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GENEVA COLLEGE BEAVERFALLS,PA LESSON7 Name: Jennie Hutt Date: 02/09/2021 Subject: General Physios Grade Level: 11" and 12" Grade 1. Topicand General Goals Momentum: The student willbe able to follow along with the notes and complete the frst homework setfor Wednesday. . ReferencetoPA or Common Core Standards Standard- ‘Analyze the relationships among the net forces acting on abady, the mass of the body, andthe resulting acceleration using Newton's Second Law of Motion ‘Apply Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation to the forces between two objects, Use Newton's Third Law to explain forces asinteractions between bodies. Describe how interactions between objects conserve momentum. Standard- Explainhiow energy flowing through an open system can be lost. Demonstrate how the law of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy provide alternate approaches to predict and describe the motion of objects, IIL. Lesson Objectives ‘TSWBAT define the four different forms of collisions. ‘TSWBAT explainthe origins of momentum. ‘TSWBAT apply the momentum formula to solve word problems. ‘TSWBAT caloulate simple forms of momentum problems. IV. Materials iPad Laptop Giant Water Jug Ethanol Lighter Cable Zipties v. A. Introduction Perform the demonstration ofthe flaming bottle and ask these questions. Would anyone lke to guess why | have abottle hanging fromthe celing? Can anyone guess the mystery vaporin the bottle? What will happen to the bottle when Ilightthe ethanol? Was the outcome something you predicted? How does this demonstration connectto the topic of momentum conservation? What might be an example of this demonstration in the real world? oeeens Lesson Development Activities, Procedures) Stop 1: Remove all students from the frontroom to avoid crispy critters. SStep2: Perform the flaming bottle demonstration and use the 6 questions. ‘Step 3: Continue the momentum guided notes. Step 4: Assign homework set 1 for Wednesday activity ©. Evidence of Differentiated Instruction Process: The responses on what the students would ike to learn willbe added into the instruction when the notes permit. For example, the demonstration today willaddress a student's interestin seeing real world connection tothe material Content: For students that are struggling learners they willhave the ability towork witha partner tomake sure thelr notes are fully completed. D. Closure (Summary) Conclude by having everyonein the classroom contribute to the summary ofthe lessonon ‘momentum. Also have the students tell aneighbor one item thatinterested them inthe lesson. VI. AssessmenvEvaluation The students wil allbe informally assessed based on their abily to explain the four types of momentum andits origins at the end of the period and during thelesson. The students will also be informally assessed on their ability to contribute to the example problems performed during the period, VII. Modifications and/or Accommodations ‘The modification for Collin and Nathan willbe the ability io have extra timeifitis needed. Vill. Selfvaluation Cooperating Teacher Approval Self-Evaluation for Lesson 7 | would say the lesson went well overall. | was unable to perform the original demonstration I had planned because of the two-hour delay synchronous schedule for the day. We had about 5 inches of snow ‘overnight causing the school to decide on having the students attend virtually and allow the staff to also remain home. | would say the main thing | learned from my previous courses was the strategy of reversal questioning where instead of asking the students if they have any questions. | ask them questions on the problem and try to determine the their comprehension of the material. Another strategy | used was the importance of wait time when | ask them questions. In retrospect | would have allowed the student to have more time for their independent practice. Ifit was not for the snow, | would have been able to monitor the comprehension in the classroom by asking the students questions in person. | would say what went well was the level of participation I had on the guided notes. Most of the students were willing to participate and most of them were following along on the guided notes. | still had some students though that | would call on and you could tell they were not at their computers because I had no response from them. ‘Addendum for the Class Periods Taught! Today | taught period 9, they left off at the same place in the notes as the other periods. We got through three example problems in the notes by the time | was done asking and answering questions. | then assigned them then first set of the momentum homework for their assignment on Wednesday.

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