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Squares, the mobiles payments company, allows smalls businesses to takes credit

cards by swiping customers credits cards using a small squares devices attacheds to
the audio

The journal entry is therefore as follows:

Bad Debt Expense ........................................................... 8,500

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 8,500

The entry would not change under the percentage of sales method.

1. Conference method
Cost functions are estimated based on the analysis and opinions about costs and
their drivers obtained from various departments of an organization such as
purchasing, process engineering, manufacturing, employee relations and so on.

2. Conference method
Cost functions are estimated based on the analysis and opinions about costs and
their drivers obtained from various departments of an organization such as
purchasing, process engineering, manufacturing, employee relations and so on.
This information is used to determine the selling price of the product, optimum
product mix and evaluate cost improvements over time.
Use of analysis and opinions coming from departments. Each of these
departments, usually, the dep. Heads, shall analyze the different costs and their
different drivers one by

This information is used to determine the selling price of the product, optimum
product mix and evaluate cost improvements over time.

Use of analysis and opinions coming from departments. Each of these departments, usually, the
dep. Heads, shall analyze the different costs and their different drivers one by

jack found on mobile devices.

Vasguez Corporation had a 1/1/15 balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $20,000.
During 2015, it wrote off $14,400 of accounts and collected $4,200 on accounts previously
written off. The Bad debt expense $ 7,100

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 7,100

Sales $750,000
Sales returns and allowances (40,000)
balance in Accounts Receivable was $400,000 at 1/1 and $480,000

The journal entry is therefore as follows:

Bad Debt Expense ........................................................... 8,500

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 8,500

The entry would not change under the percentage of sales method.

at 12/31. At 12/31/15, Vasguez estimates that 5% of accounts receivable will prove to be uncollectible.
What is Bad Debt Expense for 2015?

Squares, the mobiles payments company, allows smalls businesses to takes credit
cards by swiping customers credits cards using a small squares devices attacheds to
the audio

Bad debt expense $ 7,100

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 7,100

Sales $750,000

Sales returns and allowances (40,000)

Vasguez Corporation had a 1/1/15 balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $20,000.
During 2015, it wrote off $14,400 of accounts and collected $4,200 on accounts previously
written off. The Bad debt expense $ 7,100

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 7,100

Sales $750,000

Sales returns and allowances

The journal entry is therefore as follows:

Bad Debt Expense ........................................................... 8,500

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 8,500

The entry would not change under the percentage of sales method.

jack found on mobile devices.

Vasguez Corporation had a 1/1/15 balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $20,000. During

The journal entry is therefore as follows:

Bad Debt Expense ........................................................... 8,500

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 8,500

The entry would not change under the percentage of sales method.

b. $14,200

Vasguez Corporation had a 1/1/15 balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $20,000. During
2015, it wrote off $14,400 of accounts and collected $4,200 on accounts previously written off. The
balance in Accounts Receivable was $400,000 at 1/1 and $480,000

a. $4,000

The journal entry is therefore as follows:

The journal entry is therefore as follows:

Bad debt expense $ 7,100

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ......................... 7,100

Sales $750,000

Sales returns and allowances (40,000)

would not change under the percentage of sales method.

c. $18,400

d. $24,000

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