Digital Brief Pakistan - Comfort MRG

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Digital Brief

Brand Name Date


Job To Be Done Measureable Marketing Objectives

Design ideas for the launch of Comfort’s 1) Create awareness of the brand Comfort
new communication of Cloth World. A 360 and fabric conditioner category
plan with amplification on digital. 2) Educate the TG about Comfort and its
3) Retain customers via digital integration

Comfort has its new launch scheduled in early August with an MRG in July. The launch is
communication change with no change in the product. The new communication dictates
“Gives your clothes new like shine and Fragrance”. We want to create a buzz with this launch
and also utilize digital for the first time. It may be used as an amplification tool or a core tool.
We require a consolidated plan for the MRG with the mediums you feel suit best.

Market Insight
FabCon is a small category in Pakistan with less than 1% penetration. Comfort is the market
leader and still enjoys the first mover advantage. Comfort comes in concentrate format, the
rest is all imported through greys. Recently Colgate Palmolive has also launched Softlan
Concentrate in Pakistan and we need to ensure that alongside developing the market, we
keep Softlan at bay. We also need to educate consumers regarding the product as to what it is
and of its use. The idea is to have FabCon incorporated in the laundry process.

Target Audience
Bulls Eye: Mothers, LSM 8+, Age 18-34

Consumer Insights
1.  What do they think and do now?
A) They do not know about FabCon or Comfort
B) They are aware of the brand but prefer not to use it as it only adds to the laundry
C) They only use it for very expensive clothes or baby clothes
2. What would we like them to think and do in response to the communication?
To try Comfort and incorporate its usage as a process of laundry
3. What is the single most important point to communicate?
That Comfort gives your clothes New like shine and fragrance that detergent alone
cannot give.
Competitor Analysis
 Main competition: Greys (imported fabric conditioners including Comfort dilute bottles and
pouches), Softlan concentrate bottles

Comfort is built around fragrances and happy theme with entire family in the picture. The
jingle may be leveraged on different occasions.

Deliverables Required
 A launch plan for the new campaign to be presented in the meeting

Other Information

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