Synthesis of Expansive Mortar Developed in Laboratory For Dismounting of Ornamental Rocks

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ICC3: Symposium 1: Advanced Structural Analysis and Characterization of Ceramics Materials IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 022009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/18/2/022009

Synthesis of Expansive Mortar Developed in Laboratory for

Dismounting of Ornamental Rocks

Lucena, D.V.1*; Campos, D.B.C.2; Lira, H.L.3; Neves, G.A.4

Graduate in Materials Engineering, UAEMa/ CCT/ UFCG, Campina Grande –
Graduate in Materials Engineering, UAEMa/ CCT/ UFCG, Campina Grande –PB,
Teacher Doctor UAEMa/ CCT/ UFCG, Campina Grande –PB, Brazil
Teacher Doctor UAEMa/ CCT/ UFCG, Campina Grande –PB, Brazil


Abstract. The expansive mortar is constituted by a mixture of watery phase with an

agent expander, when hydrated, presents volume increase and the generation of
fictions in the rock due to generated pressure. The objective of this work is to
synthecize expansive mortar that they present enough expansive pressure for the
dismounting of granite and marble. They had been used as raw materials: carbonate of
calcium, Portland cement and additives for control of the expansion. The
formularizations had been synthecized on the basis of the chemical analysis of a
mortar commercial and characterized by XRD, laser particle size measurements and
evaluation of expansive pressure. All the developed formularizations had presented
similar characteristics to the ones of the commercial mortar.

1. Introduction

The ornamental industries have great relevance in the world market. These rocks have several
applications, even for ornamentation. Its usage has been intensified in the recent years, making
companies invest in research in order to improve their techniques and innovation knowledge [1].
The mineral production in Brazil is favored by high geological potential, particularly in relation to
the abundance and diversity in the rocks. Brazil is already an important producer of marble and
granite, producing on the first half of 2006 over 1 billion tons of various products of ornamental rocks.
Granite is the most important ornamental rock for the brazilian market as it represents 60% of the
national production [2].
For economic reasons, many researches have been developed in various segments of this activity,
with the aim of adjusting the materials found in each region, looking for viable mining and its correct
use, thereby promoting the search for new products and technical conditions that face against the
regional needs for various industries [3].

c 2011 Ceramic Society of Japan. 1
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
ICC3: Symposium 1: Advanced Structural Analysis and Characterization of Ceramics Materials IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 022009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/18/2/022009

According to Vale (1997) [4] , the Northeast is one of the most requested regions on the
exploration and exploitation of industrial activity. Besides, the Northeast is growing very rapidly,
influencing on the trade balance of Brazil. Moreover, when analyzing the industry of ornamental and
coating in the context of economic and social realities of this region, a number of factors justify the
viability of this activity, describing it as strategic for the consolidation of a self-sustainable social and
economic development in northeastern Brazil
The technology used is based on expansive cement hydration process of calcium oxide, with
growth retardants, which promotes the increase in volume due to chemical reaction, providing an
expansive pressure within the linear holes in the rock. Moreover, these mortars are used widely in
construction in urban areas (where the use of explosives is prohibitive) to break concrete, cut pillars,
beams, etc [5].
The use of expansive mortars offer several advantages in mining, since it requires minimal linear
drilling into the rock, do not to cause environmental impact and, of simple implementation does not
require any hand-intensive activities. Another important advantage is the answer in court, resulting in
linear cuts contributed to a better utilization of the blocks and finishing of ornamental rocks. The
explosives are often not obtained such a definition and irregularities are common in the blocks. The
downside, today's expansive use of mortar is its high cost, because it is an imported product [6].
The main companies that produce the expansive mortars are located in Italy, Spain and China.
Therefore, their use is relevant in those countries. Brazil imports, mainly from those countries, about
160 tons per month of expansive mortar, producing a monthly trade deficit of approximately $
180,000. Additionally, the northeastern Brazilian states contain raw materials and are suitable
preparing mortar expansive because there are several mines and processing of limestone, clay, plaster,
cement factories, sugar mills, etc [7].
Given the above, it is essential that studies are made possible through innovation, technology
development, job training and partnerships between companies and universities in the search of
technical solutions that will provide appropriate expansive mortar cost and quality to expand the use of
this product in the domestic market , making the ornamental rock mining activity more attractive and
competitive as well, adding value to other non-metallic minerals available in the northeast that could
be used in the formulation of expansive mortar. Therefore, the goal of this work consists of the
technological development of expansive mortar for the dismantling of ornamental rocks, using
domestic raw materials, specifically non-metallic minerals in northeastern Brazil [8].

