Conditionals Time Clauses

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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a conditional or time clause.
1. If you ......................................................... (not turn on) a smartphone, it......................................... (not work).
2. Don’t worry. If there ................................. (not be) much traffic, we ................................ (get) there very soon.
3. Jane got the parcel yesterday. If I ........................................................................................... (send) it earlier,
she ................................................................................................ (receive) it on her birthday.
4. I ........................................................................................................................ (make) dinner tomorrow unless
I ....................................................................................................................... (stay) late at work.
5. It’s important, so .............................................................. you .................................................................. (give)
her the message as soon as you ..................................................................... (see) her?
6. If there ........................................................................................... (be) more hours in a day,
I ..................................................................... (help) with the cleaning.
7. It was wonderful! I ................................................................................................. (tell) you all about it when
we ..................................................................... (meet).
2. Complete the sentences with a conditional or time clause. Do not change the original meaning.
1. He doesn’t work, so he has to depend on his parents.
If he ...
2. I’m going to call Jack the moment I get home.
As soon as ...
3. Linda wanted to get married on the beach, but her parents objected.
If Linda’s ...
4. I’m planning on going over to Paul’s later if I’m not too tired.
Unless ...
5. To participate in the run, you must be on time.
If you ...
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentence.
1. Take my advice and buy the blue shirt. (were)

2. I didn’t invite him because I didn’t want him to come. (had)

3. We don’t meet very often because we’re both so busy. (if)

4. They might break up because he doesn’t treat her well. (unless / better)

4. Write a sentence about each situation. Use a conditional or time clause.

1. You’d like to go for a walk, but not if it rains.

2. You were ill, so you didn’t finish your project on time.

3. You can’t buy a new computer unless you save enough money.

4. Another student wants to use the printer, but you haven’t finished yet.

5. You advise a friend to tell her boyfriend the truth.

5. Rewrite the following sentences :
1. You shouldn’t eat fish unless it’s fresh.

2. Unless you kick the ball very hard, it won’t reach the goal.

3. Unless it is cold, we’ll have the party outdoors.

4. I didn’t show you the photographs because you didn’t ask me.

5. Unless you dress property, you won’t go to the party with me.

6. You would avoid failing your test by studying hard.

7. I can buy a new smartphone because I have enough money.

8. I would like to live in a castle but I’m not rich.

9. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.

10. I would like to take more exercise but I have no time.

11. I’m not going to open the window. It’s too noisy.

12. I can’t find my glasses. I can’t read the paper.

13. We don’t have bikes. We can’t go cycling.

14. We don’t live in a town. We don’t go to the cinema very often.

15. The weather was bad. We didn’t go to the beach.

16. She got angry because he forgot to phone her.

17. She didn’t buy the computer because she didn’t have her credit card.

18. Sarah didn’t attend the class because she overslept.

19. I didn’t have your address, so I didn’t pay you a visit.

20. Susan didn’t get up early. She didn’t catch the 8.15 train.

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