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GENEVA COLLEGE BEAVERFALLS,PA LESSONS Name: Jennie Huff Date: 02/11/2021 ‘Subject: General Physics GradeLevel: 11" and 12" Grade 1. Topicand General Goals ‘Momentum: Complete the momentum worksheet and work on notes with the students. I. Referenceto PAor Common CoreStandards Standard- Analyze the relationships among the net forces acting on a body, the mass of the body, and the resulting acceleration using Newton's Second Law of Motion. Apply Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation tothe forces between two objects. Use Newton's Third Law to explain forces asinteractions between bodies. Describe how interactions between objects conserve momentum, Standard- Explain how energy flowing through an open system can be lost, Demonstrate how the law of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy provide alternate approaches to predict and describe the motion of objects. III. Lesson Objectives ‘TSWBAT contribute to the completion of the worksheet asa group. ‘TSWBAT calculate the momentum of a two body system before and after the collision. ‘TSWBAT apply their prior knowledge of systems to answer questions 1-4. IV. Materials iPad Laptop Tennis Bal) Willing Volunteer Momentum Worksheet v. A. Introduction Begin class with a demonstration andask these questions. 4. Which balldo you thinkwillhave a faster velocity? 2. Whatdo you think will happen to the velocity ofthe tennis ballwhen our volunteer dropstheballs? ‘Whatwill happen tothe velocity of the basketball? What type of collision is this an example of? Isthe momentumin our system conserved? How could we improve this demonstration? Lesson Development (Activities, Procedures) ‘Step 1: Bogin with the demonstration and ask the 6 questions. Step 2: Have students take outtheiriPad and work together as agroup to complete the ‘worksheet. ¢. Evidence of Differentiatedinstruction Process: The students willbe given a choice of how they will complete the work sheet. They will have the option to work as a group, with partners, or as individuals to complete the ‘three pages. Learning Environment: The classroom willbe dividedinto three groups. One group willbe the students that want to work individually. Another group willbe the students that wantto ‘workin pairs and the remaining group willbe the students that want to work with me asa, {ull group. The Zoomers will ave the option to work as full group or individually. Closure (Summary) Conclude by having everyone discuss one item that they are stllconfused on from the unit. Forthe Zoomers they wiltype their response into the chat. VI. assessmentEvaluation ‘The students will alle formally assessed based on their abilly to accurately complete the worksheet. ‘The students willbe expected to write dowm allo their group members names alongwith their own and label howthey completed the worksheet (whole group, pairs, individual). VI. Modifications and/or Accommodations, ‘The modification for Collin and Nathan willbe the ability to have extra time ifitis needed. VII Seif-Evaluation Cooperating Teacher Approval ‘Self-Evaluation for Lesson 9 Today the students worked on a worksheet and everyone participated in the notes! | made it a point during the lesson to keep track of every name with a tally mark and | made sure to call on everyone! | was also excited because I was able to get the students to laugh and joke with me! | think 1am finally beginning to win them over! | mainly used the importance of wait time with the students and if they were confused, | tried to guide them to the correct answer or encourage them that it was okay to be incorrect. | had a few students that ‘would raise their hand on the next problem and ask for the opportunity to retry the portion they missed ‘on the previous! | mainly would have written the whole momentum formula instead of only a portion of it each time. | had one student (Kelsey) go back and ask Mr. Hanlon how we were creating the equations. | would say the main portion that went well was calling on everyone including those on Zoom! | was really happy with the amount of participation and active involvement from the students. Addendum for the Class Periods Taught! Today I taught period 9, this group got further on the worksheet then the other periods. | got through all 4 questions with them where in the other periods Mr. Hanlon only got through 3 of the examples and assigned the 4" for homework.

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