2. Materials and Method

The research materials, used on this work were Italian expansive mortar, calcite (CaCO3) provided
by the company Armil - Mineracao do Nordeste, Ltda., Portland cement - CPII, coming from
CIMPOR do Brasil and industrial retardant carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) from Labsynth Ltda.
Initially we used samples of the Italian expansive mortar, which were tested for characterization in
order to obtain the necessary parameters for the development of new formulations. The tests
performed were: Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and granulometric
laser analysis.
Six basic mortars formulation were developed by modifying only the percentages of each
component, as presented in Table 1, These formulations were also subjected to the following tests:
Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and granulometric laser analysis.

ICC3: Symposium 1: Advanced Structural Analysis and Characterization of Ceramics Materials IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 022009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/18/2/022009

Table 1 - Developed mortars formulations

Composition CaO(%) CaCO3(%) Ciment(%) CMC(%)*

AE_1** 80 10 10 4
AE_2** 75 15 10 4
AE_3** 70 20 10 4
AE_4** 65 25 10 4
AE_5** 50 25 25 4
S_1*** 70 20 10 4
AE_1** 80 10 10 4
* Wt% of the total.
** Using calcium oxide, and inserted in kerosene to°calcination of calcium carbonate at
1000 ºC prevent hydration.
*** Using oxide obtained by without inserted in kerosene.°calcination at 1100 ºC

3. Results and Discussion

The expansive mortars diffractograms, as well as the compositions prepared in the laboratory, can
be seen in Figure 1. The presence of major peaks that characteristize calcium oxide (around 30º
degrees) can be seen, as the main phase, calcium hydroxide (about 18º) and silica (about 23º). There is
therefore a correlation of the mortars used as reference points with the compositions prepared in the
It can be observed on the Figure 2 the differential thermal analysis (DTA) of the expansive italian
mortar as well as the compositions prepared in the laboratory. One can observe the mass loss related to
hydroxyl (OH-), between 500-700 °C and CO2 evolved during the heating, between 700-1000 °C for
all the mortars, including Italian. Comparing the curves for the commercial italian mortar and the
curves of the compositions prepared, one can see fewer and larger amount of CaCO3 Ca (OH)2 in
commercial mortars.

Figure 1. Analysis by x-ray diffraction of the Figure 2. Differential Thermal Analysis.

mortar and the Italian laboratory prepared mortar

ICC3: Symposium 1: Advanced Structural Analysis and Characterization of Ceramics Materials IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 022009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/18/2/022009

Table 2 represents the results of granulometric analysis of the formulated compositions, as well as
Italian mortars. The classification of the compositions were made at #200 ABNT. It can be observed
that the obtained particle compositions had smaller diameter in comparison to the italian mortars
served as parameter. This finer gradation, from prepared mortar, may influence the reaction time to
increase the pressure for expansion.

Table 2: Mean diameters of the prepared compositions

Composition Diameter
AE_1** 13,34
AE_2** 13,31
AE_3** 13,29
AE_4** 13,22
AE_5** 13,14
S_1*** 13,27
AE_1** 23,30

4. Conclusions

It can be concluded from the experiments that the expansive mortar is basically made from calcium
oxide (CaO), which is responsible for the expansion from hydration. Other components are also found
in the mortars: SiO2, MgO and small amounts of Fe2O3, Al2O3, Na2O and K2O.
The compositions formulated were very similar according to the analyzed tests (ATD). These
samples presented similar features in the DTA by presenting both the characteristic peaks of Ca (OH)2
and CO2 (from CaCO3). By XRD analysis, the compositions prepared in the laboratory were similiar
to the characteristics of Italian mortars.
Particle size analysis of all the formulations had values relatively close to the size of the mortar
Italian trade. This is because the composition milling was avoided, avoiding the excessive dispersion
and CMC loss. Therefore, particles characteristics very similar to the commercial mortars were

5. References

[1] CAIMEX in Kayati Products SL-CRAS,, Retrieved 10 November, 2010.

[2] CHIMICAEDILE in Expansive cement,, Retrieved 12 November,
[3] DNPM. National Department of Mineral Research,, Retrieved 11
November, 2007.
[4] VALE, Eduardo 1997 Legal and Institutional Sector Ornamental Rocks, Vol 1, (Brazil:
Euvaldo Lodi Institute).
[5] PARAÍBA GOVERN. Paraíba: Second largest producer of ornamental rocks in Northeast,, Retrieved 11 November, 2007.
[6] MINEGISHI, et al.1983 Patent nº 4,409,030,, Retrieved 15 November,
[7] ROGERTEC in Expansive cement,, Retrieved 15 November, 2007.
[8] SEBRAE MINAS 2005/2007 Strategic Sectors: Ornamental Rocks, Retrieved 13 November,

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