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The representations of ourselves we project on social media, aren't really us.

They're the
pretty, joyful iterations of us, the ones whose lives are full of magic all the time. No one needs
to see our sorrow or misery. That side of ourselves is reserved for genuine relationships with
friends, families, and partners and we could be judged but its not about likes or thumbs ups.
What if your whole life becomes a social media model where you would be rated for each
encouter you make and that rating really affects your lifestyle?
This episode of Black Mirror encapsualtes such a fiction in which the individuals are rated by their
actions and are treated in society based on their rating either to have high life or could get trapped
into life full misery. Your social ranking affects the career you have, where you work, and who you
hang out with. It will also help you advance in life. You will succeed in your career if you are well liked
by others and have a good social ranking. You can also afford to live in a more upscale setting at a
cheaper cost. If you don't get a decent rating, it's the polar opposite. You may be shunned by society,
may be unable to travel or ride a taxi and may loose your career even.

During episode, Lacie starts the journey with good numebr of 4.2 yet not enough to grab the
appartment she wish to have. A place that is being manifested by luxuries triggered by all set
technological upholds that would held her ambitions a little high than usual. Being in the fear of
lonleness as her brother decided to leave her and settle with his friend, she needs to have this
appartment as soon possible. She is totaly fantasized by the perks of having high rating as she being
jealous of her high society friends and yet can’t show the anger of not having those.

Invited to be the part high class wedding by her same friend, and to be her bridemaid. A perfect
chance to hit jackpot by getting rated by high profiles. Being ambitious is good but at cost of false
acclamation and not being themselves would let things down. Faking all the time would result in
bombing anger shells for once and that was the day for her. She got trapped in pity hole and anger
came out that lashed her rating down to none. Besides, been saked by her friend though due to low
rating since it was the game of getting higher numbers for her too and she wouldnt adjust a low rank
individual in a high profile gathering. Yet, she been able to reach the wedding; right going through a
episodical horrific tremors of bashing numbers. Finally she explodes her thoughts, being traumitaized
by ages and yet showing people that everything is just perfect in her life and thats where the society
disgrace the soul of being themselves in such a posionous aura.

In this judgmental society where people are more into others lives and poking nose all around to
disgrace anyone as they get a chance, such sort of rating based system would be a haunting thought.
You cant be yourself and you cant have enough to have a good life either. Nosedive explains the risks
of taking social media so seriously, as well as how it can make a person insane. It could be a tool for
fun and being in touch with mates but being into that deep in such would be an stressful and horrific

Fun Fact: China had started a Social rating system in 2014 for their citizens with same concept of
perks and punishments for high and low rating individuals respectively. Though critisized on many
forums but Chinese government has always of the opinion to bound the peoples loyalty by hook or
by crook. Lets see where this ssytem takes China and its people.

Sensitivity: Public

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