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Les Miserables

This book was written by Victor Marie Hugo. The

characters of this book are Jean Valjean, Fantine,
Cosette, Marius, Gabrush, etc. Les Miserables means
poor people.

I was 3rd grade when I first read this book. So, it was
so hard for me to understand it. Now, I can
understand this book better and I can write about it
too. I like the character of Fantine in this book,
because she did everything for her daughter’s Cosette.
She looks very poor to me. I like Gabrush too,
because he was forsaken by his parents. But he didn’t
feel sad about it. He just sang a song every day. That
looks very impressive to me.

Jean Valjean was the main character of the story. He

was a parolee and tried to meet the bishop to stay
with him for a day. And he had a revelation.

I think this book is good for the burglar and adults,

because this book is about revelation so, it’s help to
reduce burglar.

Victor Marie Hugo wrote this book when he saw a

reprieve. This case was made by Jean Valjean. When
he went to a trip, he met the priest who helped the
burglar. The priest told the burglar’s story to Hugo.
Burglar took one loaf of bread which was found at the
bakery owner. So, he went to the jail for 19 years. This
is the story of Les Miserables.

I like this story because this is about the revelation of

many social problems. So, it makes me feel at peace,
happy, and calm. That’s the reason why I like this

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