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Number of Medals Won by Four Universities in 2018 and Factors Influencing Athletes’
Performance in 2018

Figure 1 depicts number of medals won by four universities in 2018 and Table 1
shows factors influencing athletes’ performance in 2018. Generally, the number of medals
won by four universities in 2018 was affected by the factors influencing athletes’
performance in 2018.

Throughout 2018, University A charted the highest number of gold medals (37)
compared to University B and C (23) and University D (17) due to the factors influencing
athletes’ performance in University A namely ‘ coaches’, ‘nutrition experts’, ‘incentives’,
‘sports facilities’ and ‘ training hours’. Next, University D recorded least number of gold,
silver and bronze medals won among University A, B and C with 17 gold medals and 10
medals for both silver and bronze because only two factors influencing athletes’
performance in 2018 were reported. Besides, number of gold medals won by University B
and C were the same (23) although they had different number of factors which is 4 and 3
respectively. Last but not least, athletes of University B got the highest number of silver
medals (40) , followed by 35 bronze medals and 23 gold medals.

In conclusion, the factors influencing athletes’ performance in 2018 has influenced the
number of medals won by four universities in 2018.
(187 words)

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