

Shape of

Deflected shape
of central

(a) Plan
(b) Elevation

Fig. 10.15 Deflected shape of stem of counterfort relaining wall

Retatntng Walls 193

Counterforts are provided at 3 to 3.5 m interval and they act as T-beam subjected to backfill,

asimum value being slab. The

at the base where L is the spacing of
moment ofkYh'xL,
anterforts is to be resisted by counterfort. The horizontal thrust tries to separate wall from the
nferforts and hence horizontal ties are provided to connect stem and counterfort. Similarly the
ical downward load on heel slab tries to separate heel slab from counterfort and hence vertical ties

enOvided in the counterfort. The design procedure is illustrated with the example below:
ae p

Fuample 10.2: Design acounterfort retaining wall if the height of wall above the ground level is S.5 m.
RC of soil = 180 KN/m, angle offriction = 30° and unit weight of back fill = 18 kNin*'. Keep
cig of counterforts
3 Coetficient offriction between soil and concrete u=0.5. Adopt M20
as m.
mir and Fe-415 steel.
erade concrete
H=5.5 m, 9 180 kN/m, 30° Y= 18 kN/m

Coefficient of active eath pressure k, =.

1+sin 30
Minimum depth offoundation
Yoin i m

Providedepth of foundation 1.3 m =

Total height of retaining wall H = 5.5 + 1.3 = 6.8 m

Base width is kept 0.5H to 0.6H

In this case it may be from 3.4 m to 4.08 m

Let base width b 4.0 mn

Toe projection
= 0.8 m
Let it be
Width of counterforts = 0.03H to 0.06 H

Let it be 300 mm

Thickness of stem = Thickness of base slab =

260 and D 300 mm
Say d mm =

The section selected is shown in Fig. 10.16.

194 Adranoed RC.C. Design


6.5 m

+0.8-03 29m-
4.0 m
(@) Bevation

0.3 m

27 m

03 m

27 m

03 m

() Plan

Fig. 10.16 Countefort rdaining uall

Table below sbows weight, distance from overturning point 'o' [toe edge] and moment about 'o
by various stabilizing forces

SLNo. Force Magnitude in kN M, in kN-m

W Weight of back fil 2.7x6.5x18 315.9 805.5

2 W Weight of stem 0.3x6.5x25=48.75 0.95 46.3

W = Weight of base slab 0.3x4.0x25= 30 2.0 60.0

ZW 394.65 kN M=911.8 kN
Retatning Walls 195

Overturning moment due to horizontal backfill earth pressure

M,=k 18x6.8=314.4 kN-m

Factor of safety against overtuning

0,9 0.9x9118
M. 314.4
Hence 0.K.

Sliding force
Puk,=xx68 = 138.72 kN
Resisting force (0.9W+ W2 +W3)
= 0.5(0.9 x 315.9 + 48.719 + 30) = 181.51

Factor of safety against sliding

Fa- 181511.3
Hence need key.
Provide a key of depth 300 mm

Pressure from Soil

Total moment about point

O M, - M,
911.8 314.4 597.4 kN-m
intercepts base
Horizontal distance at which resultant

597.4 597.4 1.514 mn

w 394.65
= 0.486 m
2 , , 6e 394.656x0486
P 4 4
Hence 0.K.
170.6 kN/m'< 180kN/m",

Hence O.K.
P2 26.7kN/m?,positive.
Design of Stem on stem
horizontal pressure
to Fig. 3.17, Maximum
Stem acts as a horizontal slab of span 3 m. Referring

x18x6.5 = 39 kN/m?
k, YH, =

A-39X 32 =29.25 kN-m

Maximum moment M=
1.5 M = 1.5 x 29.25 = 43.9 kN-m
M, =
196 Advanced R.C.C. Design

. d

. 8 0 . 3

26.7 kNIm

39 kN/m 170.5
(a) (b)

Fig. 10.17

M,lim=0.138 fek bd = 0.138 x 20 x 1000 x 2602

= 186.57 x 10° N-mm > M,
Hence thickness of stem is sufficient. Now,

M, =
0.87 ,A,d 1-
43.9x 10 =0.87 x 415 xA, x 260 | 1- 1000Ax 260 x 20

467.65 =
A 12530
A-12530 A+ 467.65 x 12530 = 0
A 486 mm
12 bars, spacing required is
Using mm

S x 1000 232 mm
Provide 12 mm bars at 225 mm c/c.

