14 - TA Drivers Questionnaire and Self Assessment (C) Dietmar Simon Deloop

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Drivers can be good help.

However, they can easily turn into

limitations if they continue to kick in in a less suitable situation - as if
something catastrophic would happen if you didn't fully obey.
Drivers subconsciously influence our thinking, feeling and acting and
can become a burden or a risk - especially if we are not aware of them
The following self-assessment and the instructions for drivers vs
permissions can help you gain more awareness so as to be able and use
them as a strength.
Mark 1 of the 5 options: How true is the statement for you? not at all barely somewhat to quite some fully
1 When I do a job I do it thoroughly.
2 I feel responsible for making people feel good when they have to deal with
3 I am always on theme.
4 I do not like showing my weaknesses to others.
5 I must keep moving (a rolling stone gathers no moss).
6 I often use the sentence: "This is very difficult to say"
7 I often talk more than is really necessary.
8 I have trouble accepting people who are not precise.
9 It's not easy for me to show my emotions.
10 "never surrender" is my motto.
11 When I express an opinion, I also explain and justify it.
12 When I have a wish, I quickly fulfill it.
13 I deliver a report only after I have revised it several times.
14 I get annoyed when I see people who dawdle around.
15 It is important for me to be accepted by others.
16 I have a hard shell, but a soft core.
17 I often try to figure out what others expect of me so I can follow.
18 I can't understand people who spend their day idleing around unconcerned.
19 In discussions I interrupt others often.
20 When I have a problem I will solve it myself.
21 When I have a task I will do as quick as possible.
22 I keep my distance when dealing with others.
23 Many of my tasks I should really do better.
24 I personally look into all things even if sometimes less important.
25 I have to work hard. No pain, no gain.
26 I have little tolerance for stupid mistakes.
27 I appreciate quick and concise answers to my questions.
28 It is important for me to hear from others, if I have done my job well.
29 When I begin a task, I will finish it.
30 I put my wants and needs back in favor of other people's needs.
31 I'm often tough on others so I don't get hurt by them.
32 I am rather impatient. I may actually drum my fingers on the table.
33 When explaining something I list the facts clearly: first...; second...; third ...
34 I believe that most things are not as simple as people think.
35 It makes me feel uncomfortable when I have to criticize other people.
36 In discussions I often nod my head.
37 I work hard to achieve my goals.
38 My facial expression is rather serious.
39 I tend to be nervous.
40 Nothing can shake me.
41 My problems are none of other people's business.
42 I often say, "speed it up, this can be done faster".
43 I often say: "exactly", "of course", "clearly"
44 I often say: "I do not understand ..."
45 I rather say:"would you mind trying" than "please try"
46 I am rather diplomatic.
47 I try to exceed what is expected of me.
48 I sometimes do more than one thing at a time.
49 "gritting my teeth" (be tough and strong) is my motto.
50 Despite enormous efforts I don't easily succeed.

Summary Chart - Psychological Drivers
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Be perfect

Hurry up

Try hard

Please others

Be strong

productive may impact work may impact health

0.9 1
(always) be perfect This demands perfectionism and perfection from myself and from
others. It is a call to over-exactness and at the same time a warning
against tolerance.

(always) hurry up This statement calls for everything to be done quickly. It is a call to
hectic and a hidden warning of closeness to others.

(always) try hard Everything is about performance and hard work. It tells you that it
is not the result that counts, but the performance. It warns against
"letting yourself go" and enjoy.
(always) please others The other is always more important than me ("For the sake of
peace" as priority). The mission is to be peaceful and kind. But it is
also a warning against conflicts and against sharing your own

(always) be strong This means to always be on top a any situation, to be a role model.
It is a call to heroism at all costs and a warning not to show
emotions or be sad.

by Dietmar Simon und Irene after:

Ott, Gerald Renger, deloop Kälin Karl, Müri Peter; Sich und andere führen: Psychologie für
management consulting Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter
Nobody is perfect - I allow myself to occasionally
make a mistake.

Everyone needs breaks: I allow myself to take a few

minutes / hours off, take a deep breath and focus.

Top athletes relax in order to perform: I allow myself

time for relaxation and recovery.

You can't please everybody: I learn to say "No" when

I feel 'No' without feeling guilty (if only to see the
reaction of others).

Feelings are human: I allow myself to show my

feelings more often and to communicate more.

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