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                   Substance use and Addiction questions     

1. What are some examples of disadvantages that drug abusers face?

They are less likely to find a job, can’t find a place to live, can’t find treatment, etc.
2. Is Alcohol a depressant? 
Yes, it slows down the nervous system
3. How is alcohol absorbed? 
It is absorbed into the blood through the stomach and small intestine and spreads
throughout the body

4. What does BAC stand for? 

Blood Alcohol Content
5. What is the last area of the brain that is affected by alcohol and what is it responsible
Our brain stem, it is responsible for telling your lungs to breathe and your heart to pump

6. What happens when combining marijuana and alcohol? 

The effects are increased

7. What happens when combining cocaine and alcohol? 

Effects are reduced
8. Why is combining drugs and alcohol dangerous?
It can lead in lowered heart and breathing rates and can also cause stress on your heart
and other organs

9. What percentage of Grade 1 ontario students admit to using alcohol?

10.  After alcohol what is the most commonly used substance?

11.  What is the main active chemical in Canabis?

12.  What chemical in canabis has the greater impact on thebody and the brain?
THC-mind altering chemical giving the user a high

13.  Is canabis use more prevalent among males or females?

14.  What are some risks of using canabis?
It can harm your ability to think, concentrate, remember. It can also slow your reaction
time, affect your driving ability, and it can affect preformance in sports and school.
15.  How long can impairment last?
More than 24 hours
16.  At what age is your brain fully developed?

17.  Is Cannabis addictive?

18.  Cannabis can be linked to development of psychosis and schizophrenia, this is especially
true when?
When use begins in adolescence, use is frequent, there is a family history of these

19.  In Johann Hari’s ted talk why was he so interested in drug usage.

20.  What is Adderall?

The study drug

21.  What happens to your brain on Adderall?

It increased the effect of serotonin and dopamine
22.  What is LSD?
It is a drug used to alter your perception and creating hallucinations

23.  What affect does acid have on your body and brain?
It causes your brain to hallucinate, which can take up to 12 hours. Making the high last for a long

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