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___ is defined as the passing of information, the exchange of ideas, or process of establishing a
commonness of thought between a sender and a receiver.


12. Which of the following is the most relevant internal psychological process associated with the post
purchase evaluation stage of the consumer decision-making process?


13. For many products, the impression or image that the ad creates determines the communication
effectiveness more than the actual words of the message do. TRUE

14. In companies which follow a centralized organizational system, who among the following is likely to
be given the title "marketing communications manager"?

Advertising manager

15. The role of account representatives is likely to disappear as agencies and their clients are beginning
to liaise directly with each other. FALSE

16. Digital/interactive agencies and public relations firms are examples of organizations that provide
specialized marketing communication services. TRUE

17. From the perspective of a promotional planner, the primary purpose of media is to:

provide an environment for the firm's marketing communications message

18. The process of assimilating mass-media advertisements with other promotional elements such as
direct marketing, public relations, and sales promotion is known as:

integrated marketing communications

19. In order to be successful, marketers need to know the specific needs customers are attempting to
satisfy and how they translate into purchase criteria. TRUE

20. An individual's perceptual processes usually focus on elements of the environment that are relevant
to his or her needs and tune out irrelevant stimuli. TRUE

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