Distribution steel = x 260 x 1000 312 mm

Retatntng Walls 1 9 7

2 mm bars, spacing required is


x 1000 = 362 mm
mm bars at 300 mm cc.
Provide 12 care orT
am bars
12 mm
are provided at 300 mm in both direction on the front side also. It

middle which is equal to 39 X>_kN-m.

* .
ment in the


Check for Shear

Maximum shea orce at the face of counterfort

39x(3-0.3) 52.65 kN
V= 1.5 x 52.65 = 79 kN

79x 1000
= 0.303 N/mm*
260 x 1000

Percentage reinforcement p = -
x12 x100 0.193
225 x 2600

T 0.32 N/mm", Hence safe.

Increase the spacing to 300 mm at a height of 1.5 m, since pressure (hence bending moment)
reduces linearly towards the top of stem.

Design of Toe Slab

Fig. 10.18 shows variation of pressure under base slab.

124.5 kN/m

26.7 kN/m


170.5 141.7
Fig. 10.18

Cantilever moment 141.7 x (170.5-141.7) x 08xx08

51.488 kN-m
198 Advanced R.C.C. Design

M, = 1.5 x 51.488 = 77.232 kN-m < M, lim

Hence depth of 260 mm is sufficient

10= 0.87 x 415 A

77.232 x x
A x 260| 1000 x 260
1000 x 260 20

822.7 =A,1-
A-12530 A, + 822.7 x 12530 =0
A885 mm
Using 16 mm bars,

Tx16-x1000 = 227 mm
Provide 16 mm bars 220 mm c/c.

Check for Shear

Critical section is at a distance d 260 mm from the face of stem. Pressure at this point

26.7+ (141.7-26.1)x (3.2 +0,260) =126.2 kN/m*

. Shear force per metre width of toe

V=(170.5+ 126.2) x(0.8-0.26) = 80.10 kN

V,= 1.5 x 80.10 = 120.15 kN

120.15x1000 = 0.462 N/mm

1000x 260

4 100
Percentage reinforcement p =


From Table 19 in IS 456 2000,

k , xT =1.08 x 0.41 = 0,442 N/mm*<t,
. Not safe in shear. Increase the depth to d = 300 mm

D 350. Since the additional load directly gets transferred to soil, without creating SF and BM, the
pressure calculation need not be repeated. For d = 300 mm,

120.15 x 1000
0.4 N/mm* < T
1000 x 300
Hence safe.
Spacing of main bars may be increased to 250 mm c/c.
Retaining Walls 199

of Heel Slab
Here also. since additional thickness of heel slab do not create SF and BM, the same analysis is
intained but for the design the effective depth is taken as d= 300 mm.
Soil pressure at junction with stem

29 131
Load from back fill 6.5
18 117
x =
Load from 300 mm thick slab (self weight)

= 0.3x 1 x 25 7.5 kN/m

Total downward load = 117+7.5 = 124.5 kN/m

Maximum downward pressure intensity is at the edge

Pmax 124.5 - 26.7 = 97.8 kN/m?

M 978x 73.35 kN-m
M, =1.5x 73.35 = 110.0 kN-m
Longitudinal main bar required for d =300 mm, slab
110.0x 10 =0.87 x 415 x Ax 300|1-- A
1000 x 300 20

1016 A 14457.
A 8
A-14457.8 x A, +1016 x 14457.8 = 0
A 1100 mms
Using 16 mm bars, spacing required is

S= 4
1100-x1000 183
Provide 16 mm bars at 180
spacing near the edges. Since downward
spacing may be increased to 300 mm towards pressure reduces linearly,
Distribution steel of 12 mm junction.
diameter bars 225 cle is provided at
Design of Counterfort right angles to main bars.
Reinforcements are required for beam action
directions. and for, against separating force in
(a) For beam horizontal and vertical
action: Counterfort behaves as T-beam of
varying section,
cantilevering out of the
200 Advanced R.C.C. Design

