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21. Creative Networks is a major participant in the advertising and promotion process.

It attracts various
companies to buy space and time with them by providing the same at discounted rates. Creative
Networks helps these companies reach their target market effectively by communicating their message.
In this scenario, Creative Networks is a(n):

media organization

22. Advertising targeted to professionals such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, or professors to
encourage them to use a company's product in their business operations is referred to as trade
advertising. FALSE

23. In-house agencies are preferred by some companies because they keep the marketing
communications function more closely tied to top management. TRUE

24. A decentralized organizational system is often used when companies do not have many different
divisions, product or service lines, or brands to advertise. FALSE

25. While many people both inside and outside the organization have some input into the advertising
and promotion process, direct responsibility for administering the program must be assumed by
someone within the firm. TRUE

26. Salespeople serve as personal channels of communication when they deliver a selling message or
presentation to a buyer or potential customer. TRUE

27. While the advertising department develops the promotional budget, the final decision on allocating
funds is usually made by the overall marketing department. FALSE

28. Mass media is ideal for targeting market niches FALSE

29. ___ are the major participants in the integrated marketing communications process who pay for
advertising campaigns and promotions.


30. Nontraditional media account for the majority of companies' marketing communications
expenditures. FALSE

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