Inclination of counterfort with horizontal is

-1 . = 66°
0 tan
depth of counterfort d for beam action at junction (Ref. Fig. 10.17)
2.9 sin 0 = 2.9 sin 66 = 2.649 m

2649 mm
Maximum moment on counterfort

=k, x L

18X6.3 x3 823.875 kN-m

M = 1.5 x 823875 = 1235.8 kN-m
Area of steel required is given by
1235.8 x 10° 0.87= x 415x A, x 2649 A
300x 2649 20

1292 = 38299

A-38299 A, + 1292 x 38299 = 0

A 1339 mm2
But minimum reinforcement required

0.85bd 0.85 x 300x 2649

= 1627 mm*
. Provide 4 bars of 25 mm diameter

A Provided =4xx25 = 1963 mm2

Horizontal Ties
Consider bottom I m height of stem
Maximum pressure = 39 kN/m*
Total lateral pressure to be transferred from stem to slab
39(3-0.3) = 105.3 kNN

Factored force = 1.5 x 105.3 158 kN

Area of tensile steel required for it
158x 1000
0.87 x 415
437.5 mm
Retaining Walls 201
mm bars at
Provide 10

x 1000 = 179.5 mm
170 mm c/c.
Say at

vertical Stirrups

heel downward force

the end of
= 97.8 kN/m

Factored force =
1.5 x 97.8
146.7 kN/m*
.Steel required to resist this tensile force

146.7x1000- 406 mm
0.87x 415

Provide 10 mm bars at X 1000 = 193 mm

Say at 190 mm c/c.

The details of reinforcement are shown in Fig. 10.19.



12@ 300 clc

12@300 clc

612@225 c/c
12@225 16@ 300

16@220 c/c 0.3 12@ 225

0.8-0.3 2.9
(a) Section near counterfort
202 Advanced R.C.C. Design

p10 dia300 clc

10 dia 300 clc

4 # 25

10 dia @190 clc

A0 dia@ 170

(b) Section through counterfort

-4 #25

-12 din 225

12 din
@300 clo

4 # 25

Counter fort

(c) Reinforcement in stem and counterfort (plan view)

Fig. 10.19
Retaining Walls 203
cantilever retaining wall to retain earth embankment 4 m
high above ground level. The
Desifearth is 18 kN/m° and its angle of repose is 30°. The embankment is horizontal at its
top The SBC of soil may be taken as 200 kN/m' and the coefficient of friction between soil and
Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe-415 steel.
oncrete is 0.5

. Design the stem of a cantilever retaining wall to retain an earth embankment with a horizontal
75 mabove ground level. Density of earth = 19 kN/m°. Angle of internal friction =30°.
DC of soil = 180 kN/m*. Coefficient of internal friction between soil and concrete = 0.5.

Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade steel.,

esign the heel slab and carry out stability analysis of a cantilever retaining wall with the
3. Desi
following data:

Height of horizontal backfill 3.5 m

Grade of concrete M20
Type of steel : Fe-415
Density of backfill : 18 kN/m

Angleof internal friction :30

Coefficient of friction between
Soil and concrete :0.50
SBC of soil 150 kN/m
Depth of foundation 1.10 m Sm.
of a counterfort retaining wall if the height of wall above ground level

4. Design the stem

18 kN/m°. Spacing of
SBC of soil 180 kN/m. Angle of friction o =30°. Density of soil

counterforts 3 m clc. Adopt M20 concrete and Fe-415 steel.


constructed to retain a backfill of 5.5 m above ground
3. A counterfort retaining wall is to be
SBC of soil :180kN/m
Angle of internal friction
Unit weight of soil 16kN/m
Spacing of counterforts : 4m clc
Grade of concrete M20
between soil and concrete 0.60
Coefficient of friction
Check the stability and design the toe slab.
the counterfort.
6. For the problem given in 5, design sketch reinforcement detail.
the stem and
problem given in Example design
7. For the

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